THE MICHIGAN DAILY GAN DAILY able public service, and most of the country's bot- ter editorialists, have taken approximately the same stand. So it would seem that President, Hoover, in asking that cuts be made in veterans' benefits, is making a very- sound and wholesome recommendation. _ ,., . . . The Theatre "CNARA" AT THE BONSTELLE CIVIC It is, however, very interesting to recall that, in his speech in Detroit, President Hoover's ex- pressed attitude was practically opposite. His words then were that, to touch the expenditures on veterans would be "gross injustice." When the President said that, he was attempt- { . Weather man says: AID f! St. Andrew's Episcopal Curch Division at Catherine St. COVENTRY NATVITY FLAY Presented by a Cast Composed Mainly of Students and Faculty NVembers Assisted by St. Andrew's Choir A Review by George Spelvin Robert Henderson's latest production, the recent New York success "Cynara," which opens tonight at the Bonstelle Civic theatre. appears in rehearsal to be the most highly polished play of WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21 4:30 P. M. and 8:00 P. M. THURSDAY, DEC. 22 8:60bP. M. ing to flay Governor Roosevelt for rashness. The, the Detroit stock season. -Governor had declared that, if elected, he would iattempt to have a very substantial cut made in -- _=Federal expenses. To show the difficulties that would beset the Governor in this attempt, Presi- ublished every morning except Monday during the dent Hoover declared that the proposed economies versity year and Summer Session by the Board in cudb fetdol yrdcn h uspi atroi of Student Publications. could be effected only by reducing the sums paid eniber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- annually to veterans. And to do this, he said, a and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF' THE ASSOCIATED PRESS would be "gross injustice." That, he continued in he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use effect, is where rash promises always lead. republication lnews dispatches credited to it or otherwis re i in paper and the local news As we and many others pointed out at the time, dished herein.Alrgiso eubiaino pca patches are reserved. it was highly ironical that the President should ntered at tle Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as condemn the Governor for rashness precisely in nd ant P m e nerat postage granted by words that were themselves so exceedingly rash, sbscripton uring su~mmer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, o. During regular school year by carrier; $4.00, by We reiterate, of course, that the President's in- Li 4..consistency is probably laudable. Naturally, ffces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, eogsity is ntpobly u ude. teral y a Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. enough, it is not possible for us to judge the real epresentatives: college Publishers Representatives, merits of the pros and cons of veteran adminis- 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York ity; 80 Iston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, tration. But if the combined assertions of publi- cago. EDITORIALSTFcists like Walter Lippmann, lawyers like Newton Telephone SAF Baker, and statesmen like Alfred E. Smith bear NAGING EDITOR.... ........FRANK B. GILB3ETH 1 t-.l- +i-.. ; The Gore-Browne-Harwood drama is a thoughtfu 1, delineation of the character of a charming, decent London barrister-played in the Detroit production by Ernest Glendinning-hap- pily married, who can yet have an affair with a shop-girl. What gives it distinction is the quality of the people involved. For Jim Warlock is no idle prof- ligate; while his wife is abroad he meets Doris Lea, quite by chance, and his instincts are all for fidelity. As for Doris, she wants him because she recognizes him as a superior person, the first she had ever known; and, understanding all the cir- cumstances of his married life, she is still the! aggressor. But it is a love of such genuine beauty that when his wife returns she cannot give him up. She kills herself when she knows that he will not see her again. To her it has been the most tender thing in her life. To him it is sweet but casual. jolloIcy '. W4 e Handle the Best ill Pasteurized Milk andCream Chocolate Drink Cottage Cheese Buttermilk Fresh Eggs Y EDITOR...........................KARL SEIFFERT )RTS EDITOR.....................JOHN W. THOMAS MEN'S EDITOR.................MARGARET O'BRIEN SISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR..,.....MIRIAM CARVER HT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, ohn W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, rackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. )RTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber, ibert Newman, Harmon Wolfe. PORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird. A. lls Ball, Charles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, onald F. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownso, Arthur V. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney 'rankel, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, eorge M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, Edwin W. Rich- -dson, John Simpson, George Van Vleck, Guy M. lhipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White. athierine Anning, Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, leanor B. Blum, Maurine Burnside, Ellen Jane Cooley, ouise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Anne Dunbar, eanette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi- on, Frances J. Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Eleanor eterson, Margaret D. Phalan, Iatherine Rucker, Harriet p Ess, Marjorie Western. BUSINESS STAFF Telephc zie L-Iiz4 SINESS MANAGER..........BYRON C. VEDDER EDIT MANAGER... .........ARRY BEGLEY MEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......DONNA BECKER PARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton sharp; div.rtising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- e, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacoke; Cir- elation, Gilbert E. Bursley; PublicatiouNi Robert R. Lbn. ISTANTS: Jack Bellamy. Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve- and, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, oseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers, ester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward. lizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris xinmy, Billie Griiiths, Virginia Ha'rtz, Catherine Me- enry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried, :athryn Stork. FRIDAY, DEC. 16, 1932 r And peal , 40 B UT LITTLE reflection is necessary to see that "wet",sentiment may be divided into two parts. One of these has as its goal the repeal of the eighteenth amendment. The other desires legislation or judicial interpretation, or both, merely to bring back beer. Most of those who merely desire beer would not be averse to repeal. Many of them will even clamor for repeal as long as no provision for egal beer IS made. OQn the other hand, if and when beer IS legal, they will cease further agita- tion. Having what they want, they will obviously withdraw their support from any movement seek- ng to provide them with something they don't esire. In addition to the group that sincerely wishes beer, there are also strata in the wet sentiment that are undoubtedly advocating repeal more for the thrill of seeking reform than from a real de- sire, founded in experience, for alcoholic bever- ages. These strata, which to a large extent make up the official and unofficial "crusading" groups, are at present probably wielding a tremendous in- fluence in bringing the country to its former wet ,tatus. It is our contention that these strata will aIso withdraw effective support from repeal agi- tation if beer is legalized. Now it is a foregone conclusion that, if the eighteenth amendment is to be repealed, the iovement must have the active support of every vet-minded person in the country. Hence if beer is legalized, thus satisfying much} :f the wet sentiment, the movement for repeal1 mnust suffer from a large and critically important loss of support. We feel, in fact, that it would be safe to predict that, if beer is legalized during the present session of Congress, the cause of repeal will suffer to such an extent that the eighteenth amendment will stay on the books for a period of time to be meas- ured in years. It is not improbable that Mr. Garner wam prompted by this logic when he attempted, on the first day of the session, to "railroad through" hi> repeal resolution. As we have already pointed out he made the tactless blunder of going at the matter with such high-handed swiftness that suf- ficient votes were alienated to defeat him, point. Analysis of the present situation, we be- lieve, reveals that to have beer will be to postpone v - - n .l_ verygooden 'eutitsi co ms. What effect the ugly fact of her death has on a very good one. But itsincompatibility with his the married life of the Warlocks is the point of former stand is amusing. the play. During half its length this story of tragic romance is light-fingered, and amusing. For War- lock's companion during his wife's trip abroad is C ainpus Opn ioan accomplished and elegant cyic who purrs j _away pleasantly with ironic bits about the more Llfragrant aspects of life. On the flimsiest pretext T.,eters pblishd inthis column should nt b construed as expressing the editorial Oiio n "Cynara" skips from a Soho restaurant to a bath- al.heAnonymoscommun rnts will ioWe, r e - ing beauty contest in Falmer's Green where the garded as confidential upon fequest. in b oa are Boy Scouts, the local potentates and the beflus- asked to be brief, confning hemselnes to 1es latb tered organizing see.etary put together a lively 300 words if possible.s y McFARLAN ThROWS HIS HAT stage caroon. But between Warlock and Doris and INTO THE METRIC CIRCLE between Warlock and his wife the drama is deep and exciting. To The Editor: Mr. Glendenning displays an amazing technical In order to furnish material for argumnt skill in the part which can iale or bea the against the adoption of the metric system it seems show, achieving his points with effortless ee. necessary to let your personal ancestry be known. Miss Joanna Roos, as -Doris Lea, finds the role Some of my forefathers were in the American suited to her accurate underplaying of emotions. Revolution and none of them have been foreigners Bernard Shaw's "Candida" will alternate with to this country for three generations back, I am "Little Women" as the. Christmas week bill at an American wanting the best of everything fpr the Civic theatre. Edith Barret, the distinguished My native land. English actress, who last season was co-starred in As the letter of Prof. Rich does not reply to all i New York with Patricia Collinge in "The Lady the criticisms of the metric system, I add the With the Lamp" will play the title role in "C'an- foliowing answer to Prof. N. L. Willey's letter: dida," while Robert Henderson will have his fist The cumkersome expression " . . . one meter, featured role as the poet Marchbanks. "Little four decimenters, three centimeters and five and Women," which is a traditional Christmas offer- one-half gillimeters" would never be found ing of the late Jessie Bonstele Will have Joan among users of the metric system. Either "1.4355 Madison to play the part of Jo which Jessie Royce meters" or "143.55 centimeters" is the usual mode Landis created. Miss Landis, leading woman at of expressing such a dimension. It is just this the Civic for the first four weeks of this season is simplification which represents the great advan- now appearing in "Little Women" in New York. tage of the metric system. Prof. Wiey's sarcasm, "I was guilty of sub- Strange that the outbreak of juvenile crime scrilbing to the common fallacy that adopting the 'should occur just before Christmas. metric system would involve putting it into use," and also the point of view expressed by Mr. A. F. The weather man certainly is giving this part ?arker. are best answered by the following testi- of the country a cold deal. nony of Theodore H. Miller, works manager of -Detroit Free Press, the De Laval Separator Co., Poughlkeepsie, N. Y. oefore the Committee on Coinage, Weights and Measures of the House of Representtives: "We used the English system in the manufac- ture of centrifugal machines from 190-10, when we changed to the metric system. Ever sce that ______ , time all of our machine designs have beein the metric system, and the statement that I wnt to make is really to bear testimony of our exp~i- ByKarl Seffertw once and to refute the statements and the gen- eral belief that there are many difficulties and' MACOMB COUNTY much expense involved in changing to the metric TO REDEEM SCRWI system. As a matter of fact, when we changed -Headline we naturally did not change the size of anything. And who's going to redeem Macomb County? We had been making centrifugal machines for many years. We believed these machines were A new four-cylinder car which will be "sold by properly designed and just because we called a mail" will appear presently. That's fine, but what size by some other name created no necessity for about the poor postman? changing the size. We amerely expressed it in * * * another way. We did not throw away or change. 4 that igs up a thing that has bep any machine or any planer of any ,gges. All we bothering us for years. We Pity the boy who aid was to put metric dimensions on the drawings had to tote those Sears-Roebuck mail-order we had, alongside of the English dimensions That garages around town. was a very simple thing. On some gages and * * e measuring tools which we were using we did etch There has been talk about Dick Degener, Wol- new figures, and on some we did not. If they were verine tank star, and Elenor Hon, w hom he about to wear out, we did not bother with it. The met at the Olympics last summer. We might say gage was not changed, but only the expression something about Holm being where the heart is. of its size, so by changing the drawings first and ;hose things -that were in most frequent use and rater on all of them, a-md by making of new de- A radio announcer assured us the other night ;igns in metric dimensions, we were involved in that America will have legal beer this winter. )ractically no expense. We hear too many of these Judging by the set-back the repeal proposal got, absurd statements that if we change over to the that sounded to us like nothing more than a na- netric system we must throw .away all of our tion-wide hiccup. nachines, and we must throw away all of our .ools and pictures and drawings. I think soMe go 'The biggest stage and the biggest theatre as far as to say that we will have o ww away inthe world, notes Arthur Brisbane, are so he buildings because they are not- made uncer -",Pt that "ou find it dieot to believe your he metric system. Those things are simply #b- eyes," Some people, we understand, even find urd. This metric system is extremely simple. We it a bit of a strai to believe their binoculars. employ something like 1,400 people in our Works. B We recruit them from the usual channels.Boleslaw rasnodemski yesterday awaited sen- ?eople come in who know little or nothing about tence on a negligent homicide charge, while the ,he metric system; but anybody that comes into judge was trying to figure out whether the ac- )ur shop who cannot learn all they need to know csed was a salad or a ~cross-word puzzle, about the metric system in 15 minutes would not boft toestcysthe ilanyway.In this connection, it is now common knowledge We fit to stay there anyway. -till "aA All~l PngP Let it come ! So long as your i feet are warm and dry, there's no need to fear "Old Man Winter". Go to the Ball-Band dealer to- day.Let him fit you with rubbers, gai- ters or arctics-so comfortable and warm that your feet will N 'N laugh at snow dri f tsad puddles-so trim and smart that they challenge your daintiest shoes. And remember Ball-Band footwear gives longer wear. Be sure to ask for Ball-Band by name and look for the Red Ball trade-mark be- fore you buy. Mishawaka Rubber &WoolenMfg._Co., Mishawaka, Inda. BAL1L BAN D BUILT-O-THE-FOOT "RUBBERS -"GAITERS ARCTICS SANDALS- CANVASSPORTSHOES P~ Nothing Better T'han Flowers For Christmas The University Flower Shop wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and trust that your holiday may be replete with all the joys of the season. Should you desire to remember any of your friends with the season's greetings, just leave us your order for cut flowers, a nicely decorated 'bloomihg plant, or, for the young lady, a pretty corsage. Your order will receive the most careful atten- tion. Prices have not been advanced for the holidays. "They Grow Their Own" THE UNIVERSITY FLOWER SHOP, Inc. 606 E. Liberty St. Phone 9055 (Member of the Florists Telegraph Association) -.- - Phone '2-311 Religious *Actiities FIRST MET HODISTWY ' ILLEL E PIS C ,PAL WESLEYALL FOU N bATION C KU RC H , W. Blikeman, Director Cur. E. Univ. Ave. and Oakland ta t Wsto1'IDr. Bernard Heier, Director State and W;ashmJ, n Streel Fi'derick B. 'islTir Jae director and the Jewish stu- Pt{1cr. ti dents of the IHillel Foundation ex- tend the season's greetings to all members of the faculty and student 10 45Mor'u Wo. ipSuiday, 5:00 P.M.-UiV onl mectingi body of Christian conviction. 10:45-Morning it Weley Ha. Orietal and Anw ln - tude ntsfrom the other Gi~idcs iavited to be 1)1'' Ict. "LIlFTED121 17 oUR Ai iA'tiNS,' Dr. 1re11' rick I , i her '1:30 P. 1- A chris s Drami, "One NW a h'.in T4 t-hm " d..rii,-r ctby P. F. i ( u ing cast of 40 and a chorus of 15 voices) THEFIRST FIRST BAPTIST PRESBYTERIANC RCH East Huron, West of State . C URCH R. Edward Sayles, Minister Huron and Division Streets DO NOT Howard R. Chapman, University Pastor Merle H. Anderson, Minister Alfred Lee Klacr, Associate MinisterNEGLECT '9:30 A.M.-Church School. D3r. Logan, 9:30 A.M.--Student Classes at the Superintendent. Church House, 1133 Washtenaw YOU R Cheuceo. ,132Wsiea 10:45 A.M.-Morning Worship. Mr. Avenue. Sayies will preach on the subject, 10:U AM.- Morning Worship. e r Christmas." 'Christ- Dr. AndersA"o ill prc ach Onl vorsip- he Nobles Capacity f A 9I 12:00\Noon-Student Group at the a H{uman Beingw" a -pecal sermon Guild House. in the sen s on "Qualities Needed by Our Age." 5:00 P.M.--Special. Guild members who are in the city will meet with Orienltal-American Group at Wes- 4:30 P.M.-Young 'People's Society ley Hall from 5 to 7. Program and will meet at Wesley Hall, Program social hour. by foreign students. iU WEST SIDE DAIRY a' y ~)over Laudable it Inconsistent . bfhat the Usiate Wi rest Le mansaugmu euu Our adoption of the metric system will not be Teofil Slowinski to give the court stenographer iifficult as the meter is only ten per cent 'larger chance to-recuperate from writer's cramp. Shan our yard, the x 2 kilogram (500 grams) ten percent larger than our pound, and the liter jOst Says a cousin of Gentleman Jim Corbett, five per cent larger than our liquid quart. "neve r cowr to angster. Suit hi his face a. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN (Missouri'1Synoud) ThIrd and West Liberty C. A. IUrauer, Pastor Sunday, Dcc. 18th 9:30 A.M.-Church School ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washiugton it. at 5th Ave. E. C. Stellhorn, pastor 9 A.M.-Bible School. Lesson Topic: 'God's ift to Man." BETH~LEHEM EVANGELICAL CHaIURCH (Evangelical Synod) South Fourth Avenue Theodore Schmale, Pastor OST of the Nation's Republican' .LJ editgrs .and a good number even others have been quick to praise President Hoo- The fact that engineers use decimals of feet in- stead of inches should argue that a deciial sys- em is thought to have :decided advantages. There1 .. . ,.... A.. .. ...« e- . L. 1 n. nnt.1n m o n 4' if he threatens you." Then slap his wrist. Man-eating tigers are abnormal, insists Frank 9:00 A.M.-Blbie School I I 10:00 A.M.-Morning Worship.