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December 01, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-01

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Established 1890

lf --

ILY organizers to make a success of the movement.
It is a foregone conclusion that it must, to be
efficient, come through the student body itself;
it must have the confidence of the students.
the plan works ;n otter colleges, and there is
no r non why it should not work in the literary
coi)ege of hC Universlty of Mic ;Sgal. At lelmpt8s
to adopt the sy,-temr in the past have been frus-
trated by the University authorities, but this has
been due, no doubt, to the insincerity of the
students proposing it.
The plan of making every student a proctor
for his neighbor, we believe, will not meet the
need of the present conditions. At certain
colleges, for example, everyone must sign

Published every morning. except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member- of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Ptess is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in- this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Offiee at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
seond cla 3s matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Psistant Postater-GQeneral.
Subscription during summerby carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1,50. Ding regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $450
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publishers Representatives
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; $0
Bylston Street, Boston; 612 Noth Michigan Avenue,
rciephone 4925
CITY EDITOR...........................KARL SEIFFERT
SPORTSJEDI[TOR.....................JOHN W. THOMAS
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Oonnellan, Norman F. Kraft,
John-W. Pritchard, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw,
Gilenn R.. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newmaa.
REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles
0. Barndt, James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald P.
Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson, Albert L. Burrows,
Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter.
William G. Ferris, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B.
Hewett, George M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White.
Eleanor B. Blum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan
Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C.
Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Weston, Harriet
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke: Cir-1
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E

a pledge to report any cases of cheating, with
the result that all sign but comparatively few
keep their promise. The purpose of the honor
system is to place upon each student the respon-
sibility of playing square with himself, and, if
he fails to do this, he is the only one who will
suffer. The plan, to be effective, must be com-
One of the greatest complaints against our
American universities today is that they hamper
individualism. Students are forced to conform
to rules and regulations even in matters that they
could best decide for themselves. Responsibility,
a trait which is needed in any field that the stu-
dent may enter after leaving the University
sometimes seems to be the one most neglected
by the educators.
The innovation of the honor system would pre-
sent many problems both to the student body and
the university officials. It wouId be the beginning
of a new era of personal freedom and personal
responsibility upon the part of the students.
Michigan is one of the most liberal universities
in the country today; however, it cannot afford
to stand still.

the Duchess of Towers. Since that time nearly
every great romantic actor has at one time or
another played the title role. Rollo Peters, fa-
mous for his Romeo to Jane Cowl's Juliet, for his
Paolo to Ann Harding's Francesco. will make his
initial appearance as leading man at the Bon-
stelle Civic Theatre in this part. Jessie Royce
Landis, who was personally selected by Constance
Collier to succeed her in last season's revival of
the play, will be the Duchess of Towers.
This production will be one of the most ambi-
tious attempted at the theatre this season. The
sets, designed by Stephen Nastfogel, are elaborate,
the costume plates of the New York production
have been obtained and a cast of 50 engaged.
There will be a special orchestra, every effort
being made to make this a production of distinc-
tion, worthy of the Bonstelle tradition of great
It is particularly fitting that Mr. Peters and
Miss Landis appear in this play, for both began
their careers at the Bonstelle Playhouse, and both
achieved fame in the romantic drama. Miss
Landis has played with Otis Skinner, and sup-
ported many other stars. J. Brooks Atkinson,
commenting on her performance of the Duchess
of Towers, called it "one of the most brilliant
and poignant interpretations of this great love
.-Vincent Wall
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not 'be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communcanons will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however. be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, connning themselves to less than
300 words if possible.

Right Now!

Ar. Senior?
You Can't Afford
To Wait Any Longer...

_. U

First - Come to the Stu-
dent Publications building
and purchase your receipt.
Then - Make an appoint-
ment with one of the offi-

The Deadlvine
Senior Pictures
has been set .. .

Screen Reflections
Serge Eisenstein's "Ten Days That Shook the
World," which opens tonight at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre under the auspices of the Art
Cinema League, is one of the best films yet to
come out of Russia.
It is, in effect, a newsreel of the most stirring
huge mobs in the very buildings and streets
where the original events took place, and note-

worthy especially for its realistic attention to
SISTANTS: Theodore l3arash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon historical detail.
Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph Hune, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read. Lester Skin-- To an American audience, it would appear that
ter, Joseph Sudowte and Robert Wiard.
there are several reasons of excluding "Ten Days
Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Buelah Chapman, Doris -,,
Gimmy, BEilhe Griffiths, Virginia Hartz, Catherine Mc- That Shook the World" from a list of great mov-
Henry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried, ing pictures; the chief objection being that there
EKathryn Stork.
Kathryn _stork. _is no attempt at the narrative technique we have
THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 1932 learned to expect. There is no personal plot,
no "human interest" in the way of showing a
protagonist or for that matter any other clearly
Lhe 'o-EdF For D.in er' defined characters. Probably that is just as welt
--we have had too many Cecil B. DeMille slave
;an Is Revived. . . girls popping in and out of Nero's boudoir at
will. The traditional device of setting up a dum-
E CANNOT help wondering at the my hero and heroine to suffer through intimate
Sagitation of Dean Alice Lloyd over historical scenes does help to center the dramatis
e disregard for certain impractical rules that interest, but it's frequently pretty flimsy stuff
ply to to women students. The latest ruling and we ought to make an effort to acclimate
be brought out of the moth bag into the light ourselves to the method of Comrade Eisenstein's:
so antiquated that most students, not knowing noble experiment.
existence, have been breaking it for years. One more complaint, and we'll drop our grous
We refer to the regulation that no women shall ing: we doubt very much that even Russian.-
invited to fraternity houses for dinner unless without the aid of sound and a knowledge of uni-
aperones are provided and the various direc- forms worn at the time by various regiments,
esses or house mothers properly notified in would be able to decide which faction was being
ivance. shown in some of the more hectic flashes, which
This year, according to Dean Lloyd, the i'ule fly by rather too swiftly to be significant. How-
.11 be "enforced." How it will be enforced is yet ever, that's the art of the cinema or something,
be seen, but the fact remains that this harm- probably.
ss practice is officially banned except on very On the other side of the ledger there are many
ecial occasions. important things to be brought up. Primarily,
We realize the advisability of having a rulin -here is Eisenstein's beautiful camera work, and
hich prohibits women from remaining in fra- his characteristic insistence on realistic symbol-
rnity houses unchaperoned for several hours ism (a huge tractor riding over the forces of the
ter the evening meal. However, we can see no old regime-a peasant boy asleep in the imperial
red for chaperones and notification of the pow- thrQne-imperial eagles silhouetted against darkn
s-that-be when a woman student plans to have swift clouds-a dead girl's long hair slowly slip-
inday dinner at a fraternity. ping off the rising end of a drawbridge as she lieu,
Dean Lloyd has made the statement that at- on the other side).

We have lately taken an unusual interest in the-
speakers from other communities who appea-
from time to time on the campus. Their arrival
n town is hailed with great enthusiasm by thos
who have been instrumental in bringing them
fao Ann Arbor. Large posters are left in conspicj
1.ous places to inform the student body of ther
forthcoming speeches. Everyone is "invited to
Preachers and professors often recommend ai -
fendance at these addresses. Some instructos
merely mention the speaker, others almost compde
iheir classes to attend. As for the local pastors,
''ny speaker who happens to. be of their denomi-
nation receives no end of praise.
The Michigan Daily persists in giving long
publicity stories to men about whom they ofteO
have very little information. A lecture mentioned
n the Daily Official Bulletin should be of some
nterest to the readers, but the simple fact that
1 speaker is not a resident of this city scarcely
,seems sufficient to rate a front page publicity
;tory several days in a row.
This "ballyhoo" is, obviously, very often effec -
ive in bringing out a large crowd to the lectures.
if they are interested in the lecture, all well
and good, but countless people have received
'itter disappointment in the visiting speaker.
We refer particularly to the lecturers who hold
' way at Natural Science Auditorium and Hill
auditorium. These men are hailed as men of
ational and international importance, yet we
aave seen professors sitting in the audience who
ere much better speakers and better informed
n the subject than the lecturers to whom they
Ire listening.
However, we are not condemning all out of
own speakers, but merely wish to state that in
our opinion the standing and ability of our local
-aen is utterly disregarded and we base our judg-
S-ent of a speaker on the distance he comes to
,ppear here.
Perhaps it would be a wise procedure to give
t little consideration to our local men, who not.
only this week, but in other weeks, have demon-
'trated their ability and skill before local gather-
ings. Let's give the Michigan man a break
gven if we have to listen to - his speeches with
frequency in classrooms or church.
-G. M. H...

cial Michiganensian



Dey Studio

Rentschler Studio

Spedding Studio



193 2-1933

1k -


tending a fraternity house for dinner is no dif-
ferent from going to a man's apartment.. This'
statement is astounding. She implies that when
a man asks a girl to dinner at his house he is
seeking questionable privacy.,
It has been our experience that no chaperoneJ
can exceed the hawk-like vigilance of the 25 or 304
fraternity men who do not have dates.
The rule, of course, will not be obeyed. Such
rules never are.
Students realize that there are certain neces-
sary and proper regulations that must be obeyed.
In this respect only are they willing to conform.
The "co-ed for dinner" ban, however, seems
not only unreasonable but slightly ridiculous, and
it seems at best unfortunate that an innocent
pastime suddenly should have taken on such a;
black appearance and has been filed among the
numerous "thou shalt nots" for the women
The IHonor Systemt
In The Literary College..
posed investigation into the prac-
ticability of inaugurating the honor system in
the literary college is a project worthy of student,
interest and encouragement.
One of the main purposes of college is to build
up the student's character so that he can fill his
position in the world creditably. Any practise
which hinders character development, as does the
proctor system, should be corrected. By the time
a person reaches college, he ought to be trusted to
play fair with himself. There will 'always be
-- of-,- . rim-++A-. I-hnw nlncnaa

Also-and in this respect the present film excel-
the "Road to Life"-there is a blgssed relief from
she usual pamphlet-pushing propaganda. The
-ociological lesson is there if you want it, but itc
isn't jammed down your throat. It is good to
ind that Lenin is not made too saintly in his;
orief appearances; there is enough, but not too
much, contrast between him and the wild-eyed
Trotsky, the ambitious, timid Kerensky.
It's nothing but a newsreel-but that's enough.
Plenty. Even without the usual sympathetic,
characters, it's damned exciting entertainment
And with these few elegant words we'll give Mr -
C. M. W.'s Screen Reflections column back to
iim with the earnest wish that he will be liberal
in dealing out those quaint stars when he gets
around to "Ten Days."
The ~;Theatre;
"Peter Ibbetson," the Du Maurier classic whicl
opens Friday night, Dec. 2, at the Bonstelle Civic
'heatre, in Detroit, more than any other drama
ontains the qu ntessence of romance, the glamn-
ur of the theatre.
Originally intended by the author merely as ai
plot for a novel, it has been translatcd to stage,
screen and opera. Alexander Woolcott iin The
New Yorker has given one of his usually brilliant
and revealing notes concerning the genesis of
this immortal story. It developed through con-
versation with Henry James, and was intended
merely as a suggestion for 'a nlot for the author

What has beconc of Alex? Where is the
>iquant face which was wont to peer from be-
ind loaves of bread, mountais, or what have
you in each Sunday publication of the Daily?
Don't the proprietors of the R & S lunch res-
aurant realise how much pleasure Alex and his
own peculiar lingo brought to many and varied
tudents who rose at the indecent hour of nine
o'clock on Sunday morning to rush madly down
She stairs to the mail box and find it interest-
ingly stuffed with "the Daily" and its contents
yf fashion and society items, editorials and Alex's
all too brief visit?
To a co-ed reader who followed the weekly
rdventures of Alex and his antics (to the detri-I
nent of the sociology bluebook which was due
Ionday morning) the Hickman act which has
:ecently been imposed on his versatile travels and
2xuberant flow of language seems most cruel.
Alex had grown to be a Michigan tradition,
following his zig zaggy course as tenacious a
:.abit as walking on the wrong side of the street
and leering at the outraged so-called "Michigan
Ieli," or bolting the all important nine o'clock
for the proverbial cup of coffee, and postponed
breakfast of tomato juice and toasted rolls.
In voicing the opinion of countless readers,
i raise my own feeble protest at the idea of prac-f
-cally abolishing Alex 'and putting him in in-
-onspicuous places on the sports page, or beneath
some article headed. "Amalgamated Society of
the S. P. C. A. Meets Here."
As a last appeal to whoever is resppnoible for
plhe cist cls of Alc, i urge most earnestly
that -w hvc him back to rlieye the Sunday
morning nood ie so cheerfully tried to alleviate.
An Alex-American Girl,
-Louise Crandall

One of the prime characteristics of the higher types among more a4vanced civilization is
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We hope you won't think us crass in suggesting such a thing, but surely
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Even more utterly pleasing in content and format than ever before,
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