THE MICHIGAN DAILY -' /\NOW. 4 I 10 jj - I11111 IT IIIIi _______ I" MERRY CHRISTMAS! 'Twould take the combined patience' of Job, Jeremiah and Joshua to read thru' a Christ- Jnas greeting that would express this store's true feeling toward its f riends and customers. So . . . we make it short and snappy - Enjoying Its Year and of Greatest Progress Expansion THE ANN ARBOR PRESS Hopes For Ever yo The End of Depression, and Hardship .Worry MERRY 9 CHRISTMAS Merry Christmas! Walk a Few Steps and Save Dollars 11 i . . 11 Have a Rollicking Merry Christ- mas and Come Back to the Best New Year Majestic -- Michigan - Wuerth Anan Arbor Butterfideld Theatres .... : . -, I II .Is Everyone's Favorite Fashion ELi 'i-$ Tom Corbett Young Men's Shop Shop of Youth 116 East Liberty St. L "I i l L L . 44 I Q V A J N 4 y THE AMERICAN RUG CLEANING WORKS ext ends Greetings for the Holiday Season oA MERRY . 'lA& 'CHRISTMAS 4 D ANCE Away Tho+se Old VacationBlues,. ,. ~at the", .' SECND-kiANNUIAL.1 fHOLIDA HO from39:30 till 2:00 ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 26 in the Ballroom of THE MICHIGAN LEAGUE4 So.Don't Forget - MAX GAIL'S ORCHESTRA WILL PLAY AND GET THAT $1.25 TICKET NOW 'M AT VAN BOVEN'S, SLATER'S, THE' UNION, THE LEAGUEOR THE HUT" N PS'DD''''V bJ 'NW YFAR L' ..ti. . .. .. AW 9 ....moo.,., To Our Patrons r, THE MOST CHEERFUL MESSAGE FROM ANY BOOK MERRY CHRISTMAS a -- SLATER'S A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to You All from Two Campus Bookstores THE STUDENT COUNCIL' We Extend to the .patrons of THE CHUBB HOUSE "/W! r r IN 16 7r ! Gt'U This Season of Cheer and Happiness Dives Us Lots of Food for Thought, But Nothing Wre'd Like to Say Quite as Well as h.- Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas and Hoping You May Get Ahead Rapidly in the New Year THE GROOM-WELL BARBERS MERRY CHRISTMAS, THE CAMPUS MARKET, Phone 9390 812 South State .. Phone 22331 605 East William 11 r I 11 Merry Christmas Happy New Year s" . Now 11 May the Glad Christmas Spirit So Fill Your Lives That You Shall Be Filled with Its Richness Throughout the New Year THE, BEST TONIC Is a Dose of Swiss Cleaners C. H. Schroen & Son Frank P.1Mall MERCHITA 11