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December 08, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-08

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The 'Weather
Snow flurries, colder Thurs-.
day; Friday generally fair, cold.





Fanatics Slap


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House Starts
Hearings On'
Farm Relief, Economy,
Banking Reform Urged
In Opening Sessions
Budget Message
Read To Congress
Brewing Interests Tell Of
Possibilities Of High Tax
If Beer Bill Passes
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. - (RP) - A
congressional day devoted mostly to
talking about what should be done
saw a House committee begin hear-
ings on a beer bill and Senate Dem-
ocrats map out an extensive program,
including prohibition repeal and farm
They decided, too, that measures
ought to be passed this session which
would embody banking reform, un-
employment relief, further economy,
ratification of the world court proto-
cols and Volstead Act modification.
The House already has attempted
to repeal the Eighteenth Amendment
and failed, perhaps finally so far as
this session is concerned, but it went
ahead toward a vote on modification
of the Volstead Act through testi-
mony before the ways and means
There, two representatives of brew-
ing interests, Levi Cooke and R. A.
Huber, of St. Louis, extolled what
they considered the virtues of 4 per
cent brew. They estimated that mod-
ification to permit the sale of beer
would return about $330,945,000 year-
ly on the basis of a tax of $5 per

Pastor Invades Inner Sanctum
Of Voodoo Mystics, Tells Story

The strange voodoo mysticism
whose sordid rites have been terroriz-
ing Detroit with weird human sacri-
fices among the most ignorant neg-
roes during the past few weeks was
discussed in an interview here yes-
terday by a Detroit pastor, who, with
some knowledge of the Arabic lang-
uage, learned the password and en-
tered the innermost sanctities of a
cult temple. The history and prac-
tices of these cults in Chicago and
Detroit is almost inconceivable in our
Twentieth Century civilization.'
E. D. Beynon, who holds an Ear-
hart fellowship in sociology in the
University, is pastor of the Centenary
Methodist Church in Detroit. Four
years ago he rented a house to a
negro family. One day while he was
in the house, he came across several
books written in Arabic. With the
slight knowledge of the language
which he had received while serving
as a British officer in the Indian
Army during the World War, he
learned that the books were Moslem
This discovery led to a more con-
centrated study of the cult which
had been recently organized in thel
city and which was known as the
"Nation of Islam." The family moved

away soon after Mr. Beynon had
made his discovery.
Wallace Farrad, organizer of the
cult in Detroit and a similar move-
ment in Chicago, was born in Arabia
a Mohammadan. For a number of
years he wandered across northern
Africa and finally drifted into Moroc-
co, where he came into contact with
' Mohammadan missionaries who de-
scended into the Sudan to convert
the black tribes, especially of north-
ern Nigeria.
From these missionaries, Farrad
found that the blacks were easily
converted, and that money was easily'
obtained from the new converts. He
then conceived the idea of coming
to America, and proselyting some of
the American negroes to Islam in a
money-making scheme.
Mr. Beynon explained that the neg-
roes here were easily won over be-
cause they were ready for the new
idea. "It was largely a reaction after
the Ku Klux Klan movement that
made Islamism spread so rapidly in
the North," he pointed out. "The
more ignorant of the negroes who
recently migrated north, felt that
the churches to which they had
belonged did not provide adequate
protection from the Klan, and this
(Continued on Page 6)


Union Salaries
Exceed Share
Of Tuition Fee
Student Employees , Get
$7,000 Over The Sum
Given By Administration
Total Figure Set At
More Than $41,000

Wile To Talk
About Issues
At Capital
Delays Address In Order
To Stay At Capital For
'Lame Duck' Session
Was Correspondent
During World War

Noted Correspondent

Will Not Advocai
Of State Prohil
Until Another
Control Is Mac
Will Work On
And Unemplb
Favors Wet Law
Fears To Lea
Without Contr
Arising Situati

Full-Time Workers Take
Pay Cuts; University
Men Work At Old Rate


Bu dget Given
To Congress;
Averts Deficit
President Advocates Tax
On Sales, Salary Cuts ;
Silent On Beer, Debts
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.- (P)-
Slashed more than a half billion be-
low this year's appropriations, but
depending upon taxes and economies
which Congress previously firmly re-
fused to impose, the final budget to
be drawn up by the Hoover adminis-
tration was submittd.4today to Con-

Principals Of
45 Secondary
Schools Here

budget message
houses, and there
on ready for con-
gan which led far
included criticism

, a former so-
amendment to
h would enable
amendments by.
tates provided
fourths of the

Noted British
Dramatist Will
Lecture Here
John Drinkwater Proves
To Be Popular Drawing
Card; Success Assured
Advance sales for the lecture of
John Drinkwater, famous British
critic, dramatist, and biographer,
scheduled for Saturday night in Hill
Auditorium, are moving so rapidly at
the present rate that the success of
the special program is assured, ac-
cording to Carl Brandt of the speech
department late last night.
Mr. Drinkwater, who first attracted
popular attention in the United
States after the publication of his
play, "Abraham Lincoln," has an-
nounced as his topic, "Literature and
Challenge of Our Age." This is one of
the six appearances this prominent
author will make on this tour, his
second visit to America. His back-
ground for lecturing on this subject l
wassgained through his twenty years
of authorship in England where he
has produced such successes as the'
character dramas of Lincoln and Lee,
his dramatic biographies "Mary
Stuart," "Oliver Cromwell," "Pawn,"
"Swords and Plowshares," "Bird in
Hand," and ','Rebellion." Besides his
triumphs as a playwright he is noted
as a militant critic of English letters
gnd a biographer with histories of;
Morris, Burns, and "Mr. Charles of;
England" to his credit.
Mr. Drinkwater's appearance here
is sponsored by the Play Production
department. After this initial lecture
the department will plan a series of
presentations of outstanding literary
men if the demand makes it finan-
cially possible.

To avert a deficit in 1934, the
President told Congress, it would be
necessary to impose a general manu-
facturers' sales tax of 2% per cent;
cut government salaries an additional
11 per cent; slash compensation and
pensions to veterans, and retain the
gasoline tax of one cent a gallon.
The present fisgal year, he said,
will end with a deficit now estimated
at more than $1,140,000,00}0.
The only way hebcould see to bal-
ance next year's budget, after the
departments had completed cuts net-
ting $397,553,000 of savings, was to
enact legislation to save $182,000,000
more, and to raise $492,000,000 in ad-
ditional revenue.
The President was silent on war
debts and made no mention of pro-
hibition or of beer.
Beer was not considered in the
estimates of internal revenuesreceipts
of the Treasury, but the fiscal bal-
ance showed that collection of war-
debt payments due both this year and
next had been counted on in reach-
ing the total of receipts.
Congress received the new budget
perfunctorily. The opening pages of
the message were read and then the
bulky document was referred to the
Appropriation Committees of the
House and Senate.

To Confer With Former
Pupils, Discuss Problems
Of High Schools
Problems of secondary education
and difficulties encountered by ma-
triculation in the University will be
discussed today as 45 high school
principals gather in Ann Arbor for
conferences with their former pupils.
The educators will be guests of the
University at a luncheon in the
League following a morning of ap-
pointments with first year men and
women which has been arranged by
Ira M. Smith, registrar.
Copies of the freshman tests given
during Orientation Period have been
mailed to the principals who use this
data and the opinions offered by the
students themselves as a basis for
their investigations.
This year 381 first year students
have been notified of conferences.
scheduled with representatives of
their respective schools.
The meetings will be held in the
offices of the registrar in University
Hall and students who are not fresh-
men and who wish to see their former
principals are invited to arrange a
time for a conference.
University Scholarships
To Be Announced Friday
Decisions on 1932 University schol-
arships will not be made before Fri-
day, it was announced yesterday by
Prof. F. E. Bartell of the chemistry
department, chairman of the com-
mittee on scholarships.
About 120 applications were con-
sidered eligible for consideration, said
Professor Bartell. Of these all but
25 were eliminated.

More than $7,000 over the amount
the Union received last year for
maintenance from tuition fees was
paid out to students in salaries, it
was revealed by a recent investiga-
The Union received last year from
the membership fees included in the
tuition of all men students $64,000,
of which $30,000 went to the retire-
ment of debts and only $34,000 was
turned over to the Union for main-
tenance expenses.
More than $41,000 was paid out by
the organization to students who
work in the various departments of
the building.'
From 90 to 125 students are em-
ployed at the present time in the
Union, Paul Buckley, manager, said.
Ninety have steady jobs and 35 more
are on call for special occasions such
as banquets, football game days and
other emergencies.
Wherever possible, full time help
has been dispensed with and the workI
given to students, Mr. Buckley said.
All full time workers took reductions
last spring and substantial reductions
this fall, he added, but there has
been no reduction at all in the
amount paid to students per hour.
The taproom now employs 31 stu-
dents, while 40 are regularly employ-
ed in the main dining room. The
number of men working in the dining
room is somewhat variable, due to
the occasional necessity of calling in
extra helpers. Five students are em-
ployed as barbers and six are em-
ployed at the soda fountain.
Four are employed in both the li-
brary and the swimming pool while
two work in the bowling alley, at the,
main desk and as side door men. One
man is employed in the billiard room
and another in the lodgings depart-
This totals more than 90 because
there are several duplications.
Soviet Russia's
Progress T old,
By Detroit Man,

Noted Journalist Heads
Syndicate and Is Well-
Known Radio Speaker
Journalist Frederick William Wile
will describe current poitical issues
at Washington, when he presents the
third lecture on the Oratorical Asso-
ciation Series at 8 p. m. today, Hill
Having postponed his address so
that he could remain in Washington
until the last minute during the
opening days of the "lame duck"
Congressional session, Mr. Wile
comes to Ann Arbor determined, as
he expresses it, to "think aloud"
about the events of the past few
days, rather than to present the
usual cut-and-dried lecture.
Mr. Wile's experience as Washing-
ton correspondent since the World
War is backgrounded by an intimate
contact with the war itself. His work
as reporter of the scenes at the front
during the Boer War attracted the
attention of Lord Northcliffe who en-
gaged him on the staff of the London
Daily Mail. During the World War,
Mr. Wile achieved note for his success
in nosing out German naval maneuv-
ers long before they were carried out.
He began his newspaper work in
Chicago, at the age of 19. Subse-
.quently he worked in various ca-
pacities, was newspaper correspon-
dent in two wars, and finally became
Washington correspondent for the
Philadelphia Public Ledger. Today
he operates the Frederick William
Wile Syndicate; and his voice is well
known on the radio, over which he
broadcasts the daily political situa-
Plans have been made for Mr.
Wile's entertainment at the home of
Prof. Udo J. Wile of the medical
school, a relative.
Dean Sadler Calls
'Social Engineer'
Future Technician
"In the future there is no question
but that the engineer will be called
upon to take a greater part in the
solution of our industrial problems
and, in part, perform the functions
that the banker and the industrialist
have tried to fill in the past, but
which really lie in the realm of the
trained engineer," Dean Herbert C.
Sadler of the engineering college
stated last night in his address be-
fore the American Society of Me-
chanical Engineers in their annual
student-faculty meeting.
Seeing the "social engineer" as the1
ideal technician of the future, Dean
Sadler pointed out that in the pres-
ent changing world the age old posi-
tion of the engineer as technical ad-
viser is fast approaching the stage
where he must realize fully the ef-
fects on civilization of his inventions.
He pointed definitely to a progressive
trend toward the general mechaniza-;
tion of all industry and its inevitable
effect on labor as a problem "crying
for adjustments."


Expect Verdict
Today In ' Case
Of Boy Robber
Ramison S. Hawley, Jr.,
Son Of Professor, Will
Hear Jury's Decision
The fate of Ransom S. Hawley, jr.,
18, son of Prof. Ransom S. Hawley
of the engineering school, on trial
in Circuit Court for robbery armed
and the theft of two automobiles,
rested last night in the hands of
twelve jury members, who, having
heard the final arguments of the de-
fense and the prosecutor, will return
their verdict this morning.,
The jury will convene at 9 a. m.
and at that time will attempt to
reach a decision. There are two ver-
dicts open to them--guilty, or not
guilty because of insanity.
"Mental illness" at the time thF
crimes were committed was the stan
taken by the defense yesterday
George J. Burke and Edward F. Con-
lin, attorneys fbr Hawley, brought
forth as witnesses Dr. Theophil
Klingman, nerve specialist at St. Jo-
seph's Mercy Hospital, Dr. Horace
Yoder, superintendent of the Yorl
State Hospital, Dr. Franklin Linde-
mulder, of the department of neu-
rology of the -medical school, and Dr.
Neil Gates, of Ann Arbor, who testi-
fied that in their opinion Hawley was
not in his right mind during the pe-
riod that he broke the law.'
Concluamg his plea for the youth
in a strain of eloquence seldom heard
in the Court House, Mr. Burke, par-
ticipating in his first criminal case
in more than three years, stated that
it was the duty of the prosecutor,
Albert J. Rapp, to prove the defen-
dant sane at the time of the crimes
before the jury could render a ver-
dict of guilty. He pointed to the
fact that Mr. Rapp had not offered
the testimony of a single specialist on
mental diseases to prove the youth
sane. He carefully reviewed the
crimes, pointing out that the actions
of Hawley were not those of a ra-
tional person. He established the
fact that the defendant was a "Sun-
day School boy"' both before and
after the period of his "mental ill-
ness.. .
Mr. Rapp based the case of the
People on an "armory" composed of
numerous guns and pistols that were
known to belong to Hawley, as well
as one black-jack, and argued that
the possession of these weapons, and
the method in which the crimes were
committed proved that the boy was
entirely sane.
Druids, senior honor society, last
night initiated eight men. They
were: Ross Bain, Stewart Boatride,
Keith Crossman, Bob Fuoss, Bill Hill,
Dick Racine, and Karl Savage.


DETROIT, Dec. 7.--P)-A decl
:ion that he will not advocate re
:f the state prohibition enforcer
act until some other form of li
control is ready to take its place
made today by Governor-elect
liam M. Comstock,
The governor-elect, in a discus
:f the approaching administrat
paid that he favored modificatioi
,he present liquor enforcement
but declared he did not want M
igan left without any state con
He further stated that his first n
when he takes office will be to at
he problems of taxation and un
ployment, and after that, prohibi
-tnd primary election reform.
Saw Repeal Possibility
Mr. Comstock said that wher
tated recently that he favored
eal of the enforcement act, he
vyed at the time that Cony
could take action on on repeal'
,odification of the Volstead Ac
his session.
"That does not now appear pi
able, particularly as regards repe
he said. "Therefore if we repealed
:tate enforcement act we woulc
,vithout any form of state cor
>ver the, situation because any s
:ontrol act, as contemplated by
.onstitutional amendment passes
November, could not become effec
until there was some legal liquo
Wants Liquor Control
"Thus to be left without any s
control would subject us to unbri(
license, and that, of course, wouli
unthinkable. I shall oppose any
tempt to repeal the law until s
time as the federal government
acted and we have set up our li<
control law."
The governor-elect declared h
"a firm- believer in home rule,"
said he would probably veto any
which the legislature might ac
imposing governmental changes
the people of any community wit,
their consent."
Carr To Lead
'S oC A. Forun
On Progres

Maurice Sugar Uses
Figures For Past
To Prove Point



Dean Advises Against Skimping
On Food To Continue In School
By GLENN R. WINTERS stances. Often students drop in to
Privation and suffering among tell him of acquaintances who are in
Michigan students were graphically need of help, or those receiving aid
described by Joseph A. Bursley, dean .mention others they know who are
of students, in an interview yesterday. worse off they they. Occasionally a
"A bottle of milk and a loaf of faculty member turns in the name of
bread," Dean Bursley said, "make up a student who gives evidence in the
the daily diet of dozens of students classroom of malnutrition. In all
who are carrying a full load of school these cases, the Dean said, the stu-
work. Many of them may be found dents are summoned to the office for
rooming together in some attic at a a conference and an effort is made to
dollar and a half a week, living on help them.
milk and bread or crackers and occa- "It is folly," Dean Bursley de-
sionally a can of beans. They get a clared, "for these students to ruin
warm meal of meat and potatoes at their health in this manner. They are
some restaurant once a week or so. doing themselves more harm than
One young married student to whom good. Entering freshmen who would
I talked recently said that he and have to depend on such a meagre
his wife were living in a small apart- existence are usually deterred from
ment and spending only eight dollars coming, but juniors and seniors in
a month for food. the professional schools who are so
"A junior in the Literary college near the end of the long grind are
told me the other day that the suit sorely tempted to finish the year,
of clothes he had on was the one he whatever the cost. As a result, they
aa+p fmm s h ni +i.h struggle through and the results

Pointing to the strides which So-
viet Russia has made under its Five
Year Plan, Maurice Sugar, Detroit
attorney, last night discussed "The
Truth About Russia," in a lecture at
Hill Auditorium. Mr. Sugar gave
statistics to back up his statements
on present-day conditions in Russia.
After seizing political power, the
problem of the Soviet was to build
economic power in order to indus-
trialize the country, he said. The
transition had to be made from feu-
dal economy to industrial economy.
The task of educating the peasants
to run machinery has been the great-
est of all the tasks the Soviet has
had, Mr. Sugar stated.
According to Mr. Sugar's figures,
production in Russia has increased
26 per cent in the past year, as com-
pared with a decline in production
in the United States of 24 per cent,
14 per cent in England, and 12 per
cent in Germany.
Trial Of Baylis
To Open Today
Before Sample,
The trial of Carry Hunt, Baylis,
Ypsilanti negro charged with com-
plicity in the recent brutal murder
of Cap Deatherage, World War vet-
eran, will open in the Washtenaw

Students To Err
Present Social Sy


Mrs. Comstock Dislikes Politics;
Prefers To Remain With Family

Unlike her talented and capable
husband, Mrs. William A. Comstock,.
wife of Michigan's Governor-elect,
dislikes politics, preferring instead
the quiet of her books, her fine col-
lection of etchings, and the compan-
ionship of her family.
"I have never been campaigning
with Mr. Comstock," she said in reply
to a question. "I never want to; it's
too wearing-banquets and recep-
tions and hordes of people." Not that
Mrs. Comstock doesn't like people-
she does, and enjoys their company
with an extraordinary sense of hu-
mor that seems one of her very nicest

Aim. To Ai

tive Fairoaks Parkway home waiting
to greet me, Mrs. Comstock struck
me as a charming woman. She will
make an unusual first lady of the
state when her husband takes the
oath of office in January. She is not
tall, but of medium stature, gracious,
brisk, and very friendly. Her gray
hair frames a strong, kind face. Her
speech is clipped and staccato.
Her home is like her-bright and
cheerful. It is furnished in excellent
taste. There are bookshelves every-
where in her study where we talked
and in Mr. Comstock's den; etchings
line the walls of all the living rooms.
They are Mrs. Comstock's greatest,
I v "T lrua,,immi- n," ,a4,-

"Is Progress an Illusion?" wil'
the subject of the forum which
Student Christian Association
sponsor at 4:15 p. m. today in N
ural Science Auditorium.
Prof. Lowell J, Carr of the sc
ology department will lead the for
Professor Carr has been teaci
haere for several years. He hasz
had previous experience in busiri
and these qualities made him
logical choice for delivering an
dress that requires treatment fr
two different angles, the S. C. A.
nounced yesterday.
According to Gordon Galaty,
the aim of the forums held
semester has been "to awaken
students to the fact that there
something wrong with our pres
social order and that its correc
depends to a large extent on
efforts of the younger generatioi
remedy it.
Organize Committee To
Oppose War Sentime-
Joining in the movement tal
nlace on many college camni

Dr. Ruthven To Attend


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