Established 1890
Campus Opinion
-- .,.= . _--
, XW.-.E AAN*N ,-v. .~ ~ ~ ~ -
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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30, 1932
Shall We Drink
Privately Or Publicly?
F RATERNITIES recently received a
scolding which they unquestion-
ably deserved from Nathan S. Potter, president
of the Interfraternity Aluni Council who warned
them to "clean house," as far as drinking was
concerned, or face drastic action from the Uni-
And in the past week, fraternities have cleaned
house. Almost immediately, anti-drinking rules
went into effect in a great many houses whose
members still bear fresh in their minds the liquor
raids and the subsequent padlocking of five fra-j
ternity houses in the J-Hop fracas of two years1
But we wonder if Mr. Potter's threats will have
the desired results. While fraternities may bai
drinking on the premises, the same members who
vote for such a rule may merely pln to shift their
drinking headquarters. There are many places
in the campus area that are perfectly willing to
serve set-ups to men and women who bring their
liquor in hip flasks. There are many blind pigs
within 20 miles of Ann Arbor that cater to stu'-
dent trade and will furnish free transportation
to and from their establishments.
If we may draw conclusions from past experi-
ences, it is very probable that the places men-
tioned above may expect a decided increase in
their nightly turnover. Fraternity men who can
no longer drink in the privacy of their houses
will shift their ground.
We doubt very much if this is the sort of
"house cleaning" that Mr. Potter and the Admin-
istration desire. We believe both would admit that
if the men and womeni students of the University
are going to drink, it is better for them to do so
in private places.
One would think that, by this time, both the
Administration and the organization of whicl
Mr. Potter is president would realize that it is
very nearly impossible to stop student drinking.
One would also think, then, that they would
realize that it is not advantageous merely to shift
the place at which the drinking is done.
Certainly, any drastic action which may e con-
templated would only bring about a repetition of
the unfavorable and unfair publicity which ac-
companied the 1931 raids. We question if the end
justifies the means.
While we do :lot like to disagree too violently
with Mr. Potter. we must admit that his statement
that "if the undergraduate members of the fra-
ternities do not realize the gravity of the situa-
tion, the alumni of the respective houses do,"
seems incorrect. It has been our experience that
the alumni, especially on football week ends, are
the cause of more ti'ouble than thc active mem-
bers of fraternities.
Mr. Potter says: "The action taken by the Uni-
versity two years ago will be mild in comparison
with what will happen if we don't do something
about it . . . It's going to be too bad if we don't#
Letters punlished in thi. column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. A.non yous comrmuncations will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however. be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief. co~ilnlng tnernselves to less than
300 words if possible.
To The Editor
On Tuesday the 23rd day of the 11th month of
the year of our Lord MDCCCCXXXII the election
of the Junior class of the School of Forestry and
Conservation was held. The election terminated
a period of intense campaigning featured by shad,
politics, underhand, atrocious and nefarious meth-
ods and the practice of duress and coercion such.
as never before has been witnessed in this school.
Several keystone supporters of the losing part,,
were conspicuous by their mysterious absence-.
and let it here be known that two or three vote-
are extremely important where the voting public
numbers only 23.
The winning party, a fraternity group, yet hid-
ing this fact under a "White Pine Plank" rode
to victory by means of political graft such as wa:
prominent in National elections a decade ago.
But sir, our most grevious complaint lies againstI
an "illustrious" member of that august body the
Student Council, who had charge of the election.
We have every reason to believe that he was in
no small measure responsible for the victory
which was gained by a very slight margin. Eveni
the most tolerant of us are inclined to be suspi-
cious and view with alarm the ability of nineteer;
voters to cast the surprising total of twenty-two
Sir, we appeal to you as the leader of an organi-
zation which has distinguished itself in the past
as an organ standing for higher ideals in politics.
We beg of you to lay this before the voting public
and demand that an attempt be made to put E
stop to this felonious practice.
Yours for cleaner politics,
--The Vanquished
It is always interesting and instructive to turr
to the opinions of distinguished men on public
problems of importance. Such opinions are no,
necessarily convincing but they offer a starting
point for comparison and discussion, and they
may help us to acquire wisdom in the conduct of
"prohibition laws," (cf. The Ann Arbor Daily
News of November 5, 1932).'
I conclude with the opinion that no free man
will ever tolerate an unwarranted infringement
of his sacred right to regulate his conduct aS
regards private habits.
--M. Levi,
Professor Emeritus.
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
Jubilo .................Will Rogers
June ...................Marion Nixon
The Boy ...................Dick Powell
If you are looking for an evening of laugh-
provoking entertainment, you will be sadly dis-
appointed in "Too Busy to Work," the 'current
:attraction at the Michigan. The picture is not en-
tirely without humorous passes at the government
from Will, but most of the humor is of the tragic
variety, and is subordinated in favor of the pa-
t'hetic plot built around Jubilo's boxcar-wanderer'
Upon returning from the war, Jubilo finds that
. judge has run off with his wife and baby
daughter. He spends 15 years searching about the
.ountry for the judge, and finally locates him in
california, where he is a prominent barrister run-
.ling for senator.
At the farm estate, Jubilo is given three meals
G day for the "work" he does. But Jubilo is too
busy to work.
Marion Nixon is delicately beautiful as Will's
daughter. Dick Powell, whom you may have seen
.t the Majestic as the crooner in "Blessed Event,"
=lays the other juvenile lead.
Added attractions: Flip the Frog cartoon, fair;
Desert Regatta, with thrilling outboard-motor
tacing; Paramount News; Paul Tompkins in a
tound-the-world song fest; tip for Mr. Tompkins:
ie might well include more popular songs every-
one can and would sing rather than the songs
without words and the parodies which usually
fail to appeal. Keep the organ program, though,
it's substantially well-liked.
-G. M. W. Jr.
One of the most progressive and original think-
ers of the day is Harold J. Laski, formerly pro-
fessor at Harvard and now professor of Political
Science in the University of London. Prof. Lask-
is the author of books and of many articles. OneI
of his books bears the title: "Liberty in the Mod-
ern State," in which the following passage is
found: "I am arguing," he writes, "first, that lib-
erty is essentially an absence of restraint. It
implies power to expand, the choice by the indi-
vidual of his own way of 'life without improsed
prohibitions from without . . . " "Men are unfreeE
whenever the rules to which they have to conform
compel them to conduct which they dislike and
resent. 1 do not deny that there are types of
conduct against which prohibitions are desirable;
I ought. for instance, to be compelled, even against
my wish, to educate my children. But I amt
arguing that any rule which demands from me
something I would not otherwise give is a diminu-,
tion of my freedom." (Pages 1 and 2). Dear
reader consider this in the light of prohibition
and then ask yourself what has become of our
"sweet liberty."
Another famous teacher, the late William Gra-
ham Sumner of Yale, has written numerous ar-
ticles and books. One of the latter bears the title:
"The Forgotten Man and Other Essays," from
which I quote the following: "It is when we come
to the proposed measures of relief for the evils
which have caught public attention that we reach
the real subject which deserves- our attention.
As soon as A observes something which seems!
to him to be wrong, from which X is suffering,
A talks it over with B, and A and B then proposet
to get a law passed to remedy the evil and help X.
Their law always proposes to determine what C°
shall do for X, or, in the better case, what A, B,
and C shall do for X. As for A and B, who get
a law to make themselves do for X what they
are willing to do for him, we have nothing to say
except that they might better have done it with-
out a law, but what I want to do is to look up C.
I want to show you what manner of man he is.
I call him the Forgotten Man. Perhaps the ap-!
pellation is not strictly correct. He is the mai
who never is thought of. He is the victim of the
reformer, social speculator and philanthropist."
(Page 466). But in order to understand fully
what manner of man C is, that is, the Forgotten!
'lan, it would be necessary to read the wholr
essay from which I have quoted and which com-
prises no less than 34 pages.9
I want to call attention to still another well -
known gentleman. viz., Arthur Garfield Hays, who
recently decided to vote for Gov. Roosevelt
Among the many reasons given by him for hip
decision there is one which has reference to pro-
hibition. He writes: "Morality by Statute: Many
1 of our problems, in one way or another, concerrn,
personal liberty, the right or opportunity of an
individual under our system of life, liberty, anc
the pursuit of happiness. There is a general tend-.
ency in the United States today to make people
moral by law. The prohibition law is an indica-
tion of this-I'd like a government that would
let us alone, that would not exercise power to
compel us to change our habits and views and
that would recognize that persuasion and educa-
tion in these matters are more important than'
force and jail." (cf. the full-page communication.
of Arthur Garfield Hays in "The Nation" of No-
vember 2, 1932).
What we all need is temperance, i. e., modera-
tion, not only in drinking but in eating, in sport,
WASHINGTON-Secretary Stimson holds all
;tate department peace-time records for the num-
ier and variety of the international problems he
lias been called upon to meet.
With two crises in the Far East during his ad-
ministration, to say nothing of the Shanghai inci-
dent, with governments toppling abroad or to the
south in the wake of the depression, with the
excursions and alarms of naval treaty negotia-
tions and the general armaments pow-wow at
Geneva, he has been busy enough since he took
office. On top of all that has been a double
header on. war debts.
Mr. Suimson never spent a more active four
Yet by all signs and portents, his state depart-
ment successor of the Franklin Roosevelt admin-
istration bids fair to have an even busier time of
it. IHe will inherit much unfinished business from
Stimson, including the Manchurian situation, the
general arms conference, preparations for the
coming world economic conference, war debts and
a flock of uncompleted commercial treaty nego-
Beyond all that, under the Democratic notion
of substituting negotiating tariffs for the present
general most-favored-nation system, he will be
charged with supervision of the diplomatic angles
of that complicated business.
Putting the negotiated tariff idea into execution
would mean, presumably, a revision of the whole
framework of commercial treaties. Since Secre-
tary Hughes began the work of recasting the
commercial relations of the United States to meet
post-war conditions, that first treaty of the lot,
the commercial treaty with Germany, has been the
general model followed. It includes the most-
favored-nation stipulation, as do all similar com-
pacts which followed it.
Just how the restrictions of those treaties are
oing to be dealt with under the new scheme will
be a matter of long and deep concern to the man
.vho becomes President Roosevelt's secretary of
-tate. He will need to be not only a diplomat of
high order, but an international economist as
All of which Governor Roosevelt undoubtedly
has in mind as he mulls over the making of his
:abinet slate. iis selection for the state portfolio,
nder these circumstances, must be made with
'xtreme care to meet not alone the direct exi-
:.encies of the job, but also the domestic and
olitical indirect elements involved. No wonder
he governor deferred the subject until after he
retires from his post at Albany.
Incidentally, as to the war-debt situation, the
and His
O rchestra
--Piano Soloist in the Choral Union Series
Democrats of the new Senate will have one extra-
ordinary advantage in dealing with its legislative
They will have authoritative first hand informa-
tion as to all war and immediate post-war phases
at hand from Senators McAdoo and Glass, who as
successive treasury secretaries, personally directed
Wed., Nov. 30, at 8:15 p. m.