TUHE-' MICHIGAN DAILY ihd 1890 ing all peoples. Rt can burst out tomorrow. If it set fire to- one coriner of the world it cannot be localixzed. The whole of civilization, the whole world is in danger." Voicing the will of the World Congress Against {War, Henri Earbusse and Sherwood :Anderson have appealed, to the students of America to take action; to organize a nation-wide congress against war; to fight 'shoulder to shoulder with the workers and intellectuals against impending destruction for the benefit of a .few. Students of 'Amnerica and the world, represent- Sing what might' be called 'the thinking element of the younger ,generation, .cannot remain uncon-, cerned and untouched by this danger. Students °sVy3.iP4i_ i - J7-' " .- . - , .1 r 4 Ptblshed every morning except Monday du~ring the University year and Summer Session by the Board In. Control of Student~ Publications-. Member of the Western Conference Editorial +Associa- tion and the Big Tein News Service. NIEMBER OF. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local ,news published herein. All rights of republication of speCial dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Offie at. Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second cla;s matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during sumnmer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1,.50. During regular school year by" carrier, $4.00, by mil, $4.50. Offices: Student.Publicatins uldu, Maynad Street, Ann Arbor,, Michigan. Phone:-24 Representatives: ColegePuiihers Rpresiantat4veS, Inc, 40 East Thirty-Fut Sre, oYor City~; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 812 North Mcian.Avenue, MANALING EDITOR ............FRANK B. GCELE''I, 'ITY' EDITOR ....................VIL SE8I TWATJ~ SPORTS EDITOR ................... JOHN W. THOUQIAS. WJOMEN'S EDITOR ....... ........MARGARET O'BRIEN ASSISTANT WOME' EDITOR. ... .. . .MIRIAM CARVER NIGHT EDITORS: Thoma onilan, 'Norman F. Xxaft, John W. PritcharcL JosehA. Renihan, C. Hart.Schua~f, Brackley Shaw, Glen R.Wnes SPORTS .'ASSISTANTS: L. IRoss 'Hain, Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman, arnon Wolfe. REPORTERS: Hymnan J. Aronsteain, Ciaarles. Baird, A,. Ellis B~all, Charles G. B3arndt4, Jamnes L. Bauha, Donald~ R. Bird, Donald F. 131nkeirtz Charles B, Browzison, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph ''. Coulter. Williamt G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel. Eric Hall', John C~. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M. Homes, Walter E, Morrison, Edwin W. Rich- arcson, JohnSimnpon, George Van Vleelk, Guy U. Whipple, Jr., W.Stodda.rdlWhite. Katherine Anning, Brblaa Bates, Marjorie l;. lBeci Eleanor B. Blum~, Maurine ie rwnde Ellen Jane Cooley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy ' Dishman, Anne Dunbar, Jeanette Duff, Carol J.Hann, Lois Jotter, Helen. Levi- son, Frances 3. Manhester~, Marie J. Mu~rphy, Eleanor Peterson, Magaet D. Phalan, Kath~erine Ruicker, Harriet Spies, Mrjoie ~Westrn. in. China are being murdered and crushed by war movements instigated by Japanese imperialism; students in Germany are being armed' by Fas- cism; students in the Latin-Americas are suf- fering the full forceK of American and English wrath whenever the pu~ppet gove rnments are menaced. Throughout the world, students are, being "educated" by textbooks, by administrations, b~ military authorities, to become willing leaders it crushing resistance to war, in leading regiment. to defend land, national pride, or money. The intell~ectual and physical equipment of university laboratories and research departments are put to the service of developing war materials more detructive and more effective in killing than already exist. In America, student bodies are being prepared menrtally and physically. Already, increased mili- ta.rization of the student body by campus R. 0 T. C. un.its, by summer training camps, by specia. riffe corps, by jingoistic class-room teaching. have turned out thousands of students willing tc "save; the world for democracy"; graduation day sees hundreds of leading colleges and universities conferring honorary degrees on blatant militarists The students of the world have, an opportunit4 to attempt to remedy the situation. The student. of the University of Michigan may join others al.I over the country in sending delegations. to th. Student Congress Against. War to be held in Ci-Ii cago, Dec. 28 and 29. A.--W. C.{ WHIYIMSREPRESENT ATION?: To The Editor: At a recent meeting of the Cosmopolitan Club an address was delivered by a prominent professo: in the geography department of our University on the subject of "Japan and Her Natural Re- sources." The speaker misrepresented certain fact,) regarding the relations between Korea ant Japan. The -writer has been informed that thih professor uses these misleading data in his classes. Hence, the undersigned, being himself a native of one of these countries, feels that it is necessary to clarify the situation for general accuracy. 1. The speaker said in substance "There are more Koreans living in Japan than there arc Japanese residents in the land of Korea" without reference to a definite source of statistical facts. The Annual Report of, the Government General of Chosen (Korea) of 1931 published by the Japa- nese government states. the reverse. The report states that there are more than 500,000 Japanese residents. in Korea against only 290,000 Koreans in Japan, being mostly laborers, These figures and the reports in the Japanese year book of a very recent. date explain that the ratio of in- crease in the incoming population of Japanese into Korea is 20 to 30 per cent annually. On the other hand, Korean laborers are excluded from Japan proper by a special law enacted in 1926. This law operates to prevent the issuance of a special permit to Korean laborers immigratings into Japan. .The Theatre- KATHERINE CORNELL STARS IN PRODUCTION 017 "LUCRECE' ) Just how much of the success of "Lucrece," current at the .Cass Theatre. in Detroit, is due to the production -of Mr. and Mrs. McClintic and how much to. the: Obey drama, is a little doubtful, buti ,he result is, gratifying. Embellished by Robert Edmond Jones' sets' and costumes, by Deems Taylor's music, by the Thornton Wilder transla- tion, and above all by the electric uresence of Miss Cornell, "Lucrece" is the season's most dis- tinguished production to be revealed in tryout in this province;. The attitude of the author and roducer in 'naintaining a certain detachment throughout is )articularly interesting. This is accomplished pri- narily with the aid of two narrators who function is a chorus. At times they identify themselves Ivith the action; at times they" deliver poetic ranscriptions of the mental states of the char- tcters; and, in one. instance they become even a ore objective and discuss the play itself, quoting o6th Livy and Shakespeare. Blanche Yurka, the first narrator, is properly eroic, particularly in a scene with Miss Cornell .n which they deliver a joint apostrophe to wounded virtue. Another illustration of the use Af this device is a vivid scene in the first. act in 7hich Robert Lorraine, the second narrator, de- cribes Tarquin, already intent on his hideous. ;rime, leaving camp for the house of Collatine. This recitative outlined against a background of ,ucrece spinning with her maids gives a startling affect of impending doom. Jones' unit set is most effective, for it repre- ents the entire house of Collatine. Both set and ostumes are decorative rather than historical, nd in this they follow the author's mood which ives a universality to the play. The rape of Lu-' rece, he indicates, is not. a crime peculiar- to :agan Rom~e. There is a gooad deal of work to be done before ,he show is ready for New York, for the third act s weak, particularly ini stage grouping. It is sel- loin, however, that such talent has been assem- ,led in any. save productions of the Theatre. guild. If the tempo of certain passages is ad- ,usted, x"Lucrcce" should be theatrical history. -Vincet Wall. STARS 3 - - f 1Q L 6 {{ 7 : A WHAT A WHALE OF A A I FFERENCLE FEW DAYS MKE Whether that difference means an extended itinerary on your Manchurian tou~r or another stamp for your stamp book is entireily up to you.. r ~Until Dec. 16 you may buy the Michiganensian for $3.50. ,After that date it w ill cost $4.50.- Save 'the differ ence and pay the mo rtgage on the old homnestead. ~ ...DONN'A BEIU VMS,: Advelltjslng, Grafton Sharp; MQrVIIflAroei; Advertising Serv- muts, Roar U. ScitnackicCr- l ~ ly xubliCtions., Robert I. Lou, AS&S SANTS: Jac%, Bellamny, Gordon Boylan, Allen Clewe- land, Charles Ebert. Jack Efroym.9on, Fred - ertriek, Joseph Hunke, Allen Knuusi, Rssell Read, Fred Rogers, Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow,~ Robert Ward.- Elizabeth Algler, Jane Bassett. Beulah Chapman, Doris Ohimy, Billie Griffiths. Virgin isnfHartz, Catherne Mc-eny li)osi llc *TnaMySefed Kathryn ,Stork. SATURDAY, DFC. 10, 1932 Time For The 'U. S. To Buy Back G~ood Will., Tr IIE WAR DEBT VERDICT of so .astute a political commentator as Frederic William Wile, is surely worthy of close scrutiny. Mr. Wile is absolutely in favor of, a reduction of the debt -"buying back," as he expresses it, "some of the good will we have lost over there during the. past few years." "There is no reason to expect- a default,", he said Thursday night when he spoke here. 'Eng- land is itself a creditor nation, and if it defaulted it would be setting a bad example to those nations which owe England considerable money. Nor do I quite believe the pleas of poverty. that have been advanced. Poverty -yes. But I' don't' think either Britain or France is going to suc- cumb, or go into the hands of a receiver, if we stand pat on the Congressionaal policy of insisting that the Dec. 15 payments be made." But he added that he definitely favored a reduction - not a complete cancellation, perhaps, but a reduc- tion -and that he was certain that American public opinion, if 'marshalled and organized by someone with sufficient "int estinal investiture," would register likewise. His statements, of course, were a bare outline of the full situation; they can be amplified, ia very little space, to an argument that should completely convince the most skeptical that, re- duction, and inmediate reduction, is a highly necessary measure, and shoi~lld be carried through immediately. The decrease in prices, for example, is now at a pointi which boosts the mnonetary value of the war debt far above its actual par.: When the nations contracted to borrow from the United States, no party involved foresaw that in 1932 they would, be paying, in' actual values, more than half again as much as they had contracted for. Such a situation, aside fromi its deplorab~le economic results, is theoretically ridiculous: It should not take much. persuasion to be shown that, on this count alone, a reduction at least large enough to take care of the difference in) real value should be made. .Unfortunately, Congress is a~fictedl with char- acteristic inertia of a large body of generallyj well-meaning but slow thinking politicians, who,I filled with the idea of1 "patriotism," are not able to see beyond the superficial aspects of the situ- ation. The legal phase - the written obligation entailed - entirely obscures the insight Congress should have into the- international welfare issues involved. If the United States seeks good will abroad, it were well for her own selfisli interests that she act quick~ly to diminish the international threat imposed by war debt payment. C__- Opi-pa I &i STRIPES YOU CAN PURCHAS.E YOUR 1933 ENSIAN FOR $3,50 TUESDAY'AN D WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13 AND 14, ON THE CAMPUS 2. Making a comparison with misleading data, the speaker left the impression that all the, ad- vantages are in Korea's favor. He seems to ignore the important social facts. The Japanese resi- , dents in Korea are all well settled capitalistic leaders and business men and governmental offi- cials. On the other hand the Korean immigrant,. in Japan are poor laborers, who have been vic- timized by the Japanese capitalistic enterprise, undertaken, by a severe Japanese colonizatior. policy and have been forced out. from their owr country to seek for better livelihood elsewhere not only to Japan but also to Manchuria and tc Siberia,. According to the report given in the Japanese Labour year book of 1931, more thar. 90 per cent of the Koreans in Japan are laboren who do not possess home or family. Can a faii comparison be made between these poor Korean~ laborers in Japan and those weatlhy 'JapanesE settlers in Korea? The influence of an alier, social system and foreign domination may, not bE apparent to a geographer but they are immensely significant to the. sociologist. 3. According to the statement made by the speaker, Korea, is poor both in natural resource,, and in agricultural lands, as compared witi: Japnan. His reason for this is based on a one- sided observation. Japanese fields on the average, said the speaker, yield more productivities than land in Korea. He overlooked the fact that thik is not due to the quality of land but due to the difference in new and old methods of agriculture between the two countries. Under the economic exploitation of Japanese capitalism and imperial- istic control Korean farmers arp, in general, toc poor to meet the necessary expenses of acquiring modernized agricultural methods. Thus, their progress is retarded. It must be insisted that the available literature on the geographical conditions of Korea show that Korea is not a poor country in her natural resources or in agricultural lands when compared with those of. Japan. It is agreeda that the Koreans are economically poor-but the1 re'ason for this status is Japanese economic and political domination of Korea for Japan's ex- clusive interests. 4. Mlany western travellers in the Orient are often misinformed by ultra-patriotic govern- mental agencies. The controlling- government has agents provided for fluent interpreters. Hence, Japan whose political system is one of the most (y ark' Sciff ert~ IA grand jury down in. Anne Arundel County, Nild., has been made the embarrassing discovery Lhat most of the prison inmates there prefer lie at the institution to civil life. The investigat- :ng jurors are worried over the fact that imparis- ennent is looked upon as -a reward for trans- ;cessionls. Perhaps a few criminologists had setter go to jail and start studying the outsideI avorld.+ Maybe it would be better if we'd build prisons :or everybody and then kick out the fellows who won't stay in line. A session of the Reichstag a few days ago was broken up by a Nazi-Communist battle, according to news reports. Over here they call the Communists even worse names. iDesks, tables, chairs, and everything else con-. lenient were used as weapons in the Reichstag. )attle, the Communists leading the fray to the Mogan, "Down with Von Hindenburg." And all ;.hat disturbance was over the simple matter of emnending the Constitution. When we amend the ,onstitution, it's just a simple- affair with every- )ody shouting, "Down with Prohibition. America is certainly a wonderful country. Over .n Germany and the other backward countries the communists get into the legislatures and fight 'ike roughnecks. Here they get out on the street ind fight like legislators. Washington state has recently "turneel its back on prohibition." We hope the revenuers didn't get. kicked. in the stomach when their banks were turned. A Japanese consul has return ed to Japan with i, number of fishermen-poachers who were ar- 'ested off the coast of Luzon in connection with Rlegal activities on the high seas. The govern- .nent law enforcement agezncies are said to be Luzon money. Two pet monkeys in Brockton, ;Mass., chewed through a telegraph wire running into a local Shoe factory, and now the line repairman is all 'n a leather over the situation, Enterprising. Chicago burglars last. week absconded with a new $200 coat and a watch- dog, hoping, probably, that-the dog had a good nose for gnus. Asked about her rumored engagement to John- ny Weissmnuller, Whoopee Lupe Velez shoutedi, "No! No ! No!" That, according to our arith- metic, makes three broken hearts.. A Valparaiso bridge party was interrupted when it was discovered that the roof was on fire. The blaze was probably caused by a spark from a burning kibitzer. Vii IVReligious Activitie FIRST METHODIST H FILLEL . EPISCOPAL WESLEY HALL FVDTO CeHr U RC H E. W. Blakein , Director Cur. L. tUniv. Ave. and Oakland State and 'Washington Streets r. fernardi Heller, Director Ministers Frederick B. Fisher 6:30.P-M.--Student Guild. Christmas Re.filar Sunda10y 1ervicei Pete F. tairprogram led by Kappa Phi. 11 :15 A.M.-Woinen's League Chapel. Ra~bbi Heller will speak on "The 1:45-Morning Worship * Artistry of -he Stinoza's System." "DE ITY AND GOODNESS AS LIFE P'RINCIPLES" Dr. iwi'6:30 P.M.-Graclduatc lForum,. Dicus- sion of "Rellglon in Pubic "1' clua- tion" led by Dr. Blakeman. s:8:0 l.M.-Dramnatic program at the iil ug l'hzog rough~ to tanseon Adequate PThinkos- Hillel Foundation presented by the ophy of Fife.") Hillel Players. TI+ FIR T ,l l SSAN tIDEOI'4TCL FIRST BAPTIST PRESBYTERIAN UNIVERSITY O IHGNCUC CHURCH cordially Invites you to the Ea lHutton, West of State -I2 Edwaid Saylr , Miister Iluronoand Dlvi~ou. Streets RUSS IAN uo, ard R. (Chapmni, fJrniverl' ty Mel 1 n~rc 11.tr '.aoAlfred Lcee Klacr. AAssociate Minaister ¢R °DV 9:30 A.M. - -tudent Classes tat the SU'NDfAY L 3 ~.-hrhShoD.Lgn Chrurijh Lousae, 14'2 hstenaw Supcrlinten cient. Ave?.ug,. CEREMONYr I0; 5 I _71., - Vforlin; Wu~l~it~0:5 A.M.-M1'orning Worship. Mr. 10:4 A,. IAornng orsip.Sayics will preach wn the subject, .Ur. Anderson will pre:ach on to be held at "Our Suprem-e .Problem." Christ- "Iaoyaity'-.-The l ilghthood of the umas inusic by the choir. Spirit," a special sermon in the WESLEY HALL series on "Qualities Needed by Our Mtate and Huron Streets 12:a00 INoonl -Students mieet at Guild Age." at1:4l. .Huse. Mr. Chapman in charge. 5:30 P.M.-Social Hiour for Young 6:00 P-M .-Dour interpretations of People Chrl'stmas goodwill will be given R4V. NICANORt A SOKOLO F' 5y jean Davison, Irma Wolfe, Le- 6:30.P.M-'Young Peo ple's Meeting Russian Minister of Albion, Mich., land Pence and Paul Starkweather. Leader: Gordon Holstead. Topic: Ailofcit ' sociai hour with refreshments "An Adequate Way Toward Peac"wlloe.it will follow the program. ST. PAU L'S LUTHERAN (Missou7 riSynod) Third and West Liberty C. A. Brauer, P-aor Sunday, Dee, 11th S:'.;0 . -CliurciaSchool ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. at 5th Avo. g .,C. Stelihorn, Pastor 9, AM.-Bible Sch~ool, Lesson Topilc: "The Christian's T~se of Leisure."' BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical S-ynod) s outhz Fourth Avenue Theodore Schinale, Patstor 9.:00 A.M.-Blible School It 'won't be long now before,.the electoral. n -- ' - G . ~.. .. - - - - - -I. v