THE MICHIGAN DAILY iter- Library oans Closed F orHolidays iversity Officials Find Iuling Necessitated By irowded Mail Service iter-library loans have been sus- ded by the University of Mich- i Library during the coming va- on period and, as a result, stu- ts will find it impossible to bor- books from other libraries >ugh the loan service until classes ime in January. This ruling was id necessary because of the vded condition of the mails at time of year. s in former years, students who e books charged against them required to return them not later a Dec. 12. A special fine is as- ;ed on those who fail to return r books before the start of vaca- ermission for use of certain books be granted to students planning tudy during vacation who present atisfactory application for this 'ilege to the superintendent of ulation after Dec. 12. 3 1 l i J New h ish Chief er frnraofth I .re sav. AddrssiteacPres' hoto) Professors Thomas Clarkson True- blood. and G. E. Densmore of the speech department will speak at the seventeenth annual convention of the National Association of Teach- ers of Speech, to be held Dec. 27 to 29 in Los Angeles, it was learned yesterday. .rofessor Densmore, executive sec.. rotary of the organization, and Pro- fessor Trueblood will be the only delegates from the University at the convention, Plans have been made for discus- sion with cinema experts of screen voice reproduction and lighting, and for a comparison of acting technique on the stage and in the motion Pic- ture, according. to a letter from Hen- rietta Prentiss of Hunter College, New York, president of the associa. tiont University Receives Valuable ,ae l U1 Papers Due Thursday In Forestry Contest A valuable collection of rare and interesting books on microscopy, two unusual microscopes, a number of Majolica vases and two or three pic- tures were contained in a shipment received last week by the Univer- sity as a bequest from the estate of the late Mrs. Louisa Reed Stowell, '76, one of the first woman gradu- ates of the University and wife of Dr. Charles H. Stowell, '72M, who was professor of histology and mi- croscopy from 1883 to 1889, About 150 books are in the col- lection, some bound journals, some treatises on such subjects as botany and plant physiology treated from the point of view of the microscopic student, and some early books on the use of the microscope. One of the latter was published in 1738. Another important book in the collection is a collection of the writings of the Dutch scientist, Malpighi, published I.JtP S . Iji 'Y tSS Topics of papers competing for the Charles Lathrop Pack Foundation in Leyden in 1668. The volume is Prize in Forestry must be registered beautifully done, with excellent con- with members of the committee in per engravings. charge of the contest before 5 p. m., Of the two microscopes included in Thursday, Dec. 15, it has been an- the shipment, one is a fairly mod- nounced.. The papers themselves will ern and usable instrument: the other not be due until Feb. 24. is an antique one which Prof. G. Carl Fifty dollars is awarded annually Huber of the Medical School, who to the undergraduate in the School unpacked the shipment, declared to of Forestry and Conservation who be at least 150 years old. It is a large writes the best article on some For- instrument about two feet high, and estry subject of his own choosing. consists of a tube containing the-__----------_--_---- lenses, a place for the slide about six of Michigan women before it was inches below and then a large mirror founded. She was an undergraduate about six inches below the slides. here when there were very few wo- Most of the books will be put in the men on the campus, and she took the library of the Department of Ana- initiative in providing social gather- tomy, and Dr. Huber will take ch: arg ings for them and in organizing the of the disposition of the microscopes. old Women's League which has been A collection of Majolica vases, glass superseded by the present Michigan goblets and cut glass bowls were de- League. A picture of Mrs. Stowell signated to be- given to the League, was included for the League, and two an institution which owes much to other pictures are to be given to the the efforts of Mrs. Stowell on behalf Wesleyan Guild, , t !.. w m! 'i On Your Trip Home Don't Forget to Take A MICHIGAN MEMORY BOOK filled with Delicious BETSY ROSS CANDIES One Pound $1.00 Two Pounds $2.00 Betsy Ross Shop in the Arcade I i- - - - -~ ~ ~~ ~ ~_ ~ ~ _ ~ I II IE_ - - _ T _ THE FOLKS AT HOME~" t. Would Thoroughly Enjoy One of This Year's MICHIGAN CALENDAR It is the best ever and put up in artistic envelope ready to mail -- Price 75c Receives 'om Amsterdam in of the presence of V. Bishop as a repre- he University at its h anniversary last Jniversity of Amster- .ented the Univerpity oth volume bound in rtaining 714 pages of Dutch University and faculty members and throughout its exist- : is written in Dutch. : "Group Pictures Fraternity, Sorority, Organization and committee groups which are to appear in the 'Ensian must be taken in January. If the appointment is made before Christmas vacation a wider selection of convenient hours can be given. ;i Photograph Studio: 332 South State Street - - - - - - - - - Dial 5031 Si ,PHS ,'pe Forev~er DON'T FAIL TO TAKE ONE HOME WITH YOU WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE th"' >f its State Street Open Evenings Until Xmas Main Street I 4 pr 4 c1 .. . .. Here are gift suggestions that you are sure to profit by . ..let these places solve your gift problem For the Most Important Qift 4 I d DRUGS KODAKS N :, -, --"- .; 1 .; : f As Gay as Christmas JEWELRY 11 Of Course I CH RISTMAS SUGGESTIONS are these bright little turbans for holiday wear. They range from very dressy little models, ideal for dinner dresses, to the fabric turbans which go so well with tailored and sports things. $1.95 to $5. If you're thinking of Christmas gifts (and who isn't) we have some'lovely scarf sets that you're sure to like. You'll find ideal gifts for men and women here, as well as college and fraternity jewelry. Remember the MICHIGAN RING, tOO. i All At New Low Prices~00 The Roberts Shop ARCADE JEWELRY SHOP CARL F. BAY I I . - Eastman Kodaks and Cine' Kodaks Foster s -I CANDY, 1/2-Pound to 5-Pound Boxes NEW CUTEX MANICURE SETS in the Leather Zipper Case EVENING IN PARIS TOILET AND BATH SETS Christmas 11 11 Gifts PIPES- -Ben Wade and Dunhill Complete Assortment of Cigarettes and Tobaccos Everything Electrical at Our General Electric Store TOASTERS, CLOCKS, IRONS, etc. We Want You-to Come In and Look Around Select Your Gifts and We Will Deliver Them on Christmas Day 213 S. State jw A Really Good Gife C ALKINS -FLETCHER If you've begun to despair of ever finding a really good gift for out-of-town friends -qwwft 4msoL W --mr , lo," 10" L" r A " W-W