THE MTCHTGAN DATLY luateWork To Address Students To Be Treated B y Historians 'embers Of American Historical Association To Give Many Papers A conference on the teaching of raduate students will be the main eature of the meeting of the Ameri- an Historical Association which will e held Dec. 27, 28, and 29, at the niversity of Toronto, according to rof. A. E. R. Boak, head of the his- >ry department here.: "The papers which will be deliv- ed at this meeting of the associa- on will cover a wide range of mat- rs," said Professor Boak. "Every- ling from a history of diplomacy to iurch history will be discussed. Al- lost no phase of history will be eglected." The treatment of economic history} f the ancient world as a subject :parate from other phases of the acient world is a new treatment hich has come into favor during ,te years, Professor Boak explained, Lthough economic history was al- ays considered along with other spects of history. Among the men attending the as- xciation meeting from the Univer- .ty areseveral who will give papers. Benjamin W. Wheeler will talk on Archbishop Juan de Zumarraga- irst Archbishop in the Western 'ernisphere." Prof. Albert A. Hyma ill talk on "Erasmus and the Oxford eformers," while Professor Boak ill take part in a round-table dis- ission on the economic history of e ancient world, it was announced. Other associations which are meet- g in Toronto at the same time, and hich will meet in conjunction with e American Historical Association ill' be the Mississippi Valley His- rical Association, the Conference Historical Societies, the Agricul- aral Historical Society, the Ameri-: an Catholic Historical Society, the ational Council for Social Studies; ae American Society of Church His- pry, and the Canadian Historical ssociation, it was announced yes- Dr. L. H Hough, }W ill S e k A S.C.A. Banquet Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, former president of Northwestern University and at present Professor of homilet- ics of Drew University, Madison, N. J., will be guest of honor at a dinner to be given by the Student Christian Association at 6:15 p. m. Friday in Harris Hall. "Religion in Our Day: Its Task" will be the subject of his speech. Since his graduation in 1898 from Scio College he has seen continual service both as a minister and edu- cator. He served as pastor of Sum- merfield Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., be- fore the War, and also was pastor of Mt. Vernon Church, Baltimore, for two years. He was president of the Detroit Council of Churches from 1926 to 1928, when pastor of the Central Methodist Church. At the same time he was vice-president of the Religious Educational Association. From then until 1930 he was head of the Ameri- can Presbyterian Church in Monreal, Que. For the last two years he has been professor of homiletics and comprehensive scholarship at Drew University. Those who desire to attend the dinner are requested to register at Lane Hall. Lumber Man Claims Taxes Are Too High Rate On Timbered Lands P r o h i b i t s Ownership,' Says McCallum "With taxes constantly on the rise, timber owners cannot afford to own real estate," declared George P. Mc- Callum, president of the Detroit, Mackinac, and Marquette Land Com- pany, yesterday morning in a talk before members of the School of For- estry and Conservation. Speaking from the point of view of the private owner, Mr. McCallum stated that the one factor that pro- longs destructive logging is the un- bearable tax burden. "Owners have adopted the policy of cleaning out their forests just as fast as they can accomplish it," he said. "The only other possibility, when taxes are 23 cents per acre per year and one is lucky to get rid of the land at $1 per acre, is to let it revert to the state. In one township in north- ern Michigan 69 per cent of the land has gone back to the state because of delinquent taxes." Conferences Avail Nothing Conferences among owners will avail nothing as long as taxes remain where they are now, according to Mr. McCallum, who was instrumental in starting the meetings of timberland owners held here annually. Mr. McCallum went on to denounce government ownership and manage- ment and to ridicule the "hired men" in government forestry services. He urged the students in his audience to aspire to become leaders in private enterprises contributing something to the betterment of our forestry situa- tion Tax Burden Falls on Land In his discussion of the tax prob- lem, he mentioned the tax limitation amendmentipassed at the November election as a hopeful move. "I voted for it," he said, "not because I con- sider it a good measure in itself, but because it will force state and local governments to reconsider their whole tax systems." Mr. McCallum pointed out that while real estate forms one-half the wealth of the state, and contributes one-fifth of the income, it pays 85 per cent of the taxes. Three million acres of privately- owned forest land remains in the up- per and northern half of the south- ern peninsulas, and there is where constructive f o r e s t management should be applied, he said. He main- tained that that policy is more im- portant than reforesting the nine million acres of cutover land in northern Michigan. To support his contention against government ownership of the produc- tive timber lands, he quoted President Hoover's message to Congress Tues- day in which the President declared against the government's competing in business with private enterprises Mn. McCallum also stressed the fact that other parts of the state, espe- cially Wayne County, take up the tax burdenofngovernment land which pay nothing. Government Reorganization As a primary move for economy, he suggested that townships be wiped out and that counties be consolidat- ed. He cited the village of Grand Marais in the upper peninsula as an excellent example of inefficiency and extravagance at the expense of an iron company. there which pays a huge majority of the taxes. "The company discovered that it could have taken its money that it paid in taxes, transported the people of the township to Detroit, put them up at the Book-Cadillac hotel at. regular day rates, and still have come out ahead," Mr. McCallum said. Faculty Men To Talk On Esperanto At 4:15 Today Four members of the University faculty are to give talks on Esperan- to, the proposed international langu-, age, at 4:15 p. m. today in Room 231 Angell Hall. The discussion, which will treat of the history and present practicability of Esperanto, is held under the auspices of the Tolstoy League. Prof. Clarence L. Meader, profes- sor of Sanskrit and Latin, Prof. Le- Roy Waterman, professor of Semitics, E. Clark Stillman, of the German de- partment, and Dr. F. S. Onderdonk, of the college of architecture, will give short talks. Sentiment Against Rose Bowl Game Showit In Alumni Letters By JOHN C. HEALEY believes some people must have got Although Michigan's failure to re- the football and oyster seasons mixed ceive the final invitation to the Rose and think that it is football which Bowl game was quite a disappoint- is in season during any month hav- ment to the majority of the student ing an "R" in its name. "If there body, as far as the alumni are con- is a time for everything, as has been cerned a very different reaction islsaid, then the time for football is in indicated. October and November, not Janu- Letters from various parts of the ary," he writes. country have been received by T. In the next paragraph Mr. Roedel Hawley Tapping, general secretary of takes the Athletic Association "for a the Alumni Association, since the de- ride." He says, "I presume the Ath- cision was made public, and they letic Association is low on shirts, show that most of the alumni who even as the rest of us. Also that it wrote them are pleased that Pitts- is a great temptation to let the dwel- burgh, not Michigan, will make the lers in the subdivisions have a look trip to the Pacific coast. at Newman, Williamson, et al, just One letter that expresses the gen- as they are beginning to forget Eddie eral sentiment of all of them was re- Tolan." ceived yesterday from Andy E. Roe- "With three decades of athletic1 'del, '16P, of Cheyenne, Wyo., and will supremacy behind her and more appear in tomorrow's issue of the laurels than the R. F. C. has bad Alumnus. loans, Michigan can afford to wear Mr. Roedel opens his communica- her latest honors lightly," he writes, tion with the statement that he. for in praise of his alma mater. The one, is very contented, "even as Mr. press receives its share of the general Hershey's cows, and one of the things "razzing," as it is accused of clamor- with which I am contented," he ing for a national champion of every- writes, "is the fact that Michigan will thing "from hog-calling to singing not be in the Rose Bowl on" New tenor." Year's." The letter closes with the remark; "The Rose Bowl is a swell joint "Let the 1932 team, having admirably and no one should consider it a dis- completed a difficult schedule, hang grace to be caught there on New up the cleated shoes, and without Year's Day, but the well-dressed ath- any Alexandrian sighs, let some of lete does not wear moleskins in Jan- the boys who have more recently uary or skis on the Fourth of July." come to fame play football on New He continues to point out that he Year's and hunt lions in Missouri." '-',, I AM I I I CAMBERWELL SUITS by Tho's Heath X32.5O N EVER before have we offered suit value equal to this. Camber- well fabrics are exclusive with Tho 's Heath. Closely woven . . . fine-spun . . .twice as strong by actual test as ordinary fabrics. Yet their luxurious texture takes the distinguished style that only Tho's Heath can needle into a suit. Step in and slip one on. You'll see the difference. Hillel Players Will Present 'Anna Christie' Play To Be Given Jan. 13, 14; E. M. huter Will Direct Production "Anna Christie," by Eugene O'Neil, will be produced by t ne Hillel Play-! ers Jan. 13 and 14 at the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre, it was announced last night. E. Mortimer Shuter, well known in Ann Arbor for his work in directing the now discontinued Union operas, will return to local dramatic effort by directing this play. Fred Rebman will be in charge of the play, while John Silberman, '34, is in charge of the business end of the production. Costuming for the play is in the hands of Mrs. Ruth Bacon Buchanan, who has worked with Robert Henderson, Play Pro- duction and Comedy Club in the same capacity. Russian Orthodox Pastor To Speak Here Sunday, The Rev. Nikanor A. Sokoloff, pastor of the Russian Orthodox Church of Albion, Mich., will speak at 10:45 a. m. Sunday, in Wesley Hall, under the auspices of the Russian Club of the University. As far as is known, this will be the first time that a Russian Ortho, dox service has ever been conducted in Ann Arbor. The denomination, very similar to the Greek Orthodox, is rare in Michigan. Albion and De- troit are the only nearby cities in which it. is represented, The Rev. Mr. Sokoloff is complet- ing his thirty-fourth year as a min- ister of the Russian Orthodox Church. He is one of the few living Russian clergymen who have attain- ed the highest theosophical educa- tion in Russia. While in Russia, he served in various capacities as a min- ister, educator and administrator. His last position before he came to this country was in the Russian Em- bassy in Constantinople. In the Uni- ted States, he has been a minister in Norwich, Conn., Chicago, and Al- bion. WsI wiu State Street IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME AT WILD'S a sirloin steak sizzling 11, --I --- - hot to you! r new "sizzling" st s the delivery of teak service guar- your "sizzling" 'I / LAhoy, Mates! o When the ship's log shows December 9 and 10, if you're a wise mariner, you'll take the helm and steer a straight course for the SOPHMORE CABARET, for there, bow, stern and amidships, you'll find gobs of fun. We're carrying a cargo of two pianos and a sailing songster . . . on the main deck there'll be Gobs tapping Waiters and Waitresses will dance . . . There'll be others waltzing There'll "piping" hot to your table i only at the hut will you find this unique sizzling" steak service - it's as new as omorrow's news - it's in keeping with ingerle's policy of giving the customer the est and timely innovations in restaurant Be No Kick 0 f 6_, remember - only at the hut can you ive a genuine "sizzling" steak the about the dance this week-end . Friday night is FOOTBALL NIGHT . . . with the Big Ten Champs as Guests . . . Special Decorations . . . Pictures of the w We Michi ing t 3:30 b we'll and 1Z. dinner costs seventy cents .. Teams . . . the Wolverine 1t- fingerle operated the hut self . . . Music by Don Loomis' Band, of course, and the regular along the Promenade . . . hang over the rail and you'll see the "Devil and the Deep." A real cuisine . . .. no hardtack and bilgewater for those who sail with us . . . and the fare is reasonable. e're docking at the. gan League . . . sail- ime, afternoons, is o 5:30; Friday night . cruise from 9 till 1 Saturday from 8 till R4BARET aIGAN LEAGUE dance on Saturday . * 0 SC I BOOKS --THE PERFECT GIFT! The There is nothing better in the world than Mic A Good Book for a Christmas Gift Michigan I iiTnian ST Txzt- -I-- {