MI1CHIG AN .DAILY. DALYOFFICIAL BULLETIN ubtca lhn i the Upletin is ontructive notice to#11 meb ers of the: Jnlverst y,° Copys reecefvedi at the office of the Assistant to the President until :3; 11:30°a. m Saturday. XL.I FRIDAY, DECEMBER l1Arg No. 70 NOTICES T e Autom obile Regufaton will be lifted at 12:00 o'clock noon on Fri- taeinzber 16, and will be resutzned at8:400 'cioc1k Tuesday 1zii ring, uary 3. W B. Rea, Assistant to the Dean of Students Exmiatxion Schedule, (Correction' o 1rror):thefvial examination iem appearing .on the fist page, of the Daily, Tuesday, December 13, c r e n. the samve schedule published in thae Daily official Bulletin rda, December 15, there was ,a typographical error. Group A will be tihed Tuesday p. i., February 7 and not January 7. D. L. Rich atndes for the Dloctor's Degree in Cheist y: Prelimiinary exam- +qn for 'aid ates for the Doctor's degee specializi g in chemistry will eld as follows: Analytical' Chmistry-1 p. ma. January 20, ! Qom 150 Cem. Bldg. O rganic Chemistry-l. p. mn. January 2, Room 150 Chem. Bldg. Physical Chemistr-1 p. m. February 3, Room 150 Chem. Bldg. Thoi7se planniang tq take sansr on e of' these eaminations are requested ,ee Professor Bartell not later than January 1. A'6h tects' lassifiAtlon: All students in the College of Architecture classify for the second semester during the week of January 8. Names 1,sef1rs will'boe piosted oi the second floor bulletin board after the hol- s, and it shasll be ,the responsibility of each student to see his classifier inAke an appointment for classification. There will be no classification eeh semesters except for new students entering at that time. UniversityCommnittee oin Discipline: The University Committee on Dis- ine, haig toundthat' ]ti . Carl A. Nelson, '3 Lit., sold his student ticket ulmrission to the Northwesternz football game, .cnt~ary to University reg- oiz, and' further that: he knowingly macic false statements concerning tranzsaitczt t the Advisoiry Committee of the Student oucil anid to Urniversity Comnittee on Discipline, has directed that restitution be e to the innocent purchaser of .said ticket, has recommended that the leti Association withdraw Mr. Nelson's student ticket privileges for the -ftd~ of the year 1932-3, and has placed him upon probation for the Wtde ,f the-year 1932-3. E Bllytte Stason, Chairmian, University Committee on Discipline 96ti4,rty Uhgpeircfnst Sorority~ houses will be closed during the vaca- , Unless specialt arrangements are made And registered at the office of Deafi of Womren by 5 p.in,. December 16. ,ooeIl l1etils: Sorority Chzaerns: ifouseheads: University Wo- i: Closing hour oonb 'y, January 2nd, will be 11 p. in. lletslon U[lslhlg hIours far oranized ouses: Sii y, Monday, ' uesdiay, ediesday and Thursday at 11 p. i.; Fri. ;1:30 a. im.; :Saturday, 12:30 a. m.. Glosii}gDour December 15 will be 11 p. m. for Open House at Michigan 11e' Building. Wfomen Students planning t remnain in .An Arbor for the vacation can Ire information as to desirable housing arrangements by calling at the Z.: a the Danhof Women. Mass-Michigao Club: Al students who are going on the special busses r equest s~loeded to be at' Chubb's 11rompltly at twelve-twenty (12:2) Friday. ii assnge sallwedas muh luggage as he can carry. If you have < made resevations as yet, please do so at once at ltfb's. Skiing and Tobiogganing: The Women's Athletic Building will be open ng the. vacationi between 2 and 3p. m . to women students who would -to borrowr skis or toboggans. EVENTS TODAY Cpsz1topolitan Club: Dr. and Mrs. Thedeick B Fisher have invited iaberts o the clUb And their friends to attend a Christas party to be ri' InVhho me at 14301 Camnbrldge Road this evening, at eight o'clock. USa tudet t01b informs fialthe i embe s that they are ivited to i'eek' Afiferican Progresive ,4ssociation party to be held at 203 East °iStreet (thiijd fisr) at f1,146 p.iM. Th 8r Sry of, Sul l 4ar, Abe os, an d enei4: Mioing pitures prepared ~wU' S. Bureau of Mines wtiU e shown in the Natural sciee Auditor- STuesday, Jan.l 1w9,3, t.7.3tQ p. m.n e pict esare intended especial- pia students in E4caoomic Geology Cthes iterested :ire cordially invited. Uraf "t .. her will be, no, eeting this week. The next one will be a.,,Jan. 7, 1933. Pre'pairation for Detroit trip Jan. 17, Rkemember the =asld' act accordingly. Vlllipiihe-Mfichigan' Club will be entertained by Profesor and Mrs. otfers' at their' homze on' Sunldyr' aftrnooan, ,December 1, from 3 p.,im. isiness meeting will be hed after which there .will begines and iusi- tntertainmient. Supper will be served at 5:30 p. i. All the members are ,d to attend the party. Michigan Damies. liristm ats oxes forthe 1University Hospital will be i nrext Wednesday afternoon, Decetlber 21, at the Zion Lutheran rch, corner of East Washingtoni and Fifth Avenue. Work: will begin as ~after lunch as possible. If you can assist, your help will be atpprec iated, Schorling Sees Sectionalism In School Boatrds Local Viewpoint In Choice of School Faculties Is Deplored In Editorial Prominent in this month's issue ofI .the School of Education Bulletin, which will be in the mails Saturday, is an editorial by Prof. Raleigh Schorling on the "Drift-Toward Sec- tionalism." Professor Schorling writes that the developing sectionalism is an unfortunate by-product of the tense economic situation. "It is often expressed in the tend- ency to give preference to a local candidate when a school board selects a teacher for a vacant position. This partiality cuts down the chances of getting the best teacher for the Imoney. "I suppose," continues Professor Schor ing, "the schools are merely following the example that has been set by the business world. In the business world this policy of favoring the local community may be sound, though I doubt it. it occurs to me that Michigan may wish to sell its farm produce, its automobiles, and its furniture to people in other states." "Some school boards in Michigan have gone so far as to make legisla- tion to the effect that they will not employ any local candidates for a vacancy when they are looking for a beginning teacher. That may be lean-, ing over backwards, but it certainly is leaning in the right direction." A second editorial was written by Prof. Jackson R. Sharman on the "Objectives of Physical Education." In his editorial, Professor Sharman picks the three points which area agreed upon by many writers as being the general aims of physical educa- tion. The "Factor Concept," a theory held by Prof. S. A. Courtis, is ex- plained' at length in this Bulletin and illustrated by two tabular graphs. Professor Courtis is to speak of his experiments along this line at the December meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. George E. CArrothers, director of the Bureau of Cooperation with Educational Institutions, discusses the enlarged scope of his department Army Officers Pe rfee t A New, Qill1om ation Aim In Developing lan Was To Fiind Simplerl Series Of Movements B~y JOHN C. 1E AIEY Confronted with the ,problem of developing a new close, order drill for.,the United States Army, officials have at last perfected a system which they consider to be a gre at improve-" ment over the more cumbersome reg- ulations that have been -in effect forC years -past, according t Maj. Basil D. Edwards, head o4 the local R.O.T.C. unit. Their principal aims in developing the new plan were t #nd a series! of movements that wold be simple,j have the same disciplinary value of' the old type, add dignity and respon- sibility to the position of a non-coi- missioned officer, and provide a closer link with extended order drill. They also tried to retain in the new drill all of the good features of the old. The most radical and basic change, Major Edwards said, is in the aband-e onment of the old command, "squads right," in favor of a simpler order, "iight face." The eight men who compose the squad are lined abreast and,, at the command, they merely execute right face and step off on command in the new direction. Other movements in opposite directions from this alignment are executed in a similar manner, it was pointed out. Icel and Radio Station Reports Hobbs Message Word has ,been received by Capt. C. A. Powell, supervisor of the R.-0. T.,C wireless station here, that another station located in Iceland has been in constant communication with the Hobbs' expedition inGeen- land.. since its change last February from the Division of -University Inspection of High Schools into the Bureau. Don't go horse looking like a SH-ETLAND PONY! Have Your Head Groomed by the BARBERS and you will be proud of your 'appearance when the folks back home see yqu again ~NEXT WEEK, ]S KIDDIES WEEK With a Hair Cut, every child will get a souvenir nd a Free j Ticket to The Michigan Theatre. GROOM-WELL BARBERS 615 E. Liberty St. - 812 South State CLASSIFIED DI-ECTORY I r - , .. , . . .. i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Pla ce adv.ertisements with Classified Advertising Department, Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close ait three o'clock previous to day of insertion. Bo's numbher may be secured at no extra chiarge. Cish in advane-lie per reading line (on basis of fiv-e average words to linie) for one or two insertions. MInlimum 3 1:ines per insecrtion. 1Q(, per reading; line for three or more Telephoune rate-I Sc per ieadig line for o011eor two iinsertions. I 4c per reading line for three or more insortionis. W%,,discounl if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. Bly contract per line--2 lines daily, one month....... .............8a 4 lines E. 0. D., 2 months.......... 8c 2 lines. daily, college year .......... 7c 4 lines E. 0. D., college year....... 7c 100 lines used as desired.........90 300 lines used as desired.......... c ,000 lines usedt as desired.... ,.....7c 2.000 lines used a& desired..... 6c The above rates are, per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower ase. Acd 6c per line to above' rate.s for all capi- tal letters. A'dd Cc perline to above for bold Latce, upper and lower case. Acd10c per line do above rates for bold fact capital. letters:. The above rates are for 71/ point DRIVING---To Wahting-ton, D. C. over vacation. Call 8240. 209 EAST MEETS WEST1 In Interinational Bazaar LANE HALL Dec. 12-17 Open 9 A.M,.-9 P.M. Turkish Coffee Servecd 211 NOTICE-If you atre drivinig home and wish to take passengers with You so that the co:st of the trip will be minimized call AL the AD- TAKER, 2-1214. TMICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS. SEASONAL ,SUGGESTIONS-- Wall paper, paint. Samples, estimates. Home Decorators since 1905. Dial 8107 or 7600. 30c WANTED WANTED-Five college girls and boys. Spare time, good salary. Write N. 0. Green, 1002 S. Clayton Street, Bloomington, Ill. i LAUNDRIES t LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044. Towels free. Socks darned. 13c WASHING-- -And ironing. Called f or and delivered. Silks and woolens guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3,178. 611 Hoover. 15c . . . _F O R . S A L E FINANCE CO.-Is selling' late model cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron, 2-2001. 190 NOTICE NOTICE---Student wishes ride to Chi-ca go, rriday on share expense b.asis, Call Bob at 6017. SEE ILAST, PAGE wANTED-'ryping. Graduate, famil-r iar with Latin, Flrenchi, German, also medical and newspaper work. Call 2-2889. 219 WANTED-Geerual housewor~k, pri- vate or fraternity cooking, etc. Call 6109. 216 TYPING-Grad, theses a, specialty. M. V. Hartsuff. 9087. 40c rYPING-Notes, papeto Z~rs, anL d Grad Th2eses. C, Heckar't. 3423. 35C FOR RENT FOtR RENT--Apt, for light house- keeping. Furnished, three rooms and bath. 322 N. State St. Call 8468. 220 TWO--Furnished apartments. Spe- cial price to large group. Available now or second semester. Dial 8544. 4422 E. Washington. 217 LOST LIBERAL--Reward for return of two notebooks lost in room 1025 An- gell Hall, Dec. 15, 11 a,.im. Return Sto Lewis, 267 Jordan Hall. No ques- tions asked. LOST-English setter puppy. White, one black eye. Reward. Call 4459 N. R. Maier. Rochester Students To Celebrate Championship A Victory Dance in honor of' Mich- igan's championship football team will be given by the Rochester-Michi- gan Club ,Friday, Dec. 23, in the, Hotel Seneca, Rochester, N. Y. Ray Bishop's Thousand Island Yacht and Country Club orchestra, popular among eastern colleges, will furnish the music. NVO W SHOWING Sparkling Romantce of (:continenttal Flavor 1Even ings F r CH~ARLES RUGGLES Herbert Marshall' Mary Boland "'Hollywood Runaround" Monty Collins Comedy, ~E FOR TWO" Musical ,brevity PARAMOUNT NEWS. t . I --- Last Day - - Gaest Feature - MARIE Robert montg omery Marian Davies in DRESSL.ER in "BLON DIE OF "OPERTY"THE FOLLIES" jfestic T omorrow! GOD.FREY' CAFETERIA 14 Will Be Open Christmas Vacation 25c - LUNCH - 25c 35c - DINNER - 35c Meals You Will Enjoy 1116 South Unierscity JANET GAYNOR CHARLES FARRELL Awn Richard HARDING DIX in "CON QU RO S I Tess of the- Storm Coun try' f r _. ,.. we, a bov~'alwed brick tes-nail, i Sr~tsdarsthzseWakt DS±?t'3 Y vrwd rcoJ (7fparty-co'or d fi lmcf Le~s b Dr>'w htb Ai't kren rrdt"^Da': r nta -£" st iaomar. ieoe~v"- A Ii-"""'i5n ~tr1. L S Zedt f1~ine .I 4 '.11- 'v eitfrsh&rsityin s* iely., A:, re mi - _...". _ .l r ^fir xS <<< ii .I" b -r tyo ;b . r at u It to drl'ice'',a. ~~ aid ,ni~labv,,t. to{' adz cti iettI, d ^+u'-J-"y .. e -'- ...s'" s;.: 11 ietl he 2 g:tao sta 7 rt fri-ct " Am tlt' ho typ, pw tr + vJ r nl' 7ra r'rre x s 4w.) P'1 nilprQ~h$ta ~ rd tsi~ t ! noe'.3.ci~ s'f~. "..~' go' ' 6jt t ---w ° .. ward a. -1,mderct you"', wilt Farr willfor 8ffn " - , to t Mer inl r ht/ ~ I> ~ r~e~~ aottfl 2 D ha f er'aae - r alnr" ' ~a rrstia. t« " r." -t' S fr "t.a .iiior' e tr' l wtu St.. ,i.erUDl t Sal, fro scr4ou. ioea i tirL I " 'ce t . hei.- -T.' ,. . )' sx xrr.*tt " ,1c e s rthth~ng-a Mart .. Ofc1 V'i thM i n at I ...,s k [tita.'t1 P-divet 'ec t t ,. " i L.7 ie sto - ~cst 1l 7 s g Tr- .,r i -.w."-. -a'a atc dfix .r.l61 ,l +z.p . i e .. U H-e. rat; 77-N alop b!ig fcr t~ i k -2Xhs,-,i tV rV i. ppointments For ienior Class Are Namledf By Rursh (Continued from Page 1) le Ewing, Florine Isgrigg and Ar- rShepard. eiior Banquet : Ch'airmnan, John. "stens, Robert Bourland, Joseph~ "dner, Jean Bentley and Ruth el. I iblicity:. Chairman, Mvo ton .Flv ank. I Seiffert, Kenneth Yourd, Louis Qmbo and Lucille Marcinkowski.1 omtiencement : Chairman, Edwiun ne~r, John Neal, Stewart floatright, ry Barnett, Caroline Higgins and dvisory: Chairman, Johin -'lTown- 1, William Dibble, Allen Schial- dt,, Joseph Zjias, Constance Beery Polly Walker. naice : Chairinali, to be an- nced. Murr-y Vale, John ,S avave, de Pitts, Eleanor Locke and EdnaJ Will Attend Convention A num-ber of members of the law school fzaculty have announced that they will attend the 30th annual con- vention of' the Association of .Ameri- can Law Schools,° which will-be held Dec. 28, 29, and 30 at Chicago. Prof. 1Ralph .W. Aigler will _act, as convenition chairmian of the round table discussion onl commercial- law. Prof. John P. Dawson has been namned as a mnemiber of the council that will discuss equity, Prof. Laylin K. JTonesr.is to take. official part in the conference on business associa- tions. Prof. Edson R. Sunderland is a memb1er of the committee that is to. su11 mit a rleport on curriculumi-. A s6uvey has bee nmade onl Crime, cnnTl- inal law., and crimiinal procedure by a commiittee of which Prof. John B. EWaite i a mnember. This coimnittee w ill siubinit a report. Prof. Edwin D. Di~ckinsoii is a member of a commit- tee that will make a report on inter- national, law sources. H I G A N Dl H I G A N II You Need It .Now - Too- AR RSPftING-SWATER ,D I I