.THE MICHIGAN DAILY ICHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 =, - =-° , 7" thing as our (here his voice drops to a whisper) --as our Frankenstein's monster, advertising via radio. Each owner there pays the government a nominal sum to support radio, instead of taking it in the neck as the public does here. Shall we pledge ourselves to keep such an ideal plan quiet, and toady to our national sponsors? Yes-men: Fine, let's. Oscar: NO! YELL THIS TO THE HOUSE- TOPS! Radio in America is as nutty as harvest time in Brazil. It is venal, banal, distorted, hideous outrage perpetrated upon a public which is powerless at least at present, to hit back. It makes listening to the radio between 5 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. amazingly disgusting. It makes listen- ing to the radio at all quite disgusting. American radio will take the advertising of charlatans and quacks who have been ousted by medical societies. It brings to the home puffs for food, toothpaste, mouthwashes, medicine and cigarettes at times when such advertisements are particularly ill- chosen-at luncheon and at dinner. American radio has been fed loco weed. It would whisk a cabinet-member off the air if he said "damn" or "hell," yet it allows Broadway cowboys to intone suggestive songs from 6 until 6, provided, of course, they can find a sponsor. REMEDY IT, SOMEHOW! iblished every morning except Monday during the versity year and Summer Session by the Board in trol of Student Publications. 'eber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ae Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and the local news lished herein. All rights of republication of special patches are reserved. tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as nd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by .d Assistant Postmaster-General. ibscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, . During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by ,$4.50.. 1lces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. 'presentatives: College Publishers Representatives, 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 stn Street, Boston; U12 North Michigan Avenue, ,ago, EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 AGING EDITOR.............FRANK B. GILBRETH Y EDITOR.......................KARL SEIFFERT RTS EDITOR.....................JOHN W. THOMAS vEN'S EDITOR..............MARGARET O'BRIEN :STANT WOMEN'S EDITOR........MIRIAM CARVER HIT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, hn W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, ackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. RTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber, Bert Newman, Harmon Wolfe. ORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A. Ellis 11, Charles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Donald R. d, Donald F. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur Carsters, Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney ankel, Eric hal, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, orge M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, Edwin W. Rich- 1son, John Simpson, renrge Van Vieck, Guy M. Nipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White. therine Anning, Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, anor B. Blum, Maurine Burnside, Ellen Jane Cooley, uise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman,. Anne. Dunbar, inette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi- , Frances J. Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Eleanor erson, Margaret D. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet iss, Marjorie Western. BUSINESS STAFF Telephs ine 2-1214 [NESS MANAGER...............BYRON C. VEDDER DIT MANAGER.... .. .......HARRY BEGL Y EN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......DONNA BECER RTMENT MANAGERS:Advertising, GraftongSharp; vertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- ation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. in.; STANTS: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-7 d, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,j eph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers, ter Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward. zabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris nmy, Billie Griffths, Virginia Hartz, Catherine Mc-1 nry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried, tEryn Stork.E WEDN>ESDAY,' DEC. 7, 1932 The Theatre e You Listening, ns Of Radioland? MR. HARRY EVANS, who is Life Magazine's movie critic, made use in a recen.t issue of a critical device which was just as efficient as it was amusing and entertain- ing. In his movie review page, Mr. Evans an- nounced that a little magical dog, to be known as Oscar, would bark "No, No!" whenever the proper time came to upbraid movie continuity writers and directors for certain words or actions that ruined an otherwise good picture. What we propose to do is borrow Mr. Evans' little dog and use him for radio criticism. Oscar will bark "No, No!" in bold-face type whenever it is necessary. So we ask you to consider now that you are in any large broadcasting 'station, preferably one which is a member of the national chain. The station manager is speaking. Station manager: Men, our national advertising has fallen off seriously in the past few months. What is the matter with us? What can we do to remedy it? Should we use our influence to bring legislation to Congress outlawing this type of advertising from the air? Or should we try to build up our national ballyhoo again? Yes-men: Yes, Mr. Manager. Let's build up our national advertising again. That's the thing to do. Oscar: No! No! Station manager: Another thing comes to mind, men. Let's give the local boys the prod, and scare up some thirty-second advertising squibs to shunt in on the big programs during the inter- missions. What do you say? Yes-men: Yes, Mr. Manager, that's a fine idea. We'll get Blank Cleaners, Space Haberdashers, and Infinite Soup right away. With others, we'll sponsor a "prosperity" program that'll buffalo the public. Oscar: No! No! DON'T DO THAT! Manager: By the way, it's true that the public takes to our propaganda, our publicity, and our advertising, and likes it, isn't it? Yes-men: Yes, that's true. Oscar: NO! NO! THEY DESPISE IT! Manager: Should we have more moutaineer hill-billy songsters, more "funny" comedy teams like the Hair-Oil Rowdies, and more sponsored "acts" to dupe the poltroons that listen in?' Yes-men: Yes, let's do that. Oscar: NO! NO! Manager: I think I'll tell our continuity writers to keep on with "and now we return to the rhythm of the foxtrot-we- continue with the musical question" and other inanities. The public swal- lows that gaff, don't they? Yes-men: Yes, sir, they like it. They don't know any better. PLAY PRODUCTION'S 'BEGGAR ON HORSEBACK' By GEORGE SPELVIN Valentine B. Windt's third production of "Beg- gar on Horseback" opened Monday night to an enthusiastic audience at the Laboratory Theatre. In the opinion of the audience, and by an un- looked-for coincidence, also in ours, it was re- vealed as fully the equal of the 1931 version. Mr. Windt is more generally known to the cam-, pus for his direction of the Kauffman and Con- nelly satire than for any of his other produc- tions. It is a script that makes enormous demands on the director and cast, there must be a split- second precision in the way it is put together if it is to amount to anything. After the heavy success of its first two runs here, the graduation of almost all the actors on campus, the transfer to the cramped stage of the Laboratory theatre, a third- run hit would seem almost impossible. In getting it Mr. Windt has probably broken an all-time record of some sort or other. We won't waste our space writing appreciations of the famous script-if you don't know what it's about by now, after all these years you've wasted in this man's town, you may as well go see Clara Bow in "Call Her Savage." About the players: We'll take our Screen Re- flection columnist's stars away from him this morning and award them all to the Cady family, Frances Manchester, Jack B. Nestle, John Silber- man and Gladys Diehl. With Homer and Mrs. Cady a good bit improved over the former pro- duction, this year's backfield may be considered stronger by a couple of touchdowns at least. For Mr. Stocker we can only vote a rosy red apple and the earnest advice that he go into character work. Mr. Stocker was miscast as Neil. For Mary Pray, the same advice and a bound copy of Harpers. For Mr. Pribil the sincere wish that he would stop trying to frown, smile, and raise his eyebrows all at once. We don't know what's wrong with it . . . it just doesn't work, that's all. Also the request that all sofas, chairs, and tables be re- moved from sets on which he plays to prevent him from bowing over them on every line. For Vivien Cohen, Frances Johnson, and Law- rence Levy, applause for pleasing bits. For Mr. Windt special commendation of the handling of the marriage and trial scenes-two bits of directing that are seldom excelled tech- nically on the professional stage. "Beggar on Horseback" is a swell show. Oh, pshaw, there goes our boyishness cropping out again. 'PETER IBBETSON' GOES OVER BIG AT THE BONSTELLE DuMaurier's sentimental "Peter Ibbetson" is showing its oldtime lachrymose effectiveness this week at Robert Henderson's Bonstelle Civic Theatre in Detroit. Rollo Peters and Jessie Royce Landis, in the glamorous roles of Peter and the Duchess of Tow- ers, are the center of a brilliant, colorful produc- tion, which is rather better than the "Peter Ibbet- son" of the last Dramatic Festival. If a com- parison is necessary, and probably it isn't, we can say briefly that the present version excells the old technically, especially in the opening ballroom scene; that Rollo Peters is superior to Glenn Hunter by a lot; and that Miss Landis, though excellent, is a little disappointing after Violet Kemble-Cooper. Mr. Henderson has retained his old comedy part of the inn-keeper, which makes a contrast there a bit difficult. The production's most important aspect, to Ann Arbor readers, is the fact-that five graduates of Play Production are included in the large cast. Alan Handley is prominent in the ballroom scene, and Mildred Todd, as Peter's mother, is important in the dream sequences. Whether you like "Peter Ibbetson" or not is a matter of taste. It is sentiment of an older thea-' trical day, done with all the old fashioned fur- belows and fripperies, and in this case, done very well. It takes good direction to put life into Du- Mourier's dainty filigree pattern and that's what Mr. Henderson has given it. Mr. Peters and Jessie Busley will be starred in the Bonstelle production of Ben Levy's "The Devil Passes," which opens Friday night. A THEATRE CARRIES ON (From the New York Times) Cory Theatre has bridged the hiatus of a sabba- tical year on the part of its founder and director and has resumed at the old stand in Fourteenth Street with ranks but slightly changed. And now, during the past month, another such playhouse has followed suit. On Armistice Day, Nov. 11, the Detroit Civic Theatre, renamed the Bonstelle Civic Theatre of Detroit, began its ninth season on the date and with the play, cast and staff which Jessie Bon- stelle had already scheduled at the time of her unexpected death several weeks ago. The threat to the theatre's continuance caused by the death of Miss Bonstelle was more sudden, the hiatus to be bridged far briefer than that which hung over Miss Le Gallienne's stage, but they were met with the same quiet determination. On the very day of the memorial service for the theatre's founder the board of directors met, faced the question of its future, unequivocally decided to carry on and appointed to the vacant post the young founder of the neighboring Ann Arbor Dramatic Festival, Robert Henderson, who, inci- dentally, had been on the point of signing with Miss Bonstelle to be her associate director. In the eight years since its foundation-for it was only in name and in added security that the organization became the Detroit Civic Theatre four years ago-the theatre has averaged twenty- seven and a half productions per season. The longest season was that of 1926-27, with thirty- five productions. A bewildering variety of plays have filled its stage, from serious classic revivals to fresh-from-Broadway hits. The roster of players who appeared in these presentations would be a small edition of the membership roll of the Actors' Equity Association. Among the more prominent of the guest artists for one or more productions have been William: Faversham, Madge Kennedy, Sidney Blackmer, Robert Warwick, Nydia Westman, Grace George, Jessie.Royce Landis (who returned, by the way,' for this season's first productions), Grant Mit- chell, Winifred Lenihan, Kenneth MacKenna, Jacob Ben-Ami and the Coburns. Music and Drama ORGAN RECITAL TODAY Kenneth Osborne, assistant to Palmer Christian in the organ department, will play a varied pro- gram, including within itself a wide range of pe- riods and moods beginning with the charming Andante from one of the first symphonies ever written by Stamitz. The Bach "Fugue in E flat" has been called the St. Ann because of the sim- ilarity of its subject to the old English hymn tune of that name. The Vivaldi-Bach Concerto was originally written for string orchestra and transcribed for the organ, a distinct evidence of the influence which the Italian concertos had upon the German school of that time. The beautiful chorals of Cesar Franck, which were his last compositions, show him in his most religious moods and this one in B minor is char- acteristically devout. DeLamarter says of his "Nocturne"-"as languorous in melody as the wayward evening breeze; through the indefinable fitful stirring of the breeze in the pines, the clear, far notes of distant chimes, lost at moments and heard again." The recital ends with the Rus- sian composer Bubeck's dramatic "Fantasia," in- tensely nationalistic in feeling. -Kathleen Murphy STARS4 T 4T Want a passenger? Looking for trans- portation h o tn e ? Let Al the ad-taker solve your problem. Call 2-1214 Michigan Daily Classifieds Be - "SW ISSI LIST IC !" We Use ~ WISS CLEAN Exclusively Ann Arbor's Original Odorless Dry Cleaner PHONE 4191 SWISS CLEANERS C. H. Schroer & Son 209 S. 4th Ave. 705V2 N. Univ. FRANK P. HALL Adv. Mgr. THE DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS PA"Y I. .. It's, CHRISTMAS TIM E i3~ CHRIST'MAS SALE _T The higher priced, best quality SAV items carry the largest reduc- tions, One of the largest and best tV stocks in the city. SChristmas Cards A large choice and complete as- sortment for everybody priced 3C and up. Personal printed and GR E ETINGS engraved orders accepted if placed at once. tVI J Fountain Pen Desk Sets i Bases of marble, Onyx, 1 Glass-priced t$3.OO and upR Fountain Pen-Pencils Liberal allowance if you wish to . exchange your old pen in part pay- ment. Advertised .makes. Priced _ $1.00 and up CHRISTMAS STATIONERY of the best American . manufacture. Priced 50c and up Game Sets -- Diaries, Bridge Sets, Mottoes, Christ- mas Wrappings and other items priced to close out. . The Stationery and Typewriter Store 314 So. State Open Evenings -$$- - - : atSLAT"ERt'S .4 wo Stores Packed with Pertinent Gift Opportunities __& ST RIPES B Karl Seiffert- Henry Ford, recovering from his recent opera- tion, spoke to newspapermen of "something new in automobiles," by which, we are assured, he didn't mean Jean Harlow or Karen Morley. The inauguration of President-Elect Roosevelt will take place without much of the customary pomp. Reports say there will be but few troops, no West Point cadets, and no governors on horse- back. Nothing has been said about dispensing with the line-up of distant relatives. * * * For those Republicans present, the probable attendance of the Richmond Blues should be appropriate. And there will be a battalion of Marines. So soon after your election, Mr. Roosevelt? The House of Representatives has voted down the Speaker's repeal resolution. We thought from the start that the bill was a Garner. In Detroit a Federal prohibition administrator said the other day, "It has been more than a year since our investigators have located good beer and whiskey." We know how they feel, And the authorities say that more than 90 per cent of the liquor sold in Detroit during the Christmas holiday period will be fake. Then only about a tenth of the stuff will actually be made in Detroit? Some of the speakeasy operators are even talking about ringing in a lot of this Canadian stuff. * * * A system described as "a new racket" is being worked in large cities throughout the country. According to reports, a delivery man greets the unsuspecting housewife with a C. 0. D. package ostensibly for a neighbor who is not at home. The lady of the house pays for the package, and then is left holding the sack, along with the neighbor. Somehow that seems to describe the method used to put over the prohibition amend- o I Dollar books are simply fascinating this season. A whole section of glamorous titles. Gift packages of supreme quality Stationery at most reasonable prices. FINE BINDINGS - the bookmakin'g - a precious nent alue* Book children will treasure - big sturdy books - well bound - illustrated in colors -at popular prices. Gift sets of Fountain Pens and Pencils - Sheaffer and Parker Products: A wide selection of FELT Goods - most appropriate for college men and women, Christmas Gift Wrappings - and "Gor- genus" is the word for them. Seals, cello- phane, ribbons, stars, and twine. highest gift of art in perma- , ...A r 0 i t FREE MAILING SERVICE is offered Hundreds of items not listed for lack of space - so come in and see these splendid gift opportunities at popular prices. Every- thing you buy at SLATER'S is definitely dependable and quality is maintained in all price lines. This Christmas more than ever SLATER dependability and SERVICE will stand you in good stead. Your Patronage Is Sincerely Appreciated. $Store at Both Ends of the Campus. n A ~tr I