ium, Michigan Union, Thursday Dec.
1, atr6:00 p. in. C. S. Hollister, pro-
fessor of Structural Engineering at
Purdue University will be the speaker.
All women in Education will be in-
terested in hearing Dr. Randolph G.
Adams give a talk about the Win.
Clements Library on Thursday, Dec.
1, at 7:30 p. in., in that building.
Please use the rear entrance.-
Michigan Interpretive Arts Society:
The next program will be held on
Thursday, Dec. 1, at 7:30 p.m., Room
302 Mason Hall. Professor Louis M.
Eich will give a lecture-reading from
a current play.
Any person wishing to support the
activities of this society and to attend
its programs may secure a Guest
Membership card for a nominal fee
at Wahr's or Students Supply Store.
These membership cards will admit
the holder and a visitor to Professor
Eich's reading and to the other pro-
grams of the society. Active members
may obtain a visitor's card from the
secretary of the society or from the
chairman of the membership com-
All Junior Women: Junior Girls'
Play Tryouts will be held Thursday
and Friday, December 1.and 2, from
3 to 6 p. in. in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. This includes those inter-
ested in both cast and chorus. The
tryout should be an example of your
special qualification: a song, dance,
or short reading. Where music is
necessary bring copy for the accom-
Engineering Council: M e e t i n g,
Thursday, Dec. 1, at 7:30 p. in. in M
E. computing rooms. All members
please be present.
Michigan Technic Staff Meeting
Thursday, December 1, at 7:30 p. m
in the Technic Office.
Polonia Circle meeting Thursday
z Dec. 1, at the League.
Graduate Outing Club: An over
night hike to camp near Dexter i
1 planned for this week-end, (Dec. 3)
leaving Angell Hall at 3 Saturday
and returning before noon Sunday. A
e late group will leave Angell Hall a
5:30. Bring 75 cents for meals and
- lodging; bring blankets, which wil
1 be taken by car. If interested, cal
"The Truth about Sovet Rtissia'
- will be the subject of a lecture b
e Morris Sugar, Detroit attorney, De
cember 7, at 8:00 in the Natural Sci
ence Auditorium. Mr. Sugar has re
cently returned from an extende
t tour of Soviet Russia.
Chess and Checker Exhibition
e Newell W. Banks, United State
match checker champion, Will giv
t a simultaneous exhibition of ches
and checkers, including blindfol
checkers, in Rooms 316-20 of th
. Michigan Union, Thursday, Decem
e ber 1, at 7:30 p. in. Everyone inter
i ested in playing him is urged to at
e tend. Bring own boards and ches
f sets, if available.
First-Year R.O.T.C. Men
Begin Actual Rifle Dril
After several weeks of theoretica
. training in the care and use of th
- service rifle, students enrolled in th
. first year basic course of the Univer
e sity Reserve Officers' Training Corp
s are beginning actual fire on the in
door range in the drill hall. Dougla
McDougal, Jr., '33, one of the hig
scorers of the rifle team, is instruct
ing the beginners.
This type of instruction follows th
- period during which the freshmei
Plan Program For
Formal Opening Of
New Moose Temple
The formal opening of the new
Moose Temple, said to be one of the
largest and most modern Moose quar-
ters for a city of Ann Arbor's size,
will take place Monday night. The
temple, located at the corner of
Washington street and Fourth ave.,
will then officially becone the home'
of the Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 1253,
L. O. O. M.
The principal speakers for the pro-
gram will be George Warde, of
Mooseheart, Ill., general dictator of
the national organization, and Henry
Busch, of Detroit, supreme dictator.
It is expected that the presence of
two of the highest officers in the
lodge will attract a large number of
Moose from other sections to the
Ann Arbor opening.
The facilities of the new temple
provide for a larger membership than
the organization now has, and a drive
for new members will soon be start-
ed. Other fraternal orders of the city
will, on various nights, use the build-
New Calendar For 1933
Published By Local Man
Replete with photographs of cam-
pus scenes, the golden anniversary
issue of the University of Michigan
Calendar appeared in campus book-
.tores yesterday.
Publication of the calendar, an an-
nual souvenir feature, was begun by
George Wahr in 1882. It consists of
sepia photographs of campus build-
ings and scenes, bound together with
calendar pages.
Among the buildings featured in
the fiftieth edition ate the Law
Quadrangle, Angell Hall, the 'league,
the Union, the University Hospital,
Mosher-Jordan Halls, Hill Audito-
s rium, the President's Residence, the
Library and the University Museums.
k study the theory of shooting and
t leai-n the nomenclature of the rifle,
I as well as the rules necessary for
l correcting errors in fire.
Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214,
The classined columns close at three
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbeis may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-11e per reading line
(on basis of fivetaveragerwords to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minimurn 3 lines per insertion.
10c per reading line for three or more
Telephonerate-iSo per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract per line-2 lines daily, one
month............... .8.c
4 lines E 0.D., 2 months.........c
2 lines daily, college year......... 7
4 lines E.0. D., college year.......7c
100 lines used as desired...........9c
300 lines used as desired .........8c
1,000 lines used as desired........c
2.000 lines used as desired......... 6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
;onic type, upper and lower case. Add
Gc per line to above rates for allcapi-
tal letters.: Add 6c pe rline to above
for bold face, upper and lower case.
Ad10c per line toabove rates for bold
face capital letters.
The above rates are for 71 point
LOST-Notebook containing German,
chemistry, math, English. Phone
Fred Hertrich. 4618.
paper, . paint. Samples, estimates.
Home Decorators since 1905. Dial
8107 or 7600. 30c
FOR RENT-4-room apartment fur-
nished. Very reasonable, 703 Gott
St. On west side. Phone 4964. 179
MARTHA A. NILSEN--228 S. Thayer
St. It's the place to go for all kinds
of alterations and fur work. 176
WANTED - A portable typewriter.
Phone 7948, between 4 and 6. 178
WANTED-Student with knowledge
of Advanced English and some
Psychology. Call 7451, after 6 p. mn.
FOR SALE-Corona Portable, good
shape. Cash. Call Garrison, 1617
Washtenaw, phone 4439. 177
GRAND PIANO-Excellent condition.
Very reasonable. 1809 Jackson Ave.
Cali after 7:00 p. m.
FINANCE CO.-Is selling late model
cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron,
2-2001. 19c
LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
WASHING- -And ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3478.
611 Hoover. 15c
WANTED - Student and family
washing. Phone 30066c
Look at your hat. Is it fuzzy
looking? Is the s w e a t b an d
cracked? Is the hat too small
or too large? If so it is the fault
of cheap cleaning and blocking,
not the fault of the hat. A hat
looks better and lasts longer
when you have it done our way
... and the cost is only a trifle
more. Try it, and you'll know
that it's worthwhile.
Foctory Hat Store
W. W. Mann
617 Packard St. (Near State)
Mi chian
as Jubilo, the Tramp
Marion Nixon Dick Powell
Flip the Frog Cartoon
- Coming Thursdiy
Victor McLag en
Greta Nissen
..m ...4 __ _
Starting Tomorrow MorningM For One Day
A Sensational Money Saving Event!
XMAS DOLLAR DAY - You will find values up to $3.00 worth for $1.00 in this remarkable Sale.
Let these values speak for themseles:
$3.00 Fountain Pens for $1.00 Fine Bindings-an unusual gift of the highest art in bookmak-
WRITING PAPER, regularly priced at $2 for $1 ing-continues to December 16th at one-third off.
New Imported French Stationery specially manufactured for
air-mail and foreign correspondence, regularly priced at $1.50,
Regular $2.00 Hollywood Tom Smoking Sets today $1.00
Genuine Leather Brief Cases regularly priced at $2.50 today $1
,_ .- -
25 Xnas Cards at 5 cents today for $1.00; 15 Xmhas Cards at
regtlar price of 10 cents today for $1.00.
An unusual selection of Fiction and General Books regularly
priced up to $4.60, today $1.00.
You may select three titles of the Modern Library regularly
priced at $2485 today as an added feature, $2.00.
Felt Goods, regularly priced as high as $1.75 today for $1.00
Regular $1.50 Scrap Books for $1.00