The Weather Generally far Wednesday, Thursday; warmer. Y it ian tait j Editorials Shall We Drink Privately Publicly ? VOL. XLIII No. 56 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30, 1932 PRICE FIVECl Union Honors Team Tonight With Smoker Williamson And Fay Will Speak; Other Members Of Team To Be Preseni Two Detroit Alumni, Yost, Kipke To Talk Sound Pictures And Glee Club Quartet Finish Oui Evening's Program Hundreds of loyal Michigan stu- dents will flock to the Union tonight for the smoker honoring Michigan's conference championship football team. For the first time since the smok- ers were abandoned in 1913 for the more elaborate football banquets a large part of the student body will be given an opportunity to show their appreciation of the team by crowding into the Union ballroom to hear the speakers provided by the Union. Most of the members of the foot- ball teams will be present at the smoker, and Captain Ivan William- son, '33, together with Captain-elect Stanley Fay, '34, will address the gathering. Tickets on Sale Today Tickets will be on sale throughout the day on the campus, and while the remainder of the tickets will be on sale at the Union tonight, all those who want to be sure of getting in were advised by John W. Lederle, '33, Union president, to purchase theirs sometime during the day., Frederick Matthaei, '13, prominent Detroit business man, who has been sufficiently interested in the Mich- igan team this year to come out from Detroit to attend the regular week- night "skull sessions," is to be one of the principal speakers at the affair tonight. Matthael is an authority on football teehuique and alsuld, --ao-'. Lederle; be an interest- ing speaker. Mr. Matthaei is the president of the University of Michigan club of De- troit and has kept in close touch with the University since his grad- uation. He is the president of the American Metal Products Company. A quartet from the Glee Club will also be -at the meeting to lead the singing of popular Michigan songs. Watkins to Speak Other speakers are to be James K. Watkins, '09, Detroit police commis- sioner, Fielding H. Yost, director of intercollegiate athletics and Harry G. Kipke, varsity football coach. More than 40 minutes of sound pictures of the Michigan team im action last year and this year, together with shots of the Olympic games and of the Varsity Band will also be shown. Tickets for the affair, which is scheduled for 8 p. m., are set at 25 cents. Cider, doughnuts, and cigar- ettes will be served to those attend- ing the smoker. Comedy Club Elects Eight New Members More Than 60 Try Out; To Give Next Play In Second Semester Comedy Club, student dramatic or- ganization accepted eight new mem- bers after the final tryouts yesterday afternoon, Mary Pray, '34, president of the club announced last night. The new members voted into the club on the basis of the showing made in the tryouts yesterday after- noon before the whole club are Bar- bara Van Der Vort, '34, Grand Rap- ids, Birney Van Benschoten, '34, Flint, Virginia Frink, '35, Walker- ville, Ont., Leonard Stocker, '33, Al- ton, Ill., and Ann Edmunds, '33, Ann Arbor. Others are Elizabeth Griffith, '34, Nanticoke, Penn., Uldean Hunt, '33, Richmond, Ind., and Alfred Gold, '34, Ann Arbor. More than 60 candidates appeared for preliminary tryouts held Monday and Tuesday of last week, Miss Pray said. Final tryouts for those who sur- vived last week's elimination appear- ed veterdav afternoon before Com- Less Student Drinking Than In Old Days,' Says Forsythe! By CHARLES B. BROWNSON "Drinking on the campus today is not anywhere near as bad as it was before prohibition," stated Dr. War- ren E. Forsythe, Director of the Uni- versity Health Service in a speech on the liquor situation before the Adel-' phi speech society, last night. "However," he added, it is more serious now than it was immediately after the Prohibition law was passed although better liquor with less wood alcohol seems to be available." "Personally, I can't see why stu- dents drink alcoholic liquors; I can't even tell the differnce between 'near beer' and the real thing," he con- tinued in showing whny even temper- ate drinking was unnecessary but, "not a very serious affair." The body has a very good capacity for assimil- ating and diluting the 50 per cent alcohol which would coagulate the blood stream if admitted in full strength but, and Dr. Forsythe chuckled, "It does take a while to teach the body how to take it though." The Health Service is not able to give definite statistics on any student mis-demeanors for no written records or memoranda are ever made or per- emitted on such social cases as ven- ereal diseases, alcoholism or child- birth to protect the individuals con- cerned. "We have had, however, at least one case of severe alcoholism or delerium tremens this semester," he stated in pointing out how the al- coholic disintegration of the central nervous system inevitably produced a temporary or permanant form of in- sanity. Alcohol does not produce a single beneficial effect on the human body but rather is harmfulutodsome de- gree every time it is used, Dr. For- sythe said. The belief that the drink- ing of beer added weight was explod- ed because the beverage does not contain an appreciable amount of food and acts only to remove all worry and whet the appetite, ac- cording to actual physiology. "My entire sympathy is with the W.C.T.U. and the work that they are doing. They deserve a tolerant atti- tude on our part because they have seen the actual disgusting details of the saloon and know what they are fighting against." He concluded that the prohibition amendment tried to accomplish too great a reform all at once and that the cessation of all educational efforts in the last decade was the fatal error on the part of the prohibitionists. Student Council To Investigate Honor System Committee Appointed To Make Survey Of Other universities Feeling that the proctor system of examining students at the University retards development of character, the Student Council last night appointed a committee to investigate the prac- ticablity of inaugurating the honor system of examination in the liter- ary college. GOorge-Lambre :ht;harles Racine, and Cecil Cantrill were appointed to1 make - a survey of the universities now using the honor system and re- port to the next meeting of the Coun- cil. "The honor system works in the engineering college because it is in- stilled in the students during the first year," said Charles Burgess, "and the student take the responsibility of seeing that it works out. Further- more," he stated, "the small num- ber of students makes it possible to work out such a system, whereas, it could not be worked' out in a larger department, such as the literary col- lege. Cecil Cantrill, one of the newly elected members of the Council, said that the honor system does not work so efficiently in the larger classes in the engineering college. "The student comes to the Univer- sity to build up his character," said Lambrecht, "and the honor system would help on this matter. The lit- erary college students are just as honorable as the engineering college students and if it works in one col- lege, it ought to work in another." The subject has been brought up in the past but has failed each time be- cause of opposition from the Univer- sity authorities. The plan proposing a new form of student government which was presented to the University authori- ties last spring was refused last week with the recommendation that a more specific set-up be made. The Council will take the matter up at the next meeting. Hawley Egleston, William Elliott, and Cecil Catrill, newly elected members of the Council, took 'the oath of office at the meeting last nght. Ann Arbor Community Fund Reaches $42,000 Slowly, but steadily, the Ann Arbor community fund is rising to its goal with a total of $42,264 recorded late yesterday afternoon at the fund headquarters. "The workers have been working steadily and conscientiously in an ef- fort to bring in the remaining $20,- 000 before the end of the first ex- tension period of 10 days which ends next Saturday," Rabbi Bernard Hel- ler, director of the campaigning, said last night. He also pointed out that the solicitors in many cases have; found it difficult to get in contact French Refusal To Pay Debts Thought Likely Herriot Attempts To Stall Off Debate; Reproached By Deputy Bouillon PARIS, Nov. 29.--(P)-A consider- able section of the Chamber of Dep- uties today strongly advocated an immediate declaration that it is im- possible to pay the debts due the+ United States because such payments necessarily are linked with repara- tions. Premier Eduoard Herriott, promis- ing that the government would not make any decision regarding the debt problem without informing the Chamber beforehand, did his utmost to -stave off general debate on the question at this time. It appeared tonight, however, that such a debate would develop Thurs- day, although there were reports that M. Herriott was prepared to pose a question of confidence if the Cham- ber insisted on it. In the lobbies of the Chamber there were numerous and lively pri- vate discussions of the debt issue. Surrounded by about 100 deputies, Henry Franklin Bouillon, left radical, reproached Premier Herriot for his policy on the debts. It was M. Boul- lon's contention that France has been scandalously timid. in dealing with this question. Ford Reported Making 'Remarkable Progress' DETROIT, Nov. 29.-VP)-Henry Ford, a source close to his family said, was making "remarkable prog- ress" tonight as he lay in his hospital bed convalescing from the emergency operation Saturday that brought him the first serious illness of his 69 years. Johnson Asks Unconditional Debt Payment Administration Waits For Next Move From Abroad Without Comment California Senator Cites Opposition If Europe Won't Pay, Our Taxpayers M u s t Bear The Burden, He Says WASHINGTON, Nov. 29.-(P)- While administration officials re- mained uncommunicative waiting the next war debt postponement move from abroad, Sen. Hiram Johnson, of California, pointed out congres- sional opposition today with a forc- ible assertion against any "tinker- ing" with the debts. Leader last year of the campaign waged against President Hoover's one-year moratorium, and die-hard anti-cancellationist, Johnson said: "There is just one thing to the whole debt problem. That is whether the European nations shall pay our government what they owe us, or shall the American taxpayers pay what the European nations owe us. "It is utterly nonsense to say that France and Italy can't pay. It might strain Great Britain some, but that is no reason why we should put this burden on the backs of the tax- payers." While these words were being ut- tered Secretary Mills was saying for the administration that "we are as ^ompletely in the dark now as we were yesterday. The next move must come from abroad." He and others were reluctant even to mention the debt subject, but the rapid spread of rumor did cause the secretary of the treasury to say there had been no official discussion of the possibilitythat Great Britain would make only the interest payment of $65,000,000 due on Dec. 15, postpon- ing the $30,000,000 principal pay- ment. Mills maintained the question had not been mentioned in his talk yes- terday with Sir Roland Lindsay, the British ambassador. Delay in her payment of $30,000,- 000 on principal could be arranged under existing agreements by consent of the secretary of the treasury with-. out congressional action. But any further concession to Great Britain, such as the right to pay in its own money and not make the transfer of gold, would require congressional action. Ticket Sale For Russian Film Doubled In A Day Rising from 400 to 800 within a day, the ticket sale for the presenta- tion of the new Art Cinema League's first film presentation, "Ten Days That Shook the World," assures the success of the project, members of the executive board said last night. The program will take place at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Dec. 1 and 2. In addition to the feature film, a short will be shown, entitled, "Morosko," also a Russian film, deal- ing with an old legend of the prov- inces. House Ready To Decide On Repeal Issue 100 Republicans Expected To Join Democrats In Support Of Garner Bill Vote To Be Monday; Opposition F a d e s Members Of Both Parties Anxious To Dispose Of Question At Once WASHINGTON, Nov. 29.-(P)- Ooposition to a House vote on pro- hibition repeal Monday apparently reached a new peak today and then quickly diminished, as both Demo- cratic and Republican members be- gan conceding that the quicker the question is disposed of the better. Encouraged by reports that more than 100 Republicans would vote for his flat repeal and State convention proposal, Speaker John N. Garner said late today that it was his inten- tion to carry out his plan for action almost as soon as Congress convenes. In addition a large group of South- ern Democrats, who had registered opposition to the proposal, told the Vice-President Elect that they had decided the issue should come to a vote Monday to clear the way for consideration of other pressing legis- lation. A division of opinion over the form the resolution should take appeared for a time to imperil possible action Monday. Some members favored submitting the proposition to Legis- latures for ratification and others de- clared for provisions to outlaw the saloon and guarantee Federal protec- tion to dry states.; Jewett Names ommta teemen To RunJ-Hop Huling Will Be Chairman Of Music Section; More Appointments To Come J-Hop committee appointments were announced yesterday by Charles W. Jewett, '34, general chairman. Cyrus Huling was appointed chair- man of the music committee with Harry Kraff, '34M, as assistant chair- man and Harry Hattenback, Robert Moreland, and Richard Briggs as sub-committeemeni. Wallace G r a- ham was chosen to head the favors committee with Isabelle Bonicave as assistant chairman and Julian Me- serve, Carol Hanan, and Virginia Thomas as committee members. The decorations committee is un- der the direction of Francis Palms, '34A, chairman, and Ellen Jane Coo- ley, assistant chairman, with Jacque- line Navran, Edward Woodruff, Hy- man Maas, and Mary Fitzpatrick as committeemen. David J. Burnette is the chairman of the floor committee with Ran- dolph Bradley as his assistant and Lester Harrison, Thomas Connellan, Frederick Harlow, and Albert New- man as sub-committeemen. Invita- tions are in the charge of Stuart Smart with James Doty as assistant and Burlin Ackles, Hugh Grove, and Josephine McCausey as committee members. Nils Lundberg, '34B.Ad., is chair- man of the booth committee with William Currey as assistant and Ed- ward McCormack, Bethel Kelly, Lloyd Nyman,aMarian Stockbridge, Jane Fauver and Betty Fetters as committeemen. Publicity is under the direction of Brackley Shaw with John Howland as assistant chairman, Grafton Sharpe, Mary Jean White, and Na- than Waring as committee members. Robert Salzstein is in charge of the ticket sales with Robert Haskins as assistant chairman, and William Gie- fel, Katherine McHenry, Charles De- Baker, B.Ad., Carl Gladfelder, and Donna Becker as committeemen. Additional appointments will be made, Jewett said, when all of the classes have held their elections. Soupalt, French Writer, i First Ticket For Rose An order for a ticket to the Rose Bowl game and a check for $10 to cover any possible admission price that might be set were re- ceived yesterday by the Michgan Managers Club, according to . Hawley Tapping, general secre- tary of the Alumni Association and a member of the cub. The letter is from F. H. Lancan- shire, '00, a former varsity man- ager of the baseball team who at present is residing in Naranjo, Calif. In his letter Mr. Lancan- shire says that the opinion of west coast newspapers is definitely that Michigan will be the one to play in the annual game at Pas- Jena on New Year's Day. He further says that all the Michigan alumni now residing in that part of the country are hope- ful that the invitation will come to Michigan and predicts that, in case it does, the game will be a mreat colorful contest with a large number of rooters present for his old "Alma Mammy." Seniors Begin Classification For '33 Term Junior Class To Arrange Schedules During Last Half Of This Week Taking advantage of their oppor- tunity for first selection of 1933 classes, seniors in the literary, educa- tion, and music schools yesterday busied classification officers in Uni versity Hall until late afternoon. This year's regulations limit the time for seniors to three days, and members of the junior class may begin to arrange their schedules to- morrow. Plans of Prof. Daniel L. Rich, director of classification, call for the completion of clasifying by atll classes before the Christmas holidays., This shorter period was inaugurat- - d-Ti year-after a-four to -one vote. in its favor was registered by the University faculty. Faculty members have been requested to be in their offices this month during the posted consultation hours for the conven- ience of students who are arranging schedules. Students were cautioned yesterday by Professor Rich to take care 'to keep a copy of their next year's ~schedules in order to avoid the neces- uity of asking classification clerks about their classes next February. Gabrilowitsch To Come Here With Symphony Frantz Will Be Featured With Detroit Orchestra In Appearance Tonight Ossip Gabrilowitsch, organizer an" for years conductor of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, will be here with that organization tonight in th third concert of the Choral Unior series for 1932-33. As solo artist with the symphony Dalies Frantz, graduate student in the School of Music, will be at the piano. Mr. Frantz early this year made his New York debut, and was accorded favorable and lengthy no- tices by critics in several New York newspapers. Since the organization of the or- chestra late in the last century, it has grown to be an institution ranked with the greatest orchestras in the country. It has made frequent trips to Ann .Arbor, having appeared in almost all of the Choral Union sea- sons that have been presented since the orchestra's inception. Previously soloists have not been included, as a rule, in symphony con- certs presented by the Choral Union but this year an exception was made in the case of Mr. Frantz. He is a graduate of the music school, where he is now studying for the degree of Master of Music. He has studied or- gan under Prof. Palmer Christian and piano under Prof. Guy Maier.- He will play the Liszt Concerto in E Flat Major, consisting of four movements which wil be played with- out pause. In addition to this num- ber the orchestra will offer the First Symphony of Brahms in C Minor, Op. Officials1 California To Repr West In Rose Coast School Awv Decision Of Big Indicates Unofficial Michigan Is Favc Eastern Possibil With Michigan favor prospect for the Rose BoN members of the squad ar tarily remaining in trair cording to Coach Waltei LOS ANGELES, Calif., 0p)-Officials of the Rose 1 ciation tonight extended tc versity of Southern Califor vitation to represent the V next year in the 18th an tournament football game dena on Jan. 2. The TI cepted. It was the third time i: dour years that Southern has been chosen to repr West in the game, which referred to as the gridiron the mythical national char The Trojans appeared at Bowl in 1930, and 1932 and ly had played in 1923, win game. As acceptance of the was announced, it was Pacific Coast Alum RegYet Hanley's NA Ordered Bowl Game M c gaPreferrel By U.S9i Choose Sout'. Sincere regret for Coach Han- ley's apparent opposition to Mich- igan's chances to play in Pasa- dena in the Iew Year's ty Rose Bowl game was expressed by Northwestern Alumni on the West Coast last night by Robert J. Hil- ler, president of the Big Ten club in Los Angeles. Coach Hanley is reported to have said that he did not favor the proposal that Michigan play on the West Coast in communica- tions between him and California: The telegram reads: "Southern California Northwestern Alumni regret Coach Hanley's apparent opposition to Michigan's playing the Rose Bowl game. In fact his reported attitude amazes them as they as well as all other Big Ten Alumni desire to see Michigan participate. Robert J. Hiller, President of the Big Ten Alumni Association. inofficially by Trojan leaders :hat Southern California would pre- er to play against Michigan, winner if the Big Ten conference title. ':tichigan representatives have indi- ated a desire to come to Pasadena ut a conference rule prohibits post- 'eason games. It was also indicated, unofficially, hat Southern California would wait .ntil Dec. 3 to learn whether the Big an might suspend the ruling. Rules yf the Tournament of Roses game rovide that the vesterih team select ts own eastern opponent and South- }rn California, it was stated, will not extend an invitation until it learns whether Michigan would be able to accept, if a bid were issued. Colgate, Pittsburgh, and Alabama Polytechnic are other likely candi- dates, with Colgate unbeaten, untied and unscored on, as runner-up to Michigan. U. S. Checker King Will Meet All Comers Here An exhibition of simultaneous chess and checkers together with blindfold checkers, will be included in a novel program to be presented by the Michigan Union at 7:30 p. m. tomorrow, when Newell W. Banks, United States match checker cham- pion, will take on all devotees of the game who wish to pit their skill against him. Mr. Banks is the recognized run- ner-up for the world's championship, having played Robert Stewart, of Scotland, present king of the checker world, a 40-game match only to lose by the narrow margin of two to one. The contestants drew on the other 37 occasions. Mr.. Stewart will op- Americans Are 'Last Victims' Of European Expansion-Fisher By GEORGE M. HOLMES "We are the last victims of 400 years of European expansion," said Dr. Frederick B. Fisher yesterday afternoon in his address at Natural Science Auditorium on "Can Amer- ica Maintain Her Standard of Liv- in"g? "Europe has milked other conti- nents in order to raise herself to her high position. She has acted as the middle man. When Europe promised to pay us after the World war, she expected to procure her payments from the vanquished and turn them over to us, again playing the part of the middle man. War Ended European Era "We came to the end of the Euro- pean era in the World war," Dr. Fisher said. "Germany came into the struggle for expansion too late, and hence her defeat in the war. The age of - o rnn is "A+ t"A t, "A survey was made in New York City by 500 trained experts. They did not limit their survey, but cov- ered different parts of the city. In that city, the financial center of the richest nation in the world, over 5,- 000 of the 6,000 families investigated were lacking in food. There were other evils, for 88 per cent were in arrears on their rent, 38 per cent lacked winter clothing, 25 per cent had sold or pawned their furniture and personal belongings for food, and 25 per cent were short of fuel. And this is 1932." Should Not Emphasize Speed Dr. Fisher does not believe that our standards of living should neces- sarily be based on the advantage of speed. "Removal of our mechanical advantages," he said, "would not lower our cultural standard of liv- ing." A crowd of over 200 attended the