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September 29, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-09-29

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1.' ,.

The Weather

t4 I r

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Generally fair Thursday and
Friday; slightly cooler.

The Choral Union "Carries
On"; The Daily Inaugurates A
New Policy.



Norris Joins
In Assault On
G.O.P. Chiefs
Speaks With Roosevelt at
Nebraska Rally; Hoover
Farm Policy Attacked
Senator Calls For
'Another Roosevelt'
Nebraskans Are Asked To
Put Nation Above Party
In Electoral Decision
McCOOK, Neb., Sept. 28.-(P)-__
Speaking from an improvised stand
at the edge of a race track, Franklin
D. Roosevelt and George W. Norris
joined hands today in assailing the
Republican leadership and telling
Republicans to put "country interest
above party interests."
Thousands of Nebraskans gather-
ed about the track of the Red Willow
Country Fair grounds and jammed
into the high-roofed bandstand di-
rectly in front of the speakers' stand
to hear the veteran Republican in-
dependent senator call for the elec-
tion of another Roosevelt president.
A few minutes. later they saw the
Democratic presidential candidate
stand before the same microphone in
the gathering darkness and call Nor-
ris "the very perfect, gentle knight
of American progressive ideals."
Searchlights from the roof of the
grandstand in. front of Roosevelt
sent a glaring light down upon him
as he stood in a roped inscribed cir-
cle at: the edge of the race track and
Mr. Roosevelt said that his quarrel
was not with "the millions of splen-
did men and women who in the past
have called themselves Republicans,"
but against "certain forces now in
control of the leadership of the Re-
publican party who have forgotten
the principles of which that party
was founded and have become repre-
sentatives of a selfish few who put
personal interests above national
Norris, a little earlier, had said
that when Gov. Roosevelt first was
nominated there was talk that if he
were elected, Tammany would con-
trol the White House but that "when
he got through with little Jimmy
Walker the cry died down. We have-
n't heard it since."
The Nebraskan said that President
Hoover had turned a deaf ear to the
ills of the farmer and he assailed the
public utilities stand of the Presi-
dent. They cheered as the Nebras-
kan outlined some of him own be-
liefs and the New York governor an-
nounced that "I go along with you."
arsit Band
First Program
Will Be First In Series
Broadcast Over WJR
Five Times A Week
Broadcasting from the University
of Michigan over station WJR in
Detroit will begin at 8 p. in. Satur-
day, Oct. 8, with a program by the
Michigan Varsity-R. O. T. C. Band
under the direction of Nicholas Fal-
cone, it was announced yesterday by

Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, director of
the Broadcasting Service.
"Thereafter," Professor Abbot said,
"the University will go on the air
every Saturday at 8 p. m., Sunday
at 5 p. in., and Monday, Tuesday,
ednesday, andnThursday at 2 p. i.
All programs will last one-half hour."
To Give Parent Hour
The Sunday afternoon broadcasts
will be devoted to the Parents Hour
Series; a group of lectures on the
subject of the relations of parents
and children, Professor Abbot said,
and will open at 5 p. m. Sunday, Oct.
9, on the subject, "The Problems and
Methods of Character Education," by
Dr. Willard Olson of the School of
This series is being sponsored by
the National Congress of Parents and
Teachers in co-operation with the
Extension Division of the University,
it was announced. Dr. Olson will
be introduced by Dr. C. A. Fisher,
assistant Director of the Extension
Band Lessons Planned
Other programs include a series
nf lsnn nn hand instruments, to be

Pulling for Dad

Mary White is shown delivering a
campaign speech in Columbus in be-
half. of her father, Gov. George
White, who seeks reelection on the
Democratic ticket. (Associated Press
Food Costs Up,
Say Operators
Of Restaurants;
Rising Expenses Explain
Maintenance Of Prices,
Owners Declare
A considerable rise in the cost of
many food materials during the last
year is responsible for the mainten-
ance of 1931 prices on certain dishes
served in restaurants, according to,
proprietors of several establishments1
in the campus area.I
While wholesale costs have drop-
ped below the 1929 level, only a fewa
items have decreased in cost since
last fall, restaurant owners pointed
out. As a result, few important
changes have been made on their
menus from the 1931 schedule, ex-
cept during seasonal price variations.
Campus restaurant proprietors de-
clare that they could not only cut'
prices to compete with boarding
houses but could go even below
boarding house rates if they wished
to eliminate entertainment, slice dec-
orating and furnishing costs, and cut
down on service in order to decrease
overhead expenses.
One operator declared in an inter-
view yesterday that he could offer
board at $2.50 a week, if he wished
to discontinue the maintenance of
an orchestra and dance floor and buy
foods of lower quality. An eating
place run on such a scale, however,
would be unable to offer variety in
meals and would be forced to spe-
cialize in plainer foods, he pointed
It was the general opinion that
large boarding houses which have
reduced prices considerably since last
fall are in most cases operating at a
loss and using cheaper food. Over-
head expenses remain virtually at
the same level as last year's owners
declare, and some costs'have increas-
While wages for professional em-
ployees have dropped slightly, the.
cost of studenthelp has remained
the same, one operator said. ,
Wholesale costs of two items cited,
both varieties of meat, increased as
much as from 9 cents to 15 cents and
from 20 cents to 40 cents a pound.
Denying that prevailing prices
were excessive, another operator
pointed out that several restaurants
in the campus area have been forced
into bankruptcy during the last year
by their losses.
Griffin Announces New
Entrance Requirements
Freshmen who intend to enter the
School of Business Administration
will find the entrance requirements
more stringent than those which
have confronted former applicants,
it has been announced by Dean C.
E.- Griffin. The new requirements,
effective for all candidates for ad-
mission except those who were en-
rolled in any division of the Uni-
versity in the fall of 1931, make it
necessary for the applicant to have
a degree of Bachelor of Arts, it was

Dry Question
Irks G. 0. P.
In Assembly
Endorsement Of Hoover's
Interpretation Is Sought
By Bredin And Alger '
Detroit Demands
Absolute Repeal
Compromises May Unite
Factions In Attempt To
Defeat Democrats
DETROIT, Sept. 28-(P)-Prohibi-
tion was the only issue threatening
the harmony of the Republican party
as leaders gathered here tonight for
conferences preliminary to their state
convention Thursday.
Lewis L. Bredin, state commander
of the Crusaders and Fred M. Al-'
ger, prominent in anti-prohibition
organizations, were demanding that
the Republicans go at least as far as
an endorsement of President Hoo-
ver's interpretation of the national
Republican prohibition plank. Thej
contest was smouldering so poten-
tially that the special resolution
committees appointed by the state1
central committee asked the wets
to appear before it. Frank D. Mc-
Kay, former state treasurer, was ac-
tive in attempting to bring peaceI
between the wet and dry factions.t
Edward N. Barnard, prominent in
Wayne county Republican circles,Y
said the huge delegation from De-1
troit and Wayne county "wants an1
absolute repeal and modification
resolution." They will not, however,1
carry their fight to the floor, be-1
cause they do not wish to mar the
harmony of the Republican gather-
ing, he said. t
"We favor a far more drastic plank1
than that adopted by the Republican
national convention in Chicago,"
Barnard said. "We would like to see
a resolution advocating repeal oft
the Eighteenth Amendment and im-
mediate modification of the Volsteadt
Act adopted. We do not plan, how-p
ever, on carrying our fight to theN
floor. This is a year when the Re-
publicans should be together."
Barnard's proposal would put the
Republicans on equal footing witht
the Democrats in their prohibition
stand. Many delegates to the con-
vention, however, favored a plank
endorsing the national platform in
the matter of prohibition.
Aside from the prohibition clash,
the party convention promised to be1
peaceful. Fred W. Green, former1
governor, was here. He said he ist
supporting "the entire ticket." While
Green's personal animosity toward
Gov. Wilber M. Brucker was wellt
known, he said, "we cannot allow
the Democrats to beat us."
Aspirants To
Varsity Glee
Club Try Out
Plans For Freshman Glee
Club Under Way; Operaj
Plans To Be Discussed
Upperclassmen desirous of affiliat-
ing with the Varsity Glee Club have
been invited to meet with the club
in an introductory rehearsal to be
held tonight in the Union,according
to an announcement issued by Prof.
David Mattern, director of the or-

ganization. First-year men interest-
ed in the Freshman Glee Club are
asked to report to Professor Mattern
at five p. m. this afternoon at the
same place.
Tryouts Planned
The varsity rehearsal, scheduled
for 7:30 p. m. in the Musical Activi-
ties room, will be followed immedi-
ately by the first of a series of try-
outs to filla limited number of va-
cancies in the club.
The work of the club during Ori-
entation Week, which included con-
certs on Wednesday and Friday
nights and on Saturday afternoon,
is said to indicate that the present
organization will be one of the best
in recent years. Plans are already
well under way for a full schedule
of concert engagements throughout
the state, as well as numerous local
appearances. The latter will be cli-
maxed by the annual opera, in which,
as was the case in last year's "Robin
Hood," 'the group will join with the
other campus musical and dramatic

Late Arrivals Raise
Enrollment to 8,000
Registration in the U n i v e r s i t y
passed the 8,000 mark yesterday as
153 additional late comers raised the
total to 8,017. The greater part of
the newcomers entered the Graduate
School, 66 of them being of that
number. Nine more men entered the
Law School, bringing the total up to
exactly 500, of whom 14 are women.
Three women have entered the en-
gineering college in company with
1,269 men. Nine women and 98 men
are in the business administration
school, and seven women have taken
up pharmacy along with 34 men.
Two hundred and eight women have
engaged in the study of nursing
without a single male competitor,
while the forestry school has 54 men
and no women enrolled.
Canby To Give
Hopwood Prize
Lecture Oct. 7

Award Committee's Policy
Of Bringing Literarye
Authorities Continued t
"Prize Literature" will be the sub-
ject of a lecture by Henry Seidel
Canbyeditor of the Saturday Review
of Literature, to be given at 4 p. m.,
Friday, Oct. 7, at Lydia Mendelssohnt
Theatre, under the auspices of the1
Committee on Hopwood Awards, it
was announced today by Prof. Ben-
nett Weaver of the English depart-
meit, secretary of the committee.t
The lecture will be given in con-
nection with the Avery and Jule
Hopwood awards for creative writing, z
in accordance with the policy of thet
committee to bring to the campus .
prominent literary figures to stimu-
late interest in the contest.Y
Two Divisionst
The Hopwood awards, provided by1
the income from the bequest of the
late Avery Hopwood, playwright, are
divided into major and minor prizes.E
In the major division, four prizes ofl
$2,500 each will be given in the fieldsl
of drama, fiction, essay, and poetry.t
In the minor division there will beN
two awards of $250 in each of thet
four fields. Any student in the Uni-
versity is eligible to compete.
In addition to the major contest,
a competition for freshmen will be1
conducted. In each of the fields,t
three prizes of $50, $30, and $20 re-.t
spectively, will be offered. Only first
year students are eligible for this
Twice Been Judge
Dr. Canby has twice been a judger
of previous Hopwood contests. Hist
lecture will be of general interest to
University students and especially to
those who intend to compete fort
awards in this year's contest.I
"I have been much interested in
the Hopwood prizes," Dr. Canby hasi
declared in an interview, "and have
drawn various reflections from myt
reading of the manuscripts as to pos-t
sible creative or critical work in uni-
versities. I should like to pull thesec
together and give them for what theyI
are worth, first of all to possible
competitors for these prizes."
To Arrange Conferences
According to Professor Weaver, ar-
rangements will be made through the
English department office to enable
students who are interested in writ-
ing for the Hopwood awards to con-
fer with Dr. Canby personally.
Dr. Canby has been a member of
the English departments of Yale
University, Dartmouth College, the
University of California, and Cam-
bridge University, England. He was
formerly editor of the Literary Re-
view and assistant editor of the Yale
Turn In Manuscripts
For Junior Girls' Play
Manuscripts for the 1933 Junior
Girls' Play are to be turned in on or
before October 10th, by 5 o'clock, at
the main desk in the League.
It is imperative that no name or
mark of identification appear on the
book, as an impersonal judgment is
desired by the committee in charge.
The identity of the writer with the
title of the book, must be placed in
a sealed envelop to be submitted at
the League desk before the abqve
mentioned date.
Any eligible Junior woman may
turn in as many books as she wishes,
but not outlines will be accepted.
The committee will confiscate any-
thing but a complete manuscript.
Rendezvous Club Holds
First Meeting Tonight
The Rendezvous club will hold its


Yankees Win
World Series
Opener, 12-6
Advance Dope Upset As
New York Takes Weird
Contest From Cubs
Chicago Hits Hard;
Beaten By Errors
Crowd of 51,000 Braves
Rain To See First Game;
McKee Opens Series
(Special Daily Correspondent)
Sept. 28.--The Yankeeswon a weird
opening ball game in the 1932
World's Series at Yankee Stadium
today, but in doing it they upset
every morsel of advance dope.
They were out-hit, 10 to 8, by
the durable Cubs, and their hurl-
ing ace, Charlie Ruffing, ,#as pound-
ed a great deal harder than were
Guy Bush., Burleigh Grimes, and Bob
Smith. Yet they won because their
infield functioned and the Cubs' in-
field, the only superiority conceded
Chicago before the series, played
bone-headed baseball. T h e final
score was 12 to 6.
Gehrig Hits Homer
The Yanks began with three in
the fourth on Combs' walk, Ruth's
single, and a homer into the deep
right, field bleachers by Columbia Lou
Gehrig. They made use of singles
by Combs and Dickey in the sixth
which, added to three walks, an er-
ror, and two fielders' choices, netted
them five more tallies. Gehrig's two-
bagger against the right field fence
was the only hit in the seventh, but
New York squeezed over three runs
on a bad, mental error by Herman, a
hit batsman, a walk, and a wild
pitch from Burleigh Grimes. Their
twelfth run, coming in the eighth,
was their only n o r m a 1 offensive,
Combs scoring from second on Se-
well's single.
Scores on Ruth's Error
The Cubs started off as if Yan-
kee prestige meant little or nothing
to them. Herman was the first man
to bat, and hit the third ball through
short for a single. English swung
at the first pitch and laced it into
right field, where Babe Ruth let it
get by him in the wet grass, Her-
man scoring. Woody came home on
the first " of three singles by Riggs
After that little splurge the con-
test settled into what looked like a
pitching duel between Bush and Ruf-
fing until the Cub hurler became wild
in the sixth and the Yanks scored
five runs. Herman singled to begin
the seventh, and came home on
Crossetti's muff of a hard drive by
Cuyler. "Good Gold Stevie" singled
over Sewell's head and Cuyler came
home, but the rally died.
A terrific smash against the cen-
ter field wall scored Hartnett from
second in the eighth, Koenig going
into third with yards to spare. He
was safe at home on a fielders' choice
of Herman's half bunt down first
(Continued on Page 3)

Simmons, Dykes, Has
Sold To Chicago Sox
NEW YORK, Sept. 2 - (PA) -
Connie Mack, manager of the
Philadelphia Athletics, t o n i g hi t
announced the sale of Outfield-
ers Al Simmons and Mule Haas
and Infielder Jimmy Dykes to the
Chicago Whitesox for an unan-
nounced amount of cash.
Mack declined to comment on
the deal, one of the most sensa-
tional in recent years, but said he
might make some further an-
nouncement after the World Se-
The Athletic ,manager declined
to say whether the deal presaged
a breakup of the Athletic ma-
chine which galloped to three suc-
cessive American League cham-
pionshipsfrom 1929 through 1931
but which was distanced by the
New York Yankeesthis year.
Neither would he give any in-
dication of how much cash the
Whitesox had laid on the line.-
Baseball observers figured, how-r
ever, that even with depression{
prices, at least $150,000 must have
changed hands.
Smith Cliaroyes
Discrimina ion
Ag ainst South '
Southern Democrat Saysi
Farm Measure Favorsk
Northern Wheat Mani
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28-( )-The{
administration today announced that
wheat farmers will have to pay back
this fall only 25 per cent of theirs
production loan, and the plan im-
mediately drew a charge of "glaring,
sensational and partisan discrimina-
tion from Sen. Smith (Dem., S -C.)
Smith issued a formal statementE
asserting he will "insist that thec
cotton and tobacco growers .
shall be given the same treatmentr
that is now given the wheat growersv
and if it is not given, public opinion,t
based on equity and justice, will
uphold them in refusing to pay anyd
moreand under different terms thanc
granted the wheat growers."
The administration plan, an-r
nounced by the White House, pro-e
vides that for the remaining 75 per
cent of the federal loans, the de-
partment of agriculture will exact
only an agreement to pay it backc
upon whatever terms Congress may
prescribe. An explanation in thee
White House announcement was thatx
"present low prices make it prac-t
tically impossible for wheat farmersI
to repay their crop production loans
without incurring grave risks of needC
during the winter."t
Stocking President Of
Pharmacy Associationt
Prof. Charles H. Stocking of ther
College of Pharmacy was elected
president of the Amrican Associa-
tion of Colleges of Pharmacy at a1
recent meeting at Toronto, it was
announced yesterday by Dean Ed-
ward H. Kraus of the pharmacy7
During the 33 years of the exis-
tence of this organization five men
actively associated with the local col-;
lege have been president and six
more men who either hold degrees
from Michigan or have studied here
have held the office.~
The association has 55 member
schools. Besides Dean Kraus and
Professor Stocking, Prof. Clifford C.
Glover, and Prof. Justin L. Powers
from Ann Arbor attended the meet-

Comedy Club Season
Opens; Elect Officers
Comedy Club opened its season in
the rehearsal rooms of the League
yesterday with a business meeting
and election of officers for the com-
ing year. Mary Pray, '34, will head
the group as president, supported by
Jim Doll, '33, who assumes the duties
of vice-president. S e c r e t a r y and
treasurer will remain the same, with
Ann Vernor, '35L, and Jim Raymond,
'33, in office.

Council Says
Frosh Must
Wear Pots
Decide To Enforce Rule
For One Month After
Beginning Of Semester
Attempt To Save
40 Year Tradition
Resolution Is Passed By
Seven To One Vote At
First Meeting Of Year
Freshmen are ordered to wear pots
for only one month, according to a
resolution passed, by the Student
Council last night at the opening
meeting of the year.
The resolution, which passed by a
7 to 1 vote, revised a campus "tra-
dition" of more than 40 years. Al-
though the number of pot-wearers
has decreased considerably during
the last few years, the Council has
made eve yeffort to make the first
year men war teir badge of recog-
Members of the Council felt that
the shortening of the period of wear-
ing pots would help keep intact the
"tradition" which suffered a severe
olow last year due to deferred pledg-
Several were in favor of passing a
motion to the effect that, if the
Council were unable to enforce pot-
wearing this year, it be entirely
abolished. Charles R. Racine, '33,
said that it was his opinion that the
"tradition" of pot-wearing was vir-
tually done away with when the time
required to wear the caps was short-
ened from spring until fall home-
Councilman George Lambrecht, '34,
made the motion that the Council
"Try it out for one month." This was
withdrawn and reworded to make
the final resolution.
In the election of officers, Racine,
defeated for presidency of the Coun-
cil last spring, was elected vice-pres-
ident, while Richard Norris, '33, was
made Treasurer. John Doe, '34, was
elected secretary.
Cap night 'will take place on the
week-end of the Princeton game,
Oct. 29, in conjunction with home-
coming and the fall games.
It was the consensus of opinion
among the councilmen that more
precautions be taken this year in
the running off of the class games
in order to prevent such fatal acci-
dents as occurred last year. Members
of the honor societies may be asked
to help keep order during the clash
between classes this fall.
Last year's class officers will con-
tinue in office until the campus elec-
tion takes place, it was decided. The
election will come as -as soon after
rushing as possible, Zias said.
The first pep meeting of the year
will be held the night before the
Northwestern game, Oct. 7. Bohn-
sack, Lambrecht, and Norris were
appointed to take charge of the ar-
The advisory committee of the
Council this year will be composed
of Zias, Racine, Norris, Lambrecht,
and Frank Gilbreth.
Rushing Time
ule Violators
Heed Council
More Attention Was Paid

To New Regulations As
Result Of Warnings
Fraternities paid more attention to
the rushing time limit last night as a
result of warnings sent out by the
p r e s id e n t of the Interfraternity
Council, Edwin T. Turner, '33, to
houses which had been reported to
have- violated the regulations set
down by the Council.
"We will take no action against the
violators," said Turner, "as most
cases were the result of misunder-
standing. If any of these fraterni-
ties are reported again, however, we
will deal with them doubly severe."
Names of the f'aternities which
violated the rules were not released
by Turner. Future cases will be re-
ported to the Daily, he stated, and
the names of the houses published.
"The Council wants to make the'
rushing as fair as possible," he said,
"and the officers tare making every
effort to see that the rules are

Floor Leader
Will Speak At
Union Forum'
Ilinois Representative Is
To Address Luncheon
And Also Citizens
Henry T. Rainey, Democratic floor
leader of the House of Representa-
tives, will speak at a luncheon at
the Union next Wednesday, it was
announced yesterday by John H.
Huss, recording secretary of the Un-
This luncheon, which is limited in
attendance, will be followed by a
forum in the Union assembly hall.
This event is the -first political forum
this year of the series inaugurated
by the Union administration last
Rainey will talk at the Union for-
at noon and in the evening will
talk to Ann Arbor citizens at the
Whitney theatre.
"If the Democrats win the election,
Rainey is almost certain to succeed
Garner as speaker of the House,"
Huss said in speaking of the forum.

Ths wh aete

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