THE MICHIGAN DAILY__ ______ ahicago Region ees Eight Dead' i Gun Warfare hree Policemen, Bandit, Woman, Boxer, Among, Gang Holiday Victims ollows Ultimatum etectivcs Were Believed To Be Thieves, Shot By Father Of Truants CHICAGO, Dec. 13.-(P)-Metro- litan Chicago counted eight deaths , violence today-six by guns crack- g and reverberating in near-zero rnperatures, one by suffocation ien robbers left a woman victim to e after binding and gagging her, id another by stabbing. Of the six, three were policemen, e a bandit, another an alleged au- mobile thief, and another a former T rolzky Speaks In Copenhagen Offi'ers Corps Resists Cut In Fools' Paradise Of Easy Credit' Shown In Jamison, Radio Talk Appropriatio1s The belief that credit was a buy- Aotiing power which allows customers to extend their purchases beyond what R.O.T.C. Unit On CapuS they could buy with the money at May Be Eliminated Ii hand was cited as the reason so many merchants have lost moneyt Allowance Is Reduced Ihrough bad bills and so many cit- zens have found themselves discred- Vigorous campaigning is be:ng ca ited in the community, was de- ried on at present by the Aln Arbor nounced by Prof. Charles L. Jamison of the School of Business Adminis- chapter of the Reserve Officers' AssO tration. in a University radio talk ciation of the United States to pre- Sunday. vent cutting of the Army and Navy 1 Professor Jamison said that many appropriation bill which, according 'millions of people lived a few years to Lieut. Frederick S. Randall, chap- ago in a "fools' paradise of easy ter secretary, is very likely in view credit while they now find them- of the economy program promised by selves unable to make use of credit the Democratic party. as they did formerly. He outlined the "Ever since the National Defense need for credit in certain cases, and Act was passed in 1921 the appropri- the necessity of reform. II ation bills have been subjected to the He pointed out that credit is plen- most bitter of attacks and have been tiful only when there is no need of pared far below the prescribed min- it, vanishing when there is a need. imum," he said. Credit, he said, should exist between According to Mr. Randall last year's wholesalers, because they do not re- bill came within seven votes of be- ceive their money from the consumer ing cut and it was only by the efforts until later. Hence, it is necessary for of the Reserve Officers' Association - bem to wait until after payment has that this was prevented. been made by the ultimate consumer. Since it is necessary for them te wait, they must have credit to carry them. Consumer credit, he said, cannot be justified by the same means. Re- form in the granting of such creditf would be advisable if it could be made without depriving it to certain 'onsumers worthy of credit. Telephone orders delivered while the customer is not at home, ordersr sent on approval, and goods which cost more than the purchaser ordi- narily carries on his person are among those orders which must be charged, said Professor Jamison. - Furthermore, the man who receives his pay periodically must necessarily be carried between pay days, he said, especially he whose wages are so _mall that he cannot build up a re- serve fund. Farmers who must raise money by mortgaging their crops are also numbered among those who must be granted credit. Installment buying was listed by Professor Jamison as a type of credit machinery, which puts a lien on the article bought to insure the con- tinuation of payments. The effective- ness of this method of insuring pay- ments is shown by the complaint often made that open book accounts are often not paid while payments are met on goods bought on the in- stallment plan. Myers Gives Talk Before American Vocational Group Dr. George E. Myers, professor of vocational and educational guidance, returned Saturday from Kansas City, Mo., where he attended a series of conferences of the annual meeting of the American Vocational Associa- tion. Dr. Myers read a paper before the vocational guidance section meeting on the "Relations Between Voca- tional and Educational Guidance." He summarized his paper briefly in the following statement: "Vocational guidance is an older and more clear- ly defined term than educational guidance. The two cannot be en- tirely separated. In carrying on the former effectively, a large amount of what is thought by some to be the latter must be done, and in a good program for the latter, some atten- tion must be given to the former. There are, however, four specialized aspects of vocational guidance which demand special provision much be- yond that which can properly be made for them under the name of educational guidance. "These are vocational information, vocational counseling, placement, and follow-up. Specially trained workers are necessary for these ac- tivities. On the other hand, those ed- ucational guidance activities which may not readily be cared for under, and indeed be considered a part of, an adequate vocational guidance pro- gram, may usually be performed by subject teachers, home-room teach- ers, and other officers of the school staff." ng occurred within a few an anti-crime ultimatum; y Mayor Anton J. Cermak 's police captains. I Detectives Frank Svec, 44 years old, : Edgar Chatterton, 33 years old, suburban Berwyn's police depart- *nt. Policeman Albert G. Magoon, 35 ars old. A robber, identified by police as bert Whitey, 24 years old, died ile being taken to Bridewell Hos- al after engaging in a pistol fight h a drug store owner and an em- ye he and a confederate at-, apted to hold up. Joseph Seidel, 20 years old, shot d instantly killed by police during our-mile chase in a stolen car. Frankie Schaeffer, 30 years old, mer boxer; body found in a tailor p which police said was a beer ,t. Miss Gertrude Frish, 49 years, suf- ated while her 75-year-old father, o bound and gagged, looked on able to help her. Miss Miguel Ramires, 28 years old, boarder in her home, Vicente anades was hunted by police after r husband reported finding her bbed to death. Detectives Svec and Chatterton re shot at the back door of Arthur vac's house in Berwyn when they ocked to serve a warrant upon vac, charging him with failure to ad his 10-year-old daughter and 7- ar-old son to school. Lavac, arrest- soon after, confessed, police said, t pleaded he thought theofficers re robbers. Magoon was killed in a reputed er flat by two bullets fired from weapon concealed in the overcoat ;(e Pof -oneof three men wltiihn hef, ined an argument they were having th the owner, Jerry Mass, police re told. ienna Housing lan Discussed (Associated Press Photo) Leon Trotzky, exiled Soviet leader, is shown speaking in Copen- hagen during his lecture tour in Denmark. One of the students to whom he delivered his address in the Copenhagen sports palace is standing beside him. Trunk Slayer Plans Appeal To Avoid Noose Winnie Ruth Judd Calls In I Lawyers, Husband To Seek Way Out FLORENCE, Ariz., Dec. 13.-()- Mrs. Winnie Ruth Judd, Arizona's trunk murderess, called her husband and attorneys into conference here today at the state prison to lay plans, to prevent her execution, which the state supreme court has set for Feb. 17. Mrs. Judd's only hope for imme- diate delay in Monday's court's or- der is a formal petition to that body for a r'ehearing o the argumentsI presentcd when the new trial was. souglht. Arthur C. Verge of Los An- geles, one of the condemned woman's attorneys, said the application for a -ehearing wouIld be filed immediately. Three other possible avenues of secape from the death penalty also werer oe. ilc 1in, 37 appeal nto the state board of pardons and parole; she may obtain a sanity hearing be- fore a final County jury but only at, the request of the warden of the state prison; or she may appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States. Attorney Verge said, in event a rehearing is denied by the state Su- preme Court, a writ of error will be filed with the United States Supreme Court. Dollar Still Buys More In Chicago Than Back In '29 CHICAGO, Dec. 13.--(/)-The dol- lar, a survey in the nation's second largest city showed today, is about 25 cents larger than it was in 1929. Breakfast of two eggs, toast, coffee, and fried potatoes-all for 12 cents-- that was one of the bargains found by a. shoppe) r- reporter. There wasI even a dab of jam for the toast. "Business and professional men,M people who ate 75 cent breakfasts a few years ago, eat here now," a wait-, er said. Incidentally, the restaurant owner said he couldn't complain about business. In the residential section an apart- ament building of good appearance of- fered "excellent four-room furnished apartments - reasonable rentals." Two years ago they rented for $75 a month. -1UThJereG$6 now," the manager said. "And," he added as the pros- pective renter left, "we might come ,down to $55." Ikewise do the Loop stores offer bargins which they call "unprece- dentedc, " Amans shp th-t sold suits at from $75 to $125 a few years agoi now cairries a $3 line. Propor- tionate reductions have taken place in women's clothing. State street's jewelry stores-where even the best customer was greeted "Any cut in appropriations at this time would probably result in the elimination from this and many other campuses of their Reserve Officers' Training Corps," Mr. Randall said. "The object of the present campaign is to unite the faculty members and citizens of Ann Ai'bor who are mem- bers of the association in a drive to prevent any such movements on the part of Congress in its next session." "I feel that a decrease at the pres- ent time would put the elements of 1 national defense in our country on a plane which would be distinctly in- jurious to the peace and security which every man is entitled to and must have." He pointed out that it would re- sult in" cutting the navy and the standing army, releasing a few thous- and active officers from service, al- lowing the air corps to become far from adequateand getting far be- hind other nations of the world in the development of means of appro- priate defense. amusement places, although two Broadway musical shows continue to play to full houses at $3.30, the same top prices that have prevailed for years. Only two weeks ago, movie theatres cut their top admission prices from 85 to 75 cents., Each year at this time a number of fraternity and sorority houses take it upon themselves to provide clothes for some needy Ann Arbor boy or girl, according to Mildred A. Valentine, director of the Family Welfare Bureau. "We have found that that plan has proven quite impractical," Miss Val- entine said. "It is true that a num- t > Fraternities A r e Advised To Use New Charity Plan Three agricultural experts working under the auspices of the League of Nations have been sent to China to aid its agricultural rehabilitation. f I I An Invitation to a ber of children have been aided by various campus organizations, but we have found it difficult to take one child out of a family to provide him with clothing. It. is hardly fair to the other members of the family." Miss Valentine suggested that any campus organization wishing to help a family give small gifts to all of the I family and present them to the fa- ther or mother. This plan, she said would make the entire family happy on Christmas. Miss Valentine further suggested that a month's supply of milk or fuel would go a long way in lessening some family's suffering through the winter. Information may be obtained through the Community Fund ollice. Memorable Sale of ORIENTAL RUGS SRecord Low Prices - ---- - %mop- a juicy I have just returned to Ann Arbor with the largest and finest collection of antique and modern Oriental Rugs, and I am offering them in my new "Oriental Shop" at 109 E.,.Liberty Street at specially reduced prices, never before seen in my thirty-five years experience. I' 1 with just a tinge of superiority a few years ago-appeared to have adopted a new policy. Here it is: "No reason- able offers refused." Lower prices also were offered by sizzling sirloin steak 'p A store full of Oriental Rugs to suit every taste and purse. During the last ten years I have sold thousands of Oriental Rugs to hundreds of the best homes in Ann Arbor and sur- rounding towns with the motto, "The Best Oriental Rugs at the Lowest Prices." Now, through a combination of circumstances I am able and free to give the greatest values in a lifetime. The finest Oriental Rugs are marked down to a fraction of their former 11 Onderdonk f.i I ._ Explaining the advantages of the w housing offered to the poor by e Austrian social-democratic gov- nment, Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk >ke yesterday afternoon to a crowd 60 in the Architectural Audito- ,im on "How 'Vienna Eliminated r Slums." Future historians," said Dr. On- xdonk, "will not be able to under- and how a civilized age like that iich produces such men as Einstein d invented such wonders as the dio andtairplane could show such ipidity in social conditions. I hope at the knowledge of what was done Vienna, the capital of a defeated tion, may help us. This develop- rnt is not a sign of socialism or mmunism as we might expect, but .st common sense." After the World War, there was a rious lack of housing for the - poor Vienna, due partially to the return soldiersfrom the battlefields. The indition had to be remedied by the vernment because the high interest te of 15 per cent prevented private pital from investing in Vienna at at time. "The design of these new apart- ent buildings, in which apartments nt from one to three dollars a onth. is simple and conservative," e speaker stated. The Michigan League Beauty Shop 9 a steak that makes dining out a special occasion m * youwill be delighted when the waiter places this "sizzling" steak "piping" hot before you . . . Really, the pleasant aroma itself is sufficient to whet the most jaded appetite.aa * come to the hut tonight for dinner . . bring your best friend . . . and enjoy .sizzling" steak dinner. prices. Now is the time to buy Oriental Rugs. Almost everybody can buy them during this sale and beautify their homes forever before prices go up, as they have already begun to do. I cordially invite all Oriental Rug lovers and connoiseurs to take advantage of this rare opportunity to secure beautiful Oriental Rugs at such amazingly low prices. Fine Oriental Rugs are now the safest investmenlts in the world and ideal Christmas presents for the enjoyment and remembrance of many generations. Our Oriental Shop will be open in the evenings until Christmas for your convenience. announces MR. SHORT of the BEAUTY SALON THOMAS Will Be at The League Wednesday, Dec. 14 1 - the hut fingerle operated the hut K. S. 109 East Liberty Phone 5972 JAMGOTCH TELEPHONE 23251 FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT ORIENTAL RUGS REPAIRED AND CLEANED kBY NATIVES - AT MODERATE CHARGES. I ! I 9 Me m wommommmmoom mmmmmmm NEW YORK CHICAGO ' _. _- i $16.95 round trip $5.00 round trip THE FOLKS AT HOME - I BUFFALO New Fast Limited services daily with additional expresses Friday. CLEVELAND $6.30 round trip CINCININATI $7.80 round trip ST. LOUIS $9.00 round trip SCRANTON $12.90 round trip CORNING $11.40 round trip BOSTON 16.95 rOUnd trip Direct Linnited Specials Would Thoroughly Enjoy One of This Year's MICHIGAN CALENDAR It is the best ever and put up in artistic envelope ready to mail- Price 75c $5.95 round trip Fast Deluxe Student Specials at the lorwest fares in history. PITTSBURGH $8.80 round trip i o All Tickets and Reservations of Those Special Student Fares at III i