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November 29, 1932 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-29

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. ..

Conferenee Hits
O'Brien As Foe
Of Student Right
New York Educators Call
Convention To War On
Mayor-Elect's Threats
Sedition Condemned
Many Leading Professors
Sign Call; Ex-Editors Of
College Papers Included
NEW YORK, Nov. 28.-As a result
of controversies between New York
students and college administrations,
a call for a city wide conference on
students' rights to be held in Horace
Mann Auditorium of Teachers' Col-
lege was issued yesterday by a group
of forty professors, educators, pub-
licists, and students. Declaring that
students' rights have been restricted
and that Mayor-elect O'Brien's
"threats against teachers and stu-
dents in municipal institutions who
do not accept his political dogmas
open the way to an intolerable situa-
tion," the signers urge immediate ac-
tion to safeguard freedom of student
speech, assembly, press and political
activity on and off the Campuses.
List Signers
Among the signers of the call are
......Prof. George S. Counts of 'Teachers
College; Principal Jesse H. Newlon of
the Lincoln School, and Dr. Frederick
L. Redefer, Executive Secretary of the
Progressive Education Assn., and Dr.
John Dewey of Columbia. Comment-
ing on the need for the conference,
Dr. Redefer said yesterday:
"If American education is to avoid
sterility and academic mustiness,
students must be given freedom to
think on social-economic questions
and to participate in public and po-
litical activities. Without freedom of
assembly, speech and action, college
students cannot receive an education
in the true sense of the word.
Change and improvement are hin-
dered by the separation of education
and life. I condemn any effort to
limit the freedom of speech of stu-
dents and I heartily approve attempts
to secure that freedom."
College Editors Take Part
In addition to these leading educa-
tors, the call has been signed by Mr.
Roger Baldwin of the American Civil
Liberties Union; Prof. Crane Brinton
of Harvard; Mr. Waldo Frank, novel-
ist and critic and a member of the
.National Committee for the Defense
of Political Prisoners; Rev. John
Haynes Holmes; Prof. Horace M.
Kallen of the New School of Social
Research; Prof. Robert Morss Lovett
of the University of Chicago; Prof.
Arthur W. Macinahon of Columbia
University; Mr. Herbert Solow of the
Encyclopeia of the Social Sciences;
Prof. Harry F. Ward of Union Theo-
logical Seminary, and others. The
student signers are from Columbia,
Barnard, N. Y. U., Hunter, C. C. N. Y.,
Brooklyn, Long Island University and
Cooper Union. Among them are the
editors of the student newspapers of
Barnard, N. Y. U., Huntef and Coo-
per Union, leaders of student organi-
zations and student ex-editors.
Holds Rights Inherent
The call declares that faculty
rights are "truisms" and that stu-
dents' rights "are or should be tru-
isms." It affirms that to hamper
student "expression of opinion on
economic, political or social matters
or to prevent activities properly im-
plied by those opinions is to strike at
civil rights, at the basis of scientific
pedagogy and at the right to a sound
and adequate education."
In a statement released simultane-

ously with the call, Mr. Solow, who is
acting as secretary, said that the
conference was projected as a result
of requests for help in their difficul-
ties by students to the National Com-
mittee for the Defense of Political

Notables Dedicate Granite Pylon' To Memory Of Wrights

<, ,

Budget Survey
By Roosevelt Is

_ ?i

Set In Motion
25 Per Cent Cut Promise
Faces Derail As G. 0. P.
Drafts Expenditures
WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Nov. 28.-
(A)-Faced by the prospect of having
the government budget for the first
fiscal year of the administration

Youth Of America
Pursues Knowledge
Of Other Countries
Throughout modern history the
youth of the world has turned to-
ward America when the thought of
adventure and new opportunities
was concerned, but today the stu-
dents of the University are definite-
ly world-conscious in selecting their
occupations. At least 30 students who
are working with Gordon Hallstead,
noted educator in India, are interest-
ed in a multitude of foreign positions

framed by Republicans, Franklin D. and his work with them in supplying
Roosevelt has begun an extensive training for orientation and the edu-
study of national budgetary matters cation necessary to live successfully
and his conferences this week largely in another land is being eagerly fol-
will revolve around that hub. lowed.
The President-elect is in the posi- Dr. Hallstead started this work

Garner Seeks
Repeal; House
To Speed Vote
Outright Stand On Ques-
tion Speaker's Promise
In Beer Resolution
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.--O)-A
week from today the latest expression
on national prohibition may be writ-
ten in one branch of Congress on a
proposal to repeal the eighteenth
Determined to seek a vote on re-
peal in the House next Monday, the
opening day of the short session,
Speaker Garner is drafting a resolu-
tion for outright repeal which in
final form may take a stand against
return of the saloon.
Garner who hopes the Senate also
will act speedily on the question, is
moving with other Democratic lead-
ers for a House vote on legalization
of beer as well before the Christmas
A repeal resolution requires a two-
thirds vote in both houses before sub-
mission to the states for ratification
by 26 of their number. Garner has
expressed the hope that the senate
would vote repeal in time for action
by state legislatures in 1933, when
44 of the 48' state assemblies meet.
With Senator McNary of Oregon,
assistant Republican leader, favor-
ing it, sentiment for speedy senate
consideration or repeal is growing.
Green Outlines
Two-Point Plan
To Help Labor
Federation Head Wantsj
Immediate Relief And
Shorter Working Week,

Presto! Your Nickel Returns;
We're Back To Pre-TWar Values

NEW YORK, Nov. 28.-U)-A man
stands on the corner at Broadway
and 42nd selling a 5-cent "magic
"Step right up,' he shouts, "and
see this amazing bargain. You put
a nickel in this slot, give the box a
shake and presto! Your nickel's gone.
Then another shake and presto! It's
back again."
The man is right. The nickel is
back-and this time you can buy
almost anything in the line of food;
much in amusement; considerable in
clothing and incidentals, and miles
of travel.
Old Purchasing Power
In New York City and in almostt
any American city the nickel willf
purchase pre-war values today, and
it has more appeal because the
ranges of articles obtainable is wider.
In food you may obtain carrots
sufficient to feed six persons; you
may satisfy the potato appetites of
a dozen, and you may select almost
any variety of preserved vegetables
and relishes in 5-cent containers. In
some restaurants an entire meal may
be had for a lone alloy. On Fifth
avenue, in stores whose fronts are
landmarks, a sandwich may be had
for five cents, and a half pound of
chocolates is the same price. The
nickel cup of coffee has become an
Pressing Cheap
As for amusement, many motion
picture houses are showing for a
nickel the same attraction your
neighbor may have paid $1.50 to see
when it opened a few months ago.
In some "10-cents-a-dance" places
the price of a spin around the floor

has been halved, and in an occa-
sional shooting gallery you can bring*
the butt of the best gun in the house
to your shoulder for five cents.
. Uncle Sam himself will provide
hundreds of pamphlets of an instruc-
tive nature for the same price.
In clothing and incidentals there
are these to be considered.
On Broadway a cravat may be had.
On Fifth avenue a woman's handker-
chief-guaranteed to be pure linen-
is obtainable, and socks and garters
are plentiful.
You may purchase 30 yards of
darning wool.
The nickel cigar a vice-president
day-dreamed about years ago also is
on the market. You even may get
two of them.
Movies Reduce
In the suburbs you can contract
by the week to have a suit :pressed
and delivered for five cents a day,
and you may park your automobile
all day for the same price.
Not least, there threatens a full-
fledged controversy over the nickel
when beer comes back. Some brewers
say the schooner should bring 10
cents but the old-time politician ex-
presses doubt. He argues that the
public thinks only of five-cent beers.
Many cities have the five-cent fare
for surface, elevated and subway
travel. In New York, administration
after administration has fought for
the retention of such a system.
You may board a train in the very
upper reaches of the city, speed 50
and 60 miles an hour through the,
Bronx, under Manhattan and the
East river to Brooklyn and Coney
Island-for five cents.

tion of having pointed several times when he realized how grossly unpre-
during his campaign to the Demo- pared the average American student
cratic platform pledge of a 25 per is to accept a foreign position. He
cent reduction in governmental ex- held his first assembly in Lane Hall
penditures and yet having all of the last Sunday. At the meeting he out-
outlays that will be made during the lined his ideas of the possibilities
first year of his administration draft- in the movement and explained the
ed by a budget bureau chief and pre- co-operative measures that the Bu-
sented by a President of the opposite reau of Occupational Information is
party to a congress of divided con- taking to assist in locating employ-
trol. ment.
Possibly Last Time Of the students reporting, four are
The forthcoming short session will primarily interested in missionary
pass the appropriation bills that allo- work, only one in the diplomatic
cate the funds for the operation of corps, seven in educational enter-
the government until the end of June, prises, and the remainder of the 30 in
1934, but it is likely that will be the commercial possibilities."I wish to
last time an incoming president will make it clear that we are not defi-
be faced with such a situation. nitely interested in securing employ-
The constitutional amendment de- ment for students, but rather in edu-
signed to abolish so-called lame duck eating them to take full advantage
sessions of congress and shorten the of any opening in the foreign field
time between the election and in- that may come up," said Mr. Hall-
auguration of a President already has stead in an interview.
been approved by many states.
Already the President-elect has
talked with Speaker Garner and with Medical Applications Due
Representative Byrne of Tennessee,
chairman of the house appropria- Prior To March 15, 1933
tions committee. Application for admission to the
To See Robinson New York University Medical College
Today he expected to go over the should be filed prior to March 15,
situation with Senator Robinson of 1933, it was announced yesterday at
Arkansas, the Democratic leader, and the office of the dean of the literary:
Sunday he talked for a long time college.
with Senator Byrnes of South Caro- The announcement was made fol-
lina, a member of the senate appro- lowing receipt of a letter from New
priations committee and a man withtoigrcptfaleerrmNw
a wide knowledge of that paricular York University which urged students
ect. ccontemplating enrollment to commu-
subOthers on his list of callers for to- nicate with the medical college of-
day were Representative Vinson of fices at once. The following address
Georgia, chairman of the house naval was given: New York University, Uni-
committee, Henry A. Wallace, an
Iowa editor of farm publications; South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming.
Henry Morgenthau, Jr., of New York, Arizona, the youngest of the group,
and M. L. Wilson, a professor at 'was admitted to the union in 1912.
Montana State Agricultural college New York has contributed the larg-
at Bossman . est number of cabinet members of
James A. Farley, chairman of the past administrations, 47 sons of the
Democratic national committee, and empire state having held 53 cabinet
Mrs. Farley, and Frank A. Walker, portfolios.
treasurer of the committee, were to
arrive during the day for a stay of
probably a week.
Ten "Forgotten States"
NEW YORK, Nov. 28.-(/P)-Presi-
dent-Elect Roosevelt will be con-
fronted by a list of ten "forgotten" Gil
states when he sets about determin-
ing the personnel of his cabinet.
A perusal of political pages of
the past disclosed today that these
states never have been represented B e
in the official family of any Presi-
dent, and that one of them-Rhode
Island-is one of the original 13 WeD
The others are Florida, Nevada,
Arizona, Idaho, Montana, North and
800 S. State at Hill
If you like good food, come
here. Tasty food - different
from ordinary restaurants.
Lunches 30c 11:30 - 1:30
Dinners 40c....... 5:30 - 7:00 No. 1-$17.50
Try Us - ;JNO. C. FISCH
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Seven Believed
Lost As Gales
Lash Tug Boats
Superior And Michigan
Each Claim One Vessel;
Coast Guards Baffled
SAULT STE. MARIE, Nov. 28.-(P)
-The upper great lakes, storm-
tossed for days but now calm, today
hit the fate of seven men believed
to have perished in the sinking of two
tugs, one, in Lake Michigan and the
other in Lake Superior.
Lake Michigan yielded the first
clew to the fate of the tug South
Shore and her crew of two, when the
top of her pilot house and some sack-
ed potatoes, believed to have been
part of her cargo, were found float-
ing near Frankfort.
Coast guards still searched the
shoreline of Lake Superior for bodies
of the five men believed to have
drowned when the fishing tug Lydia
floundered outside the Grand Marias
harbor Friday night.
Discovery of the South Shore's
wreckage was reported by radio to
the coast guard station here. The
61-foot tug had been unreported
since it put out from Garden with a
cargo of potatoes for Milwaukee, a
30-hour run, on Nov. 19. She was
owned by W. J. Lawrie of Milwaukee,
was registered at Manitowoc, Wis.,
and was manned by Capt. Erwin
Tonokin and Engineer Ole Ahlstrom.
A coast guard search for two com-
panion fishing tugs of the Lydia'end-
ed when the vessels, the Josephine
and Isabella, of Grand Marias, re-
turned safely to port. They had rid-
den out the blow in the shelter of an
The Lydia was owned in Racine,
Wis., but had operated during the
fishing season out of Grand Marais.
versity and Bellevue Hospital Medical
College, 26th Street and First Avenue,
New York.
Tired? Thirsty? Hungry?
CALL 3494
Sodas - Sundaes - Shakes
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of a natio
will be ad
"The sh
day," he
cluded in
too." It w
this subje
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Gives Motives
"Students came to the committee,"
Mr. Solow said, "because they knew
it to be interested in political freedom
in general and because among its
leading members are Professors Lo-
vett, Counts, Newton Arvin of Smith
College, Franz Boas of Columbia and
other eminent academicans. The
committee felt that they deserved aid.
For years teachers have urged stu-
dents to show interest in public af-
fairs. Now they - do so, and find
themselves hobbled, punished and
even attacked by police while meeting
in a college building."

careen s
CINCINNATI, O., Nov. 28.-OP)-A claiming
"two-fold unemployment relief pro- ployment
gram" was outlined and recommend- the execu
ed today by President William Green only thos
of the American Federation of Labor and who n
as the organization's convention en- answered
tered its second week of sessions here. tion alrea
Green said one phase of the pro- of the Co
gram concerns immediate relief; the unemploy
other permanent provision for the will insist
unemployed. further r
A "short-term" policy, Green ex- to provid
plained, the federation's.. executive pressing,e
council has recommended appropria- The un
tions for unemployment relief by fed- is yet toc
eras and state agencies, increased de- for approv
velopment of public works programs $ Secretar
and the five-day week and six-hour dress the
day. was expe
In accordance with the council's governme
"long-term" planning, he continued, -
unemployment insurance administer- An aver
ed "through state agencies backed by per acre]
federal enactments," and setting up ings in C]

nal economic council, likel
porter work week and wor
added, "might well be in
the long term planning
ras with various aspects o
ct that the delegates chief
ncerned today.
said he had heard criticisn
that a compulsory unem
insurance plan proposed b
itive council would affec
e who are employed nov
may become unemployed. H
this by saying the federa
dy has advocated passag
ostigan-La Follette Bill fo
,ment relief in Congress an
at the coming session tha
elief legislation be enacte
e "an adequate sum fo
existing needs."
employment insurance pla
come before the conventio
xy of Labor Doak was to ad
convention today, andi
cted he would outline th
nt's view on labor problem
rage of 20 bushels of barle
has led to increased plant
lay county, N. C., this yea

y C ofo r a d o S. A. E.'s
k Dog Pledge Given
g Status As Student
BOULDER, Colo., Nov. 28.-Cam-
m pus dogs are privileged and quite
- commonly fall into the habit of at-
y tending classes, but it is not often
t that one of them is allowed any
w scholastic status. Yet Hedgel Peter,
e the S.A.E. dog, is listed in the Uni-
- versity of Colorado's student direc-
e tory as a freshman.
r When student directory material
d was being sought earlier in the year
It teh brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
d thought their aristrocratic police dog
r deserved some attention and listed
him among their pledges.
3E It Is Imipera
that the SENIORS wh
- not had ENSIAN PIC]
made should do so at o
Only One Week L(

Mix Master
The ideal kitchen aid.
It mixes, beats, whips
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