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December 07, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-07

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The Weather
Sniow, colder: Thursday snow


it ian

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Are You Listening, Fa

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Messiah' Will

Just Before Repeal Measure Lost In House

(Associated Press Photo)
Above is a general view of the chamber of the House of Representatives as members stood with bowed
heads as the convocation was read at the opening of the seventy-second Congress. A few hours later
Speaker Garner's repeal resolution fell short by six voter of gaining the necessary support to send it to the
Senate for consideration.

Son Of Local
Professor To
Ransom Hawley Admits
Robbery Of Gas Station
Near Saline Last July
The case of Ransom Hawley, jr.,
17 years old, son of Prof. Ransom
Hawley of engineering college, charg-
ed with robbery armed, was presented
in the Washtenaw circuit court yes-
terday afternoon. The crime with
which Hawley is accused° was the
armed holdup of a gasoline station
near Saline on July 16.
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp present-
ed the details of the crime to the
jury, although the facts are admitted
by the defense. It was indicated that
George J. Burke, attorney for Haw-
ley, would present a plea of tempor-
ary insanity. Prosecutor Rapp closed
his case before the court adjourned.
Attorney Burke will present the case
of the defense when the court opens
this morning.
The case opened yesterday morn-
ing and a jury had been selected at
noon. Attorney Burke immediately
announced the position which the de-'
fense would take, namely that Haw-
ley was "mentally sick" when he
committed the crime. If the jury
returned a verdict of acquittal on the
ground of the youth's condition,
Burke explained, it would be neces-
sary to bring Hawley before a sanity
commission to determine his present
mental status.
Hawley was identified as the man
who committed the robbery by Harold
Lambarth, attendant at the station.
Officers said that he stole an auto-
mobile owned by L. C. Mursinna, 1307
Harbrook Ave., which he used during
the crime. He was bound- over to
circuit court on Aug. 2 and has since1
been at liberty under $10,000 bond.

"Fun Alley" Bosses
Plan Cash Prizes, ,
And Change Minds
A sudden change of heart, experi-
enced by one of the bosses of "Fun
Alley," nearly precipitated a catas-
trophe Monday night when the name
of Dean of Women Alice Lloyd was
hurled at the Daily with intent to
kill a piece of publicity that had been
released too hastily. The effect of the
move was to stir up a storm of jour-
nalistic mania that finally subsided
when it was discovered that Dean
Lloyd was innocently implicated.
Would Charge Ten Cents
On Monday one of the co-chairmen
of "Fun Alley," a project to be held
in conjunction with the Sophomore
Cabaret, decided to have a swell
bridge contest. The tournament was
to be divided into half-hour divi-
sions, with a fee of ten cents for each
player; at the end of each half hour
there were to be prizes consisting of
half of the proceeds of that particu-
lar period. A story to that effect was
to have been published in the Daily.
But before very long, apparently,
a qualm of timorousness swept over
the czaritzas of Fun Alley; they sud-
denly became aware that such a pro-
ject would be dabbling in illegalities.
That story couldn't run in the Daily;
no sir! So someone called the Daily
and stated that Dean Lloyd had put
the "kibosh" on the cash prize busi-
iness, and that small gifts were to be
Dean Lloyd Innocent
This, naturally, created a furor in'
the newspaper office. Dean Lloyd
was telephoned; she had never heard
of the gambling idea, had never been1
consulted, and therefore had nevera
vetoed the project.
After some 25 cents had been added
to the telephone bill, it was found
that the Fun Alley progenitors, un-
able to reach Dean Lloyd, had used
her name to scare the Daily into
killing the story about the cash prizes
and substituting the more innocuous
one. Later they called Prof. Ethel
McCormack, director of social activ-,

Student Council
Gets Report Of
Prom's Losses

Kearns And
Each Other
Of Dance

Z'as Blame
For Failure

Symphony Orchestra Is
To Play At Hope College

siah" for
city, the
chestra v
land, Mi(
give a co.

s first invitation to
ncert and accompan-
to the same audience'
e music to "The Mes-
first time out of the
ersity Symphony Or-
ave Monday for Hol-
>r a pair of concerts
pe College.
baton of Prof. David
or, the Symphony will
Tuesday afternoon in
litorium. The feature
occasion will be Har-
33SM, who will play
rto in D minor.

The final report of the Soph Prom
committee, which was given to the
Student Council last night, showed
a loss of $17.40.
Joseph Zias, president of the Coun-
cil, said that the committee was en-
tirely to blame for the failure of the
dance. "The Council left the entire
responsibility of running the dance
up to the committee," said Zias, "and
the results are evident.
"The Council will handle all dances
in the future more carefully," he con-
tinued, "to insure that this does not
happen again. It was more or less
of a test case when we let them go
ahead on their own initiative."
"The Council did not interfere,"
said Lewis Kearns last night, "but
they did not help either. They peti-
tioned the committee for several
complimentary tickets, but received
only one as the members of the com-
inittee felt that they had done noth-
ing to deserve any more."
"I place the blame for the loss on
the times," Kearns added. "We cut
the budget as much as we possibly
could, and the committee certainly1
worked hard to put the dance across."y
The committee investigating the
honor system of examination had no
report to make to the Council last
night. An active campaign will be
carried on among the students, how-
ever, and a survey of the system as,
it works in other colleges will bel
made, it was stated.
Baylis' Trial Will Begin
Thursday Before Sample
The trial of Carry Hunt Baylis,+
charged with complicity in the recent{
brutal murder of Cap Deatherage of
Ypsilanti will begin in circuit court
tomorrow before Judge G. W. Sample,
it was indicated yesterday. The exact
time when the case would be brought
up was not determinable because of
the irregularities in the court sched-

Mol Presents
Petitions On
Labor Secretary Hears
Law Student Protest Em-
ployment Restriction
Given Conference
With Pres. Hoover
'Careful Consideration'
Is Promised; Student
Group Back Mission
Petitions protesting the recent
Doak ruling which restricts the em-
ployment of foreign students were
presented to Secretary of Labor Wil-
liam Doak yesterday afternoon by
Martin J. Mol, president of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Republican club,
according to information received
here last night by Del Pfrommer,
publicity director of the club.
The petitions were initiated by
John Khalaf, '33L, president of the
Cosmopolitan club and were formally
approved by the Student Christian
association, the Wesley Foundation
and the Graduate Student Forum of
the Methodist church and Mol was
delegated to make the presentation.
Mol was presented at the White
House, yesterday noon, by Senator
Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan, with
whom he is spending the week in
Washington. He had a 20-minute
conference with President Hoover. At
1:30 he called on Secretary Doak at
the latter's office. Doak said that he
was pleased to receive the petitions
and that they would be given careful
The protest charged that the Doak
ruling was "detrimental to the -spirit
of world brotherhood and peace;"
that it "was opposed to American
principles of justice and courtesy;"
that it was discriminatory; and thatj
"it denies us the rich cultural con-
tributions and international fellow-
ship made pssible by foreign"stu-;
dents in our midst."
The Michigan petitions are part
of a nation-wide campaign against
the ruling. Similar petitions have
been or are being collected in 20 col-
leges and universities in various parts
of the country.
First Year Class
In Pharmacy Elect
Selves To 0Ofice
Promising "Every man an office,"
the main political party of the fresh-
man pharmacy college was swept into1
power in a decisive victory yester-
day. And what is more, they carried
out their promise.
Four persons appeared at the pollsl
and were elected to the four offices.
John Spriggs was chosen president;
Donald Hill, vice president; Jean
Howell, secretary; and Lorraine
Moore, treasurer.
The sophomores of the pharmacyr
college did not even put in an ap-
pearance for their election, and three
seniors of the same school met but
decided that it was useless to electY
But one class came through to hold
up the honor of the pharmacy col-
lege-the juniors.. They elected
George Reith, president; Anne Don-
nelly, vice-president; Elmon Cataline,
secretary; Albert Centolella, treas-
urer; and William Curry, J-Hop corl-

Galens Drive Totals
$600 On First Day
Proceeds for the first day of
Galens' drive for subscriptions to
the assistance of crippled children
under state care in University
Hospital amounted to $600 last
night, according to Martin Batts,
M, treasurer.
Unfavorable weather forced so-
licitors from the streets early in
the afternoon, partly accounting
for the lowest first day total in
recent years.
Twenty-eight Galens members
will continue the drive this morn-
ing. Response from fraternities
and sororities has been excellent
and given additional support today
the society will be able to con-
tinue to bring happiness to the
children for another year.
Prof, Bromage
Gives Talk On
County System


Note Very
Are To Go
Plans As

F or Re-Organization
County Government
Text Of Broadcast

A plea for nation-wide re-organi-
zation of county governments was
broadcast throughout the country
last night over the Blue Network of
the National Broadcasting Company
by Prof. Arthur W. Bromage, of the
political science department.
In a brief description of existing
forms of county government in the
United States Professor Bromage
pointed out that in all of them "a
galaxy of elective administrative of-
ficers prevents the centralization of
county administration in the hands
of a chief executive."
Professor. Bromage declared that
this "diffuses responsibility and con-
fuses the voter."
The uneconomical aspect of main-
taining both county and township
governments with township represen-
tation on the county board was also
hit by. Professor Bromage for the
heavy burden it puts on the tax-
To illustrate this latter point it was
shown that in Illinois 16 typical
-ounties not having township organi-
cation cost the taxpayers, in 1931,
>nly $1.84 per capita. The per capita
:ost of government in a comparable
,roup of seven counties, but having
township organization and large
')oards of supervisors, was $3.83. "The
'limination of the township and the
arge county board was responsible
for a saving of approximately $2.00
per capita," it was declared.
In the face of this inefficient and
expensive division of authority, the
question may well be asked, declared
Professor Bromage, "why does county
government continue without an ex-
ecutive head? The city has its mayor
or manager. School administration
has its superintendent. The business
corporation has its managing head.
Why does county government persist
in despersing responsibility among so
many elective officers? -
"The answer," said Professor Bro-
mage, "is an easy one. "The power
of the past controls county affairs
today through antedated constitu-
tional requirements. A concerted de-
mand on the part of the people for
constitutional amendments is the
first necessity in a majority of
Backers Of Co-Op Book
Store Solicit Members
Permission to use a desk in Uni-
versity Hall for the purpose of taking
membership applications was granted
yesterday by the University to the
managers of new Michigan Co-oper-
ative Book Store, it was announced
last night.
Starting today, applications will be
taken for membership. An initial de-
posit of $2 is required of all members
in order to furnish capital for the
project.' The deposit may be with-
drawn in goods during the semester
or in cash at its close.
All books for the literary and engi-
neering schools and second semester
books in the professional schools will
be on sale at the Co-operative Book
Store, which is scheduled to open
February 1. In addition to text-
books, stationery and bluebooks will
be sold. The store will be operated on
a non-profit basis.
Esperanto Symposium
Will Be Held Thursday

WASHINGTON, Dec. 6.-- ()--
President Hoover told Congress to-
day how he thought the budget might
best be balanced and the Nation re-
stored to prosperity. He recom-
mended a general sales tax, whole-
sale governmental economies, and
emphasized reform of the banking
His proposals, submitted in his last
annual message to Congress, stirred
varied impressions among the mem-
bers, ranging from warm praise to a
sharp criticism and indifference. '
The Senate put on its best man-
ners to hear a reading clerk drone
out paragraph after paragraph of the
communication which, many prohibi-
tion-minded members were quick to
note, made no reference to legalizing
and taxing beer.
Legislators Wander About
The House meanwhile paid little
attention as the message was read
there. The legislators milled about
the floor, conversing in low but aud-
ible, tones. At the end it received
scattered applause from the Repub-
lican side.
..A good many were inclined to look
asance at the sales-tax proposal,
which aroused a bitter fight and
eventually was defeated last year. A
recommendation for a Federal pay-
roll cut averaging 14.8 per cent also
was regarded as the forerunner of a
The Democratic leadership, soon to
take full command of the Govern-
ment, heard the Hoover proposals
and went ahead with its own plans
to place a tax on legalized beer as
a means, with economies, of balanc-
ing the budget.
Urges World Co-operation
There was general agreement be-
tween Mr. Hoover and the Demo-
crats on the necessity for banking re-
form and action seemed in prospect
to bring this about at this session.
In the field of international af-
fairs, the President urged co-opera-
tion on the subjects of disarmament
economics and debts. He reiterated
opposition to postponement of the
Dec. 15 war debt payments, but said
that he would have recommendations
shortly to overcome the exchange dif-
ficulties incident to these payments.
Democrats Plan
Action On Beer
In Both Houses
Propose Substituting Ban
On Saloon For Present
Eighteenth Amendment
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6.-P)-Ag-
gressive plans to push a beer bill
through the House by Christmas
were adopted today by Democratic
leaders while their Senate colleagues
moved to get prompt action in that
branch on both prohibition repeal
and Volstead law modification.
By its first legislative action of the
session, thetSenate sent to its judici-
ary committee the, Glass resolution
proposing repeal of the Eighteenth
Amendment and substituting a ban
against the saloon.
Drafter to its last detail, the Dem-
ocratic-sponsored bill to legalize beer
and light wines, was introduced in
the House by Chairman Collier of
the powerful ways and means com-
mittee that handles all revenue leg-
islation. The measure fixes the al-
coholic content of beer at 2.75 per
cent by weight with a tax of $5 a

On With

Sales Levy
Bly HooveJ
President Wants Refron
In Banking Laws An
Government Econom3
Ignores Beer Issue
Recommends A Cut
In Federal Payro:

play the accc
"The Messiah
by the Holla
posed of tow
of Hope Colle
for of music
direct the or
soloist willk
Grad., soprano
chosen from c
of the state.

ght the orchestra will
mpaniment to Handel's
," which will be given
nd Civic Chorus, com-
nspeople and students
ge. Curtis Snow, direc-
at the college, will also
'atorio. Featured as a'
be Marjorie McClung,
o. Other soloists will be
ities in the western part

Brumm To Talk Tonight
To S ,>igma Rho Tau Men
"Certitude and Certainty" is the
enigmatic title of the talk to be given
by Prof. John L. Brumm, head of
the journalism department, before
members of Sigma Rho Tau at their
weekly meeting at 7:30 p. m. today
in Room 302, the U~nion.
Though the meeting will be espe-
cially designed to interest members
of the engineers' "stump speakers"
society, anyone interested is invited'
to attend, according to Fred L. John-
son, '34, who is in charge of arrange-

S h Engineers
Announce Men
On Conmittees
Twenty-Four Are Picked
For Positions On Seven
Groups By Don Pomeroy
Appointments to the various soph-
omore engineering committees were
made yesterday by Don Pomeroy,
president. Members of the commit-
tees are as follows:
Junior jackets, Samuel Hazelton,
chairman; Robert Wolfe, Henry
Merker, Alfred Otis; finance, William
Goetz, chairman; Martin Newcomer,
Robert Zapp, Charles Leonard; ath-
letics, Louis Bosworth, chairman;
Henry Felker, David Conklin; social,
John Donaldson, chairman; Joseph
Wagner, Milton Einstein, Alvin
Advisory, Charles Weinfeld, chair-
man; Thomas Hunt, Ralph Edwards;
publicity, John Morgan, chairman;
Richard Cohen, John Bellamy; audit-
ing, Frank Zendzian, chairman;
Oliver Spark, Jeremiah Hynes.

ities in the office
women; Professor
tually did veto the
ness. So the Daily
as per instructions.

Dr. Peirce Talks
On Layman's Use
Of Roentgen Ray
Finding whether paintings were
originals or not, the probing of mum-
my cases to find out if there was a,
mummy inside and various other
non-scientific uses of the x-ray were
explained by Dr. Carleton B. Peirce,
of Ann Arbor, in a talk delivered
last night before the Junior Research
"The development of the x-ray was
carried forward in good measure by
people not of scientific interests,"
said Dr. Peirce, "but rather by lay-
men whose curiosity had been arous-
ed by the famous Roentgen ray and
who had problems in their own line
which could be solved by the appli-
cation of the X-ray to them."
Pursuing this line of explanation,
Dr. Peirce said that Edison, whom he
termed as not primarily a scientist,
became interested in x-ray pheno-
mena, and organized a travelling cir-

Principals Of 45 High Schools
To Confer With FormerPupils

of the dean of
McCormack ac-
cash prize busi-
killed the story,

Principals and representatives of
45 preparatory schools and one
junior college will convene in Ann
Arbor tomorrow for conference with
former students who are now en-
rolled in the University. The meet-
ings have been arranged under the
direction of Ira M. Smith, registrar,
in an effort to bring to light diffi-
culties encountered by students ma-
triculating in the University and to
enable preparatory school heads to
learn the deficiencies of their teach-
ing units.
Three hundred seventy-four first-
year men and women have been noti-
fled of appointments on Thursday,
together with 24 graduates of Flint

vited to arrange a meeting with their
former high school principals, al-
though the conferences are primarily
for freshmen.
Among the preparatory schools
which will be represented will be
three out-state institutions: Culver
Military Academy, Smead Prepara-
tory School, Toledo, and Deerfield
Academy, Deerfield, Mass.
List of 45 Schools
The list of Michigan high and pre-
paratory schools represented follows:
Ann Arbor, Saginaw Arthur Hill,
Saginaw Central, Battle Creek, Birm-
ingham, Cranbrook, Dearborn, Flint
Central, Flint Northern, Fordson,

Former Michigan Coach
May Be Stagg Successor
CHICAGO, Dec. 6.--(P)-With the

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