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December 11, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-11

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dished 1890



fered, to present advice. This commission would
be official, and it would be permanent; it would
be none of your temporary i'elief boards, which
get reforms halfway started and then leave tl em
in the hands of a 'poorly informed legislature.'
In that earlier editorial, we indicated one phase
of the situation illustrating the crying need for
such a bIoard: the question of what to do abput
those groups which find 'themselves impoverished
through their own folly or through mismanage-
ment by others. We laid special emphasis on 'the
financial difficulties arising out of the recent
concrete highway craze, and peculiarly affecting
the farmers in Wayne and WVshtenaw C untifes
At present it is our purpose to point out some
elements of the controversy between adocates 'of
the present system of general property tax, and
the backers of a proposed income tax scheme.


weatr~t N ay ~avr~2 thr v,'-'+4T ~L~r P +,axs~nnw ip., ....,,uo . I
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
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OITY 'EDITOR...................KARL SEIFFERT
SPORTS EDITOR.....................JOHN W. THOMAS
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
|rakey Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
SPORT ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber,
Albs t Newman, Harmon Wolfe.
-*iE'ORTErS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A. Ellis
Ball, charles G. Barncit, James L. Bauchat, Donald R.
Bid, Ponald F. Blankert, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur
W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William 0. Ferris, Sidney
S Fuket, 'Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett,
xebrge~ M. ornls, Walter E. Morison, Edwin W. Ric-
ardsin, John Simpson, George Van Vleck, Guy M.
WIihipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White.
Katherine" Anning, Barbara ates, Marjorie E. Bek,
Elaiaor B. Bluir, Maurine Burnside, Ellen JaneCooley,
Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Anne Dunbar,
Jcanette Duff, Carol J. iiaan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
son, Trances J. Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Eleanor
Peteron, Margaret . Pbalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet
Sp+ess Mar o'ie Wesern.
'CREDIT MANAGER....... .........AZ Y EGLIY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: -Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts. rvi Aonson; Advertising Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Aeonnwt , Bernard B. & hnaEe; Qir-
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ASSISTANTSe: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertriek,.
Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers,
Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
ximry, Billie QrlffthS, Virginia Hartz, Catherine Mc-
Henr, Helel Olson, Helen Schmude, Maysefried,'
Kathryn $tork.
SUNDAY, DEC. 11, 1932
Lame Duk Effecs
Not All Bad . .
THE LAME DUCK lag has, almost'
from the inception of the Consti-
tution, received a great deal of unfavorable crit-
icism. It would appear that the gist of this crit-
icism is valid. In government, however, as in
most other matters' it's an ill wind that blows
nobody any good, and there is, we think, at least
one commendable aspect of tie portion of the
Constitution that permits rejected office holders
to stay in power months after they have been
voted qut.
One pf the greatest weaknesses of a democracy"
is that its leaders must cater to what the public
thinks it wants, must kow-tow to politically pow-
erful groups whose best interests may not be
the best interests of the majority of the people.
The club of the sometimes uninformed public,
and of the partisan groups, is the threat to with-
draw support at the next election, And the only
time that this so frequently unwholesome force
loses its effectiveness is precisely during the lame
duck lag. Then and only then can the servants
of the public work exactly as they think the best
interests of the public deserve, without regard for
the almost always inevitable alienation of polit-
ical support.
What is probably an admirable example of this
lame duck courage is the present attitude of
President Hoover. His message to Congress, spe-
cifically in its unflinching advocation of veteran
appropriations reduction, is bolder than any of
his public utterances on the score during or pre-
vious to the campaign struggle.
Hesitatingly, during the campaign, he recom-
mended that future appropriations be no greater
than the current ones. Now, unhesitatingly he
pleads for actual reduction in the furture of

sums, granted in part to "soldiers" who neither
left this country nor received any hurt during
the late war, which sums at present approxi-
mate a fourth of the Federal budget.
It is highly interesting, though not precisely
apropos of this discussion, to observe that Presi-
dent Hoover's present attitude approximates Al-
fred Emmanuel . Smith's, as set forth a few
months ago in The Saturday Evening Post.
Since this present attitude is undoubtedly fa-
vorable to the general public, and since it wM s
not made during the campaign, it may safely
be imputed to lame duck courage.
We do not intend to make a case for the lame
duck lag. Its oft-recited weaknesses greatly out-
weigh this lone advantage. And even this one
good aspect might be turned to a bad one, for
no longer looking to an election, the lame duck
office holders might use their power in a way
inimical to the public interest. But sometimes,
the present being a striking example, its effects
are not entirely unwholesome,

Twenty-five states in the Union already have
adopted an income tax; this testifies, certainly,
that it is a workable proposition in a state gov-
ernment. Actually, it is more than workable; it
is the only practical system. It operates on a
flexible basis; it is levied upon the ability of th
individual to pay, Its superiority over a genera
property tax is show n, to cite one illjustration,
by the fact that incomes have in the past few
years dropped much more rapidly than property
A general property tax is a frozeli proposition
It is bound up with property values which remai
comparatively stable in the face of decreasing
ability to pay. It is based to a great extent 0o
property which need not be declared: persona
property, industrial property other than lad anc
buildings. A woman who owns a bond paying an
income of $40 finds little prcentage in declarin
the item when she must pay a tax of $32.36
which was the 1931 rate. An industry with equip-
ment valued at $100,000 is equally burdened when
in the face of poor business which yields nc
profit, it must pay $32.36 on every $1,000 wort"
of unexempted property.
A general property tax has its place in loca
government-but not in state government. Levie
must be placed on items tvhcl will yield returns
and yield them with a minimum o blod-sueez-
ing. The measure of a man's worth is property
which can be liquidated, and his income-not
frozen property.
But, there is a catch to the income tax propo-
sition: it is not practical at the present time,
for two reasons. (1) If such a measure were pro-
posed, it would require time-two years, perhapE
-to pass it as an amendment ani carry it into
execution; and the government, in the face of
the present crisis, needs money in a hurry. (2)
Incomes are, toeay, notoriously low, and again
we stress the fact that the government needs
money quickly.
This income tax vs. general property tax con-
troversy is anofther phase of the complexities
which must be Straightened out. A commission
of expert economists, armed with investigatory
and advisory powers, alone can do this.
Muical Events
Efrem Zimbalist, distigglshe4 R 1i1n-An9r-
ican violinist will give the feirt i rqgair in toe
Choral Union Concert eri(s' fZCid y li, at
Bill Auditorium.
Chaconne.......... . italU
Concerto ............. . .... .. ndlas
Allegro, molto appassionrta
Allegro, molto vivace
Suite Bizarre............... ... . . . ..klo)
1. Etincelles
2. Quasi
3. Grace
4. Grimaces
5. Galanterie
6. Pastorale
7. Moment Dramatique
8. Marche Grotesque
Iambourin Chinois ....................Kreisler,
La Gitana ............................Kreisler
Waltz in G flat ...............Chopin-Spauldin
Gypsy Airs.. ....................Sarasate
The decision to make the annual performance
of the "Messiah" a benefit concert is no inno-
vation in the history of this oratorio. Faulkner's
Journal published in Dublin, March 27th, 1742,
ays-"For the relief of the prisoners in the sev-
ral goals, and for the support of Mercer's hos-
pitable and the Charitable Infirmary-will be
erformed in the Musick Hall at Fishamble Street,
VIr. Handel's - grand new oratorio, called "The
:Messiah," in which the gentlemen of the choirs
Af both cathedrals will assist, with some con-
vertos on the organ by Mr. Handel-tickets to be
dad at half a guinea each." Further notice re-

quests' the ladies to come without hoops-thus
enabling a crowd of seven hundred people to at-
'end this first performance.
This series of Dublin concerts which were cli-
.naxed in "The Messiah," had become so'popular
-hat it was necessary to regulate the traffic, hire
a convenient room for the footmen and make a
special pasage for sedan chairs-and one can
easily imagine that the contribution which these
charitable organizations received was no small
This oratorio was conceived by Handel as a
gift to "that generous and polite nation" of Ire-
land where he was held in such great esteem,
when he resolved to accept a most cordial invita-
tion to visit Dublin. The previously mentioned
series of concerts in the' new "Musick Hall" only
furthered the popularity of this warm hearted
composer to whom the happenings of this journey
contributed one of the happiest memories of his

Even if, after the fashion of his time, he is
trudging along, we still find something in it." Our
"great effects" cannot all be musical-some of
ws may be only "trudging" along, and glad for
that littl--but with the assistance of everyone,
the Choral Union, the University Symphony, and,
most of all, the people of the University and the
city, the performance of "The Messiah" this
afternoon at Hill Auditorium will gain a very
real significance as a community project.
-Kathleen Murphy
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communcanons will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief; confnsing tnemseives to less than
300 words if possible.
ro The Editor.
The following is a slightly modernized version
> a part of Tennyson's poem: "The Charge of!
he Light Brigade." An equally appropriate title
night be: "Cannon Fodder."
"Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs out to do and die:
Into the Valley of Death
What did they die for? Let the reader decide.
Professor Emeritus.
'o The Editor:
Every day, in every way, our illusions, if any,
ire shattered one by one. Imagine my sorrow to
:ead in The Daily, in connection with the Co-
>perative Bookstore Project, sponsored by that
irdent socialist, Sher Quraishi, that a "$2 deposit
nould be required from all members in order to
provideycapital for the project." Capital! I shall
')robably go out and drown my sorrow for the
socialistic cause by splurging in several shares of
3ookstore preferred on the Ann Arbor curb
The City fathers of Portland, Ore., have hit
.ipon a sensible economy. They no longer insure
,he fire houses against burning down.
The unterrified observer who described the dry
debate in Congress as "pretty frantic" just about
hit the nail on the head. -Detroit Free Press

Christmas Carols
Christmas Reading
Come to Our
Christmas Party
(Corner State and Huron)
Supper 6:15 P. M.
Top Off
Your Appearane
Wear a newly cleaned and
blocked hat home for the
Christmas vacation.
It will add noticeably to
your personal appearance.
Our hand labor assures you
that your hat will receive the
most careful attention, and will
produce the most flawless

'te4 S.State

El~ft 4

If you~ write, wre bave it.
Cor'1eepond.0nce Stationery,'
Youu4taix Peas, Ink, etc.
'+ypo riters all,makes.
Greeting C rdsfoa v oy
0. I MORR I L,

Paee, She fer Wter~,
Conklin, etc., $1.00oaid up.


St.,M~ Ard rla


Chor Unio n

Tickets $1.00-
$1.50.- $2.00. $.a



MONDAY, DEC. 12, at 8:15 1

., -------e.- ..-



By Karl Seiffert
Charles F. Pace, Senate financial clerk, lost his
temper the other day and went about brandishing
a revolver in search of a reporter against whom
be had a grievance. The reporter, we presilme,
had refcrred to him as Senator Pace.
A Detroit woman told a jury that she had
given a real estate salesman $2,170 to demon-
strate a fluid which, he said, "made two bills
grow where only one grew before." But when
he cisappeared with her money she concluded
that the stuff was just the old oil after all.
Arrested on a charge of illegally driving
away a car, a Cleveland man told police that
he taken it to go to Youngstown to get
Sw tri. The grand jury examining the case
retrned a. no-bill, apparently feeling that
the man was already sufficiently punished.
Akron, 0., officials who opposed sharp reduc-
tions in fire and police department budgets on
the ground that the town would be placed "at
the mercy of thugs, high-jacIers, bootleggers and
gamblers" overlooked a first-class opportunity to
turn their municipality into a regular big city.
It seems there has been talk in Chicago con-
cerning the advisability of holding a Michign-
Colgate football game there. Let's you and him
Will you gays stop arbitrating and fight
this thing out
"What is a saloon?" the National W. C. T. U.
has asked. A saloon, judging by figures on the
number of speakeasies in big citis. is a popular
institution that temperance organizations are
fighting to prevent the return of.
* S S
And there is the New York physician who
has invented a device to restore life to people who
have died of shock or fright. That ought to be a
good thing for freshmen to send home with the
first month's bills.
Morton Downey, prominent crooner, be-
came the father of a baby boy the other day.
The child, it is rumored, has so far gotten
only as far as "-tell her that I'm sa-had and
A Canton, China, editor was fined $80 for
writing an article derogatory to the Japanese em-
peror. Men have been made Congressmen hereI
for less than that.

Cut to $3.90 -"$4.90 - $5.90
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We Exchange After Xmas,




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