The Weather Snow, somewhat warmer Wednesday; Thursday fair and colder. L Sir igacn I VOL. XLIH No. 68 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14, 1932 YU £1L'.* _ _ j Council Gives Fund $100 To Aid Students To Make Donation Instead Of Sending Delegates To Conference At Tulanc Committee Reports On Honor System Will Start Campaign For Inauguration of Plan After Christmas One hundred dollars was contrib- uted to the Student Good Will Fund last night as the Student Council de- cided to donate that amount to the fund instead of sending a represen- tative to the Student Council Confer- ence at Tulane, New Orleans. Stressed financial c o n d i t i o n among many students, according to the consensus of opinion among the councilmen, made such action advis- able. Joseph Zias, '33, president, was selected at a recent meeting to repre- sent the University at the conference. A motion was passed, however, with 4 of the 13 present opposed, to re- scind its action on the matter. Might Appropriate $50 The Council decided to appropriate $50, half of the expenses to send a delegate, if President Alexander G Ruthven thought it advisable, pro- viding the University would furnish the remainder. Definite action will be taken by the Council after Christmas to in- augurate the Honor System of ex- aminations in the literary college, it was decided by a motion which pass- ed unaCniously at themeeting last night.! Cecil cantrill, '33E, said that after conferring with deans of the various schools he found none of them opposed to the plan. Bursley Is Skeptical Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu-: dents, was quoted by Cantrl as say- bag that ha did .not belleve thi ~the system would work, although he was not opposed to it. A report prepared by W. R. Hum- phreys, assistant dean of the literary college, dated Dec. 7, 1926, stated that to have the honor system work' it would be necessary to have the student sentiment in favor of it, and that the Student Council is the or- ganization that should bring the problem before the students, accord- ing to a report made by Cantrill. Student Interest Is Weak d In an all-campus election three years ago, only 350 students voted :n the question of whether or not the honor system should be inaugurated n the University. Prof. Phillip Burs- f ley, of the French department, inter- preted this as meaning the studentsr were not interested in it, according o Cantrill. The Council committee which is nvestigating, the practicability of adnntin t hnnen ivstm. consist- Where 14 Died In Mine Blast Fear Sports Cut As Grid ! , At I Returns Fallr Gather Here tendance Only 5,400 Nation's Leaders To Hold Under Last Year's, But Annual Convention Here, Total Income Is Lower First Time Since 1905 eduction In Minor To Honor Hollander; ctivities Probable Will Fete Novy Also Aigler Sees Eliminaation Michigan Scientist To Be Of Some Units As Only Honorary Head; Began Way To Balance Budget Course Here In 1889 FOOTBALL ATTENDANCE 1932 More than 300 of the nation's lead- Michigan State................... 1 ing bacteriologists will gather in Ann NIhnoiste................... .21,022 Arbor Dec. 28, 29 and 30, when the Princton........................27,815 Society of American Bacteriologists Chicago .......................... 24,450Batrogis Ohio State (away)................ 40,000 holds its thirty-fourth annual con- Indiana (away)...................10,000 vention here. Minnesota (away) ................. 25,000 - 3 The chairman of the convention T l ..-...',- ' will be Prof. M. H. Soule, of the Med- 1931 Total......................228,720 ical school. Prof. F. G. Novy, also of the medical school, will be honorary By JOHN THOMAS chairman. Despite the fact that attendance The meeting will be the first that at football games this year decreased the society has held at the University only 5,400 or 2.3 per cent over 1931, since 1905. John Hopkins University further reductions in sports activities was chosen by the association last for 1933-34, caused by a drop in gate year as the scene of its annual par- receipts, today seemed probable fol- e_ h (Associated Press Photo) The above picture was taken as wives, relatives and xellow workmen gathered at the mouth of the Albuquerque-Cerrillos Coal company mine at Madrid, N. M., to learn the fate of 14 miners entombed by an explo- sion. All were found dead. Meal Tickets, old Shoes Contributed To Good Will Fund Everything from meal tickets for local restaurants to used clothes and hoes is already being contributed to he Student Good Will Fund it was i~nnounced at a genieral committee necting yesterday afternoon. Although an active drive has not )een started, checks acid pledges for Sash contributions are being received laily by Chair ma n John fi, Huss at 4-eUin the Union.' Among the- donations yesterday vas a check from aresident of a! .mall town 50 miles from Ann Arbor, who is supporting the fund although ae is in no way connected with the Jniversity. Interest among other out Af town persons was shown by a cash :ontribution made yesterday which was collected from the audience at a ecture for Michigah graduates which vas held in Detroit recently. Assistance made possible by the -ood Will Fund is being given daily -o students who are applying at the deans' offices. Students are urged by the Good 'Rill committee to bring used clothes >ack from home with them after the ,oliday vacation to contribute to the fund. New Organizat ion To Sponsor Social outdoor Activities Britton Takes Stan In. Case AgainstBaylis Convicted Slayer Gives Confusing Testimony In Trial Of Negro An attempt on the part of the at- torney for the defense to discredit the testimony which Tom Britton, Ypsilanti negro, confessed killer of Cap Deatherage, featured the trial yesterday of Carry H. Baylis, colored who is on trial for the same offense in the county court before Judge George W. Sample. Harry Bledsoe, colo:ed attorney for Baylis, obtained contradictory state- ments from Britton, who at first den- led that he had had a serious quar- rel with Deatherage and later admit- ted that he was angry at the time of the crime. The testimony which Britton had given in his own trial two weeks ago was read by Bledsoe and contradic- tions were found on many minor points. The examination to which Britton had been subjected directly after his apprehension was also re- viewed. Albert J. Rapp, attorney for the prosecution, had Britton tell in de- tail all the actions which led up to the crime, which occurred early on the morning of Nov. 26. Even the date on which the deed was done came into some shadow of doubt be-1 lowing the annual report of Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chairman of the Board in Control of Athletics, made public last night. Lower ticket prices were given as the principal reason for the decreas- ed football receipts. According to an estimate compiled by The Daily, the revenue received this year by the Athletic Association, after the visit- ing teams' share had been deducted, was approximately $201,000, or $27,- 000 less than the 1931 receipts of $227,963.58. All Programs Reduced The Board last Saturday reduced all athletic programs by at least 15 per cent as a result of low 1931 re- ceipts. With a greater reduction in ncome this season, a further cut for next year sen t assired Concermng the probable policies for next year, Professor Aigler states, By a continuation of the policy of retrenchment and economy during ;he present academic year it will be possible to balance the budget. It may be necessary to eliminate some of the customary activities. ,.In two large items of expense, namely inter- eat and plant operation and main- tenance, there is little if any chance' for saving. The salary list is already low compared with that of other'in- Atitutions. The chief opportunity for economies, then, must be in the elim- ination of some of the activities." 1931 Income $236,000 Income from all sports in 1937 was $236,534.74 and total disburse- ments were $120,073.38. No incom resulted from cross country, golf fencing or gymnastics. Receipts in cluded $80,407.69 from student cou pon books; $370.48 interest fror bank balances; towel and locker feet $1,380.51; sale of refreshments, $1,- 660.06; and miscellaneous sources, $703.70. D'ring the last year, the Board in Control of Athletics reduced its in- debtedness for plant additions about $40,000 and paid $36,635.25 interest on bonds. A detailed report of receipts for the previous year, made public last night, shows the following income: Track.................$ 485.24 Baseball.................219.25 Basketball .............. 3,639.50E Swimming........347.50r Wrestling ............. 11.50 Hockey ............ .3,065.17 Tennis....................75.00 Tilden Tennis Exhibition ... 824.00 Political Science Faculty To Attend Detroit Meet Most of the members of the polit- ical science department have an- nounced that they will attend parts or all of the twenty-eight annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, which will be held Dec. 28, 29 and 30 in Detroit. FRIDAY IS PICTURE DEADLINE Seniors who fail to purchase picture coupons and have sittings before Dec. 16 will not get their photographs in the 'Ensian, John A. Carstens, '33, business manager, announced yesterday. Coupons may be bought at the I Avy. 1 Short Of 1931 Income B $24 Gross Receipts For This Year Total $871; Profit Goes To Theatre Fund The Sophomore Cabaret fell $24 short of reaching last year's net in- come, according to figures which were released by Hilda Kirby, chair- man, yesterday. The total income this year was $871 while the approximate expendi- tures amounted to $391. Last year $504 was raised. The proceeds of the Cabaret go to the Undergraduate Fund, begun in 1927 to build the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The women of the campus at that time pledged $50,000, which they planned to raise by such func- tions as the Cabaret and the Junior Girls Play. Less than $13,000 of this pledge is still to be raised. The dancing classes have raised $375 so far this year, ;chile the bridge class has made more cause of Britton's feeble intellectual By CHARLES G. BARNDT powers. An organization having as its pur- In reply to a question which Bled- aose the sponsoring of social out- soe put to him, Britton said that loor recreational activities is under when he returned from killing formation on the campus. Proposed about a month ago, it (Continued on Page 2) took definite shape as a result of a series of meetings between Earl N. iiskey and Randolph W. Webster, ry Leaders. representingthe Intramural depart- mick and Helen Dewitt from therd League, and various representatives from student groups. Rismg Flood The organization was first insti- -ated by Miss McCormick and the Rev. Alfred Lee Klaer, director of WASHINGTON, Dec. 13. - (M - resbyterian student activities, who a powerful movement t r r Saw a need for such a society, and ,alled a meeting to consider it. The Intramural department, the Women's Athletic Association, the Jnion, the League, the Boy Scouts, the Y. M. C. A., student church groups, and the Building and grounds department under the di- rection of C. F. Pardon and 0. E. Roszel, have all joined in the under- taking and offered their facilities znd services to the advancement of the club. The project has been ap- proved and supported by President Alexander G. Ruthven. "The purpose of the organization is to promote informal outdoor social recreation," Mr. Klaer stated, "and to introduce faculty and other inter- asted personalities into the recrea- tional life of the student. These in- formal gatherings are open both to to modiy the Prohiition laws, chief- tains in the dry cause smashed their full force against the Collier beer bill today before the House ways and means committee. They wefe led by Bishop James Cannon, Jr.1 of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, South, who asserted Con- gress is without authority to fix the alcoholic content of beverages, and they enthusiastically battered their argument at the committee despite close questioning from its members. Drawing the largest crowd that had jammed the big chamber since the hearings began last Wednesday with the wets' testifying, the drys put for- ward Deets Picket, research secretary or the Board of Temperance, Prohibi- cion, and Public Morals of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. Mrs. Ella A. Boole, president of the national Wo-