-...Editorial Comment
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' EDITOR...........................KARL SEIFFERT
RTS 2DITOR.....................JOHN W. .THOMAS
HT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
>hn W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
rackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
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lbert Newman, Harmon Wolfe.
ORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A.
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onald F. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson,BArthur,
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leor B. Blumt, Maurine Burnside, Ellen Jane Cooley,
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izabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
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enry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried,
Tathryn UCStork.
1 TlJ}J 5DA~Y, DEC.( 5l : 192
mpus Orgaizations
1lIn Ln. ,n.
'The following editorilAl was recently printed on the
front page of the Pennsylvania student newspaper,
and inaugurated a series of articles advocating the
professionalism of college football. T1
The Edtor
The popularity of the Am'erican game of foot-'
ball, the sport which headlines the athletic pro-
grams in colleges, prepaatory and high schools,
is increasing year by year. Alert universities and
colleges are realizing this rising state of interest
and are striving to maintain their reputation in
collegiate athletic circles by obtaining the best
coaches and players available. A college or uni-
versity, to have a winning football team, needs a
smart coach, keen spiit in the student body, the
whole-hearted backing of alumni, and most of
all, good material.
No matter who the coach may be, whether hE
is a second Rockne or a second Warner, he will
not be able to turn out a winning team if he doe
not have good material to work with. Toda:
there are no miracle coaches. From poor materia.
there can be developed only a losing team.
Pennsylvania is one of the largest univrsitie
in the country. Her scholastic standards hav
been admirably high, and the success of her ath-
letic teams on the gridiron ha been outstanding
This fall with Coach Harman at the helm Penn-
sylvania enjoyed continued success. She has a
good coach and good material. Coach Harman ha
promised he will be with us next year, but our going. The squad loses 11 inern through
graduation next June. Seven of these men were
mainstays during the season jit cmpleted. The
Rbed and Blue mento turns his weather eye to
the 1933 gridiron camjpaign and is optimistic. 4e6
has four outstanding players back, three men
ready to step into vacant positions, a wealth of
material vieing for two other posts, and but two
berths which will cause him any real concern.
But what of the 1034 football season.
From the 1935 Freshman team there stepped
into the varsity squad but a few men of an,
real. football ability. Only two of these men have
shown possibilities as yet. The 1936 first-year out-
fit was stronger than its predecessor, but it was
far from the calibre of Freshman teams that
have been produced at Pennsylvania within the
past decade.
The Gates Plan carries a clause that relieves
the University of any financial assistance to ath-
letes while they are at Pennsylvania. However,
since the average football players comes from an
ordinary family, his parents are not in a position
to pay his tuition at this or any other large
university. We need the average football player
here at Pennslyvania, but he can never come un-
less there is some means of meeting a suition of
$400. Hence the University niust do one of two
things-either go out and find men with real foot-
ball ability, aiding them financially through ath-
letic scholarships, or relinquish her present posi-
tion in collegiate spirit cicles and stress only in-
tramural football. We favr th eformer alterna
This University has for decades given scholar-
ships annually to students who have shown spe-
cial interest and adaptability to studies This
University can just as well given scholarships to
fine young men who do not sow unusual schol-
astic talent, but are truly versed in the art of th
great fall pastime, football. However, Pennsyl-
vania does not want a manl for his football ability
alone. Students should come to Pennsylvania for
an education. If they fail to meet certain specified
scholastic standards, they should be dismissed.
There is no reason why Pennsylvania cannot
bring into its portals the highest type of athlete,
aid him financially for his athletic ability, and
require hiii to meet the scholastic standards by
strict eligibility rules.
The facts are evident; it is unnecessary to eluc-
idate further. The Gates Plan has been in opera-
tion for the past two years; we are convinced that
it has been given a fair trial; we are in accord
with its principles. It is basically sound, but it is
also true that no reform of the magnitude such
as that which is contemplated under the Gates
Plan can exist for long without modification or
change due to the pressure of existing conditions.
If it is felt that members of a football team
should be rewarded for their services, and we feel
that they should be, then let us face the facts
squarely and accept the condition.
Winning football teams should not be an end
in itself; there are other factors which are con-
tingent upon the success of an athletic progran,
it is because of these conditions that we recom-
mend such a change.
A phase of education little touched upon yet
of vital importance is the relation of teaching
to the social structure. The teaching of the
fundamentals presents no grounds for controversy
in a literate nation, for it is upon reaching the
higher branches of learning that we are faced
with the gigantic task of reconciling the ideals
of education with the demands of orderly gov-
ernment. This is most acute in the study of
sociology, economics, current events, government,
and history.
The aim of education is presumably the seeking
and the imparting of Truth. On the face of it this
seems a fine and noble aim that should arouse
no objections. But upon deeper consideration the
full crushing weight of the problem becomes evi-
dent. Let us suppose that every college and every
high school in the country were suddenly to
commence to teach'history as the men and women
who have devoted their lives to its study know
it to be. Let us suppose that all the text books
were suddenly to appear with the truths of our
recent and present political and social history.
The misgovernment of our large cities, the con-
ditions of their magistrates' courts, the details of
nothing gained by inflaming the imagination of
youth against a structure upon which we de-
pend for safety and security, yet the demands of
truth insist that they should know all.
There is a constant complaint that there is
not enough reality taught under our present sys-
tem. What is meant by reality is somewhat un-
certain, but if it means truth-beware. The teach-
ing of realities can have but two results. One a
hate and a rebellion against the status quo or
Norse than that the hopeless dispair arising from
he realization that loyalty to ideals does not pay
n this life.
And so our thousands of educators follow their
>rofession seeking always the happy mean be-
tween the imbecile policies of Fascist or Soviet
,ducation and the teaching of the dangerous
Cruth in its entirety. Theirs is the most difficult
,f problems and the most painful of compromises,
he compromise of truth with the demands of
)Olity-The Daily Tar heel.
Fraternities on the university campus have,
turing the last three years, demonstrated very
tecisively that they are grossly incabable of gov-
rning themselves. They allowed the Interfrater-
iity Council to go the way of all good organiza-
,ions gone bad. At the present time, they Are
heoretically governed by an Interfraternity board
:omposed of fraternity men elected by the chap-
ers in a fraternity-wide vote. We do not wish to
ndict this board, but we do point out that it
loes not have enough power and force to deal
vith such a vast and far-reaching problem as fra-
;ernity "Hell Week."
Now, the university faculty freshman commit-
ee having spoken, fraternities are faced with a
uling that will take government more completely
cut of the hands of the fraternities themiselves
Ate hold no brief for these organizations. Cireum-
tances have demonstrated that they need definite
egulation of some sort. If they cannot see the
'olly of their ways, then we shall support the
Jniversity faculty in any step that they may take
o abolish the "Hell Week" initiatory system, pro-
ided that they do it sensibly and with some con-
ideration for the fraternities.
-Wisconsin Daily Carldinal
How about a 0-hour week for Senate filibuster-
ng orators? -Detroit Free Press
-By Kdrl Seijert
The United States Embassy in Rome is in a
quandary because the State Department doesn't
want it to move into its new quarteis until the
heating contract expires next spring. It'll be Jut
theirh luck to have the milk bill paid up for the
summer and have to wait until next fal.
The pastor of a Buffalo church has annobuned
that the old& system of solciting contribins
from. the congregation will be discontinued there
in the future. Too many people have been taffin
the buttons out of the plate.
Sanity experts have recommended that a
Coldwater boy who demanded $10,000 from
Governor &rucker in a threatening letter be
confined in a hospital. Anyone wh wod try
to get that much money from a defeated can-
didate this soon after an election must be
NEWS ITEM: The House went about its busi-
ness as usual today, but its members talked seri-
ously of protecting themselves from those who
would enforce their demands by flourishing dn-
gerous weapons.
Like resolutions caling for the impeachment of
the President.
* * *
A student at Beloit College was stabbed by a
bandit who robbed him of $10; he later strained
his angle in a football game, then injured his
skull in a fall in his room, and finally sustained
a bullet wound when a burglar fired at him. It
probably all started when he refused to eat his
shredded wheat.
* , *F *
If France defaults on the war debt payment
due today, we should retaliate by refusing to
eat French-fried potatoes.
Detroit welfare department officials have re-
fused the aid of firemen in the work of investi-
sating indigent families because they haven't "tlie
:ackground which is the equipment of the aver-
.ge welfare case worker." That's one thing that
won't help put out afire.
According to Ripley's "Believe It or Not," the
:ound of a steamship whistle occasionally causes
huge chunks of ice to break off Arctic glaciers
Ind fall down into the sea. Three blasts and you
;et a glass and a bottle of lime rickey.
Take care of the unemployed; let the live-
stock take care of itself.
This Chicago man who is alleged to to have
embezzled a few million dollars in a utilities deal
is now living the life of Reilly in Greece. And that
is what we call adding Insull to injury.
* Ai *l m
A trariscontinental cyclist claims to have
C1AMPUS organizations are falling in
- ~ line with the Good Will Fund.
uesday, the Student Council decided not to send
delegate to the annual convention of student
oiernment heads and to contribute the $100 ex-
nse money to the fund.
Although the Council felt that it might gain
onsiderably by having a delegate present at the
onvention, which is being held at Tulane Uni-
ersity, and although the delegate, President Jo-
eph Francis Zias, quite naturally wished to at-
end, it expressed the opinion that the money
oild be used to better advantage if given over to
he relief fund.
Yesterday, the Art Cinema League announced
hat one half of the returns from its next mo-
ion picture would be donated. It is estimated that
hs will amount to more than $200.
It is with deep gratification that we see the'
udent body rising to meet and solve its own
problem. With contributions such as these, the
uota set by the fund committee will soon be
We suggest that individual students, as well
s other campus organizations, might well follow
ie example set by the Student Council, the Art
'inema League, and numerous public spirited
ersons who are co-operating.
Latch Out For Illegal
ransportation Agents . .
T HE LACK of a developed economic
sense in students is again being
aken advantage of by racketeering transporta-
ion companies.
With low prices for rides to all parts of the
ountry prevalent, it is not hard for these outfits
o convince students to make reservations and to
eave deposits. The operator of the line, then
o1netimes fails to fully carry out his end of the
argain, or simply absconds with the deposit
Recently, it was disclosed that at least one of
he companies planning to take students home for
he holidays was improperly incorporated. This
ituation was remedied and the operator is again
n1 business but under the wing of a well-known
The Daily knows of no other companies, at
t'esent soliciting student patronage, who are not
trictly honest, but anyone planning to go home
)n other than a prominent carrier would do well
o investigate it thoroughly before signing up or
aying a deposit.
There are several graduations of dishonesty
ossible in selling a student a ticket home, shad-'
rig from the man who means well but doesn't
:now how to manage his facilities so as to give
,he students what is contracted for, through the
~y.. ii r iiw r ni i ..nnu .wam w. + w+rrr.rrrG
G N ....,. i_.:
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