T it j IIII i il N IAIL [ICHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 ----I : __ abominable hodgepodge known as the English sys- teen is -lowly but surely giving way to the scien- tific decimal system commonly called the metric system; and second, that all educated persons d should lend lheir influence to accelerate the com- Ing of the everyday use of the metric system. To a University audience there should be no necesity for submitting arguments in favor of the metric system; but there, is a need for keeping its advantages continually in the public eye and there is a need for all of us, students as well as faculty, to become boosters for the metric system. The inertia and ignorance of the older generation must be overcome by the enthusiasm and the wisdom of the younger generation. Nowhere is this more ticular one happens to be able to hit the upgrade back to respectability. Kiddo is a dancer in a dive. After she murders a bum who enters her room, she is forced to flee on Captain Boynton's ship. Boynton is a dark, two-fisted gentleman, played by Bill "Stage" Boyd. When she is left on a -lonely island to the wiles of a half-drunken lawyer, Kiddo is -only too glad to meet Brian, a handsome enough young pearl fisherman. Then there's a lot about a wrecked schooner, the threatened return of Boynton to get Kiddo, the marriage of Kiddo to Brian, and finally the showdown with the rascally lawyer pairing off with Boynton against the other two. It is fairly good melodrama, and Peggy Shan- non is remarkably attractive. You may say it's old stuff. Perhaps. We aren't saying much either way. By the by, read our mail below. S mart es t of new GAITERS ! Ii f . t THE STODDARD BEAUTY SHOP is wishing its patrons a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS by making them a gift of- A FREE MANICURE with each SHAMPOO & FINGER WAVE or each SHAMPOO & MARCEL WIGS ["OR RE~NTAL STODDAR D BEAUTY SHOP 317 South State St. Phone 2-1212 UNTIL C-RSTMA- 100 ENGRAVED CARDS and PLATE, $1.75 __ Any Style - DAV1S & OHLINGER 10-ltE. n1lnlgt:On St. Phone 8 ilSco nd 2'loor TY PEWRI T E R S All akes - I ea e and ort ble Sold.Rented Exaze ed R "aired age choice stock. 0. D. M RR I L iblished every morning except Monday during the versity year and Summer Session by the Board in trol of Student Publications. ember of the Western Conference Editorial Assocla- and the Big Ten News Service.' MEMBER or' THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ie Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use repulilcation of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and the local news ished herein. All rights of republication of special atches are reserved. tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as nd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by 'd ssistant Postmaster-General. ibscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, . During regular school year by carrier. $4.00; by , $4.50. lees: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street. Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. presentatives: College Publishers Representatives, 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; -8$0 ston Street, Boston; 612 Noxth Michigan Avenue. ago EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 [AGING EDITOR..............FRANK B. GILBRETH Y EDITOR...........................KARL SEIFFERT RTS EDITOR..................JOHN W. THOMAS MEN'S EDITOR.................MARGARET O'BRIEN [STANT'WOMEN'S EDITOR ........MIRIAM CARVER hT EDITORS Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, hn W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, -ackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. RTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross 'Bain, Fred A. Huber, Bert Newman, Harmon Wolfe. ORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A. Ellis 11, Charles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Donald R. rd, Donald F. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William 0. Ferris, Sidney ankel, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, orge M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, Edwin W. Rich- :lson, John Simpson, George Van Vleck, Guy M. hipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White. ,therine Anning, Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, eanor B. Blum, Maurine Burnside, Ellen Jane- Cooley, uise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Anne Dunbar, anette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi- n, Frances J. Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Eleanor terson, Margaret D. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet Mess, Marjorie Western. ]RUSINESS STAY Telepiiine -xo . NESS MANAGER.............BYRON C. VEDDER DIT MANAGER.................,.HARRY BEGLEY IEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......DONNA BECKER ARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; v: rtisirng Cotracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Sarv- Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- ation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. STANTS: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve- id, Charles Ebert. Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, ph Flume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read. Fred Rogers, ier Skinner, Joseph Su Cow, Robert Ward. zabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapain, Doris nmmy, 7Billie Garif iths, Virginia Hartz, Catherine Me- ry~, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried, TtHryn Stork. THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 1932 strikingly illustrated than in the attitude of the big manufacturers of little screws. Granted that this is a machine age and granted that machines require screws and bolts, little and big, by the millions, it is encouraging to realize that the older generation of factory owners who opposed con- gressional legislation looking toward the wider use of the metric system is now being replaced by a younger and wiser generation scientifically trained, not only sympathetic to the metric system but also actively aggressive in furthering its use. It formerly was said that %'he entering wedge for the metric system in the United States would be either an act requiring that all bids and specifi- cations for government purchases be expressed in metric units or an act requiring that metric units be adopted in interstate commerce. While either of these approaches would if adopted bring metric units into every day use on the double- quick, many manufacturers, without waiting for such drastic action, are voluntarily going ahead and changing over at leas t in part to metric specifications, partly from a selfish but laudable desire to simplify manufacturing and partly from: a selfish and equally laudable desire to compete more successfully in international commerce, realizing that practically all of the civilized na- tions of the world aside from Great Britain and the United States are already actively on the metric basis. There is scarcely a machine shop of any consequence that does not have in it some tools and some machines and some stock material in metric units. Scientific work the world over is done almost exclusively in metric units, and both science and scientists wield a big influence on the world these days., It is only a question of time until this laggard United States will fall intc line in the unescapable and highly desirable uni- versal use of metric units. For our own sakes and for our children's sakes let us speed the day. Whenever we have the opportunity let us say a good word for the metric system, I should likE to commend Dr. Onderdonk for his .outspoker. advocacy of this system. -(Prof.) Daniel L. Rich WHAT FUN IT IS rO OPEN THE MAIL -G. M. W. Jr. B A L L READ THE DAILY ADVERTISEMENTS a This column has taken the privilege of annotat- .ng Mr. Constantine's letter. Here it is. To Screen Reflections: Isn't it just about time we had another (1) m1ovie editor? At least the one we have now is so 'ash, inaccurate, and (2) unjust that all the >leasure of reading such an appealing and in- formative column is taken away. He constantly nisjudges the pictures-more than one person aas remarked that his system of stars is all off. of he has become so biased that he can't even give a decent picture a break, why not give his .ree ticket (3) to someone who canboth enjoy ;he picture and give us an idea of the story? We ion't like to miss too many good shows because )f a rotten editor. Let us have just the story-no Sad criticism or- judgment. If we do have any, .et it be impartial-no more prejudiced attacks .ike the one on poor (4) Clara Bow--give the gal (5) a chance. She wasn't as bad as he made her .ook to be-at least her acting is improved (6) md is up to Hollywood standard (7). The trouble aith her is not that she is too fat but that she is ;oo thin (8). What do you think (9)? Remember his misjudgment of the recently popularly recalled 3IG BROADCAST (10). -A. Constantine (1) No. (2) Harsh words, them. (3) 10 cents,o 'ou mean. (4) Calling Clara Bow "poor" is like :alling an Alaskan husky "pretty-boy.." (5) A nore, apt terminology. (6) What could it have )een before-? (7) Do they have one out there? (8) refer you to Mr. Ind's review. (9) We still think he's too fat. (10) What do you mean? A. E. B. ave it 3 stars. Mr. Allison Ind, dramatic critic and movie re-. Aiewer of the Ann Arbor Daily News, rated "Call Jer Savage," starring Clara Bow, the lowest of ny show he has yet reviewed under his percent- xge system, 65 per cent. He said that Clara Bow adn't lost a pound-"not even a ton." Mr. Ind further said that the public does not ,vant *'that" type of Clara Bow to return to the >creen. And when critics agree, as he and I do, .hat means something. I think Miss Bow must have difficulty in get- .ing in and out of doorways. Mr. Ind thinks she's modelled on the lines "of an inter-state bus." So. -G. X. W. Jr. STAS_ -mo New Stock of Winter Suits and Overcoats at Reduced Xmas Prices B A N D fMaODERNE Here's what they're wearing! Something entirely new and dif- ferent in smart gaiters-the MODERNE with its dashing lines and trim fit. Now in a lus- trous new Satin Finish to match the beauty ofyour shoes - unique infine rubber footwear! You get EXTRA VALUE, too,; when you ask for the Ball-Band MODERNE. Splendidly tai- lored to fit-to give much longer wear-to hold that graceful shape. Special heel plugs prevent your leather shoe-heels from punching through. Simple one-snap fas- tener-easy on or off. See them today! In lustrous black or rich dark brown to har- monize wtith prevailing modes. Prices are low! BABLLBAND BUILT-T4-THE-FOOT * RUBBERS-' GAITERS ARCTICS.-SANDALS.-CANVAS SPORT SHOES READ TIEDAILY. A DVERTISEMENTS LOT 1 SITS &O OAS Values Up to $30.00 Now $12.95 LOT 2' SUIT & 'COATS Values Up to $35,00 Now $17.45 -$19.85 LOT 3 SITS & O'COATS Values Up to $40.00 Now $21.75 - $24.85 LOT 4 Finest Choice of EVERY SUIT in the Store $24.75 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Slip-Over Sweaters.954 and up Gladstone Bags ...$9.95-$12.95 Trench Coats, special ... $2.69 Neckwear . . 29c-69e-95c-$1.35 Pajamas ......95c-$1.45-$1.95 Fancy Silk Hose, 15c-27-35e-41e Fancy Silk and Wool, 27c-35c-50c-75c Silk or Wool Robes. .$4.95-$7.95 Silk- Scarfs .........95c to $2.45 Fancy Handkerchiefs, Initial or plain.....25c to 50c Suede Jackets at......... $5.95 Garters............ .29c Fancy Suspenders.. . .....79c Pigskin Gloves ... ... $1.$5 Two-piece Underwear, Xmas Sets ............ $1.00 Collar Attached Shirts, 87c to 2.45 Best Ever Slippers... . $2.75 F ties Slap The Of Scientists . T IS NOT greatly surprising that a group of. fanatics should object to admission of Dr. Einstein to the United StatesI he charge that he is a communist. In this [ of the free there .are people to uphold every ement, however outrageous to common sense pay be. It is surprising, however, that theI nrican embassy at Berlin ever should have ia moment's notice to the protests. ifficulties attendant upon travelling from ntry to country are fruitful subjects of con- ation among globe trotters, and perhaps they e been overdone even in the case of the pril- - citizen. That Dr. Einstein should be delayed unduly quizzed is the height of discourtesy. merica is jealous of her growing reputation as intellectual country, and has seized with well- ified eagerness the opportunity to add Eu- 's most distinguished, scientist to an American ilty. The benefits. to accrue from this rela- ship are certainly ours to the greatest degree. at inconsistency it is, then, tb bar the door ch we ourselves have opened to welcome him! ven if it were true, which Frau Einstein in- Ently denies, that the professor has any com- iistic leanings, it is ridiculous to suppose that would descend to the dissemination of "red" >aganda, and it is to prevent that that the stionnaire is administered. "deluge of cables" to the Einsteins evidenced regret of the American people over the inci- t, and an apology would not be out of order. Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be nstrued as expressing the editorial opinion of The Lily. Anonymous communcations will be di,,regardl- The nanes of comunicans will, however, be re- rded as confidential upon request. Contributors are ked to be brief, connfning tnemselves to less than 0 words if possible. RE ON THE METRIC SYSTFEM The Editor: week or so ago there appeared in this column : the signature of Dr. Onderdonk some excel- comments on the metric system. In the corre- adence that followed there was a tendency, as nfortunately often the case, to depart from the its of the question under discussion and to ge in personalities and references to national AN APPRECIATION To The Editor: The writer spent his undergraduate days in a small provincial college., He was subjected to a narrow, superficial and moral education. His in- structors called it culture, and he, accepting the judgments of these supposedly well-educated men, knew no better. These instructors in their easy- going way were given to adulteration. They praised painters and preachers, Frenchmen and Germans; they praised Matthew Arnold not only as a poet but also as a critic; they praised both ' Saint Francis of Assisi and Benito Mussolini. Worst of all was their attitude toward musicians. They invariably hastened over the flaws in order to expound more fully the virtues. Only last year I was sent a review of the Detroit orchestra'}s recital in whichl high praise was given to this ob- viously uncouth aggregation. I have heard Sigrid Onegin and Myra Hess and Horowitz praised to the skies, -(but, thanks to myMichigan stars, I shall be saved all such unhealthy adulation this year). I have even heard kind words spoken of the Cleveland Symphony. At Michigan I have learned another lesson, a lesson that has enlarged my appreciation, that has stimulated a sound and healthy critical atti- tude. For two years I have read Mr. Gorman's appreciations. Where, I ask, could one find so youthful a critic with so clever, so caustic, so brilliant a mind? Time after time has Mr. Gor- man pointed out flaws that I, in my untutored innocence. have missed. Several times I have found myself on the verge of giving my approval to a recital when the Daily has brought' me Mr. Gorman's- clear-sighted, analytical condemnations and I have not only learned a more reasoned ap- preciation but have also been spared several em- barrassing moments. Mr. Gorman is gone, but luckily Miss Murphy, his successor, is equally clever, caustic, and bril- liant, and even more scintillating. She has the first attribute of a good critic-the ability to make white whiter and black more black. She criticizes favorably or adversely with equal skill. She pointed out a few weeks back the glory of Mr. Tibbett's "natural" genius, his ability as a showman, his admirable restraint (which I had taken foolishly for a kind of Coolidge-like immo- bility) and only yesterday she quite surpassed herself by granting high praise (alleviated, of course, by a few exquisite qualifications) to Mr. Frantz and by condemning wholeheartedly the atrocious performance of the orchestra. Miss Murphy completely avoids the foolish art of damning with faint praise. She calls a spade a spade. The crowning glory of the criticism was the frank, clear-as-crystal comment on the con- ductor. Now I trust ycu will understand my appreciation of the Michigan Daily type of criticism and how I find it so superbly set forth in the straightfor- ward, honest phrase describing Mr. Gabrilowitsch as "a doddering old man." -W. H. T. .. n.- ____. First National Bank Bldg. WADHAM ) S & Ctn. 205 S. M Yn St. a 18 - l ~min ~T1rYr2c' .By Karl Seiffrrt Our Mr. John (Inside Dope) Thomas, mad czar of Page Three, remarks on the mortality rate among Daily editorial page columns. And The Press Box-ah, with what rapture we search each norning for its modest paragraphs - goes on Intl on, like Time itself. And sometimes pretty nuch like the Detroit Free Press. * * One that Mr. Thomas missed: Westbrook Peg- er, prominent sports columnist, is now a Wash- ngton correspondent. He ought to be able to find at least one member of the House aggregation gho flashed a bang-up brand of ball at the initial sack back in East St. Louie. * * * After long and weighty deliberation, the American consul general at Berlin has decided to admit Albert Einstein to the United States. Maybe Max Schmeling put in a good word for the professor. And then there is the golf club manufacturer who has invented a club that won't slice. That ought to have a profound effect on the expressive- ness of the American language. Congress struggled through the first day of its session without the attendance of Dolly Gann, the Vice-President's sister. Considerable speculation was rife as to her whereabouts, because whatever Charley's next job is going to be, she's probably out arranging for a ring-side seat. The first few days of the Michigan deer season saw nearly a score of men killed in hunting accidents. A rumor that several deer also fell is gaining ground. The Americans whose names are listed in the British Who's Who for the first time this year are Clarence Darrow and three novelists, an artist, and a motion picture producer. That makes three novelists, an artist, a motion picture pro- ducer, and a circus performer. A Vassar professor points out that the food left over- from an American holiday dinner would feed a'French family for a week. We'll admit that here 01, l 'Y y1 k N \ J I--i U 4 i IMPOMdf/ -~I WAL VERSI First Aid or unbrokenjonts How to keep silt and sand from clogging tele- phone cable ducts was one problem put up to engineers at Bell Telephone Laboratories. No known method of joining sections of vitrified clay conduit effected a seepage-tight joint. With scientific thoroughness, telephone men made many tests under service conditions. They devised a bandage of cheese-cloth, waterproof paper and mortar. Easily made and applied, this mortar bandage is tight against silt and sand. It prevents clogging, greatly simplifies the installation of new telephone cables and the removal of old ones. Through solving such interesting problems, Bell System men work steadily nearer to their goal -telephone service of -highest possible efficiency. 'ortunatelyfor me if anyone attacks me on the is of my ancestry he will find little information ilable. I am inclined to think that probably I J some ancestors, but a cousin of mine after vincing himself that all tracks of our racial e is -lost some six or seven generations ago in wilds of western Pennsylvania gave up the Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three' stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. it rrr rrm rr~ ~ ~~r rr r rrrr r ~ r i i, ' _