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December 14, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-14

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hbed 1890

enough to keep quiet. It's anything for a laugh,
with him-he's an exhibitionist.
What are we going to do about the three ob-
jectionables, the Noise Maker, the Campus Painter
and the Unofficial Basketball Referee. We sug-
gest that ostracism is perhaps the only adequaif


Campus Opinion


the name of Zimbalist added behind that of the
composer, for he made them things of his own.
Individuality is an attribute in this social age, yet
the differences and the inevitable comparison
made evident the exceeding flatness of Zimbal-
ist's tone, for, in remembering the singing sweep
of Kreisler that makes a melody even where none
is to be found, one realized the lack of vibrancy
and resounding depths in the others playing. This
way true of the Chopin-Spalding Waltz, and of
the Gypsy Airs-yet they were made noteworthy
by some of the cleanest, easiest bowing and left
hand technique that one has ever been privileged
to hear. Mr. Zimbalist was more than generous
with his encores, playing the usual things in a
nanner that made their repetition a pleasure.
-Kathleen Murphy.
Art Re';vie"ws

<*-. orsw - -e o ,,, - ' EL-.-
lished every morning except Monday during the
rsity year and Summer Session by the Board in
ol of Student Publications.
nberof the Western Conference Editorial Assoca-
and the Big Ten News Service.
?Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
publicatlon of all news dispatches credited to it or
therwise credited in this paper and the local news
shed herein. All rights of republication of special
tches are reserved.
ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
d clas matter. Special rate of postage granted by
lAssistant Postmaster-General.
scription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
. $4.50.
ces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
wresentatives: College Publishers Representatives,
40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
ton Street, Boston; 612 Noth Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 425
EDITO...........................KARL SEIFFERT
TS EDITOR.....................JOHN W. THOMAS'.
T EDITORS: Thomas Coniellan, Norman F. Kraft,
n W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
ckley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
.TS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross 'Bain, Fred A. Huber,
ert Newman, Harmon Wolfe.
RTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird. A. E1Is
, Cha'rles G. 13arndt., James L. Bvauchat, Donald R.
1, bonald F. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthuri
Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney
nkel, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett,
rge M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, Edwin W. Rich-
son, John Simpson, George Van Vleck, Guy M.
Ipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White.
?.erine Anning, Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck,
anor B. Blum, Maurine Burnside, Ellen Jane Cooley,
ise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Anne Dunbar,
nette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
*Frances J. Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Eleanor
3rson, Margaret D. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet
uss, Marjorie Western.
Telepis nue -lia
RTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
srtising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
Noel 'Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. iSchnacIko; Cir-
tion, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications", Robert Z.
TANTS: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-=
d, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
eph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers,
ter Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
abeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
imy, Billie Griffiths, Virginia Hartz, Catherine Me-
iry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried,
hryn Stork.
WEDNESDAY, DEC, 14, 1932

Letters published in tis olumn ,should not be
construed as expressing the edtor ialnion of The
Daily. Anonymous communcations will be disregard-
ed, Thenames of. communicants will, however, be re-
garded as Confidential u1pn request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining tiemsclves to less than
300 words if possible.
To The Editor:
Relative to the recent discussion in the Mich-
igan Daily reciting the pros and cons of the me-
tric scystem I would like to add a few remarks.
I am aware that, like the gentlemanly Irish-
man, I should first inquire: "Is this a private
brawl, or may anyone get into it?" Without wish-
ing to disturb the fruit on anyone's family tree
or to crowd the Socialists and India off the edi-
torial page, I will proceed .
My first suggestion is that all supporters of the
metric system' should visit one of our modern in-
dustrial plants, such as a motor factory, and while
there get a smal impression of what a shift to
the metric system would entail. Every so-calle
"English" gage and measuring tool would be ut.
terly useless, likewise all the graduated microm-
eter dials and the screws upon which they arn
mounted on machine tools. The American Stand-
ard screw thread system along with the lead-
screws, taps and dies used to produce them woulk
be scrapped. Our system of gear-tooth measure-
ment would also go overboard. Every machinist
toolmaker, pattern-maker, carpenter, etc.,' etc.
would find his measuring tools on the Verboter.
list. These are but a few of the things to b
noted in one visit to any manufacturing plant.
it has always been a mystery to me, why th
proponents of the trletric system missed the op-
portunity to chaige our present awkward metho
of reckoning time. Why not one hundred houri
per day with is consequent simple subdivisions?
+The division of the circle also seems to be in
line for improveient. Four hundred degree:
seems a imore logical and a more easily divisible
number than three hundred and sixty. All the
difficulty that this last suggested change woul
involve would be nerely the abandonment of aL
instruments, knowledge and technical literature
on th6 subject, and I feel certain that the very
inefficient United states of America would gair
"billions" by the resultant increase in efficiency.
One cannot help wondering whether the Pro-
Metric American Drug Clerk, viewing the depres-
sion in his thermometer these cold mornings,
turns up his coat collar and proceeds to shiver
in terms of degrees Centigrade, Reaumur or Fah-
The metric system has been cussed and dis-
cussed in the technical press for years, and a
thumbs-down decision rendered against it by
American manufacturers. It is quite well known
that a considerable amoiint of time and money
has been spent in lobbying in a vain effort to
foist this system upon an unsuspecting public, but
the various manufactuers' associations and allied
interests are quite well versed in the Yost method
of "blockin."
It is my opinion that at this time of economic
stress, the mere suggestion of such a radical
- ahange is exactly inopportune, and to petition
Congress now would be the last straw.
In conclusion, I believe Mr. Onderdonk will find
Uhat most Af, nicans will claim Missouri as their
native state when it comes to any such change
in our system of living. Without wishing to ap-
dear intoterant, I suggest that the pro-mnetric
Forces adopt the old railroad slogan and figura-
tivefy, if not Titerally, "SE AMERICA ,IST."
-Art F. Parker,
Musical Events

Among the canvases hung in Alumni Memorial
Iall are some very interesting works, of which
aerhaps the French painters come in for the
treater share of praise; however that is indivi-
lual taste. In exhibiting a few artists, the display
;ives one an opportunity to see more works by
'ach man and thus form a more general estimate
)f him. There are enough different subjects
hown to satisfy one's desire for variety.
Most delicate and lyrical of all is Roland Oudot.
:is masses of color are pleasing and volatile. "Les
Landes" is a charming landscape of the impres-
ionistic type. "Two Bathers" and "Big Trees"
roth show how he builds up forms by means of
;olor in vague masses rather than in definite out-
ines. It is interesting to know that Oudot studied
vith Leon Bakst, the famous designer of scenes
.or the Russian Ballet, at the time when Diag-
allev directed it.
A German, Max Pechstein, whose work shows
t strong sense of form and balance rather than
nterest in subtle coloring, offers "Still Life with
Tulips and Wood Carving." His canvases are
arge and spectacular, and his palette has somber
TherUnited States is represented by Alfred
/Iaurer and Morris Kantor. Maurer, with a whimn-
;ical touch that makes his "distorted" beauties
suite original, presents "Three Sisters" and "Two
Kantor (born in Russia but came to this coun-
ry as a boy) shows unusual pictures. Their chief
:haracteristic seems to be versatility of mood and
I'andiing. He depicts, in a painstaking and de-
ailed manner, a staircase or a sea chest. Then he
.urns and does a portrait of a Hindu woman with
utter simplicity of stroke, color and effect.
In Karl Hofer there is great definiteness and
Strong composition. His self-portrait is dark and
iolent but arresting. The colofs in "Girl in
Red" are somewhat oriental in their use of red
and yellow.
A Frenchman, Paul Charlemagne, closes this
survey, and he is, I think, the most interesting
painter. He has a wonderful portrait of a young
boy called "Serge." He recalls Rembrandt in the
use of black and brown and sudden light places.
In "Nellie" he has shown masterly painting and
done it graciously. For pattern and color the
houses at "St. Jean du Doight" are delightful.
To one interested in the trend of modern art
this show will have a decided value. In individual
pictures there are few that will be outstanding
in years to come. However, it is an exhibit that
is well worth seeing.



Going Home.
How about unpacking a prac.
tical, inexpensive gift for dad
or brother?
Practical - Inexpensive





StoVI cosistis of Sheaffer, Parker, Waterman,
Moore, etc.

Hundreds of smart new pat-
terns, full-cut, silk-lined, mar-
gin-end, wrapped neatly in
gift boxes.
25 c each
Featuring a two -pice tie
with wool inner-lining and
crepe silk outer-lining, beau-
tifully tailored by hand to
please even the most critical.
A $1.00 value.
5 5C2 for $1.00
And an assortment t h a t
speaks for itself. Perfectly
tailored, 100% wool lined,
heavy handsome silks, twill,
failles, satins and moires in
the newest figures and stripes.
A $1.50 value.
79C 2 for $1.0
300 B South State
2 doors south of Mary Lee Shop
at Corner of Liberty


Tse Typewriter and Stationery Store
314 South State Street
Eust Huron
Wishes to announCe that
it wl be open to serve
the public during the
Christmas holidays .
Stop In for a Bit of Refreshment


rare Of Mushroom

. . w

E VERY YEAR, around the Christ-
mas season, the shopper is at-
a number of fly-by-night gift shops,
'parasites on the business of legitimate
hops appear out of nothing shortly be-
holiday season and disappear just as
sly immediately after Christmas. Their
are numerous. Some of them take un-
Itage of the advertising of established
placarding phrases from newspaper dis-
duplicating advertised prices of rivals.
y offer cheap and shoddy merchandise,
on their shortness of life as protection

-Harriet Dyer Adams.





rse, they may
cases. And it

goods of a 11igh class
; be difficult for the

y Karl Seiffert

r to' see why he should not take advantage
imediate savings, if they are offered. But the
r should realize that in dealing with tempo-
shops he is depriving reliable business firms
legitimate inctease in trade which would per-
them to offer greater savings during the rest
e year.
larger communities, established business is
cted from these parasites. Better business
aus make it impossible for them to get a foot-
Ann Arbor, it is up to the purchasers them-
s to use intelligence in buying.
e moral is simple: Buy from established and
table stores. When you read advertisements,
e sure of the advertiser's name. Only in this
can you protect yourself and the community
. rackets which are in the end detrimental
ou as well as to Ann Arbor.
tracize The Unofficial
sketball Referee ...

The latest advice to screen-struck young Men
and women is to the effect that if you want to
become a movie actor the thing to do is stay
home. Good night! We're leaving for loliywood

N FORMER editorials we have re-
ferred to two of the most objec-
nable species of Michigan undergraduates, the
Oise Maker who attends the movies, and the
ampus Painter who writes "Beat Ohio State"
red letters on the Library steps.
And now we believe we may add a third spe-
es to the family of objectionables, the Unofficial
isketball Referee.
You will find the Unofficial Basketball Referee
tcking the stands of Yost Field House for
ery home game. He knows all the rules and he
ants the others in the stands to know that he
lows. He can see every action that takes place
i the floor. He knows when a player walks with
e ball. He can see the outside lines even in the
rthest corner. His decisions are never wrong.
He is a firm believer in psychology. If a penalty
called against Michigan, he hisses. If it is called
,ainst the opponents, he cheers. Sometimes,,

Monday night, in a pleasant program of most'
agreeable playing, Mr. Zimbalist again proved
oimself one of the fine violinists of our times.I
ft is a pleasure to hear someone whose techniquei
is -so facile, that it ceases to be one, and is, quite
.nusually, a means of expression instead. His pro-
;ram, while distinctly popular, was well chosen
:o display his particular assets, and if there were
things in which one could not quite agree, the evi-
.ent musicianship that lay behind all of his inter-
pretations quite justified the individual differ-
The Vitali Chaconne has the pure classic spirit
that is most becoming to Mr. Zimbalist's clean,
and almost dry tone. His restrained vibrato, and,
above all, the extreme seriousness with which he
approached all of his numbers, seemed more suit-
able to the beautiful dignity of this work, where
in the obvious sentimentalities of the Miendel-
ssohn it was only wasted. Here again there was
a distinctly personal interpretation-and it raised
An interesting question as to whether a concerto
.hat is so decidedly built as a brilliant means of
displaying all the resources of the instrument
should not make use of those possibilities to the
fullest extent. Mr. Zimnbalist's Mendelssohn is
perhaps a more musical, and unquestionably a
more scholarly one, than that of Kreisler's for
instance-but it doesn't begin to be as thilling.
Perhaps the answer lies in whether this concerto
is much more than a stunning "showpiece" or if
it can stand alone as actual music, before begin-
ning to weigh the points of various interpreta-
Suite Bizarre by the rather modern Achron had,
possibilities of expression which were not realized
-moments of sly humor, and erotique clowning
that Mr. Zimbalist's solemn attitude turned into

They're doing some more investigating in De-
troit. Some one discovered that ballot boxes used
in the Nov. 8 election bore metal seals dated for
April 6, 1931. Add a couple hundred nickel cigars
and an open manhole on the route from the
voting booth to the city hall and you get the
choice of the people.



_ _

** *
A news article calls the robbery in which
bandits got $1,800 in a Windsor, Ont., money
exchange "the first major holdup in the Bor-
der Cities in more than a year."'The manwho
wrote that never paid 40 cents for a pack-
age of American cigarettes over there.


Irist Lis

707 N. University Ave. Main St. at Huron St.
TWO STORES packed with
We invite your inspection of a host
of useful gifts for her and for him.
Quality merchandise at p o p u 1 a r
prices! Free mailing service! It's
Christmas time at Slater's. At both
ends of the campus.

Out in Long Beach, Calif., the bandits appa-
rently take their gangster slang literally. Twc
burglars who cracked a safe first wheeled th6
strongbox into a refrigerator. Their idea was tC
put the swag on ice and blow.
- * * *
The household of the former German Kaiser
was much disturbed when a mysterious man
armed with a revolver and a dagger, was found
to be hiding on the grounds, having climbed in
over the garden wall. Nothing to worry about.
Just a New York tabloid photographer after

Servants seized the man, who had been
hiding in the cellar of a tower, and turned
him over to police. Officers wanted to know
what he was Doorn there.
** *

Gifts o Value

As Low as{

50 Cents

NOW - And Each Evening
We Are Open Until 9 P. M.
Your Patronage Sincerely Appreciated

Al Smith has refused a place on the Roosevel
cabinet because his business affiliations woul
make it impossible for him to take over a ful'l

and upto $10.00


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