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December 01, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-12-01

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he Weather

C, r

of irFA6

Geerally fir and warmer;
Friday rain, vcolder.


The 'Co-Ed For Dinner"
Is Revived; The :Honor Sys
In The Literary College.





PR IERi% 'l X VRt

Hint Decision
n Rose Tilt
Straw Vote May Decide
Big Ten Stand On Lift-
ing Post Season Rule
Faculty Committee
To Meet Saturday,
Hanley Denies Opposition
To Amendment Of Rule;
Coast Alumni Hopeful
An unofficial straw vote to deter-I
mine whether the Big Ten Athletic
Board would allow Michigan to take
part in the Tournament of the Roses
game at Pasadena, Calif., on Jan. 2
was being conducted yesterday by
Big Ten alumni clubs on the West
Coast, it was announced by authori-
ties last night.
It is believed that in the event that
six schools vote to waive the ruling
against post-season games, t h a t
Michigan will be the certain choice
of Southern California to represent.
the East.
It was understood that faculty rep-
resentatives of the Athletic Board
had been asked to wire their unoffi-
cial votes to Chairman Thomas E.
French of Ohio State University.
Yost Refuses to Comment
Results of the vote will probably
be announced today by Chairman
French, according to Fielding H.
Yost, Director of Athletics. Coach
Yost refused to comment on what he
thought would be the outcome of the
poll. The official meeting of the fac-
ulty committee will not be held un-
til Saturday.
Illinois, Northwestern, and Indiana
have announced that they are in
favor of the proposed game, accord-
ing to an International News Service
release, made public late last night.
Telegram Received
According to a telegram received
by The Daily last night from-the Los
Angeles Times, Coach Dick Hanley,
of Northwestern, denied press dis-
patches saying that he was opposed
to Michigan playing the Rose Bowl
Responding to inquires from local
Northwestern alumni clubs, Hanley,
said, "I would like very much to see
the conference faculty committee
permit Michigan to play the Rose
Bowl game. I have not opposed
Michigan being granted permission.
We have the friendliest feeling to-
ward the Michigan team and{

'Rowdyism' Has Declined Since
Prohibition, Says Edmonson

"Rowdyism" among students has
almost entirely disappeared since the
advent of prohibition, said Dean J.
B. Edmonson of the education school
in an interview yesterday.
"I cannot see," he added, "how the
return of legal liquor could possibly
be of benefit to the student body."
Dean Edmonson pointed out that,
when he was a student in the Univer-
sity, student drinking was much more
in evidence than it is today. It was a
common thing, he said, for a group
to go to Toledo or Detroit every week-
end, drink heavily, and return "half-
"In this condition," he said, "it is
obvious that studying would be a
difficult thing to do efficiently. For-
merly, drinking was much more of a
public matter than it is today. There
appeared, at least, to be a great deal
more of it.
"I believe that rowdyism among
students has died out; there are very
few universities where it is at all in
favor. The last decade has brought

a very great improvement in the
types that come to the University.
"How far this is due to the advent
of prohibition it would be difficult
to say, but I believe that prohibition
has had some influence.
Asked whether he thought that
there was as much hard liquor con-
sumed by students at that time as
there is now, Dean Edmonson replied.
"It is certain, at least, that they were
intoxicated by what they drank.
The dean would not venture an
opinion as to the possible effects of
the "new deal" prom;ed by Presi-
dent-Elect Roosevelt in regard to li-
quor. "One can not be certain what
will happen," he commented. "It is
quite possible that enforcement will
be even more severe than it is now.
On the other hand, the bootlegging
industry may be even more prosper-
ous than today."
Dean Edmonson, in the faculty,
Who's Who straw vote conducted by.
the Daily in October, voted against

Stident Pianist
Appears With
Performance Of Dalies
Frantz Applauded For
Ten Minutes At Concert
Dalies Frantz last night made his
first Ann Arbor appearance in con-
cert with an orchestra when he play-
ed the Liszt Concerto in E Flat Ma-
jor with the Detroit Symphony Or-
chestra, under the direction of Ossip
Gabrilowitsch, in the third 1932-33
concert of the Choral Union Series.
The performance of Frantz, who is
a graduate student in the School of
Music, was acclaimed by ten min-
utes of applause from the audience.
The Detroit Symphony Orchestra,
which comes to Ann Arbor almost
every year under the auspices of thef
Choral Union, played the First Sym-1
phony~of Brahms in C Minor, Op.
68, and Casella Rhapsody "Italia,"
Op. 11.
Conductor Ossip Gabrilowitsch of;
the Detroit Symphony Orchestra ex-
pressed. enthusiastic commendation
of the performance of Dalies Frantz
as pianist in an interview last night.
"Frantz was wonderful. The audi-
ence was grand. Good night," he
Director Gabrilowitsch then rush-s
ed from the wings into his overcoat
and out to a waiting bus.

Worley Speaks'
On All Campus
Honor System,
Praises Military Training
For All .tudents; Major
Edwards Also Speaks
Speaking before the regular meet-
ing of Pi Tau Pi Sigma, honorary
fraternity for R. O. T. C. students in
the Signal Corps branch, Prof. John
.S. Worley of the transportation en-
gineering department praised mili-
tary training for students and de-
clared himself in favor of the honor
system for all colleges on the cam-
Professor Worley praised the Uni-
versity Reserve Officers' Training
Corps as one of the finest groups
on the campus and called the mem-
bers a conservative, upstanding body.
He mentioned the "esprit de corps"
that is developed by this type ofI
training as the most valuable of its
The matter of an honor system for
the Literary College, that was
brought up for the first time by the
Student Council at its meeting Tues-
day night, was mentioned by Pro-
fessor Worley; he declared himself
to be heartily in favor of it, not only
for one of the colleges on the cam-
pus but for all of them:
Following Professor Worley, Maj.
Basil D. Edwards of the military
science department gave a short talk.

President Of
Germany ay
Leave Office
Unless Cabinet Crisis Is
Solved, Von Hindenberg
May Resign In Disgust
Hitler Asked About
Plans For Future
Chances About 8 To 10
Von Schleicher Would
Get Chancellorship
BERLIN, Nov. 30.-A')---If Ger-
many's political chiefs do not watch
their step they may find their fath-
erland without a president as a result
of the possible resignation in disgust
of the aged Paul von Hindenberg.
For several days there have been
whispers in political circles that the
president was sick and tired of party
bickerings over the formation of the
next cabinet-that he was disgusted
at the inability of the Rightist
parties to form a "ministry of na-
tional concentration."
These whispers were boldly report-
ed today by Der Deutsche, official
daily organ of the Christian Trade
Unions, representing 500,000 workers.
Asserting that the president had ser-
iously considered resigning, the paper
said that was exactly what the mon-
archists desired, for it would open
the way for a vice-regency.
Press comment on this possibility
emphasized that the resignation of
the venerable head of the Reich
might open the doors to every kind
of political experiment and perhaps
to civil war. Monarchist restoration,
general strike, Nazi putsch-all thesel
were mentioned in the newspapers as1
Adolph Hitler, leader of the Na-
tional Socialists, had been expected
in Berlin today to discuss the cabinet+
crisis with Gen. Curt von Schleicher,
defense minister in the von Papen
ministry, who is seeking to establish
a polit ial truce for the winter. But
Hitler did not show up.J
A semi-official source said the
chances were about 8 to 10 that Gen.
von Schleicher would get the chan-
Journalist To Be
Next Presentation1

Large Crowd
At Smoker To
Honor Squad
Enthusiastic Reception Is
Given Mention Of Rose
Bowl Game Possibility
Yost, Kipke, Speak
In Favor Of Trip
Williamson And Fay Are
Presented As Coaches
Praise Work Of Team
Nearly a thousand enthusiastic
Michigan football rooters last night
jamed into the Union ballroom for
the Union smoker honoring Michi-
gan's conference championship foot-
ball team.
Michigan students definitely show-
ed their wish for a Rose Bowl game
by the enthusiasm with which they
greeted any mention of a possibility
that the Michigan team might be
sent to the coast for the game.
Both Coach Harry Kipke, and
Fielding H. Yost, director of intercol-
legiate athletics, declared themselves
as emphatically in favor of such a
Introduced by Union president John
W. Lederle, '33, both retiring Cap-
tain Ivan Williamson, '33, and Cap-
tain-elect Stanley Fay, '34, expressed
their gratitude for the cooperation,
shown the team during the past sea-
son and expressed their hope for
another as good next year.
Matthea Speaks
Frederick Mattheai, president of
the University of Michigan club of'
Detroit, declared in his speech that
he was opposed to the Rose Bowl'
game because he could not see that
University stood to gain anything by
'it. .
Judge Willie Heston of Detroit, one1
of Michigan's all-time All-Americans
who played in 48 football games
while he was in college, took issue
with Mr. Mattheai and came out
strongly for Michigan participationJ
in the New Year's Day game. Judge
Heston described the first Rose Bowl1
game in 1902 between Michigan and
Stanford in which he took part play-
ed on a dirt field with no sod on it.
Heston Discusses Game
Judge Heston said that after pub-
licity for days in advance had pro-
phesied that the Michigan team
could not stand the pace in the warm;
climate, the game was called because1
Stanford had no more substitutesy
and Michigan's starting eleven was
still playing.
Coach Kipke, answering those who
wondered why Michigan did not gain,
more yards during the past season,
pointed out that a year from now it,
is the score of the game that will be
remembered, not the number of
yards gained.
Coach Yost praised the spirit of
the team and declared that he knew
nothing at all about the possibility of
the Rose Bowl game.
Following the speeches about 40
minutes of soud pictures of the
Michigan teams for the last three
seasons in action were shown, to-
gether with some shots of the Olym-
pic Games.
Great applause was given the
Michigan Vagabonds, a quartet from
the men's Glee Club, who sang four
Songs on the program of the smoker.
EAST LANSING, Nov. 30.-(I)-
Bernard McNutt, Michigan State
200-pound fullback, from Allegan,

was elected captain of the 1933 foot-
hall varsity today by his teammates.
He succeeds Bob Monnett and Abe
Eliowitz, halfbacks, who last season
were co-captains.

Postponement Of
Payment Soon Due
PARIS, Nov. 30.-(P)-France will
insist on a new war debt memoran-
dum to the United States that -the
$20,000,000 payment due Dec. 15
must be postponed, it was learned
today on high authority.
The note, which will present
France's reasons for this contention,
was definitely outlined at a meeting
of the cabinet presided over by Pre-
mier Edouard Herriot. The text still
must be approved by the cabinet
council, with President Albert Le-
brun in the chair, which probably
will be called into session tomorrow.
The note is expected to be sent to
Washington tomorrow.
One of the points indicated in the
m e m o r a n d u m, an authoritative
source asserted, is that France has
served as the monetary and financial
supporter of many European coun-
tries and that in consequence pay-
ment of the December installment
would provoke general difficulties.
Walter Praises
Eisenstern Film
After Pre-View
Revolution Picture, 'Ten
Dlays That Shook The
World' Starts Tonight
Eisenstein's production, "Ten Days
That Shook the World," which will
be presented tonight and tomorrow
night at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre by the newly organized Art
Cinema League, last night was prais-
ed by Prof. Erich A. Walter of the
English Department, who declared
after its pre-view showing that it
was one of the finest films he had
ever seen.
The feature will be preceded by
the motion picture "Morosko," an old
Russian legend. Prof. Oscar J. Camp-
bell, of the English department, will
introduce the program.
"I was very ,much impressed with
the outstanding use of mass presen-,
tation," commented Professor Wal-
ter, "and I was pleased to see that
the close-up filming, so character-
istic of American films, was mostly
left out. The mass idea was well
brought out, not only in human be-
ings but also in machinery."
"It is a true picture of the revolu-
tion inthat it lacks balance, going
from start to finish in one direction,
and gives one the impression that
there is a great force, a great mo-
mentum, that cannot be checked."
The picture deals with fight of the
Bolshevists, under Lenin and Trot-
sky, to overthrow the Kerensky pro-
visional Government, which had
supplanted the government of the
Czar some months before.
Sunderland To Engage
Jn Judicial Research
Prof. Edson Sunderland of the Law
School will be engaged at Yale uni-
versity during the next two weeks
upon some research work concerning
the judicial business of the United
States District Courts.
A large amount of statistical data
regarding the work of these courts
was collected and these statistics are
being tabulated and studied for the
purpose of determining how the effi-
ciency of the federal courts can be
Whiledin New Haven, Professor
Sunderland will give an address at
a luncheon meeting of the New Haven
Bar Association. Mr. Samuel A.
Persky, a member of the Law Class
of 1912 and president of the associa-

tion, is making this the occasion for
a reunion of Michigan Law School


Will Ask

Yp si Killer
By Sample
Confessed Killer Tells Of
Brutal Clubbing And
Slashing of Deatherage,
Proposed Robbery
Negro Says He Was
'Ordered To Do It'
Police Find Victim Still
Alive, Face Discolored
By Strangulation; Cold
And Snow Hasten Death
A brutal crime, rivalled in the an-
'als of Washtenaw County only by
he torch slayings in the summer of
931, was brought to a partial con-
lusion here yesterday when Thomas
3ritton, 57-year-old Ypsilanti negro,
-as sentenced to life imprisonment
y Judge George W. Sample in Cir-
uit Court for the killing of Cap
7eatherage in Ypsilanti between 2
nd 3 a. m. Nov. 26.
Carrey Hunt Baylis, also a negro,
charged with complicity in the mur-
ier, pleaded not guilty and was held
'or trial at 9 a. m. today. Britton had
entered a plea of guilty after making
a complete confession to Sheriff Ja-
:ob Andres and Prosecutor Albert J
The story Britton told o the wit-
ness stand concerned a social stra-
cum which Judge Sample character-
ized as a typical harbor for crimes
3f this type.
Eollowed Victim
Britton said that, at the "order"
of Baylis, he had followed Deather-
age a half block from the old dance
hall at First and Jefferson- Streets
where he and Baylis roomed. All
three of them had been drinking, but
"were not drunk," he said. The con.
fessed slayer. declared he then
clubbed Deatherage with a tree-limb,
beat him about the body, and then
castrated him.
Asked for the motive by Prosecutor
Rapp, Britton only repeated that
Baylis had "ordered me to do it." He
(Britton) added that Baylis was to
come along later and take from the
body $30 which Deatherage was sup-
posed to possess.
Baylis, who was not brought to the
stand, smiled deprecatingly when-
ever it was alleged that it was he
who "ordered" Britton to murder
Britton Is Calm
Britton was stolid throughout the
testimonies. He spoke in a low voice,
end was not visibly moved when ;the
sentence which will sendhim to
Marquette State Prisoi for the re-
mainder of his life was pronounced,
County Coroner Edwin C. Ganz-
horn previously had said that Death-
,rage was probably clubbed and
lashed six hours before he actually
Police Officer Coy Rankin of Ypsi-
'anti answered the call of two un-
identified negroes who told him a
"body" was lying in a vacant lot be-
ween First and Jefferson streets.
When Rankin found Deatherage, the
latter was still alive, and gasped
'eebly several times. He was hor-
ribly mutilated. His face was discol-
ared from strangulation by his own
necktie, his shirt -was in ribbons, one

trouser leg was cut away, and his
overcoat was slashed in two, Rankin
testified. A crisp snow and biting
.old had hastened his death, he
Sound to Circuit Court
The two negroes were bound over
to Circuit Court by Justice Jay H.
Payne early yesterday afternoon.
Both were held for the higher court
without bond.
Deatherage was a World War vet-
eran and had served overseas several
years. Bad blood had existed be-
(Continued on Page 2)
Union To Provide Ride
Exchange For Holidays
Co-ordination between those who
have rides to offer and those who
want rides home for Christmas vaca-
tion is the aim of a new service in-
augurated by the Union:
To a certain extent purpose of
t, movem, nt s tn ,m, ryv P a -tffpr.

In Lecture


COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 30.--()-
Prof. Thomas E. French of Ohio
State University, president of the
Western Conference, said tonight he
expected a decision Saturday on a
proposal that conference rules pro-
hibiting post-season football games
be amended to permit the University
of Michigan to meet Southern Cali-
fornia in the annual Rose Bowl game
at Pasadena.
The proposal was made by the Big
Ten club of Los Angeles which re-
quested an informal poll of confer-
ence members to determine if they
would favor rule changes if Michigan
is invited to play the game. Profes-
sor French said the club sent a let-
ter to Big Ten members requesting
that they send their replies to him.
LOS ANGELES, Calif., Nov. 30.-
(IP)-Alumni of the Big Ten confer-
ence in the far west took heart today
in their efforts to gain permission for
Michigan to play Southern Cali-
fornia in the Rose tournament game
at Pasadena Jan. 2.
Optimistic reports from the middle
west on the possible action of faculty
representatives of' the schools in fa-
vor of lifting the post-season game
ban largely were responsible for the
growing feeling that they will see the
unbeaten Wolverines in action on the
west coast.

Varsity Debating Team
Defeats Michigan State
Michigan affirmative debaters won
a decision over Michigan State Col-
lege yesterday in the third decision
debate of the semester with but one
change from the team that was de-
feated by Detroit City College, Mon-
day. The substitution of Abraham
Zwerdling, '35, for Charles B. Brown-
son, '35, after the adverse decision
made the successful speaking order
yesterday, Clinton Sandusky, '34,
first, Abraham Zwerdling, '35, second
and Samuel L. Travis, '34,, third.
The question was that of the
Western C'onference series; "Re-
solved, that at least 50 per cent of all
state and local revenues should be
derived from sources other than
tangible property."
The Michigan negative team will
meet the University of Detroit, Fri-
day night when the veteran team,
James D. Moore, Grad., Victor Rab-
inowitz, '34L, and Nathan Levy, '33L,
will speak in Detroit.

Gari Melchers, Noted
Detroit Artist, Expiresj
DETROIT, Nov. 30-()-Less than
a month after the medal of the Na-
tional Institute of Arts and Letters
had been awarded to Gari Melchers
at the annual convocation of the
American Academy of Arts and Let-
ters in New York, the internationally
distinguished artist, native of Detroit,
died suddenly Wednesday at his
home in Falmouth, Va.,' near Fred-
ericksburg, at the age of 72 years.
At the time of the award an ex-
hibit of 50 paintings from his brush
was placed in the Academy's gal-
leries, to hang until next May, an ex-
hibition which now becomes a mem-
orial to the American artist who
shared only with Whistler and Sarg-
ent the blue ribbon of membership
in the Legion d'Honneur de France.
For more than a week Mr. Mel-
chers had been confined to his bed,
but the illness was not considered
serious. A heart - attack caused his

Frederick William Wile, journal-
istic soldier of fortune, will speak
here on Dec. 8 as the third presen-
tation of the 1932-33 Oratorical As-t
sociation Lecture Series.-
News broadcaster, owner of a syn-
dicate, and prolific writer, Mr. Wile
has spent most of his life in search
of news from all over the world. At
present his field lies in Washington,
where the live issues on the opening
of the "lame duck" congressional
session have caused postponement of
his Ann Arbor lecture from Dec. 1
to Dec. 8.
He was a reporter in Chicago at
the age of 19. In Europe at the time
of the Boer War, he was so success-
ful as a journalist that he attracted
the attention of Lord Northcliffe,
who made him his representative.
As a correspondent for the Lon-
don Daily Mail and the New York
Times during the World War, Mr.
Wile won note for his faculty of nos-
ing out and reporting German naval
projects. Subsequently he was a
Washington correspondent for the
Philadelphia Public Ledger.
Junior Women To Hold
Tryouts For Class Play
All Junior women will be eligible
for the preliminary Junior Girls Play
tryouts to be held this afternoon and
tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, it was announced last night
by Frances Manchester, general
Any women students who have
ability in the lines of dancing, sing-
ing, acting, or any other branch of
the work of the play were urged by
Miss Manchester to report. They
will be judged by her and the direc-
tor who will divide theft into cast
and chorus classifications for the
secondary tryouts to be held some
time next week.
Those who are trying out for sing-
ing parts may bring their own ac-
companist, Miss Manchester said, or
merely bring the sheet music for the
OnTrr a.A + wi_ n , 1ncr,_ , ,_ n ~._"

Gargoyle Marked By Numerous
Changes; Goes On Sale Today

1925 'Hot-Cha' Dance Featured
In 'The Beggar On Horseback'

Mrs. Ball

To Assume }
Red Cross Post

Mrs. Nellie E. Ball, '32, will offi-
cially take over the duties of execu-
tive secretary of the Washtenaw,
Chapter of the Red Cross here today.
Mrs. Ball, a resident of Ann Arbor,1
received her Bachelor of Arts degree
in the curriculum of Sociology last
spring from the University. She has
had a year's psychiatric experience

Marked improvement in makeup
and a complete change in type will
be introduced today by Gargoyle,
Michigan's humor magazine, which
goes on sale this morning at various
points on campus.
Set up for the first time in the
composing room of The Daily, locat-
ed in the new Student Publications
Building, Gargoyle's December issue
appears with a complete revision of
the design on the advertising pages,
which permits contniuation of ar-
titles from the editorial section.

editor, depicts St. Nicholas accord-
ing to the anti-prohibitionist slogan,
"Beer by Christmas!"
New departments are made po#
sible by the changes in composition.
The magazine opens with "The Cam-
pus Calendar," a brief review of so-
cial activities on campus with a
schedule of the events to come dur-
ing the month. A style section for
men and a book review column ap-
pear near the close of the issue.
Facing the campus gossip section,
Powers presents Gargoyle's final

"Yes sir, that's my baby. No sir,
I don't mean maybe!" Remember
Back in 1925 when the "Charles-
ton" was in power it was said that
a dance hall somewhere or -6ther had
caved in under the stress of the syn-
chronization of the dancers. But
that's no longer news.
However, the fact that they are
religiously (hardly the correct word)
practicing the Charleston in the
aisles, foyer, and even on the stage
of the Laboratory Theatre at any

show is the business of the multiply-
ing butlers. Every time the butler
comes on there is one more until he
is a whole string of butlers.
Another crack at the high speed
living of those good old days is the
"Jazz Wedding" scene in which the
marriage tie is fastened to a sort
of Harlem rhythm. Then there is the
Widget Art Factory for the whole-
sale manufacture of objets d' art for
the bourgeoisie.
Also there is the rising court. The
people who are being tried in a court
decide that they don't like it and

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