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December 13, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-13

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The Weather
Snow today and Wednesda'y.


Si~ltr igan


Four Ways To Help The
Will Committee; Medieva
tures Of 'Hell Week.'




1 -

Schedule Of
Is Announced
Programs For All Except
Professional Schools Are
Given Out
Will Begi Jan. 28;
Last Until Feb. 8
Simplified Letter Groups
Will Be Used For First
Time This Semester
Final examination schedules for
this semester in the College of Lit-
erature, Science, ad the Arts, the
College of Pharmacy, and the schoolsj
of Education, Music, and the Grad-
uate School were announced yester-
day by Prof. Daniel L. Rich, director
of classification.
Examinations will begin Saturday,
Jan. 28. Courses in the literary and
music divisions have been given
group letters for examination pur-


Hunger Marchers Have Titled Visitor

Committee Of
Student Fund
Seeking Jobs
Drive To Get Part Time
Employment For 500
Students Is Started
Sub-Committee Will
Report Plans Today
Fund Now Has $55 Cash
And $140 Pledged; Aid
Offered Through Deans
With contributions of money and
clothes coming into the Student
Good Will Fund, the executive com-
mittee of that organization yesterday
has started on an active drive to ob-
tain jobs for the 500 undergraduates
said to desire employment.

Wintry Blasts
3-Year Mark
Mercury Reaches Low Of
5.9 Degrees At 11 P. M.
In Record Cold Wave
State Is Blanketed
With Heavy Snow
Highways Are Kept Open
2,400 Men Given Worti
On Detroit Streets
The unofficial temperature at 1
a. m. this morning was three degrees.
A steady drop in temperature here
last night threatened to reach the
-ero mark, bringing the' lowest re-
cording in the last three years. As
the cold wave neared its peak at 11
p. in., the official thermometer at
the Observatory registered a reading
of 5.9 degrees.
The mercury fell steadily through-
out the day from the high mark of
22.1 degrees at 7 a. m. At 7 p. m.,
the reading was 10 degrees. The low-
est mark here last winter was about
3 degrees, registered during the
March cold wave. The lowest tem-
perature during the winter of 1930-
31 was 1.9 degrees, reached in the
latter part of November.
DETROIT, Dec. 12.--()P)--Temper-
atures that dropped steadily in
Muthern Michigan today apparently

Washington, Paris,
London Consider
War Debt Situation
(By Associated Press)
The war debt situation at a glance:
Paris-Blaming the Hoover mora-
torium for all Europe's war debt
troubles. Premier Herriot told the
Chamber of Deputies he proposed to
pay, with certain reservations, the
almost $20,000,000 due the United
States. These reservations were not
explained, but they are expected to
:onform with England's.
London--Britain was expected to
end a new war debt note to Wash-
ngton after today's cabinet meeting.
:hancellor of the Exchequer Chan-
)erlain said London did not insist
pon acceptance at this time of res-
.rvations, but will see that they are
,aken into account in forthcoming
Washington-There was a morato-
:ium on war debt notes, with state
and treasury officials watching de-
velopments in France with interest.
Feuske N"ames
Committees In
1933 Edk. Class
Appointments Are Made
At Officers' Meeting In
Dr. Johnston's Home
Appointments to the various com-
mittees of the senior class of the
school of education were announced
yesterday by Frederic Fenske, presi-
dent. The meeting of the officers was
held at the home of Dr. Edgar G.
Jhnston the clasp advinr P sia



150 Milli
Building Program E
Total To $51,398
Residue Of Cook
Not Included In I

(Associated Press Photo)
After attending sessions of Congress, Lady Astor, American born
member of British Parliament, visited the isolated camp of demonstra-
tors assembled in Washington. She is shown talking to Ann Burlak,
one of the leaders of the New England group of marchers.

Engineering school final exam-
inations will be found on Page 2 of
this issue.
poses. Many graduate courses ap-
pearing in the University announce-
ment of the Graduate School carry
examination letters also.
The schedule follows:
Croup Date of Exam.
A Tuesday p. m. Feb. 7
B Tuesday a. m. Jan. 31
C Monday p. m. Jan. 30
D Saturday p. m. Feb. 4
E Saturday a. m. Feb. 4
F Wednesday a. i. Feb. 8
G Tuesday a. m. Feb. 7
H Wednesday a. m. Feb. 1
I Thursday a. m. Feb. 2
J Friday ' p. i. Feb. 3
K Friday a. in. Feb. 3
L Monday a. m. Jan. 30
M Monday a. m. Feb. 6
N Saturday p. m. Jan. 28
O Wednesday p. m. Feb. 1
P Tuesday p. in. Jan. 31
Q Thursday p. m. Feb. 2
R Monday p. m. Feb. 6
X Each course in Group X may
be examined at any time
mutually agreed upon by
class and instructor.
Other courses not carrying the
group letters will be examined as
Classes Date of Exam.
Mon. 8 a. in. Tues. p. im. Feb. 7
Mon. 9 a. in. Tues. a. Tn. Jane 31
Mon. 10 a. m. Mon. p. m. Jan. 30
Mon. 11 a. m. Sat. p. m. Feb. 4
Mon. 1 p. in. Sat. a. m. Feb. 4
Mon. 2 p. in. Wed. a. m. Feb. 8
Mon. 3 p. i. Tues. a. m. Feb. 7

Testimony At
Baylis Trial
Is Confusing
Three Confessions Were
Made By Britton On The
Cap Deatherage Murder
A mass of confused testimony,
punctuated with legal objections,
confronted the jury at the opening
of the trial yesterday of Carey Bay-
lis, Ypsilanti negro charged with
the murder of "Cap" Deatherage,
World War veteran.
Testimony by the investigating of-
ficers, Ralph Southard, Ypsilanti
chief of police; William Dailey, for-
mer deputy sheriff; and George
Randel, deputy sheriff, showed that
Tom Britton, confessed slayer, had
made at least three confessions. In
the first of these he had implicated
a hazy individual named "Gray
Eyes" or "Dark Eyes," they claimed;
in the second confession he had said
that he alone had committed the
crime and in the third that he had
been "ordered to do it" by Baylis,
they said.
Confessions Differ
Harry Bledsoe, Detroit negro at-
torney. defending Baylis, drew from
officers the admission that the ar-
rest of Britton which resulted in his
confession had followed informa-
tion given the officers by Baylis.
However, according to Chief South-
ard, Baylis had, on the Tuesday fol-
lowing the murder, admitted that
Britton had been with him on' the
night of the crime, contradicting a,
previous assertion that he had spent,
the night alone.
Wounds Described
The movements of Baylis, Britton.
and Deatherage on the night of the
murder were described by other wit-
nesses. William Garner, of Cherry
Hill, testified to the identification of
the body and Dr. F. B. Williams of
Ypsilanti described the wounds and
apparent cause of death. Britton
will take the stand this morning.
The murder of Deatherage occur-
red the morning of Nov. 26. Britton
was held for questioning the same1
day and confessed the following Wed-
nesday. He was sentenced by Judge
W. Sample to a life term at the StateI
Branch Prison at Marquette. Bay-1
lis pleaded not guilty and Bledsoe1
was retained by a negro organiza-
tion to defend him.+

People who wish to hire students
for odd jobs or regular work were
Mendelbaum urged by the committee to contact
the student employment bureaus.
AlA500 Want Work
At the office of the dean of stu-
dents, there is a list of approximately
Are Announced 400 men who have applied for work
and at the office of the dean of
women, about 100 women and it is
Scholarships Amounting believed that with this large number
Schoarsips ouningof applicants, the right person for
To $2,250 Received By ie job can be obtained, according to
12 Literary Students John Huss, committee chairman
At the same time, the committee
actively inaugurated its campaign to
Scolarhips amounting to $2,250 edclothes, which are to be
were awarded by the literary college Ieietr edh te oh

to 12 students yesternay, Through the
Mendelbaum, Fannie Marsh, andj
John Pitt Marsh scholarships, it was
announced by Dean John R. Ef-
In the Mendelbaum scholarships
the amounts are fixed at $500 to
each recipient through the terms of
the gift. They were awarded to Philip
Leslie Austin, '33, Waukegan, Ill.,
Lester C. Houck, '33, Port Huron,
and Emil John Konopinski, '33,
Under the terms of the Marsh
'scholarships, the committee is given
discretion as to the manner in which
the annual interest from each fund
may be divided. Walter Michael
Bury, '34, Dearborn, Anne Grace
Goss, '33, Ann Arbor, Arthur Clif-
ford, '35, Ann Arbor, and Audrey
Lancaster Layton, '33, Flint. each
received $100 from the Fannie Marsh
grant. Wilfred Lionel Hufton, '33,
Flint, and Ellis H. Steffensen, '34,
Greenville, were awarded $100 each,
and Vincent Carl DiPasquale, '33,
Buffalo, Barbara Payton, and Eu-
gene Richard Kuhne, '34, Hart, were
each granted $50 under the John Pitt
Marsh award.
Professors F. E. Bartell of the
chemistry department, chairman, J.
E. Dunlap of the classical languages
department, and A. L. Dunham of
the history department composed the
scholarships committee.
Engineering Paper Prize
Won By Michigan Student
First prize among papers written
by student members of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers in
their annual national contest was
awarded to Marshall Anderson, '92E,
at the convention last week in New
York. His paper was titled, "Appren-
ticeship and Vocational Training."
The awards consists of a cash prize
of $150 and an engraved certificate.
Papers are judged on the basis of
their applicability, value as contribu-
tions to mechanical engineering,
completeness, originality and con-

U11AI11OVS W U11Vurll Gllt/,.,% it.O 1 Utg
deans to needy students.
Men and women desiring to con-
tribute clothes should call the stu-
dent offices of the Union between 2
and 6 p. m. any afternoon this week,
it was announced. The clothes will
be collected by members of the com-
it tee.
$140 Is Pledge
Students were also urged to collect
their used clothes while home during
the holidays and tobring them to
Ann Ar~bor to contribute.
At the pr~esent> time, $55 have been
turned over to the general fundband
$ 140 have been pledged, Huss an-
nounced. This money will be turned
over to the Student Emergency Fund
in the dean of men's offices which
has been depleted by demands made
this year.
The general committee of the
Good Will Fund will meet at 5 p. m.
today in Room 302 in the Union and
will hear the report of the sub-com-
mittee which met last Sunday. The
:eport contains a plan for a cam-
paign to raise funds.
Several offers have been received
by Huss from local business firms
peeking to make arrangements with
the Good Will Fund which will be
aeneficial to students. These will be
considered at the general meeting
WO ai eXT
two Named B
Michigan For

1, *U *A, Ulm uld i7O ft VU~vus. a *CUSO
were headed for near the zero mark for the year were discussed and the
nhw e r st following committee selections were
Snow fell over most of the stateI made.
uring the morning, but the 2.3'm n Mm il.eR n
inces ecrde hre as wafedby Alumni Memorial, Jane Rayen,
nches recorded here was. dwarfed by Ichairman, Margaret Brown, Martha
the 16 inches reported in some re- Jane Chapman; Cane, Clarence Rie-
gions of the upper peninsula. del, Chairman, Lavern Hall; Caps
At 8 a. in. the official mercury I and Gowns, Walter Bell, Chairman,
stood at 24 degrees. By noon it had ' Ethelyn Miller, Carlton R. Sterner;
dropped seven degrees and by 9 p. m-, Invitations, Stanley Krocht; Athletic,
stood at 12 above zero. A biting wind Ray Altenhof, chairman, Michael
made it seem several degrees lower. Diffley, Stanley Krocht.
The official forecast was for a ! Finance, Lelia Hendricks, chair-
minimum eadiaboven Tht betw te man, Kent Bowser, William Laven-
weather man could offer was a rise roth, Marion Lundquist; Social, Ruth
ofatprobay o10dofegree smor Stesel, chairman, Howard Braden,
of probably 10 degrees tomorrow. Ruth Birdseye; Class Day and Swing-
The cold wave, he said, will not re- Ruth BirseCd, Dayran Swig
out, Jean Botsford, chairman, Dori
linquish its grip for two days. Brandt, Harold Akershock; Pictures,
Eleven inches of snow was record-
ed t Ecanba.Alpna ad evealCa th er i ne Rentschler, chairman,
ed at Escanaba. Alpena had several Mary Marshall, Ruth E. Peters; Wo-
inches while the southern part of the men, Wilma Clizbe, chairman, June
state was covered with a two-inch Whittle, Josephine Woodward, Vir-
blanket. WittleJosepne.odarV
State highway officials said trunk ginia Johnson
line roads were being kept open to
traffic but warned against slippery TWo Reports Heard At
In Detroit, 2,400 unemployed men Regular Council Meeting
were given work removing snow Reports from the Board in Control
from the streets. of Athletics and the Committee on

Expenditures And
Income Both Dro
Student Fees Only 21.27
Per Cent Of University
Receipts, Statement Of
Treasurer Discloses
Assets of the University of Mich-
igan passed fifty million dollars dur-
img the year 1931-32, the annual re-
port, made public last night, reveals.
The assets rose $1,831,295.47 during
the year, bringing the total from
$49,567,154.01 to $51,398,449.48.
The increase was confined chiefly
,o the educational plant, new build-
.ngs accounting for more than one
m nillion dollars of themrise invalua-
tion, according to the report. The
largest single item included is Hut-
chins Hall, upon which $737,776.49
"ad been expended by June 30, 1932,
ce end of the fiscal year.
Bequest Omitted
'rrie increae in asets is exclusive
of the residue of the William 'W.
Cook bequest, which would add a-
proximately eight million dollarsto
the total.
The income of the University, ex-
clusive of the hospital, dropped
$255,093.39, as compared with the
previous year while expenditures
were $199,610.69 lower than for
1930-31. The total income was $8,-
316,231.28, and the income exclusive
of hospital receipts was $6,327,668.10.
Student fees, amounting to $1,34-
921.58, supplied only 21.27 per cent4
of the latter total, while state appr-
priations formed 74.07 per cent.
Expenses rose in only three units.
The balance sheet showed that $1,-
218,341.05 of the University money
was in the hands of the state tra-
urer at the close of the year $234,000
more than on July 1, 1931. The cash
in the hands of the treasurer of the
University however, was $232,513.51,
as compared with $821,151.77 the pre-
vious year.
Gifts Much Less
Gifts to the University listed under
trust funds dropped more than half,
falling' from $770,235.18 in 1930-31'
to $384,124.15 in 1931-32. The state
appropriation dropped from $4,920,-
852.54 to $4,686,682.06.
The increase in University assets
included the erection of the new Stu-
dent Publications Building and addi-
tions to the Union, the Legal Re-
search Library, the Stadium the hos-
pital, and the University Press Build-
ing. These constructions, together
with the expenditure on Hutchins
Hall, increased the building valua-
tion $1,115,005.20.
L a n d improvements increased
$109,288.61, while equipment rose
$463,225.69. The largest item in the
equipment total was $162,378.50 for
library books and other publications.
1931 Business
School Class
F in ds Positions
Even during the present period of
a scarcity of positions it would ap-
pear that Michigan graduates, par-
ticularly those graduating from the
School of Business Administration,
are able to find work. This is de-
duced from figures given out by the
office of Dean Clare E. Grifin, of the
School of Business Administration
yesterday. Out of a 1931 graduating
class of 53 students, the school has
information concerning 47. And 40
of these 47 members have jobs.
Figured in percentage, this means
that 87 per cent of last year's grad-
uating class is known to have been
placed. That constitutes seven-eights
of the class.
"Some of the graduates," said Dean

Griffin, "are in good business posts,
and some are not in places we would
like to have them have. But, at any
rate, they are employed."
Of the graduating class an 87 per
cent employment is somewhat below
the average, but of course, it is ex-
tremely high considering the present
condition of employment onnortuni-










p. m. Jan

Courses listed below will be exam-I

ined as follows'
Ed. A- 1, Mon.
Ed. B-20, Thurs.
Ed. C- 1, Sat.

p. M.,
p. M.,
P. M.,



B. Ad. 101, Wed. p. m., Feb. 1
B. Ad. 111, Mon. a. m., Jan. 30
B. Ad. 121, Tues. p. m., Jan. 31
B. Ad. 151, Mon. a. M., Feb. 6
B. Ad. 161, Thurs. p. in., Feb. 2
B. Ad. 205, Mon. p. me., Feb. 6
Examination hours-a. m. 9-12;
p. m. 2- 5
Any class not included in the above
schedule may be examined at any
time on which the instructor and the
class concerned may agree.
Each student taking practical work
in music in the School of Music will
be given an individual examination.
All such students should report to
the office of the Director of Music,
and sign up, on blanks now available
there, for a specified examination
Russian Vionist
Presents Concert
At Hill Auditorium
A program composed to a great
extent of longer musical composi-
tions was delivered last night by the
Russian violinist, Efrem Zimbalist, in
the fourth Choral Union Concert at
Hill Auditorium. He was accompa-

Nominations For
Awards Go To
And Sellars


'Ensian Price Still At
$3.50 For Sale Today
A campus sale of the 'Ensian to-
day will offer the last opportunity
to purchase the yearbook at the
$3.50 price, John A. Carstens, '33,
business manager, said yesterday.
After Christmas vacation the
price will go up to four dollars, he
Salesmen will be posted on the
Diagonal walk at the Engineering
Arch and in front of the Library,
as well as in Angell Hall.
Professor Onderdonk To
Address S.C.A. Forum
Illustrating his lecture with slides,
Prof. Francis S. Onderdonk of the
School of Architecture will speak on
"How Vienna Eliminated Her Slums"
at 4:15 p. in. today in the Architec-
tural Auditorium, before the Student
Christian Association forum,

Co-operation with Educational Insti-
tutions were received by the Univer-
sity Council at its regular meeting
yesterday afternoon.
The report of the Committee on
Co-operation with Educational Insti-
titutions detailed the work of the
committee in organizing its work
since it was approved by the Board!
of Regents on Feb. 26. Sub-commit-
tees have been created to deal with
the special problems of secondary
schools and other colleges respec-
tively. Combined courses with Albion
College, Grand Rapids Junior Col-
lege and other colleges throughout
the state have been arranged
through the agency of this commit-
tee and further work of this nature
is planned.
The report of the Board in Con-
trol of Athletics was accepted by the
council, and will be published some-
time today. Another report of a spe-.
:ial committee on physical education
headed by Dr. Nathan Sinai of the.
iepartment ofhygiene and public
health was deferred until the next
meeting for consideration.


Allied Youth Unbit Is Organized
Here; Plan Membhership Drive

The groundwork for an active local
chapter of the Allied Youth move-
ment, national young people's dry
organization was laid at a meeting
in the League building last night.
With national prohibition appar-
ently entering its final stages, it is
the purpose of the Allied Youth or-
ganization -to approach the problem
of liquor consumption from an indi-
vidual standpoint. The purpose of
the group is to promote "temper-
ance." Their conception; of temper-
ance differs, however, from that of
the Crusaders in that to them it
means total abstinence rather than

About 60 persons are included in
the local chapter, consisting mostly
of high school students and Univer-
sity freshmen. A constitution was
drawn up at the meeting last night.
A membership drive is planned and
all persons within the age limits are
invited to join irrespecitve of religion,
race or social position. Chapters in
Ypsilanti, Whitmore Lake and other
neighboring communities.
Discussion meetings and social
functions will comprise the program
of the organization. At the meetings,
national, international and local

Once again both candidates nomi-
nated from the state of Michigan for
Rhodes scholarships are students at!
this University, it was learned yester-
day when Dean John R. Effinger of
the literary college, chairman of the
state committee, made public the
committee's 1932 decision.
The candidates are Wilfred S. Sel-
lars, '33, of Ann Arbor, and Frank E.
Cooper, '34L, of Detroit. Sellars is
the son of Prof. Wilfred Sellars of
the Philosophy department, and has
been conspicuous in campus activi-
ties; Cooper was city editor of The
Daily in 1930-31.
"It should be noted," said Dean
Effinger in making the announce-
ment, "that these men are not final
choices for scholarships. They are
the nominations from this state, and
will be considered, along with candi-
dates from five other states for the
final awards," The two men were
selected from a group of seven.
Sellars and Cooper will go to Chi-
cago tomorrow to be interviewed by
the district committee. It is expected
that the ultimate decision will he

United States Citizen Must
Live in Japan Or Desert Wife

A United States citizen and former
student in the University will be forc-
ed to live in a foreign country unless
he severs his matrimonial relations.
He is Joseph Yamagiwa.
Born and raised in this country,
Mr. Yaimagiwa was married last
summer to a Japanese girl who en-
tered the United States to obtain an
education. According to the present
immigration laws, an Oriental citi-'
zen entering the country on these
grounds can remain here only as longI

Mr. Yamagiwa was born in Seattle,
Wash. His parents, although not citi-
zens of this country, entered the
United States before the law prevent-
ing the immigration of Orientals in-
to the United States was passed. He
is now working as Research Assistant
on the Early Modern English Dic-
tionary which is being published by
the University.
An attempt to get permission for
his wife to remain in this country

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