eland 'Assembly Hel - cience 's New Electric Needle Glee Club May Be h .' rInvited for R.I.O. iBy, Educaon May Restore LtfetMoetarl1 TatePoai K~t 1~J~I k~~11ii ~ By HQWNARI) K. BLAKlCSLEE (Associtcd Press Science Editor) 'A I U n straioit ssNEW 'YORK, Dec. 24.--A)--eat h occurs "officially" when a heart stops I Physical Edu+I atiQ&" beating, but physicians have known tl " { I' °r13 Eor years that it did not really come - until a few seconds or a few min- m. ° utes after that stoppage. Second ioil the tint of aa :{>aulni c scheduled by the °c Hors; in the School of Education !A,x "A Demnon- stration Le,>^on in hyte~ Educa- tion." The seniors; in the physical education department, un wder the di- rection of Norma L. Hicks, '3=Ed., presented their program in the Uni- versity High School gymnasium yes- terdlay afternoon. Nelda Dover opened the program with a discussion of the approach to teaching, covering health and rating of pupil, routine procedure, and units and lesson plans. roll call demonstrated by Ruth Birdseye with the help of a class of high school girls. Miss Birdseye took up the problems of judging squads, posture, and discipline. Indoor season program was the subject of a discussion by Lelia Hen- dricks, whose lecture was demon- strated by a basketball game between the girls in the high school class, under the direction of Virginia ,John- ston. This was followed by a brief summary of teaching by Geraldine Lawson. "The Trip," a project in rhythm, demonstrated by dances given by the gymnasium class under the direction of Elizabeth Watkins, which was fol- lowed by a summary of the lesson given by Alice Stryker, concluded the program. In the opinion of Prof. Raleigh Schorling, the philosophy underly- ing physical education and these programs in general was expressed in the terma paper of Helena. Dobson, who had a display of written and practical tests in physical education. (Associated Press Photo) fJilson Setters, who hails from Lost hope hollow, Ky., where they still celebrate Christmas on January 6, has gone to England to fiddle old folksongs in the land of his ancestors during the holiday season this year--so he expects to miss Lost Hope Hollow's celebration. f.More than 100 requests for rides and passengers going tome for vaca- tion have been received by the Union ride bureau, it was reported yester- day by John W. Lederle, '33, Union president. During the first wveek the bureau Was in operation, Ledecrle said, more r ide's were offered-T Lhan there were atpplications for tr'ansportation, but the situation has been reversed now and there are miore students seeking rides than there are opportunities. Also during the first period most pi those seeking and offering rides were going_ east, but the,,-ajority have now swung around to the south an( west._. Any3one drivinig home for the vaca- tion who wishes one or more passen- gers to help share expenses, or any- one wanting a ride to any part of the country is urged by Lederle to report to the student offices of the Union any dlay" this week from_ 3 to 5 p. W<. CAMPUS 'TRAVEL BUREAU GREYHOUND LINES Now a New York physician, Albert S. Hyman, has succeeded in devising an electric needle to reach into the human body after the moment of "Official" death, start a heart beat- ing again, and in a few cases bring the patient back to life. ! Sixty Successes Recorded The practice is old, but this meth- od is new and different, and prom- ises to extend the field in which the curtains of dath can be held back a few moments. Those moments are life-savers, not in all kinds of death, but in those arising from heart stoppage by shock. There are some 60 recorded cases of bringing such persons back to life and ultimate good health by use of epinephrin injections into the heart. Dr. Hyman subsititutes electricity for medicine. Electricity, too, has been used before, but not in the way the needle applies it. Heretofore the electrical current was applied to the whole heart. Vital Area Is Small The needle shoots an extremely minute current into one small area of the heart alone, affecting a part probably not as large as the head of a pin. In Hyman's belief this current substitutes for a somewhat similar current flowing in a small set of heart muscles which physicians call the "pacemaker" because they seem to pilot the beat of the big heart muscles. When they stop thc whole heart quits The needle current is repeated from 30 to 120 times a second, as de- sired by the physician, and each tiny shock causes a beat. This repeated artificial beating, Dr. Hyman says, is much more frequent than any hitherto induced. It appears to be more effective in restoring normal heart action. Harmless To Heart Further he says his experiments, covering five years, have proved that it is harmless to the heart. A little more than 50 per cent of the few Wishes You a. Merry Christmas And Thanks You for Stour Hearty Patronage See Our Fine Collection of GIT Mloderately Priced Well Known Lines Hickok Belts Pioneer Suspenders Shirts by Arrow and Van Heusen Wilson Bros. Ties, Hose, Pajamas All Attractively Boxed Dress Up for Xmas OVERCOATS Reduced Y% andMore Values $35 to $0 Now $15.00 to $24.50 _How About That New SUIT Get yours now at big reductions $25 $30 $35 NOW Now Now 18.75 22.50 26.25 Why Not a New Tux for Xmas- We Offer a $35 Tlux for $25 See Us Today The Store of Quality 213 E. Liberty BEFORE YOU LEAVE for the BRIDGE PARTY Start your dinner cooking in this electric casserole] :.:.:.. r > y 3 4 2 y Sardines Canape uread and Butter ticklesa chees Stiee. ( Ooed kungariain Q9ula5Ih L okeiraegeale ye Rolls Ceffe Orage apoca Wafers3 HIUN'GARIAN GOUL4ASH (prepared 'n au electic caesserole) 1 pound each of Beef',Pork srtd Lamb 3 slices of Bacon :l large Onion. Minced Flour Seasoning Preheat the =ae~sl153minute on aigh 1iqa. Cut the bacon _r" apmalt, pieces and fay vwith the onion in th~e covered casserole, adding a pinch oza black pepper. when, the onion and bacon are browned, add the heet and brown fo~r 15 minu~tes, still' ou high nieat- i'e- add the pork end lam~b'and frown for anx .dditio~al 15 minutes on high heat ''ikuaeup o cold wat~er with flour andmixwih. hebrowned meats. Add Tickets and Information to All Points CHUBB'S --12.8 P. M. CAMPUS 'TRA'VEL BUREAU GREYHOUND LINES 1 .-_ - Cook your principal dish in the salt aad apices to suit. Cover Saraingly electric casserole. When you collic with boiling Mater and connect to igh home, it is ready to serve -de.. lheat lmtil stemmingn oticed. Then put cassrol on ow eat and~ cook until liciouslyhotandappetizing.While ', ad tosere.(Casneolecanremainon you set the table and make coffee low f eat all afte'mo.) in the electric percolator, cookj your vegetables for 20 minutes. With a dessert. prepared beforehand, your entire diner is ready- and you've had the whole afternoon to yourself Thousands of these electric casseroles are sold in Boston for'- Guess what? BAKED BEANS! Ideal for Christmas Gifts-49" to $12.0 Sold by Hardware Stores, Department Stores, Electrical dealers i ng THlE DETRolT EDISON Co. 1IP V is the best ever and put up inatis-tic envelope ready to naal Price 75C 11