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December 09, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-09

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The Weather

Generally fair Friday
Saturday; possibly colder.





Statistics on Voting in A
Arbor; The Detroit Times M
quotes Dean Bursley.




Hawley ase
Is Mistrial;
Jury_ t7-.
Decision u nIpossible; Is
Unanhlnously Voted By
Twelve Jurors
Majority In Favor
Of Acquitting Youth
Judge Sample Charges
That Reasonable Doubt
Should Free Defendent
Acting on a unanimous opinion of
the jury that they would not be able
to reach a decision, Judge George W.
Sample late yesterday afternoon de-
clared a mistrial in the case of Ran-
sam Hawley, Jr., 18-year-old son of
Prof. Ransom Hawley, and ordered
a retrial in the March term of court.
After debating the fate of the er-
ratic son of the engineering college
professor for more than six hours,
the jury was called to the courtroom
at 4:48 p. m. Samuel S. Hammial,
foreman, announced that the vote
stood. at 7-5. Later, it was revealed
that the scant majority had stood
for acquittal of the youth on the
ground of temporary insanity. Judge
Sample asked those who believed a
decision impossible to raise their
hands:. Hesitatingly; each member of
the group signified in the affirma-
tive in this manner.
In his final charge to the jury,
before it retired yesterday morning
Judge Sample defined the issue as
being .one of insanity alone as the
defense, had., admitted the facts of
the crime. The defense, he said, had
presented a series of mental expert
witnesses to show that the youth had
been mentally unbalanced at the
tine he was said to have robbed two
gasoline stations and stolen two cars
last August. The prosecution, he
said, had not .presented any testi-
mnyi. to disnrove these assertions. If

Wile Predicts Repeal Passage
In Present Lame Duck SessiotI

Annual Soph
Festival To
S. [i oight

Catbaret Cairman

Michigan To Have

The 1932 presidential campaign, the
future of prohibition, the probabili-
Gies for the next cabinet, the foreign
policy with emphasis on the war debt
question, were laid before a large au-
tience last night in Hill Auditorium
carefully probed and analyzed and
diniisedi with curt, epigramatic fi-
""ll" b;y Frederic William Wile,
Washing ton correspondent.
Not, hesitating to express his own
personal views of the questions under
consideration, Mr. Wile forecast an
absolute certainty of repeal, although
he stated that it would take time;
he dogmatically asserted that a re-
peal measure would be passed by the
present "lame duck" session. He
praised President-Elect Roosevelt, as-
serting that although he probably'
would not prove a genius, he would
be a brilliant and effective president.
Lists Main Issues
Mr. Wile listed, among the other
appalling issues ("Hoover babies left
on Roosevelt's doorstep"), the neces-
sity of balancing a budget at a time.
when the country faces a $700,000,000
deficit after only six weeks of the
current fiscal year; the bonus issue;
the necessity for settling the war debt
question; the problem of what to do
about Manchuria, and the threat
which Japan presents even to United
States Pacific territories; the disarm-
ament issue, in which he expressedt
himself in favor of adequate defense
measures; the possible recognition of
Russia; and the question of Ameri-
can participation in the League of
Nations and the World Court.
"I am persuaded," said Mr. Wile,
"that Governor Roosevelt will choose
not only a good but a great cabinet.

Not only the poW','C, bit. tU r: -
ibiil,,y is now his."
in Febriary next, hcf stated. " thaI
palace of palaver, the United States
Senate" will have bcen datinig
Harding's World Court entry pro-
posal for 10 years. "I believe that the
World Court is a strong organization
and that we should join," he said,
bu~t lie added that the League of Na-
tions would be the next stela, and thcr
Leaue is weak. Much of its weak-
ness, he demonstrated, lies in the
fact that the United States has con-
sistertly refused to .join. What good
would be a League boycott of Japan,
for example, if the United States, the
greatest trading nation in the world,
did not recognize the boycott?
Referring to disarmament; he said,
"It would be safe to reduce arma-
ments as low as the other countries
will-but no lower!"
He expressed conviction that pro-
hibition was a side issue in the minds
of the voters of Nov. 8. "We voted
from our side pocket, not from our
hip pocket," he said.
Hoover Nomination Sure
There was not the slightest chance
in the world, he said, that Herbert
Hoover would not be renominated.
The Republican convention was
packed with those holding adminis-
trative offices and bound to vote for
Hoover. The President, he said, was
not popular with politicians, and this
was probably one of the chief contri-
buting causes of his downfall in the
The Republicans were disappointed
by Roosevelt's failure to do two ex-
pected things in the campaign the
journalist said: (1) he failed to show
himself a red and rabid radical, and
(2) he did not "stub his toe" on poli-
(Continued on Page 5)

Commumnity Fun
To Help.Studen


Ship Mioif F
Kirby Heads




New Attraction This
Year Is 'Fun Alley'
Falk's Band And Features
To Entertain Dancers;
Barbara Bates To Sing
The Sophomore Cabaret, annual
all-women's function, will be held
today and tomorrow afternoon and
evening. This year a new feature,
"Fun Alley," has been added which
will be held in collaberation with the
cabaret. Both are primarily to raise
money for the League Undergradu-
ate Fund, although they are also to
promote a feeling of cooperation
among the sophomore women.
Theme Described
The theme of the cabaret is a ship
and the decorations, entertainment,
and costumes are all designed to fol-
low this motif. The patrons will
dance to the music of Mike Falk's
orchestra. Mr. Falk's solo-blues
singer is Barbara Bates, '35. Enter-
tainment at two hour intervals will be
furnished by acts in which the sopho-
more women will take part. These
acts feature a Gob Tap dance, a Devil

Take 'To 'Thecare
As, Treat, Womn

Wis Prize


and the Deep group, a Waltz
a Waiter and Waitress dance;
two piano number with "~Bill"
fiths singing.
Adminission prices are 25
each person and 5 cents a
thereafter. Sophomore women
act as hostesses during the
time to welcome guests.

and a
are to

.. _. i

Debaters Talk
Here Tonight

Ibsen Play Is
Selected For
Play Production

Receipts From
'Me ssiah' To
Gro o ,Charity
Handel Oratorio Expected
To Draw Large Crowd;
To Be Presented Sjunday
Considerable aid for the Ann Ar-
bor Community Fund drive was seen
today in the lecision of the Univer-
sity Musical Society to make an ad-
mission charge of 25 cents for the
"Messiah" performance here Sunday
and contribute the entire proceeds
to the fund.
The action was taken by the so-
ciety in view of extraordinary cir-
cumstances this year, which were be-
lieved to merit departure from the
usual policy of offering the perfor-
mance without charge. In taking the
step, the society emphasized that it
was not establishing a precedent for
making contributions to charity or
other causes, since its recognized
function is the development of musi-
cal taste and culture.
One of the most popular features
of the Christmas season here, the
Handel oratorio is expected to draw
greater crowds thisyearthan ever
before. It will be presented at 4:15
p. m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium.
Tickets will be on sale today and
Saturday at all banks and branch
banks, at the book stores, and at the
music stores. The sales will be con-
tinued Sunday at the main desks of
the Union and the League. After 3
p. m. Sunday tickets will be available

Affirmative May Conclude
Big Ten Series At Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre
Michigan affirmative debaters.will
meet Northwestern at 8 p. m. today
n Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in the
irst local debate of the Western
;onference series. This debate cul-
minates the semester's forensic ac-
tivities and may represent the last
conference meeting of the Varsity
for this year.
The question for debate deals with
the relief of the burden on the prop-
erty tax and is formally stated, "Re-
solved, That At Least 50 Per Cent
of All State and Local Revenue
Should Be Derived From Sources
Other Than Tangible Property." The
single expert judge will be Prof.
Ketmeth GQHance of Albion College.
The squad originally selected to
represent Michigan in this debate
was, in order of their speaking, Clin-
ton D. Sandusky, '34, Abe Zwerdling,
'35, and Samuel L. Travis, '34. Yes-
terday, however, Travis was ad-
The Wisconsin affirmative de-
baters won a decision over Mich-
igan's trio before an audience of
300 last night in Music Hall,
Madison, Wis.
mitted to Health Service with what
Dr. M. R. McGarvey designated as
"influenza complicated by a gener-
ally weak physical condition," which
makes the lineup for the debate to-
night somewhat uncertain. Charles
B. Brownson, '35, will be the alter-
nate if Coach J. H. McBurney de-
cides after his arrival from the Wis-
consin debate that Travis will be un-
able to appear.
Michigan enters the contest with,
the record of two years of champion-
ship in the Western Conference to
maintain. No admission charge is
being made for the event, according
to the Department of Speech office
in an announcement yesterday.

Sheridan's 'The Rivals'
Be Presented Early
Second Semester

Henrik Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler" will
be produced in January as the third
presentation of the year for Play
Production, it has been announced
by Valentine B. Windt, director.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan's fa-
mous restoration c o in e d y, "The
Rivals," will be presented early in the
second semester by Play Production.
"The Beggar On Horseback," which
is running at the Laboratory Theatre,
is well sold out for tonight, it was
reported yesterday by Charles Har-
rell, '34, business manager for the
A special school children's matinee
will be given tomorrow afternoon,
Harrel said, with school children
from all over the city to be admitted
for half price if they bring a letter
from their teacher.
Mary Pray, '34, president of
Comedy Club, who plays the part of
Synthia Mason in "The Beggar," also
directed the pantomime in the play.
Mr. Windt said, and characterized
tier work as "very good."
Bayles Trial Postponed
Again On Lawyer's Pleats
The trial of Carry Baylis, Ypsi-
lanti negro charged with murder,
which was expected to come up in
circuit court some time the latter
part of this week has been postponed
to Monday at the request of Harry
Bledsoe, Baylis' attorney.
Baylis is one of the two men
charged with the murder of Cap
Deatherage, negro, in Ypsilanti Nov.
26. The other man, Thomas Brit-
ton, who did the actual killing, said
Baylis "ordered me to do it." He has
been convicted and sentenced to life


"Fun-Alley" will feature a program
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre by
Harry Cecil, well-known Detroit
magician, a bridge tournament, and
silhouette cutting by Jessie Wilber
of Port Huron. Games of every kind
including ping pong, fortune telling
and miniature golf will add interest.
Comin'ttee Members
Elections foi the central commit-1
tee of the cabaret were held Oct. 19'
at the League. Hilda Kirby, '35, was
chosen general chairman, Barbara
Sutherland, "35, assistant chairman
and Mary O'Brien, finance chairman.
Other committee members elected in
a block were: Mary Stirling, '35, cos-
tumes; Ann Mitchell, '35, music; Vir-
ginia Roberts, '35, hostesses; Mary
Sabin, '35, decorations; Virginia Cluff,
'35, food: Barbara Bates, '35, publi-
city, and Harriet Earle, '35, enter-
Members of the "Fun-Alley" com-
inittee are: Marjorie Oostdyck, '35,
and Jean Berridge, co-chairman:
decorations, Teresa St. John, '34;
properties, Kay Rentschler, '33; pub-
licity, Eleanor Blum, 35; finance,
Sue Mahler, '35.
On Social 0rder
rnan rxeffort to awaken students to
the evils of our present social order,
Prof. Lowell J. Carr'of the sociology
department led a discussion on the
subject, "Is Progress An Illusion?"
'beforea large audience yesterday in
Natural Science Auditorium. This
lecture was a feature of the series
sponsored by "the Student Christian
Association on matters relative to
social readjustmnents.
Professor Carr pointed out the so-
cial background that made the pres-
ent crisis inevitable and explained
constructive means that might be
employed to lead the world out of
economic distress. He dealt with the
matter both from the practical busi-
ness man's stand and from the more
idealistic viewpoint of the social sci-

Governor To
Enforce State
Prohibition Act
Tax Limitation Beconmes
Effective; Tremendous
Reduction Estimated.
LANSING, Dec. 8.-(AP)-Mihigan
today operated under a dual prohibi-
tion standard.
The constitutional amendment re-]
pealing the bone dry clause of. the
state constitution and authorizing
the creation of a state liquor control
commission became effective. As an
offset''to thenew amendment, how-
ever, the state still has its prohibi-
tion enforcement act.
With the repeal amendment effec-]
tive, Oscar G. Olander, commissioner
of public safety, announced begin-
ning today state police will make no
arrests for liquor violations without
conferring with prosecuting attor-
neys. -
Gov. Brucker has said he will abide,
by the ruling of the attorney-generala
and continue to enforce the prohibi-
tion law "under my oath of office."
LANSING, Dec. 8.-(P)-The new
constitutional provision which mayt
make necessary a sweeping revision
of the state tax structure officially1
became effective today. Its full force,
however, will not be felt until next
Barring a court upset, the tax
limitation adopted by a vote of 671,-
124 to 641,962 in the Nov. 8 election
will prohibit levying more than $15
per thousand valuation except for
previously incurred public debts or
by a vote of the residents of tax dis-
tricts; after taxes for the current
year are collected. .
While the amendment does not af-
fect the collection of taxes alreadyt
spread and therefore will not limit
the revenue to be collected by the1
state this month and next from 193
assessments, it evidently does havet
an immediate effect upon bond issues.t
An attack upon the limitations
amendment is to be made by severalt
cities which probably will join in an
appeal to the state supreme court.,
It is the contention of opponents
of the measure that if it is allowed
to operate vast new revenues must;
be found or schools will be forced to
close after the current school year in
many sections of the state.
It has been estimated by those op-
posed to the amendment that it will
take at least $100,000,000 from state
and local tax revenues annually.
Bowling Alleys I
May Stay Open
Under New Rule
An amendment to the city recrea-
tion parlor ordinance which will per-
mit bowling alleys to remain open on
Sundays was passed last night at a
special session of the city council.
The new amendment does not af-
fect the situation in regard to pool
and billiard rooms, which were also
kept closed on Sunday under the old
ordinance. Its passage was preceded
by a lengthy committee discussion,
which prevented action upon it at
the regular meeting on Monday.
The board of public works was au-
thorized in a resolution passed by
the council to proceed with the con-
struction of a down-river sewer, us-
ing the funds raised by the $150,-
000 poor bond issue. It was for the
purpose of discussion on the use of
these funds that the special meeting
was called.

Through the generosity of her
student roomers, Mrs. William Mur-
ray of Cheever Court last night won
the auto offered as the grand prize
in a contest conducted by local thea-
While other contestants came to
the Michigan Theatre equipped with
a large collection of tickets in hopes
of cashing in on the 101 awards
made in the raffle, Mrs. Murray had
only the stub whichshe received at
the door. She had had no intention
of going to the theatre but was taken
by "her boys" as a treat.
When the winning number was
announced, Mrs. Murray did not
recognize it as hers. It was only after
much persuasion by the student who
sat beside her that she finally con-
sened to go to the stage for the
Great Britain
May Pay Debts
December 15
British Cabinet To Frame
New Note To America;
No Official Action Yet'
LONDON, Eng., Dec. 8.-(P)-Ar-
rangements are to be made forth-?
with for the transfer of gold to the-
United States to meet Great Brit-
in's mid-December debt install-'
mrent, wel-informed quarters said
tonight after contents of the Amer-
loan reply to the renewed request for
postponement became known.
The chancellor of the exchequer,
however, said on his arrival here to-'
night from Paris, where he partici-
pated in the debt conference with
Premier Herriot, that the govern-
ment as a whole had taken no offi-
cial action but that this would come
during the next few days.
The Reuter news agency said to-
night a cabinet meeting for the pur-
pose of drafting another note to the
United States would be held as soon
as Prime Minister Ramsay MacDon-
aid returns from Geneva some timeI
over the week-end.
The agency said the note would
indicate Great Britain's intention to
fulfill Fier engagement a week from
today in gold, expressed satisfactioni
that the United States is ready to
arrange a review of the debt situa-
tion and asked that everything pos-
sible be done to accelerate the in-
i ndependene
Up in Senaite
Copeland Attacks Bill For
Island Freedom; House
Discusses Bonus, Liquor
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.-(P)-Leg-
islative machinery gathered speed
slowly today with the Senate taking
up the question of Philippine inde-
pendence and the House engaged in
desultory discussion.
Confident that some form of an
independence measure would be ap-
proved in the near future, those sen-
ators who favor cutting the islands
loose sat back and listened to an at-
tack Senator Copeland (Dem., N. Y.),
made upon the bill for freedom.
Hearings before the House ways
and means committee on proposals to
modify the Volstead Act to permit
the sale of light wines and beer saw
another parade of witnesses, all fav-
orable to either or both beverages.

There was heard also, for the first
time this session, the call for pay-
ment of the soldiers' bonus. It came
from Representative Patman (Dem.,
Tex.), one of the leaders last session

Union Vice-Presideit To
Head Committee Selected
By President Ruthven To
Deal With Emergency
Many Students Are
Close To Starvation
Drive For Two Thousand
Dollars To Start Next
Week In First Project
Of Kind By A University
Students suffering for want of
This is Michigan's depression
problem as revealed by University
officials yesterday.
FUND is Michigan's answer today.
Born in the minds of persons close
to the lives of undergraduates, the
Student Community Fund took def-
mnite shape a week ago. A committee
of student leaders was nominated
and President Alexander G. Ruthven
'as appointed them to the under-
Under the chairmanship of John
H. Huss, vice-president of the Union,
,he committee will open next week
to raise a fund of $2,000 to be used
throughout the year to provide for
students who are in actual need of
food and clothing.
Committee to Meet
The committee will meet for the
first time at 4:30 today in room 304
of the Union, and plans for conduct-
ing next week's drive and the work-
Ong organization of the Student
Community fund will be decided.
This is the first and greatest' ef-
ort that a modern university stu.
lent body has made to face problems
f privation within itself. All money
will be handled through University
offices and all members of the or-
lanization will serve without pay,
The immediate and sole objective
is to provide necessities where they
ire sorely lacking. This is no ordi-
nary fund, since it is definitely
needed and will begin to provide
food within the next two weeks.
"It has come to my attention,"
said President Ruthven, in a letter
asking student leaders to serve on
the committee, "that there are' a
"onsiderable number of needy stu-
dents this year. A community fund
is being sponsored by the students
for the purpose of aiding those who
are in need of food."
Leaders Named
The committee members besides
Chairman John H. Hus are: Frank
B. Gilbreth, Byron V. Vedder, John
W. Thomas, Edward S. McKay, Jule
Ayers, John W. Lederle, Evelyn M.
Neilson, Helen J. DeWitt, Margaret
O'Brien, Edwin Turner, Ivan Wil-
liamson, Charles M. Rush, Charles
Bernard, William Temple, DeForest
Eveland, Frederick C. Fenske, George
L. Gisler, Cecil Cantril, Robert B.
Meyer, John 0. Kirby, George
Longeway, Charles Burroughs, and
Charles Law.
Ex-officio members are: Dr. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven, Walter B. Rea,
Joseph A. Bursley, Philip E. Bursley,
Dean Alice Lloyd, and C. H. Beuk-
Bursley Speaks
"The privations of a group of stu-
dents have been cited," said Dean
Joseph A. Bursley last night. "While
it is not a problem which the under-
graduate body can solve alone the
Student Community Fund will be a
whole-hearted and courageous an-
swer and a tribute to Michigan men
and women."
The means for dispensing food,
the method for determination of

students who are to benefit by the
fund, and whether the aid is to be
outright or in the form of a loan
are questions which will come up be-
fore the committee when it meets at
4:30 p. m. in the Union.
Trial Of Detroit Dentist
Stopped By Injunction
The trial of Dr. J. C. O'Toole, De-

U. S.

Urged To Learn To Drink

S. C. A. Guest
At Religious

To Speak

By Former Harvard Professor
NEW YORK, Dec. 8.-(MP)-Immed- ages adopt a plan of drinking such
iate education in the "art of drink- as is used in the best families in Ger-
ing" was urged tonight by Dr. Wil- many, where drinking for the most


Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, who will
be the guest of honor at a S. C. A.
dinner tonight at Harris Hall, is
scheduled to speak tomorrow night
a~t Cas HTirh !School inTDetroiton

liam Muhlberg, of Cincinnati, for-
mer member of the Harvard Univer-
sity faculty.
"It is not too soon to begin edu-

part is done with meals.
Dr. Muhlberg believes that a prop-
erly controlled distribution of alco-
holic beverages may even result in

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