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December 06, 1932 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-06

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(Associated Press Photo)
Prime Minister Ramsay McDonald (left) and Sir John Simon
(inset), foreign minister, framed Britain's second plea to the United

Fancy Makeup
Keeps Actor In
Dress 5 Hours
Modern Louis XI Attire
Consumes 40 Pounds
Of Accessories
MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 5.--Remain-
ing in his off-stage dressing; room in
Northrop Auditorium at the Univer-
ity of Minnesota for five hours was
the hard lot of a Minnesota student
playing the role of Louis XI in
Friml's light opera, "The Vagabond
He was Albert Killeen, and the rea-
son for his imprisonment in the
dressing room was the fact that his
elaborate makeup for the part pre-
vented his changing clothes between
the matinee and evening perform-
ances on the two days the opera was
It took Killeent wo hour: to dress
and make up for the part each day.
He had 40 pounds of makeup in his
box and used nearly every stick in
the box, he said.
The makeup was a careful study
of pictures and the death mask of the
king. Killeen's entire face was cover-
ed with sheer silk, and putty gave his
nose a thin aquiline look. Yellow,
purple, white and old-age flesh gave
the right complexion. Three rolls of
adhesive tape and special tights gave
the actor's legs the right appearance,
and his knee joints were padded to
give an effect of emaciated senility.
More Headaches
Among Fair Sex,
Says Professor
NEW YORK, Dec. 5.-Co-eds and
the fair sex in general are more sus-
ceptible to headaches than men, ac-
cording to Dr. H. A. Riley, professor
of neurology and neuro-anatomy at
the College of Physicians and Sur-
geons in New York.
Dr. Riley is making an intensive
research of the headache or migraine
in the hope of discovering a preven-
tive for it.
Causes of the headache are listed
by Dr. Riley as: "bright lights, the
smell of cooking, perfume from
plants, fatigue, indigestion, dietary
excesses, acute alcoholism, prolonged
mental strain, and previous sick-
Dwellers in large cities, students,
and those whose work is chiefly men-
tal are more liable to migraine than
open air workers.
At one time people used to drill
minute holes in the heads of suf-
ferers and insert pieces of garlic to
cure the headache. This practice
was nevernvery successful, records
disclose, and soon passed out, along
with many patients.
There are two types of headaches,
the common migraine, which is the
pain-in-the-head type and the sec-
ond type effecting thevisual field
and resulting in some cases in par-
tial blindness.
The English channel was flown by
4,311 air passengers during June,
nearly double the number carried
in June, 1931.

The advantages which a college
educated man has over all other com-
petitors are graphically illustrated in
a new compilation of figures taken
from practically every available
The United States Bureau of Edu-
cation has calculated that of men
with college educations 5,678 out of

try for the past ten years have dis-
closed that 90 per cent of their men
with college educations "make good"
as against 10 per cent of those who
have had no college advantages.
Numerous graphs showing the rela-
tion of education to earning power
have been prepared by Dean E. W.
Lord of Boston University. They
show that the untrained man goes

every million gain distinction, of men to work at the age of 14, reaches his
with a high school education 1,245 maximum income at the age of 40,
out of every two million are awarded and averages less than $1,700 a year
special recognition, and of those who during his life.
have only elementary schooling but The high school graduate goes to
808 out of every 33,000,000 gain any work at the age of 18, reaches his
prominence in their chosen fields. maximum at 50 of $2,800, and his
The testimony is added to by a total earnings are about $88,000. On
scanning of "Who's Who in America," the other hand, the college man be-
the bluebook of the most important gins earning at 22 and by the time he
people in the nation in nearly every is 30 his income equals that of the
field of endeavor. It is found that high school graduate at 40.
there are 388 listed who are self or His income continues to rise, de-
privately educated, 1,814 who fur- pendent on his abiilty and training,
nished no educational data, 1,880 and the average for a man with an
with a common school education, 2,- A.B. degree is $6,000 at 60. The total
756 who completed high school, 3,022 earnings of these men range from
who attended college but did not ( $160,000 to $200,000 for their years
graduate, and 14,455 who are college as wage earners.
graduates. A final bit of information offered
In business in particular the ad- by the Bureau is that out of every
vantage of having a college degree 1,000 children 657 will finish grade
has been felt, for surveys of the lead- schools, 343 will enter college and of
ing industrial concerns of the coun- f them only 23 will graduate.

Bureau's Compilations Prove
College Men Have Advantage

Autos Collide;
Two Couples
Coincidence Is Noted As
Men Recognize Each
Other As Friends'
Two couples escaped serious injury
in a week-end traffic crash here, al-
though the cars in which they were
riding were totally demolished.
John Pennefather, of Windsor,
Ont., and Eleanor Westley, his com-
panion, were both thrown several
feet from their car when it collided
with a taxicab in which Robert Haw-
ley, '35, and Margaret Beckett, '35,
were riding, at the intersection of
South University and Forest avenues.
Pennefather and Miss Westley es-I
caped injury when the door of their
car was broken loose from its hinges
and was thrown open. Dirt from the
street was ground through Penne-
father's topcoat, suitcoat, and shirt
by the impact, yet both he and Miss
Westley suffered only minor bruises
and abrasions.
After the collision Hawley recog-
nized Pennefather as the present oc-
cupant of his former home in Wind-
sor, Ont. Neither knew that the other
was in Ann Arbor or the immediate
vicinity. Hawleyinvited Pennefather
to spend the night and the next day
with him at his rooming house.
Pennefather accepted.
NEW HAVEN, Conn. - 0P) -Eddie
Warren, who captained Yale's base-
ball team last spring despite the loss
of an arm in a motorboat accident,
is fulfilling his ambition to become a
surgeon. He has enrolled in the Yale
medical school.

Greyhound Busses
Announce Special
Low Student Rates
Special student bus rates for the
vacation period, said to be the low-
est ever available for the Christmas
exodus, were announced yeesterday
by the Greyhound Lines and asso-
ciated companies at the student
travel bureau. at Chubb's, where a
temporary office has been estab-
lished to handle the homegoing
Low rates are also available on the
country's leading airplanes, extra
planes being scheduled in many
cases to accommodate the students.
Motor coach lines have also planned
additional sections, express specials
going direct from Ann Arbor to New
York, Boston, and Chicago for stu-
dents only.
United Air Lines, operating % the
transcontinental route, have reported
a steady increase in the number of
Michigan students flying to points
on the eastern and western seaboard,
and have made special arrangements
for additional sections a week from
Aberdeen Professor
To Be Here Tomorrow
Professor A, Souter, of the Univer-
sity of Aberdeen, will lecture here to-
morrow on the subject "A Sportsman
Bishop of the Olden Time." Profes-
sor Souter is an outstanding author-
ity on the medieval period in church
history and is a well-known Latin
and Greek scholar. For the past 19
years he has occupied his present
position as Regius Professor of Hu-
manity. He is a fellow of the British
His lecture here will be given at
4:15 p. m. in Natural Science Audi-
torium. It is open to the public.

Officers Stop
In Capital City
2,500 Marchers Storm
Washington; Seek Re-
lief From Congress
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5.-WU')--Red-
eyed, cold and cramped from a night
spent in their trucks and automobiles,
approximately 2,500 demonstrators
today looked hopefully to court ac-
tion for an avenue of escape from
the police cordon surrounding them
on Washington's outskirts.
On three sides, strong lines of blue-
coats effectively hemmed them in,
blocking their way to the nation's
capitol, to which they had made
plans for a protest march to demand
relief from congress.
It was this police action which
members of the League of Profes-
sional Groups denounced in saying
they had retained attorneys to seek
an injunction in the District of Co-
lumbia supreme court to prevent au-
thorities from interfering with the
"constitutional" right of the visitors
to "peacefully assemble" and peti-
tion congress.
League Denies Connection
The statement was signed by Mal-
colm Cowley, John Herrmann, Rob-
ert Cantwell, Michael Gold, Charles
Rumford Walker and Felix Morrow.
Members of the league said they had
no official connection with the march
but that its leader, Herbert Benja-
min, knew of the steps they plan-
The demonstrators converged o
Washington in three caravans Sun-
day and the dawn that broke slow-
ly through heavy clouds found them
still pinned in the stretch of street
in which they were shunted on arriv-
al. Two or three hundred women
among them, however, were allowed
during the night to go to homes of
friends and sympathizers in the city
and several who became ill were sent
to hospitals.
Marchers Helpless
Stretching cramped arms and legs,
the marchers complained bitterly of
their treatment but agreed they were
as helpless before police strategy as
mice before a cat.
Police were massed ahead, behind
and through a cordon of woods on
one side. A bank leading sharply
down to the Pennsylvania railroad
yards was on the other side. Some
of the groups under police surveil-
lance had traveled hundreds of miles.
The dome of their goal-the capitol
-was in sight but it seemed unlikely
they would get there in mass for-
Tired? Thirsty? Hungry?
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Cokes - G-Ales - Orangeades
Tasty Sandwiches
Prompt Delivery
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It sizzles


Lunch and Dinner . . . . . . . $4.50
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner . . $6.00
Lunch 30c Dinner 50c
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Serving Michigan Men and women for the Twenty-ninth Year

* introducing the new wagner cast alum-
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spected choice steer meat-grilled to
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costs seventy cents..

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I 4-i'



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