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December 10, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-10

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The Weather
Unsettled, snow Saturday
rising temperatures.



VOL. XLM No. 65




Rapp, Sample
Disagree On
Liquor Laws.
Judge Won't Confirm His
Stand Of Nov. 12 That
'Violators' May Go Free
Attorney To Make
Arrests As Before
Supreme Court's E dic t
As To Legality Of State
Prohibition Is Awaited
The local liquor enforcement sit-
uation appeared muddled yesterday
following the repeal of the state con-
stitutional provision. ,
Although Judge George W. Sample
refused either to deny or to reaffirm
a statement which he was alleged to
have made on Nov. 12 to the effect
that he would hear no more liquor
cases after Dec. 8 and refused to
state what his attitude would be in
any case which would appear before
him Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp yes-
terday indicated that, in his opinion,
the judge's attitude had not changed.
Judge Sample told The Daily on
Wednesday night that he was uncer-
tain as to what he would do if and
when a prohibition case should be
brought into his court. He said that
he would make no decision until the
Supreme court had defined the legal
status of state prohibition or if an
individual case should appear before
him prior to such a definition. lIe
indicated, however, that, pending a
supreme court opinion, his treatment
of liquor cases would not differ from
that of the past. Asked about the
Nov. 12 statement, he refused to dis-
cuss it.
Prosecutor Rapp yesterday said
that he would continiue to issue war-
rants for sarrests in liquor cases, al-
though the cases would be more
thoroughly investigated than in the
past. "If the law is being violated,"
he said, "and a warrant should be

500 Undergraduates Still Hunt
For Jobs That Don't Materialize

Although metropolitan newspapers
have grossly exaggerated reports of
the condition of students here who
are in need, a brief survey of under-.
graduate employment revealed a new
problem yesterday.
Figures supplied by the deans' of-
fices show that approximately 400
men and 100 women want jobs for
financial assistance and can not find
them. Between 12 and 15 men apply
daily for work through the office of
the Dean of Students and calls for
their services number around one a
Between 600 and 700 applications
for work have been received during
the semester and of these 349 have
been given board jobs, which are
largely temporary. 59 permanent
room jobs have been secured and 16
students obtained steady employ-
ment for cash. In addition to these
206 odd cash jobs have been found.
Figures on employment of women

showed that 140 girls are working
for both board and room this year
and about 30 more average around
$4 per week in regular hour work.
However 100 student women are still
seeking jobs.
Some of the work secured has been
waiting table and washing dishes at
fraternity and sorority houses and in
dormitories. Odd jobs have been at
a premium-this year with applicants
sizeably increased in numbers and
but few available.
Student loan funds under the su-
pervision of University officials have
been utilized to their limits. This is
due directly to the fact that under-
graduates have consistently sought
to borrow money or find means to
work for their own benefit rather
than to receive charity.
With the employment problem as
it is, it is not surprising to find that
numbers of them are economizing
to dangerous limits. It is this group
which requires immediate assistance.

Football Bust
To Be Held At,
Hotel Tonight
Book-Cadillac In Detroit
Will Be Scene of Annual
Michigan Club Festivity
The Football Bust, annual celebra-
tion of the University of Michigan
Club of Detroit, will be held tonight
at the Book-Cadillac Hotel. The af-
fair comes regularly each year at
the close of the football season in
honor of members of the varsity foot-
ball team and coaches. All lettermen
on the squad will be special guests
of the club.
Edwin Miller, '09, former varsity
baseball manager and present super-
intendent of Detroit schools, will act
as toastmaster. The arrangement of
the details of the celebration was
handled by a committee of 100 mem-
bers of the Detroit club.
The traditional "M" rings will be

Chief of Police Thomas O'Brien
(Continued on Page 2)
Governor Meets
With Comstock
For ConferenceI

9.--(R)-A new tax
ge burden on prop-
mended to the Leg-
-elect William A.
w Chief Executive
today following a!
erence with Gov.'
r. He would not re-
ie numerous plans
ered will be incor-
essage to the law-

"Because of my sincere desire to
abolish the State property tax, and
because of the chaos caused by the
$15 tax limitation, I am convinced
that the State will be compelled to
find a new source of revenue," Mr.
Comstock said.
"I am considering many ideas.
Many persons have advised an in-
come tax. Others declare a sales tax
would be the most equitable method
of raising funds to replace property
levies. There are still other sugges-
"I want the public to know, how-
ever, that the new tax will not be
an addition to the burden the tax-
payers are carrying.- I will prevent
any attempt to pyramid the State's
revenue by adding to the present
levies without reducing the taxes
now being collected.
Cosmopolitan Club Will
Hold International Dance
The Cosmopolitan Club, with the
co-operation of foreign student or-
ganizations on the campus, will hold
its annual International Pageant and
Christmas party at 9 p. m. today in
T3 n T~I

'Each man on the squad who received
a varsity letter this year will be
awarded one of these rings. In pre-
vious years only the seniors on the
team have been honored in this
Also gold footballs, emblematic of
Michigan's supremacy in the West-
ern Conference, will be given out at
this time to each letterman. The
presentation will be by Head Coach
Harry G. Kipke.
On the entertainment program for
the ev'ening will be The Vagabonds, a
quartet made up of members of the
Varsity Glee Club, as well as several
other features.
Fitzgerald Is
Elected, Vote
Recount Shows
Recheck Of 89 Precincts'
Named By Abbott Gives
Him A Net Gain Of 28
DETROIT, Dec. 9.-(AP)-The re-
count of ballots cast for secretary of
state was at an end, so far as the
board of state canvassers was con-
cerned, with the election of the Re-
publican incumbent, Frank D. Fitz-
gerald, confirmed but the Demo-
cratic legal committtee revealed that
it was considering taking the case
to court.
The recount, in which ballot boxes
from 89 of the 299 precincts named
in the petition of B. J. Abbott, the
Democratic candidate, were recheck-
ed, established a net gain of 28 votes
for Abbott, reducing Fitzgerald's ma-
jority to 2,747 votes.
In Wayne county, ballots from 45
of the 190 precincts petitioned by
Abbott were recounted, with a net
gain for Abbott of 82 votes. Fitz-
gerald withdrew his petition for a re-
count in 70 additional precincts
when the counting of the precincts
specified by Abbott was completed.
The Democratic legal committee
indicated that its legal fight prob-
ably would take the form of quo
warranto proceedings, which have to
wait until Jan. 1 when Secretary
Fitzgerald assumes office. Such pro-

Regime Found
In Detroit, Too
Parallels With Michigan
Situation Are Reported
At City College, U. Of D.
Detroit, Dec. 9. - (P)- "Crackers]
and milk diet" college students,
such as those reported at the Uni-
versity of Michigan by Joseph A.
Bursley, dean of students, are a
growing problem in Detroit, admin-
istrators at local educational institu-
tions agreed today.
A leader in campus activities who
had not eaten in a week-
A co-ed for whom students collect-
ed clothing after she had worn her
one dress to classes all fall-
A football player who accepted aid
on0 when his coaoh told him point-
edly that he would' be a better player
if 34e had enough {o eat-
hese are typical instances dis-
closed by deans and registrars in a
survey of conditions at the College
of the City of Detroit and the Uni-
versity of Detroit,
The survey shows that three major
factors differentiate the situation of
students here from that of U. of M.
In Detroit, it is pointed out, the
great majority of students live at
home and have family resources to
draw upon. Secondly, a policy of
discouragement on the part of ad-
ministrators here has kept out-of-
town students planning to earn their
expenses while in college from com-
ing to Detroit. Thirdly, economic
distress has forced those hardest hit
out of the campus picture entirely.
At the Colleges of the City of De-
troit, whose students have always
come from homes of moderate means,
economic distress has most force-
fully shown itself in the elimination
, scores of students.
"Yes, there is evidence of serious
?rivation on the part of students
inder present economic conditions,"
Declared Joseph P. Selden, dean of
tudents. "It is difficult to determine.
row great the distress is.
"The students won't tell; they
don't want charity. I know that
many students go without their noon
lunches because they cannot afford
it. Our situation differs from that
(Continued on Page 6)
Varsity Debaters
Are Defeated In;
First Big Ten Tilt
Michigan's affirmative debate
team, Clinton D. Sandusky, '34, Abe
Zwerdling;'35, and Samuel L. Travis,
'34, was defeated in their only West-
ern Conference debate of the semes-
ter last night in Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre by the squad of Northwest-
ern University. Members of the.
Northwestern team were, Seymour
Simons, Paul Elman, and John
Erickson; coached by Prof. Gordon
The question for debate was, "Re-
solved, That at Least 50 Per Cent of
All State and Local Revenues Should
Be Derived from Sources Other Than
Tangible Property."
In making his analysis of the de-
cision Prof. Hance stated, "Through-

Jail 'Eagles' C
For Part In I
Ticket Game l
Hoover Friend And Notre Ot
Dame Trustee Both Draw 1
Prison Terms, Fines I
McGuire, Promoter, L
Is 'Most Culpable'
Interstate Commerce And Re
Shipping Laws Violated '
By Three Conspirators I
NEW YORK, Dec. 9.--(A')-Prison W
sentences and fines were meted out gre
today to the three men who promot- tod
ed A lottery to raise money for the Hoo
Fraternal Order of Eagles. mer
Conrad H. Mann, friend of Presi- mar
dent Hoover, general chairman of the mer
Republican convention at Kansas T
City in 1928, Missouri chairman of the
the President's commission on un- ate
employment, president of the Kan- pen
sas City Chamber of Commerce, time
president of the Missouri Industrial supl
Alliance, director of the bazaar de- T
partment of the Eagles and former Nati
worthy grand president of that or- was
yanization was sentenced to five Pres
months imprisonment and fined Hou
$12,000. farn
Frank E. Hering, editor of the tori
Eagles magazine, trustee of Notre
Dame University, former professor of P
English at Notre Dame and one of the
the founders of Mother's Day, drew age
1 sentence of four months and fine wor
of $4,000. The court termed him duti
"least culpable." acti
Bernard C. McGuire, professional men
,romoter, with credit rating of $1,- wea
000,000, must serve one year and one M
day and pay a fine of $12,000. He is el
vas termed "most culpable." unle
All three were convicted by a jury was
in Federal Court last Saturday of Con,
onspiring to ship lottery tickets in'B
nterstate commerce. the
They were also convicted of a sub- tee,
-ta~tive chr & F ~ oxcrred Y)
actual shipping of
A fourth defendant, Raymondut
Walsh, was acquitted. He was shown :ho.
to have been a paid employee of Mc- egi
United States Ne
Vetoes French d
War Debt Plea ant
Premier Herriot S e e k s clusi
Payment Formula That duci
Chamber Will Approve frT
(By Associated Press) burs
As in the case of Great Britain, N. I
the United States for the second the
time answered "no" yesterday to the port
plea of France for suspension of the thre
war debt payment due next Thurs- pres
day. Sen
In Paris the question of making or
refusing to make t~he $19,261,000 pay-
ment reached the stage of parliamen-LT
tary consideration. Premier Herriot
clearly indicated he desired to find
a formula of payment which parlia-
ment would approve.
The British House of Commons
probably will debate the issue next
Tuesday, but the storm which mayBe
be aroused will not alter the gov-
ernment's intention of making the N1

$95,550,000 payment due for Britain.
Indications in both Paris and Lon-
don were that some sort of reserva-
tion would be insisted on by both A
governments. A declaration against on I
further payments pending general dent
revision was especially suggested. high
The second American note to last
France asserted that a "more favor-dlrs
able situation for any subsequent ex- direr
amination of the problem" would re- Ti,
sult if the French met the payment porn
due next week. tng
Recover Bodies Of Four s
Miners; 18 Are Missing are
HARLAN, Ky., Dec. 9.-(AP)-Four tre 1
bodies were removed tonight from the
the Zero mine of the Harlan Fuel Co. urda
at Yancey, six miles south of here. on
Rescue workers had little hopes that shot
18 other men reported in the shaft tuni
would be recovered alive, on 1
Mine officials said they believed 10 "
white men and 12 negroes were Ame

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