THE MICHIGAN DAILY Voters Cast 39 Million Ballots In Record Poll Democratic Plurality More Than 6,000,000 With 30 States Complete Thomas Vote High Roosevelt Total Surpasses Record For Winner As 1928 Is Recalled WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.-P)- Nearly complete returns from the Nov. 8 elections show the American electorate toppled three records in casting a total vote of at least 39,- 000,000 and giving Gov. Roosevelt 22,- 314,058 and President Hoover 15,- 575,474. This huge total, with more than 30 states complete to date, is an in- crease of more than 2,000,000 over the previous high of 36,789,669 polled in the 1928 Hoover-Smith election. Roosevelt's vote is the most ever given a winning candidate, and Hoover's is a new top figure for a losing nominee. Seven minor party candidates re- ceived 1,008,164 on the basis of re- turns from all but about one-twelfth of the nation's '119,643 voting pre- cincts or districts-tripling the minor party balloting of four years ago. Socialists Keep Pace Norman Thomas, the Socialist Presidential candidate, kept pace with the total gain, his 805,813 being more than thrice the 267,835 he got in 1928 and bringing him within probable reach of the Socialist record of 1920, when Eugene Debs polled 919,799. William Z. roster, Communist can- didate, received 69,104 votes com- pared with his 48,228 four years ago, when he ran as the Workers' party candidate, while William D. Upshaw, Prohibition party nominee, polled 59,656 on the basis of 140,000 pre- cincts to nearly double that party's vote of four years ago. His total is the largest given the Prohibition ticket since the first election after constitutional prohibition was adopt- ed in 1920. Other minor party candidates re- ceived the following: William H. "Coin" Harvey, Liberty, 45,045. Verne L. Reynolds, Socialist-Labor, 21,858. Jacob S, Coxey, Farmer-Labor, 6,465. James R. Cox, Jobless-Liberal, 219. The "Populist" ticket polled four votes in South Carolina to bring the total minor party vote to 1,008,164. Pluralities Compared Roosevelt's plurality of 6,738,584 over Hoover compares with a plural- ity of 6,423,612 given Hoover over Smith in 1928 and the 7,338,513 Coo- lidge plurality over Davis in 1924, when a third party ticket was in the field. Six states gave Roosevelt more than a million votes: California, 1,- 276,423; Illinois, 1,882,304; Missouri, 1,006,613; New York, 2,524,616; Ohio, 1,301,695; Pennsylvania, 1,278,425. Hoover polled more than a million in four states: Illinois, 1,432,756; New York, 1,930, 678. Ohio, 1,227,679, Pennsylvania 1,442,393. Appointed Senator Business Men British Cabinet Michelson, Eminent Physicist, Given red it Meets To Pas LI Eiilogized In Radio Speech (Associated Press Photo) Maj. Elijah S. Grammer of Seattle was appointed to fill out the term of late Senator Wesley L. Jones. Grammer, a Republican, will assure the G.O.P. a majority of one in the Senate during the short session. 'Squads Right' Omitted In New Simplified Drill Major EdwardsExplains Details; Plan Approved By Military Experts "Squads right," the command that for years has been the basis of prac- tically all close order drill in the United States Army, appears to be on the road to oblivion. A simplified drill is nearing per- fection after several months of prac- tice and experimentation that prom- ises to replace this movement and some others that have been consid- ered too cumbersome for modern military purposes. The new close order drill with which details of the Regular Army and various militia regiments have been procticing omits entirely the old movements of "squads right" and "squads left." According to Maj. Basil D. Ed- wards, commandant of the local R. O. T. C., the new plan has won the approval of military experts be- cause of its efficiency and simplicity. He points out that it has two main advantages, it facilitates movements from close order formations, which are used only in drills, to combat formations, and it involves fewer movements and so is easier for re- cruits to learn. No memoranda regarding the new, system has been received here yet, according to Major. Edwards, and no action will be taken until after the plans are officially approved by the Wor Department. He predicted, however, that the department will formally approve the drills soon. In the new system the squads will line up in a single rank eight abreast instead of in two ranks of four each as in the past. This change is based on the French drill regulations. For Levy Cut, Dollar - Wise Chicagoans Save 25 Per Cent; Plan Municipal Debt Relief CHICAGO, Nov. 30. --(A')-Chi- cagoans will pay 25 cents on the dollar less in taxes for 1933-and to a committee of civic-minded and dollar-wise business men has been given much of the credit. In addition, members of the com- mittee pledged themselves today to, do something about the millions of dollars the city owes its 14,000 school teachers, its policemen, firemen, and other employes. From the head of the committee! -Fred W. Sargent, president of the Chicago & Northwestern railway-- came today the story of how the committee was formed and the re- sults it hopes to accomplish, There was no precedent for thef committee to follow when it organ- ized months ago, but there were a multitude of matters clamoring for attention. For instance, in recent years Chi- cago undertook to construct 10 school buildings,. The walls of some were completed, the basements for all were dug, the roofs of a few were laid-but not one of them has been finished. Eight million dollars has been in- vested in the buildings. One of them, Lane Technical High school, started out to be "the world's largest school." With $4,000,000 already in- vested and $1,500,000 more needed, the huge structure has the appear- ance of an abandoned castle. There is no money available to complete the buildings. And the wind and weather constantly are wearing down the walls that cost $8,- 000,000. Gandhi Asks American Not To Join Hin In Fast DELHI, India, Nov. 30.-P-The Mahatma Gandhi today requested the American girl, Nila Cram Cook, who recently embraced the Hindu re- ligion, not to join him in his next fast, as she, had written she would. Gandhi has proposed to enter on a new "fast unto death" next January, unless the equality agreement be- tween the Hindus and Untouchables. goes through. Replying to the young woman's letter, the Nationalist leader invited her to visit him soon in Poona Prison to go over the whole thing person- ally. jO n Debt No[e, A AtribuLe to the late Albert A. Michelson, famous physicist, was paid yesterday by Prof. Ernest F. Barker Document Expected o Be of the physics department in a speech Most Important Sin(T delivered over the facilities of the University Broadcasting Service and Period Of World W ar broadcast from station WJR, Detroit. After giving a short resume of Dr. LONDON, Nov. 30.(L -The Brit- Micrelson's life, Professor Barker told ish cabinet was called together today 'of the great man's first experiment to approve the momentous new note on the velocity of light. "He was so to the United States urgently re- successful in this," said Professor questing postponement of the $95,- 550,000 war debt payment due Dec. 15. The new note to Washington was completed by the cabinet in a two-l hour session today. No further meet- ing was planned and the note prob-; ably will be sent immediately. Informed quarters expected the" document might prove to be the most important since the World War eral so far as Great Britain is concerned,, since it will review the whole range of inter-governmental obligations as$ well as the immediate debt install- ment. The contents of the note itself were reviewed in great detail at a special cabinet session in Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald's quar- ters in the House of Commons Tues- day night. French Poet Gives His Impressions Of Paris in Lecturel Paris-city of variety-is both gay and sad, said Philippe Soupault, French poet and essayist, in an ad- dress in French yesterday before J the Cercle Francais on the subject "A Travers Paris." "Rome," he said, "reminds one of a shadow; Moscow, a nest. Paris is like a country in itself, with its dif- ferent provinces. When one goes from one section of the city to an- other, he feels that he is crossing im- portant boundaries." M. Soupault also pointed out that a good deal of the charm of Paris comes from the fact that it avoids, monotony. Slides showing various scenes of interest in Paris were flashed on the screen at Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-, tre, where the lecture was held, and M. Soupault commented on the sev- eral points of interest, telling what a part they had played in the history of France. The Louvre, he said, is the chief reason that Paris has become the capital of France. Pictures compar- ing the Louvre as it looked in the Fourteenth Century and at the pres- ent were shown. Barker, "that the results obtainedI Others Mentioned justified publication of his first sci- tOther physicists whom Professor entific paper, and, in fact differed Barker discussed were Joseph Henry, from the best later value by only one who distinguished himself with pion- twentieth of one per cent. eer experiments with the electro- Experimented With Light magnet, and Henry A. Rowland, who, Dr. Michelson was the first to prove in the words of Professor Barker, that the velocity of light is different "made his most valuable contribu- in a moving stream than in still tions in the field of spectroscopy." water. Professor Barker said, sug- At the outset of his talk, which gesting the question as to whether was entitled "Three Great American light waves could be carried along Physicists," Professor Barker said in space by a moving ether, that his selection did not indicate "This last question," said Profes- that he thought that they were the sor Barker, "naturally led to the only great men of the century, but question of whether ether is anything declared that their work provides a but empty space. The answer re- special continuity which naturally quired observations of the very high- grouns them together. est precision, with a totally new type of optical apparatus designed for the purpose, and the experiment is per- haps one of the most famous of all time. The astonishing result, that no motion of the earth through space can be detected by measuring the velocities of light beams arriving in different directions was the starting point for Einstein's theory of rela- tivity." E 'dish Farm Subsidy Saidj To Be Success British Economists Hold That Agrarian Policies Averted Collapse LONDON, Nov. 30.-OP)-Farm economists and the administration of England's subsidy to wheat farm,- ers are convinced that in its first six months of operation the subsidy ha: averted a serious collapse which threatened an important section of English agriculture. The subsidy guarantees a price of 10 shillings a hundredweight to Eng- lish growers. (Calculated on the basis of the present low pound, this is the equivalent of about 85 cents a bushel). The grower is paid the difference between that figure and the average price of wheat in England. Funds are obtained from a tax on imported wheat and flour. The scheme had its origin in the fact that farmers, especially in east- ern England, where wheat long has been a traditional crop, were ap- proaching such desperate circum- stances that, unless they received some such assistance, direct and un- productive relief was unavoidable. i Faculty Members To Be Present At Education Meeting H. L. Harrington, president of the principals' division of the Michigan Education Association, will preside at a symposium in Lansing Thursday afternoon on "How Far Should Com- munities Go in Attempting to Pro- vide Education for All Boys and Girls of Secondary School Age, 12 to 18?" At this discussion the views of the parents, of labor, and of the farmer will be presented by prominent repre- sentatives of their respective groups. "This symposium promises to be very interesting," said Professor J. B. Edmonson, dean of the School of Education, "for it will cover thor- >ughly the problems of finance which are confronting educational institu- ,ions today." Friday morning there will be an- )ther symposium on the subject, "What Are Some of the Major Diffi- vulties in the Practical Application of the Democratic Philosophy of Edu- cation on the Secondary Level?" Among the members of the Univer- sity faculty who will attend the con- ference are Prof. Ira M. Smith, reg- istrar, Prof. Philip E. Bursley, direc- tor of the orientation period and counselor to new.students, Dr. T. Lu- ther Purdom, director of the bureau of appointments and occupational in- formation, Dean Edmonson, and Dr. Edgar G. Johnston, assistant pro- fessor of secondary education and principal of University High School. County Board Stops Recount In 5 Districts Compilation Of Returns Is Hopeless As Inspectors Fail To Explain Figures DETROIT, Nov. 30.-(P)--Compila- tion of accurate returns from five districts was given up as hopeless today by the County Board of Can- vassers after election officials of the districts failed in their efforts to ex- plain their own figures. Inspectors of 35 election boards were to appear before the Board of Canvassers and the City Election Commission during the day to aid in the attempt to straighten out the tangled returns from their districts in the Nov. 8 election. The most puzzling situation en- countered was in Ward 12, District 38, where figures on the return book were denied by all the inspectors of the district. Ballot Box Opened The return book showed 200 Re- publican straight tickets and 215 Democratic straight tickets. When the ballot box was opened the tally book showed 137 Republican straights and 99 Democratic straights. This book was signed by the chairman, Nathan Apsel. Apsel said he did not write the fig- ures found in the return book and did not believe that anyone on the board wrote them. The tally' book signed by the chair- man was accepted as the face of the returns. Judge Henry S. Hulbert, chairman of the Board of Canvassers, was silent as to what action may be taken in this case. Denies Wrtiing Figures The ballot box of Ward 17, District 14, was opened today in the presence of the district inspectors and the bal- lots therein were found unsealed. The box itself was broken. The tally book, for which the box was opened, was on the bottom, beneath all the unsealed ballots. The law forbids the canvassers to disturb the ballots, so the tally book could not be reached. The books available showed wide dis- agreement on thekvote for Congres- sional candidates (Fifteenth Dis- trict). In the Fifteenth District John D. Dingell (Dem.), defeated former Mayor Charles Bowles (Rep.), on the face of the returns. "The only thing we can do in this case is accept the face of the re- turns, although we know them to be wrong," Judge Hulbert said. "The vote in this district certainly is open to challenge by any candidate." 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Do not chance the conspicuous social error of incorrect formal wear when the Tho's Heath label positively assures authentic style and finest fabrics. See our showing of this season's new styles now. DEC. 3 .e 0 . :"ti K": . .':'S:tf.} p ...'-i .sn..Yrt 9; eel --- - -- C+ THE '\d') 9'A ir~4T YA i~~ . T t".A 1frnrT T mussma mwwmb & Ask Am 1111 I ' :7% . '