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December 03, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-03

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The Weather
Unsettled, somewhat colder
on Saturday, fresh southwest




Ann Arbor
Zoning Laws;
Facts Factory

Should Change
Steer Clear 0f






Flat Refusal
Greets Pleas
On War Debi
French, British Request
For Delay In Payments
Denied By Congressmenl
Reply To Demands
May Be Withheld
Disarmament And Better
Trade Relations Called
Prerequisite To Relie
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2.-()-The
leaders of Congress, and rank and
file as well, roared back an emphatic
"no" today to the new British and
French pleas for postponement of the
Dec. 15 war-debt payments.
With the door to immediate debt
relief slammed shut on Capitol Hill,
a hint came from the White House
that formal answers may not be for-
warded by this government in re-
sponse to the European arguments
for help.
Leaving the regular Cabinet
meeting, Secretary of State Stimson
told newspapermen "it may not be
necessary to reply" to the communi-
No Change iii Congress
Speaker John N. Garner, for the
House, and Senator James E. Wat-
son, 'of Indiana, the Republican
leader, for the Senate, reported that
the French and British notes had
produced no change of sentiment in
Congress and that there was no pros-
pect there of sanction for the Dec. 15
Mingled in the varied and em-
phatic declarations from Capitol Hill
were fresh demands that Europe take
steps for disarmament and improve-
ment of tra° relations before asking
debt relief.
Chairman William E. Borah, of the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
who has advocated a world confer-
ence on disarmament, debts repara-
tions and economics, asserted that
the war debts owed this coluntri was
only one cause of the world's troubles.
"It is unfair to ask the American
taxpayers to contribute their part for
the removal of these causes and leave
behind causes which will make their
contributions wholly ineffective," Bo-
rah said.
French Appeal for Relief
The French note, which arrived
late last night, contended that the
appeal for debt relief was but a na-
tural sequel to President Hoover's
one-year moratorium. It threatened
French rejection of the Lausanne
agreement on reparations and argued
that this agreement was an out-
growth of the meeting a year ago
between President Hoover and Pierre
Laval, then French premier.
Tonight the issue again seemed
to be up to the European debtors-
either to pay or default on Dec. 15.
500 Persons
Attend Annual
Prom At Union
Kearns, McHenry Lead
Grand March To Music
Of HemryTheis' Band

More than 250 couples attended the
annual Soph Prom held last night in
the ballroom of the Union. Lewis
Kearns, '35, of Flint, and Catherine
McHenry, '34, of South Bend, Ind.,
led the grand march which began
shortly after midnight.
Reports that the dance had failed
financially were denied last night by
members of the committee. It was
said, however, that only a heavy last-
day sale had enabled the sponsors
to meet the expenses entailed in the
selection of an orchestra and other
Novel favors, which consisted of
programs in book form, enclosed in
metal coverings, were presented to
the dancers. A picture of the Union
served as the design for the cover,
while the fly-leaf contained the
Union coat-of-arms.
Music for the Prom was provided
by Henry Theis and his radio band,
selected in a nationwide poll as the
best orchestra on the air. Decora-
tions were designed to carry out the
Christmas spirit, with evergreens1

War Debts Occupy Attention Of World Leaders
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Music Raises
Morale, Sink
Tells Clinic
Delivers Welcome Address
At Morning Session; 60
State Directors Present
Orchestra Renders
High School Pieces
Bicking, Maddy, Moore
Talk To Educators; To
Study Band Work Today
A national need for music because
of its influence on morale in finan-
cial depressions and other times of
stress was emphasized yesterday by
Charles A. Sink, president of the
Music School, in an address of wel-
come delivered at yesterday morn-
ing's opening session of the two-day
musical clinic, now in progress here.
About 60 directors of instrumental
music from all parts of the state at-
tended the sessions yesterday, ac-
cording to Dr. Joseph Maddy of the
extension division. The clinic is being
sponsored by the School of Music,
the State Department of Public In-
struction, and the State Advisory
Council of Music Education, and is
under the direction of Dr. Maddy.
Several Numbers Played
A feature of today's session came
in the afternoon, when the Univer-
sity Orchestra, directed by Prof. Da-
vid Mattern, played through several
numbers which have been recom-
mended for this year's playing by
high school orchestras. The orches-
tral rendition followed discussion of
the numbers by the educators..
Ada Bicking, state director of music
education, in a morning address on
"The State Program of Music Educa-
tion," outlined the four-year certifi-
cate course necessary to qualify for
supervisory positions in music;
schools. Dr. Maddy led a forenoon
discussion on festivals and concerts.

Newman Is Picked By
Hanley For Coast Game
EVANSTON, Ill., Dec. 2.-W')--
Coach Dick Hanley of Northwest-
ern, today picked his 10 players to
play for the East against the West
at San Francisco, Jan. 2.
His choices were: ends, Moss,
Purdue, and Fencl, Northwestern;
tackles, Kurth, Notre Dame, and
Wells, Minnesota; center, Oehler,
Purdue; guards, Kabat (only one
named), Wisconsin; halfbacks,
B e r r y, Illinois, and Rentner,
Northwestern; fullback, Horst-
mann, Purdue; quarterback, New-
man, Michigan.
Coach Andy Kerr of Colgate,
joint coach with Hanley for the
eastern team, will also make 10
Von Schleicher
Asked To Pick
Reich Cabinet
Monarchists Elated Over
General's Prospects To
Become Next Chancellor
BERLIN, Dec. 2.-P)-President
von Hindenburg today asked Gen.
Kurt von Schleicher, "mystery man"
n German politics and at present
;he defense minister, to form a presi-
dential cabinet for the republic.
Gen. von Schleicher has been re-
;arded as the almost certain choice
for the chancellorship ever since
Chancellor Franz von Papen's jun-
leer government stepped out after
last month's election.
The general was summoned to the
?resident's study this morning, and
after a conference there walked out
with a mandate to form a govern-
If successful, he was commissioned
to occupy the chancellorship him-
;elf, instead of the defense ministry
ae held during von Papen's tenure
3f government by decree.
In the von Papen cabinet, how-
(ver, Gen. von Schleicher was look-
-d upon as the power behind the gov-
3rnment in his "key" ministry.

Repeal Vote
Is Pledged
Judiciary Committee A c
Against Any Limitatic
Of Time For Deba
Garner Will 'Keep
Faith With Peopl
Committee Action Seen 2
Indicating Proposal
Defeat On Floc
Speaker John N. Garner said tonig
that he was going to "keep fa:
with the American people" and bri
prohibition repeal to a vote Mond
in the House despite the refusal
the Judiciary Committee to sancti
his plan.
The Vice-President Elect made tJ
announcement after he had been i
formed by Chairman Hatton
Sumners that the Judiciary Comm
tee voted 13 to 6 against authorizi
him to submit the Democratic fl
repeal resolution for a vote under
quspension of the rules.
If Rep. Sumners declines to bri
up the proposal Garner said he w
ask Rep. Henry T. Rainey, of Illino
the Democratic floor leader, to of
it on the floor. Rainey agreed.
To Keep Faith
"I'm going to keep faith with t
American people," Garner said. "
man living ever can say that I ha
not kept faith with my friends a:
constituents. This time my constit
ency is the American people, and
am going to keep faith, regardless
what others do."
Called to meet by Sumners to pa
on giving him authority to subn
the proposal Monday under the pr
cedure confining debate to 40 mi
utes, the Judiciary Committee r
fused permission. The motion w
made by Rep. F. H. LaGuardia, NE

(Associated Press Photo)
Europe's war debts to America continue to occupy the statesmen of every nation concerned. To Ramsay
MacDonald (upper right) fell the task of preparing a second note by which Great Britain hoped to convince
the United States that postponement of the $95,550,000 payment due Dec. 15 is essential to the economic well-
being of the world. His adviser was Neville Chamberlain (lower right), chancellor of the exchequer. Premier
Herriott of France also prepared a new note for Washington asking postponement of the $20,000,000 payment
from France. President Hoover and Secretary Stimson (lower left) held securely to the position that Europe
has failed to produce facts which justify postponement of the debt payments.

Japs Forcing
Chinese Back
In Manchuria
L a s t Forty-Eight Hours
Have Seen Three Stiff
Battles With 200 Slai'k
TSITSIHAR, Manchur- 'nec. 2.-
()-Japanese forces and Chinese ir-
regulars have fought three stiff
battles in the sub-zero weather of
northwest Manchuria within the last
48 hours, and at least 200 soldiers
were slain in the encounters.
This was revealed today in terse
communiques from advancing Jap-
anese troops to their headquarters
Despite apparently stiff opposition
the Japanese have advanced north-
westward along the Chinese Eastern
railway toward the Soviet border. To-
day their main force of several thou-
sand troops was consolidating its po-
sition at Chalantun, 75 miles north-
West of Tsitsihar.
The battles were fought in the
streets and just outside that railway
town. The Japanese said they count-
ed 200 Chinese bodies on the snow-
covered plain after the engagement.
Therewas no mention of Japanese
casualties. Previously it had been
indicated they were light.
When the Japanese took Chalan-
tun, they had advanced half way to
the famous Khinganemountain cn-
try from Tsitsihar. The first s
the railway reaches in these moun-
tains from the south is Shedyn pass,
equidistant from Tsitsihar and Man-
:huli, on the Soviet border.
It is at Manchuli that the Chinese
rebel general, Su Ping-Wen, is sta-
tioned with several thousand troops,
rnd 183 Japanese hostages. Twenty-
two of these are women and chil-
Although the Japanese offensive
originally was expected to be a cam-
paign to wipe out Gen. Su, the final
objective has not been announced.
The Japanese went into the winter
campaign after Gen. Su had defied
them to come and get him.

Army, Navy Meet
In Annual Contest
At Franklin Field
Encamped tonight on the outskirts
of the old battleground, the football
forces of the United States military
and naval academies will bring their
seasons to a climax tomorrow on
Franklin Field before a sell-out
crowd of 78,000 in a setting fully
reminiscent of this ancient rivalry's
most colorful and prosperous times.I
With assurances that their back-I
field ace, "Pick" Vidal, would be in
condition to play most of the game,
Army ruled an 8 to 5 favorite, de-
spite the battering the soldiers re-
ceived at the hands of Notre Dame
last Saturday and the fact that at
least two regulars will not be in the
starting lineup. Navy's hopes, based
mainly on her team's strong defense,
nevertheless were higher than in
years in anticipation of achieving
victory for the first time since 1921.
Although the Army and Navy have
played for the last two years in spe-
cial charity games, this is the first
contest under the new agreement,
ending their five-year-old break in
relations. As a consequence, the
cadets and midshipmen, with their
uniformed as well as civilian fol-
lowers, welcome this official resump-
tion of rivalry on Franklin Field,
where all but two of their games
were played from 1899 to 1914.
S i x Artists Represented
hi Alumni Hall Exhibition
Paintings by six modern artists
are included in the collection now
on exhibition in Alumni Memorial
hall. The exhibit, which presents
several new styles of art to the ob-
servation of connoisseurs will con-
tinue to Dec. 14.
Among the artists represented in
the collection are Morris Kantor,
R u s s i a n - American exponent of
symbolism; Hofer and Pechstein,
disciples of Cezanne; Oudot, French
impressionist, and his compatriot
Charlemagne; and the late Alfred

Must Resume
Governor Role
Roosevelt Called Back To
New York For Special
Legislature . Session
WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Dec. 2.--
(IP)-A call for a special session of the
New York legislature today inter-
rupted the 'vacation of Franklin D.
Roosevelt to 'sumion him back to
Albany to return to his role of Gov-
ernor. He will leave next Tuesday
for New York. His itinerary will take
him through Washington.
Word that Acting Governor Leh-
man had issued the call for a special
session to consider legislation to en-
able the New York City Government
to cut the salaries of City employees
came during a day that was given
to conferences with Robert W. Bing-
ham, publisher of the Louisville
Courier-Journal; Rear Admiral Cary
Grayson, chairman of the inaugural
committee, and several of Mr. Roose-
velt's advisers on farm relief and
economic matters.
Bingham has been mentioned for
a diplomatic post and has also in the
past been associated with the de-
velopment of tobacco co-operative
organizations in his home state of
Another visitor expected was Sen-
ator Cutting, of New Mexico, one of
the independent Republicans who
rallied behind the Democratic Presi-
dential candidate during the cam-
Co-operative Book
Store Plans Made
By Sler Quraishi
The first practical step in the or-
ganization of the Michigan Co-oper-
ative Book Store was made last night
with the printing of applications for
membership blanks and the election
of the executive committee, it was
announced by Sher Quraishi, man-
It was further stated that station-
ery could be procured at the Co-
operative House, and that second-
hand and new books would be avail-
able Feb. 1 and Feb. 4, respectively.
A deposit of $2 is required of all
members in order to furnish capital
for the Book Store project. This de-
posit may be withdrawn in books
during the semester, or cash at the
conclusion of the term. Membership
applications will be accepted now at
the Michigan Co-operative Boarding
House, situated in the basement of
Lane Hall.
Davis, MacDonald Ready
For Five-Power Parley
GENEVA, Dec. 2.-(P)-Norman
Davis. the American' rpnrentative


noon, Prof. Earl V

Following a 6:15 p. m. dinner at ;risis
the Union, the conference heard a after
recital by the School of Music Trio: part
Professors Wassily Besekirsky, Hanns 3olve
Pick, and Joseph Brinkman (violin, lock.
violin-cello, and piano, respectively) -

with winter approaching came
several weeks of effort on the
of the veteran president to
a well nigh impassable dead-

at 8 p. m.
Program for Today
Today's program will be devoted to1
band studies, and will be held in the
School of Music Annex. The morn-
ing will include routine discussions,
and two talks: "The Playing of Brass
Instruments," by Prof. Leonard Fal-
cone, director of the Michigan State
College Band, and "The Woodwind
Choir," by Prof. Nicholas D. Falcone,
Varsity Band Director.
In the afternoon there will be a
discussion of band numbers which
will be played by the Varsity Band.
Deadline For Bids On
City Poor Bonds Today
The deadline for bids on the $150,-
000 bond issue to aid the city's needy
has been set for 10 a. m. today. The
bonds are for a period of five years.
Bids will be received at the office of
City Clerk Fred Perry in City Hall.
It is expected that the money
raised by the bond issue will be util-
ized for the extension of the present
sanitary sewer to the site of a pro-
posed sewage disposal plant. Unem-
ployed men will be put to work on
the project.

Mussolini Tells
Navy To Build
New Cruisers
ROME, Dec. 2--AP)-Premier Mus-
solini today ordered the Navy De-
partment to lay down two light
cruisers of 6,742 tons and two tor-
pedo boats of 615 tons. Their con-
struction is a part of the 1931-1932
program which was suspended under
proposals of a year's holiday made at
the Geneva Conference by Dino
Grandi, then minister of foreign af-
The new cruisers were the focal
point of a heated newspaper con-
troversy when British experts con-
lished the statement that Italy was
laying down a "secret" Navy.
To this allegation Italian experts
replied that the ships were merely
"vessels still on paper" because of
the Grandi holiday. Several month;
ago Italian naval experts character-
ized as "ridiculous" reports publish-
ed in London that Italy was build-
ing a larger Navy in secret.

In defeating the request. Four Dem-
ocrats and two Republicans voted to
give authority.
Long Closed Session
The vote came after a long session
'ehind closed doors in which vir-
tually all phases of the prohibition
:uestion were discussed.
The group was divided on most of
Sumners, who did not vote, said
that the committee did not pass on
the merits of the resolution but on
the manner of procedure.
At the outset, Rep. M. C. Harver,
Georgia Democrat, raised the ques-
tion of authority for the committee
to meet officially. It was decided by
Sumners that the action taken would
be informal but that he would be
guided by it.
Cinema League
Not Communist,
Executive Says
Flouts Charges Made In
Letter To The Daily;
Affiliations Are Denied
Charges that the Art Cinema
League is definitely Communistic,
and that it serves as an "arm" of
she National Student League, were
rigorously denied last night by Phil-
p Seidel, Grad., member of the ex-
'cutive committee of the League.
The allegations refuted by Seidel
ere contained in a letter signed by
Iwo students, delivered to the Daily
'"The Art Cinema League is a stu-
dent-faculty organization which pro-
poses to work actively toward rais-
ing the culture level of the campus,"
Seidel said. "We propose to do that
at first through the medium of the
cinema, since that is the easiest
method to handle financially. With
surplus funds accumulated thereby
we intend to subsidize and bring here
other cultural mediums such as the
New York - Theatre Guild and other
outstanding theatrical groups. Prom-
inent writers will also be brought
He ridiculed the charge that he
himself is a Communist, and declared
that "I am a member of no political

Zimbalist Plays Any Instrument
After Moment Of Con centration

Fancy Gas Station Is Latest
Addition ToUniversity Campus
The latest addition to the campussuch small business enterprises across

of the University of Michigan-the
Harvard of the West-is the new,
shiny, modern, service station being
erected on the corner of State and
Jefferson streets right across from
Angell Hall and beside the dairy
lunch and barbecue stand already
The gas station will be completed
soon at an approximate cost of $15,-
According to Shirley W. Smith, sec-
retary of the University, the land
does not belong to the University and
the administration has no control


from the main buildings of the Uni-
versity of Michigan campus. The
citizens who are building and have
built these structures are quite within
their legal rights, however, for this
corner is the extreme end of the D
commercial zone in Ann Arbor.
According to the zoning ordinances
of the city about the only thing that
this type of property is closed to is
factories. Across the street from this
site, however, to either the south or
the east, is zone B, or a residential
zone. In residential zone B apartment
houses can be built, while residential

Efrem Zimbalist, violinist who will
play here on Dec. 12 as the fourth
presentation of the Choral Union
Concert Series, is said to have an un-
canny ability to play almost any in-
strument that comes into his hands.
No one, according to the widely cir-
culated story, has ever shown him a
musical instrument that, after a mo-
ment of concentrated examination,
he has not been able to play.
In connection with this touted
ability of his, there is a yarn that
appears almost unbelievable. It con-
cerns a time when, as a youth of 18,
he came up before the faculty of the
Petrograd Conservatory for his final
examination. He learned, just before
he entered the sanctum of the iurv.

incident. He sat down, however, got
'is breath, played. When he was
finished, he was instructed to play
'he whole thing overdagain-this
time for memory. He did so. After
a moment of silence, the judges
broke unanimously into applause-
an unheard-of demonstration for
that particular body.
The old time musician, says Mr.
Zimbalist, has long since passed from
the concert stage. He insists that
long hair, bad manners, and eccen-
tric dress are no longer part of the
musical artist's stock paraphernalia.
"Violinists of fiction undoubtedly
had a basis in fact," he explains,
"but fact has grown faster than fic-
tion and I don't believe you will find
many of this variety on the cnneert

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