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December 09, 1932 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-09

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So oo s orm iories
Give I iers, christinas Dances
Dormitories and sororities take j-Perrin, '33, took charge of the ar-

Mu Phi Epsilon
Combines Party
And Musicale

lHano- Society Entertain'
New Members At Dance
Triangles, .unior honor society in
f me Engineering school, entertained
its recent initiates at a dance held
last Saturday evening at the Union.
The men, all juniors in the En-
gineering College,. are as follows:
William F..Lemen, Arthur H. Mosher, i
J. Parke Sager, Gilbert D. Dobson,l
William C. Hanway, Jr., Stanton J.
Wa re, Stanley W. Smith, Phillip T.
Dalsimer, Carl D. Piero, Hugh D.
Grove, Albert F. LitiIe, and Gordon
1' -- --

Sunday afternoon, following din-Niina
Suny ften d riti ej ! National Honorary Music
ner, women of the dormitory oenjoyed ' n
a program of Christmas music givenI Society Begins Study Of!
by a quartet consisting of women C
from the house. Louise Wadsworth, Cassical Period
'33, Florence Reed, '33, Calla Jean
Wilson, '34, Lucy Wadsworth, '33, At the home of Mrs. Frederick B.
Fisher, nFiaDcme ,M
and Maria Kalaw, '33, were those , on Friday, December 9, Mu
taking part in the entertainment. Phi Epsilon, national honorary music
Virginia Murphy, '33, was in charge sorority will present a formal musi--
of the program. ,cale. The affair is to be combined
ftenty-rogam n rwith the annual Christmas party.
Twenty-five women from Martha The program initiates the winter's
Cook went to Detroit Monday after-j project for the sorority, which con-
noon to attend the play "Lucrece" in Is y
which Katherine Cornell plays the sists of an intensive study of the
leading role. Miss Margaret Ruth three great periods of music, the
Smith, social director of the dormi- classical, romantic, and modern per-
Smity, sciandMirectr Rofth e di- ;ods. This program is to be the first
tory, and Miss Sara Rowe, house di-+ of the classical series, and will be
rector, chaperoned the party. ftecasclsns n ilb
rpreceded by the reading of a paper
Last night the dormitory enter- concerning the period, by Ragnhild
tained Prof. James K. Pollock of the Moe.
political' science department, and ! The musical program is as iallows:
Mrs. Pollock with an informal din- Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair, and
ner. Professor Pollock led a discus- With Verdure Clad (from the "Crea-
sion of current events in the blue Lion") by Haydn, sung by Helen Van
room following the meal. Lucille Loon, Soprano; Haydn's Theme and
Marcinkowska, '33, was in charge of Variations from the Emperor Quar-
the arrangements. tette, and Gavotte (from "Iphiginia
In Aulis") by Gluck, played by Ruth
- 3 Pfohl, harpist; Bach's Concerto 4
111r Women Of jthe Italian style, by Helen Bentley;
rri . Mozart's Concerto in D Major, by
ionz en S nall Give Margaret Martindale, violinist; Mo-
-a T zart's VoiChe Sapete (from "Le Noz-
7 za a r T on ig h1tze di Figaro"), Rameau's Menuct
Chante, Gluck's O del Mio Dolce
A Christmas Bazaar to be given Ardore (from "Paris and Helen"),
from 8 to 11 p. m. tonight by the and Handel's Aria, Rejoice Greatly
junior women of Couzen's Hall will (from the "Messiah") sung by Mrs.
offer for sale various suggestions for Laura Littlefield, soprano. The ac-
Christmas gifts including linen, brass companists will be Mrs. Ava Comin
wear, and food as well as ribbons Case and Ruth Pfohl.
and fancy paper for wrapping the
presents. The bazaar is being given Arturo Plard Lectures
to raise funds for the Junior-Senior Before Spaiish Society
Entertainment for the occasion will "Puerto Rico is the only Latin-
consist of a play, "The Last Christ- American country which has been
mas," to be presented by some of the peaceful throughout its history," de-
junior womnen in the dormitory. clared Mr. Arturo Plard when he
Those taking part will be Caroline spoke before the Sociedad Hispanica
Leeman, '34, Virginia Minns, '34, Wednesday night.
Margaret White, '34, Alice Love, '34, ( He ascribed their present favorable
Mary McMally, '34, Ruth Lehman, position with the American govern-1
'34, Jeannette Olsen, '34, and Agnes ment to the fact that instruction in
Russmaul, '34. the schools is entirely in English and
The Choral Club under the direc- the methods are very similar to
tion of Odena Olsen will sing several those in the United States.
Christmas songs and other numbers. Mr. Plard went on to say that the
The arrangements for the bazaar general friendly relationship between
are in charge of Dorothy Porteous, Puerto Rico and other Latin-Amei-
'34. Her committee consists of Ber- can countries has been a great step in
nice Brewer, '34, Lucille Cody, '34, facilitating Pan-American relations

Prof. Keeler Lectures
Before Michigan Dames
Prof. Loui \W. iCeoler of the cd i-
cational psychology department spoke
to the Michigan Dames at their
meeting held at p. m. Tuesday. He
discussed ihe work and d'velopment
of the University Hospiital school.
Various members of the organiza-
tion are making doll clothes for the
Christmas party to be given in the
near future by the Kings Daughters;
the Dames are also filling Christmas
boxes for threes and otherwise as-
sisting with this party.
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..~l Zree (for a J~lor I lme Only)

Here ae three most important beauty
needs .... delightfully presented in the
smart ensemble shown below.... A large
box of Marly Face Powder, made from a
new French formula (regularly sold for $1.00
done) , gift size Marly lipstick, as brilliant
as spring blossoms; and a generous flacon
Oof Marly's exquisite "Parfum Imperial".

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We are now displaying Women's

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We will repair Free of charge any silk hose pur-
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must be laundered. 20c a stocking for other makes.


t4 L-.







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