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December 16, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-16

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fair and continued
Saturday increas-


Sir igan Y


Beer and I
Laudable But 1:







Wins Coveted Post




ason, Petoskey Win
)rable Mention For
terback Is 18th
verine Selected
d Considered At
ir; Wistert Among
le Candidates
Vewman, brilliant quarter-
Michigan's championship
am, was selected by Grant-
as a member of the 1932
ca team announced yester-
llier's magazine.
7 is the eighteenth Wolve-
honored as an All-Amer-
nard Morrison, center on
squad, was the last to be


Plan Colorful
Holiday Fetes
A t Churches
Musical Programs To Be
Given On Both Sunday
And Christmas Day
Cast Of 40 Will
Give Yule Drama
St. Andrew's Church To
Present Old Coventry
In keeping with the yuletide spirit,
Ann Arbor churches will present col-
orful musical Christmas programs
both next Sunday and on Christmas
"Lifted By Our Admirations" will
be the subject of a sermon to be de-
livered at 10:45 p. m. next Sunday
by Dr. Frederick B. Fisher at the
First Methodist Church. This sermon
is another in a series presented by
Dr. Fisher on "Thinking Through to
an Adequate Philosophy of Life."
Methodists to Give Drama
"One Night In Bethlehem," a

Fate Of

Revelation that a trick of nature
seldom encountered by geologists or
meteorologists-thunder and light-
ning at 74 degrees north latitude-
might have been instrumental in
bringing disaster to the ill-fated
Saelan transport boat which sank
about Sept. 25, was contained in a
letter received, hee Wednesday by
William Carlson, instructor in the
geology department.
The Saelan had carried the Uni-
versity-Greenland Expedition from
Upernivik to their camp, and had set
out on the return voyage when the
phenomenon occurred.
One paragraph of Mr. Carlson's
letter, dated Oct. 13, is concerned
with the probable fate of the Sael-
an, later known to be lost with all
on board. The letter, written at Pro-
ven, was from Arla Knudsen Nicolai-
sen, wife of a Danish official connect-
ed with the party.
"Oct. 13 . . . for that night
the Saelan came-south bound with
Bestigrer Otto, wife and daughter,
who were to leave for Denmark on
the 'Gertrude Rask.' But now we're
all very much worried because we
haven't heard a word about the
schooner for over two weeks. And you
know a trip to Upernivik shouldn't
take more than three or four days-
we have, in the meantime, had the
most terrific storm I've seen up here
-beginning with a flash of lightning
and a crash of thunder-a phenome-
non they never have seen up here'
Georgia Aisks


Freak Of Nature
Shown Probable

son and Ted
those whom'
making his
cStion, while
the list as a
Charles Ber-

France Seeks
New Ministry
In Debt Crisis




6 . ....- -
.... . .F.

States in
as strug-
nd Presi-
i Camille
to try to

lay morning H. P. Mar- Burns'Return
Ik on "Psychoanalysis and
iving," at the Unitarian T
there will be no Christ-
rvlces, a special candle- ToC anG n
of music and poetry wil
p. . The theme of the Fugitive Held In Newark;
ce will be "The Fellow- New Jersey Governor To
mmunion." T R e Lenency
o Give Special Talk Recommend Leniency

Five Faculty
Men In Radio
Civics Series
Weekly Half-Hour Talks
On Government Will Be
Given On N. B. S. Chain
Reed Is Chairman
Of Program Group
Reeves, Hayden, Pollock
Among Speakers; Broad-
casts To start Jan. 3
The program of the third series of
weekly half-hour broadcasts on gov-
ernment, conducted over the Blue
Network of the National Broadcast-
ing Company under the joint auspices
of the National Advisory Committee
on Radio in Education and the Amer-
ican Political Science Association,
has been announced by Prof. Thomas
H. Read, of the political science de-
Professor Reed is chairman of the
committee on civic education by
radio established by these two or-
ganizations, which has active charge
of the programs broadcast.
Begin In January
The series will begin on Jan. 3 and
last through June 13. The weekly
programs will be on the air every
Tuesday night, as has been true in
the past, according to Professor Reed,
but the hour has been changed from
the 8 p. m. New York time of the
other series to 7:30 p. i. New York
time. Until April or May, when New
York adopts a daylight saving sched-
ie, its time will be Eastern Stand-
%rd, and consequently the same as in
Ann Arbor.
-The program on Jan: 3 will be on
"The Legislative Prospect of 1933."
It will be in the nature of a round-,
table discussion, with Rep. Henry T.
Rainey, Sen. Bronson Cutting and
William Hard taking par. "
Meflain Th eek
On the ;econd program Dean How-
ard Lee McBain, of Columbia Uni-
versity, whom Professor Reed de-
clares to be the nation's leading au-
thority on prohibition laws, will dis-
cuss "Prohibition."
Later speakers on the series will
include Rep. Earl C. Michener, of
the Second Michigan District; Gov
John G. Wiant, of New Hampshire;
Professors Jesse S. Reeves, J. R. Hay-
den, and James K. Pollock of -the po-
litical science department here; Ad-
miral William Ledyard Rodgers; the
Hon. Roland S. Morris, former am-
bassador to Japan; Albert W. At-
wood; Prof. Charles F. Remer, of the
economics department here; Prof.
Elizabeth Brandeis, of the University
of Wisconsin and daughter of Su-
preme Court Justice Brandeis; Jane
Addams, of Hull House; and Gov.
William T. Gardiner, of Maine.
Co-Op Boarding House
To Be Open For Holidays
The Michigan Co-operative Board-
ing House in Lane Hall will remain
open during the Christmas vacation,
it was announced yesterday by Sher
M. Quirashi, Grad. The regular
price of $2.90 per week will be charg-
ed. No deposit will be necessary.
Owing to the increasing number
of students eating at the Boarding
House, a reduction of 10 cents in the
weekly charge will probable be pos-
sible beginning the first week after
the vacation, Quraishi announced.

This will be the second reduction
that has been made; it is expected
that during the next semester addi-
tional reductions can be effected
until a price of $2.50 per week can
be reached.

Tulane Men Originate
'Gigolo' Dating Bureau
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 15.-Echoes
of the proposed "dating bureau" at
the University of Michigan, which
last year earned notoriety through
the nation's press, were heard today
when Tulane University introduced
the collegiate gigolo.
A "Gigolo Club" just organized at
the university announced today it
will provide "attractive, well-dressed
dates" for all occasions for "small re-
The club, it was explained, has
been formed to solve the date prob-
lem for women attending Newcomb
No names of "clients" will be made
public, the club promises, and all en-
gagements will be held strictly con-
fidential. An escort to a formal party
requiring a dinner jacket will collect
a fee of $2, and "informal" dates will
charge $1.
"Any expenses, including taxis,
shows, flowers, night club checks and
similar items naturally will be paid
by the young woman," a campus
poster declared.
Senior Class
Made By Rush
Huss, Fouss To Manage
Ball; McKay, Rosenthal,
Eggleston Named
Committees for the senior literary
class were announced last night by
Charles Rush, '33, class president.
Nearly 100 seniors were named to
committee chairmanships and mem-
bership on the committees. The list
of members follows:
Senior Ball: Co-Chairmen, John
Huss and Robert Fouss; Rehn Nel-
son, Ross Bain, Harry Begley, Ray
Blocher, Mike Blank, Catherine Heel-
son, Margaret O'Brien, Roberta Hen-
ry, Margaret Keal.
Invitations: Chairman, Fdward
WicKay, Erwin KonIng, .Jamnes St.
Clair, Sidney Tobias, Dorothy Lutes,
Adeline Walker.
Canes. Chairman, Jerry Rosenthal,
G. DeChavanelle, Richard ' Strate-
meier, Lester Segall, Earle Kight-
Swing-Out: Chairman, Frank Gil-
breth, Ernest Freeman, Frank Ken-
nedy, Robert Carson, Robert Law,
Walter Allen.
Caps and Gowns: Chairman,
Charles Salisbury, Harlan Waters,
Robert Andre, Erwin Kretske, Enid
Bush, Miriam Root.
Women: Chairman, Ernestine U-
brich, Constance Giefel, Reta Mc-
Omber, Ruth Unsworth, Olive Ran-
dall and Helen Travis.
Class Day: Chairman, Byron Ved-
der, William Senf, William Kelly,
David Sachs, Elizabeth Eaglesfield,
Janet Allen and Helen Corwin.
Memorial: Chairman, W ill i a m
Brown, Kenneth Vetter, Jay Jacob-
son, Charles Markley, Eleanor Welch
and Katharine Wright.
Social: Chairman, John N. Kelly,
Carl Gladfelter, Samuel Mitchell,Jean
Rosenthal, Agnes Palmer and Mary
Ann MacDowell.
Athletic: Chairman, Hawley Egles-
ton, Robert Petrie, Ivan Williamson,
Roderick Cox, Harry Newman and
Keith Crossman.
Pictures: Chairman, Benjamin Mc-
'ate, Daniel Aaron, Charles Allen,

Britain P
Debt; Stc
Mellon Remains (
Confer With Ch
Of The Excheq
95 Million In
Paid Througl
Britons Are Proi
Country Did Not
Maintain Preced
LONDON, Eng., Dec.
Britain paid its mid-Dece
to America today, and th
and efforts of officials ti
the present to the future
Perhaps the first indica
negotiation for revisinn o
debt agreement was given
mediately with the cane
the sailing of Ambassador
Mellon aboard the liner
for New York tonight.
It was learned that h
maining over for a confe
Neville Chamberlain, chi
the exchequer.
The last British note b
ment, itawas thought, ma
end of public communicat
the present Britain may
negotiations to diplomat
These have the advantag
of a confidential nature a
neither side so much as w
lished notes.
The British installment
550,000 was paid in gold b
banking transaaction.
A rather strange reversi
ing was noticeable in ba
rants, and on the stre

declined, but
president he
ends and re-

be b

mn~ lht

at and,

,h. A program or Ufrist-
has been arranged fort

lien went to see
id apparently he
f making another
ot late tonight or


wventry Nativity
and Tailors," a

Play of

e most
a sea-


very trick of the
change of pace,
arm, and elusive-
luickest twist and
higan back since
uld hit a pass re-
at 30 yards. New-
competitor of the
i with such stars
nery, Griffith and
ning, the crown-
was a stand-out."
aw Code

M. Herriot thus far has taken the
position that in view of his stand be-
'fore the Chamber of Deputies, when
he insisted upon the necessity of pay-
ing the United States, and in view
of the chamber's vote against him, he
would not be in a position to carry
on future negotiations with America.,
M. Herriot authorized a statement
that he believes France should and
will pay her debts. He believes that
there should be opened, without any
delay whatsoever, negotiations for
revision of the war debts. He wanted,
he said, to pay the December interest
with the understanding it would be
deemed part of a final agreement.
Since the Chamber of Deputies'
adverse debt decision, the French
people show no difference in their
attitude toward Americans.
Frenchmen and Frenchwomen ap-
peared to realize that France has
taken a step of grave importance. An
expression often heard is "our coun-
try needs real leaders in the present
There was considerable interest in
what Britain will do about the debt
owed by France to Britain.
The press generally emphasized
that France has not refused pay-
ment but has postponed payment
pending negotiations.

mystery play, will be presented Wed-
nesday and Thursday, Dec. 21 and
22, at St. Andrew's church. The cast
will be composed primarily of Uni-
versity students and faculty members,'
assisted by a choir of 50 voices. The
music has been arranged from var-
ious works which were written about
the time that the play was produced.
Raffle Winners' Prize
Duplicate Possessions
The major prizes in the drawing
last night at the Michigan Theatre
will not do the winners any good-
both already had exact duplicates of
their winnings!
First to win a major prize, an elec-
tric radio, was Miss Leah Woodford,
513 Felch Street, a post-graduate
student at Ann Arbor High School.
Miss Woodford's family already owns
a radio which is an exact duplicate
in make and model of the one her
ticket won with the number 15,301.
The electric refrigerator offered as
the second major prize was won by
W. 0. Harris, '30, of Platte. Mr. Har-
ris, who received his master of arts
degree in 1931, is married, and is em-
ployed by a firm of certified public
accountants here. Mr. and Mrs. Har-
ris have a refrigerator exactly like
the one the winning number, 26,418

of "I Am a Fugitive From a f
Chain gang," will take Mr. Mar-
ley's place in the pulpit of the
Unitarian Church on Jan. 8.
when he will give a sermon on
"The Religion of Trench and
Newark, N. J., Dec. 15.-(IIP)-Un-,
able or unwilling to pay for his $25,-{
000 bail, Robert Elliot Burns, escaped1
convict and author of the book, "I
Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang,"
was in jail here tonight, as Georgia
authorities took the first step to re-,
turn him to that state.-
While the final action of GovernorI
Moore of New Jersey in the case of,
the man who twice escaped from the1
southern chain gang.remained unde-
termined, Georgia's Gov. Richard B.,
Russell, Jr., quickly made known his
attitude by issuing requisition papers
and indicating that a posted reward
will be paid.
Governor Moore, in Trenton, de-
nied that he had guaranteed protec-
tion to Burns should he be arrested
in this state, but gave indications of
lenient views on the subject of Burns'
"I have made no promise not to re-
turn Burns," the governor said.
"However, he has probably served
enough time for his offense which I
understand was minor.",,
Burns was sentenced to from six
to ten years in 1921 for participation
with two other men in a grocery
store holdup in Atlanta which netted
$5.80. He escaped in 1922 and re-
mained at freedom until 1929, when,
he wrote later, a woman he had mar-
rieid betrayed him to the police. The
next year Burns effected his second
He was arrested here last night
by Detective. Charles George, who
followed Bumns' brother, the Rev.
Vincent G. Burns, from police head-
quarters where he had gone to plead
that his brother be left at liberty..
Jury On Baylis Case
Fails To Make Decision
After deliberating for more than
nine and one-half hours, the jury
trying the case of Carry Hunt Bay-
lis, Ypsilanti negro, charged with the
murder of Cap Deatherage, was lock-
ed up last night without having
reached a decision.
The jury of ten men and two
women was charged by Judge George.

pear to relish ,Britain's
of precedent, while i
there must be a new de
payment certainly coul
Some unofficial obse:
acquainted with Amer
regret at Mr. Chamberl:
to the "middle west"
of Commons last nigi
chancellor of the exche
Brittain would enter ir
tiations "with argume
deed, might not appea
dIe west, as one men
but would appeal to the
sible and more inform
opinion in the Unitec
Commons feared tha
might be a boomer
fashion as the "Rum, R1
rebellion" of the Blair
campaign and the "so
Jackass" statement by
H. Moses.
Head Cas


(Continued on Page 2)
The auto ban will be lifted at noon,
today, W. B. Rea, assistant to the
dean of students, has announced. It
will be resumed at 8 a. m. Tuesday,
Jan. 3.

i L

aw Study
tOn Crime
ere Today

Silk Stockings May Be Thin,
But Women Have Fewer Colds

ing under the aus-
organization for Re-
rrational Law will
bor today and tomor
jurisdiction to pun-
is organization- was
r of years ago under
of the Harvard Law

Razing Of Doctors' Laboratories
Despoils E arly Medical Shrines

the :

Prof. Edwin D. Dickinson, of the
Law School, is the official reporter
of the organization on the subject to
be discussed here. His advisers are
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves and Dr. Law-
rence Preuss, of the political science
department here; Mr. William W.
Bishop, research assistant in the
Michigan Law School; Prof. Manley
0. Hudson, of the Harvard Law
School; Prof. Philip C. Jesoup, of Co-
1-1i- ....---+, --f .tAll.+T~o

Despite s Il k stockings, women
students at the University manage to
have fewer colds than do the men, it
was revealed in a survey covering
statistics from 1917-31, prepared by
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe of the Health
Service and recently released by the
national Public Health Service.
The pamphlet, entitled "Acute
Respiratory Disease in University of
M i c h i g a n Students, 1917-1931,"
shows that during each month of the
year, over the 14 year period, co-ed
cold treatments averaged slightly
less in number than male cases. Out
of 152 months throughout the period
there were only 28 months in which

six groups, since 1919, frequent colds
were listed by a slightly greater per-
centage of males than females in
each group. The averages, are, fe-
males 18 per cent and males 22 per
Further figures demonstrate that,
in the entire period, the greatest
number of minor respiratory condi-
tions treated occurred in December,
1929 when it was computed that 3,-
640 cases were treated for every 1,-
000 of student population. The next
highest month was April, 1918, when
the rate was 2,699 for every 1,000
highest treatment rate on a whole
year basis; in that year, 1,198 cases
were treated out of every 1,000 of
student population.

Two discoveries in the field of
medicine made by Michigan profes-
sors some fifty years ago have proved
to be so valuable both for their in-
trinsic worth and for the openings
they provided for further study that
their old laboratories would be visit-
ed as shrines by modern members
of the profession if the old building
had not been torn down, according
to an advertisement of the Univer-
sity appearing in the Michigan
Alumnus this week.
Dr. Henry Sewall, Wesleyan, '76,
who came here as the first professor

Shuter Selects I
For Production Of
Christie' In Januar
Georgia Geisman, '34, will
cast of the Hillel Players' pr
of Eugene O'Neill's "Anna C
in the title role created by
Lord in New York, it was ar
last night by E. Mortimei
The part of Chris Christc
sailor-father of Anna for,
play was originally named
played by Paul Wermer, '331N
of the Players' last year
"Death Takes a Holiday.'
Rubin, '34, new to campus di
will take the role-of Mat Bu
stoker and wooer of Ann
Dena Sudow, '34, the cou
"Death Takes a Holiday,"
drunken Marthy, blowsy wi
tress of Chris.
Milton Silberstein, '34,
the role of Larry the barter
Theodore Barash, '35, the
Johnny - the - Priest, saloon
Others in the cast are Lawre
'34, Sidney Caplan, '35, Mor:
'35, and William Zagoring,'
"Rehearsals to date pr
least as exciting a show as

of the medical school made another
valuable contribution to the science
of bacteriology when he devised the
first method for growing bacteria in
large numbers. He used sterile plates,
as large as two by ten feet, in a
series, both inner and outer ones
sterile except for the cultures that
had been planted there. In this way:
so many of the organisms could be'
assembled that it was possible to an-
alyze them chemically and thus learn
more about them.
A delegation from the Pasteur In-
stitute in Paris visited Ann Arbor a
fit i* acn. . a an ,. nrt a, 44+..c mmha'.. r a',.a

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