twelve on Saturday evening, Decem- .Iy '1' I IA BUL ET~ er 10. An orchestra from Detroit DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN - o-nocetafo er will furnish music for dancing, and Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the in addition there will be a special University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until program and a Christmas tree. Every 3K_________a._m__Saturday_____ one attending is requested to bring an inexpensive gift to be placed on VOL. XLI. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1932 No. 64 the tree. NOTICES President and Mrs. Ruthven will not be at home to members of the fac- Craftsmen: Meeting at the Masonic ilty and other residents of Ann Arbor on Sunday, December 11. Temple Saturday at 7:30 p. in. sharp. 'The student tea on December 14 will also be omitted. Come and get your team assignment before the Holidays. To the Memubers of the University Council: The next meeting of the Council will be held on Monday, December 12, at 4:15 p. in., in Alumni Graduate Outing Club: A short ?%emorial Hall, Room B. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary walk is scheduled for Sunday morn- ing, leaving Angell Hall at 10 and ,.Messiah Concert: The Annual Christmas performance of Handel's returning at 12. All graduates and "5essiah," under the auspices of the University Musical Society, will be friends welcome. given In the faculty concert series, Sunday, December 11, at 4:15 o'clock in Hil Auditorium. The University Choral Union, of three hundred and fifty Michigan Co-operative Bookstore:! voices, The School of Music Symphony Orchestra of nearly a hundred play- All faculty members interested in the ers, Laura Littlefield, Soprano, Arthur Hackett, Tenor, of the School of formation of a co-operative book- Music Faculty; Helen McClafiin, Contralto of Kent, Ohio, and King Kel- store are requested to attend a meet- logg; Bass, of Albion College Conservatory, both former students in the ing at the Michigan Union room 302 School of Music, will be the soloists. The performance will be conducted by on Tuesday, December 13, at 7:45 Musical Director Earl V. Moore. p. in. If interested but unable to at- ' adniission, charge of twenty-five cents will be made, the entire pro- tend you are requested to call advice ,eeds to be donated to the Ann Arbor Community Fund. Tickets may be and to vlny supp or iroctred on Friday and Saturday at the several banks and branch banks, " Wahr's and Slater's Book Stores, at the University Music House, Schae- berle and =Son, Grinnell Brothers; and at the desk of -the Michigan Union Hindustan Club regular meeting. atd the M ichigan League on Sunday as well. The Hill Auditorium Box will be held Sunday in Lane Hall -Office will be open Sunday from three o'clock on. In order to avoid con- at 2:30 p. . Mr. and Mrs. Gorn ge frn and confusion and that the concert may begin promptly on time, Holstead will be our guests. All Hitn- ,du students are urged to attend. Re- the public is respectfully urged to procure tickets in advance, freshments will be served. Pre-Medical Students: The aptitude test for students expecting to apply for admission to a medical school by the fall of 1933 will be given in Liberal Students Union: Harold P. 'dm 1025 Angell Hall from '3 to 5 o'clock on Friday, December 9. Student Mar y will rev Iw thFugveby Ro b lletifica tio, cards and receipts showing payment of the dollar fee must Georgia Chain Gang." Unitarian be presented at the door. BE ON TIME. Ira M. Smith church, Sunday, 7:30 p. in. Topic for the morning service, at 10:45, Giaddiate Students Applying for Teachers' Certificates: Will all stu- will be, "Two Tentmakers." dents enrolled. in the Graduate' School who are planning to receive Teachers' Certificates during the current year please report at the Record- er's.Office of the School of Education at their early convenience. S C. O. Davis, Secretary But Marches At Ball Beggar on horseback: Because of popular demand Play Production will MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 8. - (Big give a SATURDAY MATINEE of their current play, BEGGAR ON MORSE- Ten)-To have one's big toe laid BACK. 'The urtain is at 2:30. The production will continue through Sat- up is unpleasant enough but when urdtay night. Goodwseats are still available for the Saturday performances, one is scheduled to march sixth at For reservations call 4121 e:tension 789. the Military Ball it is a catas- trophe. Thomas Kahelmacher, cadet Chinese Students: Students interested in obtaining a club picture may major in the R. 0. T. C. and as- hae saie by calling at Rentschler's studio. The price is $1.75. In the event sociate chairman of the ball, took that more than 36 are sold each student will receive a refund of 25 cents. his dress sword home the night before to practice up on military ACADEMIC NOTICES flourishes. While brandishing the English II classes will not meet today. The written work assigned Mon- blade in the privacy of his room cay should be left at the English Office by 4 o'clock this afternoon. Text- Kachelmacher lost hold of the books will be needed in class Monday. G. D. Helm whirling sword, which struck the _ __wl b n e d i c a M o a .. D H lw all a n d d escen d ed o n h is to e, Aero. 6-Wind Tunnel Laboratory: All senior Aeronautical Engineer- protectedhonly by bedroom slip- ig students who are planning on taking Aero. 6, Wind Tunnel Laboratory, toe, the major was able to attend d'uring the second semester should see the notice on the Aeronautical En- the ball. g4neering Department bulletin board at once. EVENTS TODAY Russian agricultural production in 1932 seems likely to fall far short of Freshman Students in L., S., & A. College: All non-fraternity, Freshman the official plans for the season, says lit. students are requested to meet at 7:30 p. in. in Room 302 of the Union. the department of agriculture. Theosophical Society meeting at 8 p. m. in the League. Professor N. H. Anfling, of the mathematics department, will speak on the subject of "Py- ihagoras." Visitors welcome. Dancing classes for Junior women wishing to try out for chorus work TON IGH T IS in Junior Girls' Play will meet at 4 p. in. in Barbour Gymnasium. GUEST NIGHT Minie meets in Room 302 Michigan Union at 4:45. It is important that Buster Keaton al merbers are present. Schnozzle Durante Chinese Students: There will be a meeting of all those interested in "SPEAK EASI LY" V$ le' ball in the Intramural Building Friday at 7:30 p. m. and Saturday at 4:30. There will be a game on Monday at 7:30 p. m. LAST DAY Au Anti-War Conference will meet at 4: 15, in Room 231 Angell Hall. "Painted Woman" All those interested in discussing war and the possibilities of effective action 'ainst war are urged to attend. It is important that all those planning to TOMORROW ! fteId the Chicago Anti-War Congress be at this meeting. Professor On- derdonk will lecture and show slides. You'll Say A dinner will be given in honor of Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, of Drew TWhat D'ya University, and formerly pastor of the Central M E Church in Detroit, at 6:15, at Harris Hall. Dr. Hough will speak on: "Religion in our Day; it's Mean, Around task." Please make a reservation by calling Lane Hall 8969: all are invited. Fhe orner? Wesley Hall: Christmas Programs. Friday 8 p. W. Social program. It's Here NOW! Sunday, at 6:30 p. m. Religious program led by the members of Kappa Phi. 1932'S HIT OF Lutheran Student Club Christmas Party at 8:00 p. m., in the Zion Lu- theran Parish Hall, 309 Washington Street. Each member is to bring a 10 HAPPINESS cent gift in addition to 25 cents to defray the expenses of the party. Any Lutheran Student who is not a member of the club and who wishes to come, may do so. aptist Guild Dramatics Club will present "The Maid of France" by .. Uaroid Brighouse, at the First Baptist church at 8:00 p. M. No admission r fee, and a welkome to everyone. Following the play members of the Guild will has c a Christmas party at the Guild House. COMING EVENTS 1il Auditorium Special Lecture: John Drinkwater, distinguished play- wright, poet, and critic will speak in Hill auditorium Saturday night, De- cember 10, on the subject, "Literature and the Challenge of Our Age." This lecture is presented under the auspices of Play Production of the Depart- ment of Speech and General Linguistics. Psychological Journal' Club will meet on December 13, at 7:30 p. m. in Room 3126 N.S. Dr. H. F. Adams will discuss the topic, "Spearman's two factor theory, and the three factor theory. All interested are cordially invited. A n n u a l International Christmas -___Dance and Party to be held in Lane Cosmopolitan Club announces its Hall Auditorium between nine and in the laugh riot LBGG ARolHORSEBACK" KAUFMAN AND CONNELLY'S UPROARIOUS COMEDY LAST TWO DAYS wt ANITA Special MIatineee Saturday PAGE CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY . !1