d 1800 any other man ih the cottry, yet we are inclined, to believe that his statement was either ill-con-I sidered or prompted by the wish that such a 1method might be used in his forthcoming game with the Panthers. For, to get to the bottom of it, we doubt his last statement that "after all, that's football." If scrimmage is football, the i name ought to be changed to "carry-the-ball or, something," because kicking has always been an essential feature of the game since its beginning. A glance over the records of any seanon is suffi-9 cient to pick out dozens of games in which super- , : I -2 Pub]1sied every , mbriig ecept Monday during the U17y sit. year an blsmer Sesion by the Board in C~til ol ofstudent Publiation. Mminber of the Western Cohferlenee Editorial Assocela. tion and the Big Ten News Service MEMBER OT THE A5bCL*TED PESs The Associated Prers is excusivelty enitled to the Use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thiA paper ad the lodal news piblislhed herein. All rights of republication of specia dispatches AM reserved. Entered at the Pot Omcee at Ann Atlbor Michigan as secod clas matter Special rate of postage granted by Thir Assistant Postnstr-General. Subscription during sutmer by carrer, $1.00; by;mail, $1. During regular school year by carrier, $4W; by m ail, $4.50. Ofces: Student Publicatons Building, Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Mihigan. Phone: 24I4C Representatives: College Publishers . eresenttes. ix .40 East ThirtyF outh Street, NeW Yor Cit 0 oylston Street, Boston; 012 Nth Michigan Avenue, Chicago EDITORIAL STAFF Ttelepon 4925 MANAGING EDITOR..........PRANK B.:GIL RET. CITY EITO,..... .............KARtk-S IT1'FlT SPOR1TS EDITOR...............JOH1b W. THOMAS WOME's EDITOR"%........... .MAGARET owl 3rI ASSISTANT :WOME'S EDITOR...... MIRIAM CARVE~R IGTO EDITOR: Thomas Cnnellan, Normn F. frfth, -John W., Pritchard 0. Hart Schaaf, Bracley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. WPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newma. REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt. James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald P. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson, Albert L. Burrows, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter. William 0. Ferris, Eric Hall, John C. Hoaley, Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, George Van Viect; Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White. Eleanor B. Blum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Weston, Harriet 'Speiss: BUSINESS STAFF? Teepone 2-1214 BUSINESS ANAq.ER........... BYON C. VRDD {CRE 'PDIp'T {M A #y( .......... . . . H'A1.'BEGLEY WOMEN'S BU.SIN i S MANAOkR ......DONA BECK ER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turier; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, 0G1 &ert E. Burley; Publications, Robert E. Finn. - ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume, Allen Knuust, Russell Read, Lester Skin- ver, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward. Elizabeth Alger, Jane Bassett, Buelahl Chapman, Doris irmnmy, Billie Griffiths, Virginia Hartz, Catherine Mc- Henry, Helen Olson, Helen Semude, May Seefried, Kathryn Stork. TUESDAY, NOV. 29, 1932 A New Organizationo Finds Student Welcome E VERYWHERE in the country there has developed an increasing in- terest in foreign motion pictures. It seems to be expressive of man's eternal curiosity to know what his neighbor is doing; and of the fact that good pictures, like good cooks, are never too numerous. In many places a demand for these pictures has chrystallized into organizations whose function it it to obtain the films for its members or the gen- eral public. On this campus a movement to organize such a group has met with remarkable success. Only a few weeks old, the Art Cinema League has be- come one of the largest local organizations on campus in point of membership. In view of the size and resources of the League even at this early date, it gives every promise of achieving its pur- pose this year and becoming a lasting institution. The Art Cinema League purposes to bring screen masterpieces of France, Germany, England, Swe- den, Russia, and possibly those of other European countries -to Ann Arbor. Since the program is limited, and since there are many good pictures akailable, the films should should be highly enter- taining. Many of these are unusual in technique; many of them are successful experiments by artists who did not work under "box office" pressure. If the student body and the faculty continue to support the enterprise in the present enthusiastic manner, members of the League expect to accu- mulate a surplus which they will use to promote other activities of a kindred nature. They intend to bring lecturers and dramatic companies here. The pictures, of course, will be open to the public, as well as to members. The first picture will be shown next Monday night at the Mendel- ssohn Theatre. It is entitled "Ten Days That Shook the World" and is based on John Reed's book on the October Revolution in Russia. The picture was produced in Russia. and was directed by Eisenstein, whom admirers have called "the James Joyce of the movies." There is no doubt that the Arts Cinema League should and will receive substantial support from the faculty and student body. Probably no other att has so huge ax following as the silver screen, and the League has taken upon itself the task of bringing the finest films produced in other coun- tries than our own within reach-entertainment hitherto inqccessib e tu must of us. Football Or 'Carry. The Ball? ~ N AN ASSOCIAThD PRESS disk ..patch from Chicago a few days ago, Coach "Pop" Warner of Stanford, on his way to Pittsburgh, delivered himself of a scathing titicism of the new "Dc ad b"ll"' rule, and wound 111 by saying: "If they really want to make a new rule, they should make one that has been needed for a long iority in punting was the factor that provided the winning team with the victory. If first downs from scrimmage only are to be considered, then of course passing is ignored, and one of the most thrilling features of the game is gone. Does not the successful 40-yard pass repre- sent to many customers the thrill for which they paid their three dollars? And would the same peo- ple be willing to pay the same amount to see a game that promised only one line plunge after another? On a certain Saturday this season three im- portant games were won on the strength of a blacked kick, and yet Mr. Warner woild have this highly-specialized and practiced effort ignored. It is trte, a game might be invented in which two teams of 11 men go out on the field and count up the number of times that each team is able to advance ten yards in four attempts, the victor being the one with the greatest number after an hour's play, but would that be football, anything like it, or a satisfactory substitute for it? We doubt it. Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communcanons- wil be disregard- ed. The nanes of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon reciet. COntributors areF asked to be brief, connining tflemsiives to less thAb 300 words if possible. EAST SIDE VOTES STRAIGHT- OI, YEAH? To the Editor: When I read your editorial on November 19. 1932, asserting that the citizens of the east side of Ann Arbor voted straight and that they should be condemned for that as failing to do their duty in setting an intelligent example for the rest of the electorate-on the assumption that the east side represented the University faculty vote-I was curious to know whether you had any justIfif- cation for making such a charge. I did, therefore, what your editorial writer should have done-- went to the county clerk's office, the city clerk; office, and also consulted several election officials in the 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th wards to ascertain Whether or not split voting was more prevalent on the west side than on the east side of town, and whether or not the east side did really vote straight, as you-claimed. You said "We find that is special group has been returned to office (in the county) time after time, chiefly 'because of the straight ballots cast by the voters of the east ,side." Professor Paton pointed out in The Daily for November 23 that the east side is not entirely composed of members of the University faculty. In fact. a large number of persons living there are not connected with the University. Hence, even if straight voting were quite prevalent in these wards it would not follow that the Univer- sity population had voted straight. Neither is it true that the east side voted straight, as the following facts will show. In the 6th ward 56.5 per cent of the ballots were split. In the 2nd precinct of the ith ward, 59 per cent of the votes were split. On the other hand, in the 1st precinct of the 7th ward, which has compara- tively few of the University staff among its resi- dents, we find that the number of split ballots was only 48 per cent of the total. In the 3rd ward which is not a University ward and which went Democratic in the last election, 51 per cent of the tickets were split. The 4th ward, which also is non-University and went Democratic in the recent election, had 45 per cent split voting. Ergo, it is false to say that the east side voted straight -rather one should say that they showed a greater tendency to split their tickets than other portions of the city in this last election. In fact the one Democrat who was elected in Washtenaw County at this election would not have returned to office if the east side voters had not split their ballots in his favor. He gained ap- proximately 350 votes in the 6th ward and in the 2nd precinct of the 7th ward over the average run of Democrats. He was elected by a bare plurality of 181 over his Republican opponent. After inquiring among members of the faculty I have concluded that in most elections the Uni- versity electorate has a greater tendency to vote split tickets than the average run of the electorate. The facts which I have given above, for the election just past at any rate, show that in the districts in which the members of the University faculty are most numerous, splitting was notice- ably more prevalent. A good editorial writer should. be certin of his facts before he draws conclusions about voting habits and condemns a respected portion of his community. It would be interesting to know how the writer of this careless editorial voted. Probably like his political precep- tor, a straight Democratic ticket! - Or perchance he did not vote at all. I feel that one other fact should be pointed out. It is not an obvious proposition that voting straight shows lack of intelligence. In fact, there are many who would contend that with the jungle" ballot prevalent In Michigan today, traight voting may be more intelligent than split voting. Government is our largest and most complicated business. Divided councils do not or- dinarily make for efficiency or success in conduct- ing its business. Indeed, the Democratic county clerk just elected may find considerable difficulty in carrying on his duties in Republican surround- ings. In short, neither the major premise nor the minor oremise which the writer of this editorial compare favorably with the best men in those bodies. Why should a Daily editorial writer take a crack at an area and a group when he has no facts on which to base his conclusions? A few other facts may be interesting. I com- mend them to The Daily. They might even serve as the basis of an editorial commending Ann Arbor's excellent voting record. In the 3rd ward 90 per cent of the registered electorate voted; in the 4th, also 90 per cent; in the 6th, 91' per cent; in the first precinct of the 7th, 9;3 per cent; and in the 2nd precinct of that ward, 95 per cent. rt appears that the east side showed as good a percentage of voters as did the rest of the city. The districts in which faculty members are most numerous actually showed a larger per cent voting than the 3rd and 4th wards (which went Demo- cratic in the last election). -Robert W. McCulloch Music andDrama SUNDAY'S ACULTY ONCERT A REVIEW __ . - - F T _ -. The Deadline for Senior ctures I nas Been Set . , 4 In a program characterized by its musician- ship, Mabel Ross Rhead, of the School of Music, proved conclusively her rights as a pianist-and also as a scholar. Her carefully studied effects were almost pedantic at time, and yet they were always innately present in the music itself.and so always justified. And in a field which has been so often labelled as the "most emotional" or "highly ethereal" of all the arts, whose "fleeting transciency" makes it purely subjective, and therefore "psychological," it is a pleasure to hear playing that, being an evident result of a careful technique and a sincerely scholarly attitude to- wards the music, can be considered as one might regard a mathematical theorem that has been gathered from a minute scientific research. Not only the performance but the program itself manifests this quality, achieving a varied unity through a nice selection and grouping of the indi- vidual numbers. There was a common element running through them all, partly gained from the way in which they were done, but mostly inherent in the actual notes, that gave one a pleasing sense of completeness. The lovely Rameau Gavotte and Variations had a clarity and a fluency that are hard to get on the modern piano, whose legatos and sustaining powers are blurring handicaps in usic of this type. The Bach Toccata aid Fugue, which is comparatively rare on concert programs, is a work of infinite expressiveness and was done with an evident feeling for these dramatic qual- ities--especially in the fantasia like Toccata-and yet the intellectual conception was never lost in the emotional. Beethoven's Sonata in A major, opus 101, carried on this emotional thread to new and ecstatic heights, which again were always beautifully refined- and never began to come near the untrammieled rhiuipsodizing which so often makes this Sonata a maudlin slush of moods. Mrs. Rhead's temperament is well suited to Brahms and both the Intermezzo and the two Cappriccios had an authenticity about their in- terpretation that rang true. Her Chopin was exquisitely lovely, with its lucid phrasing, and bril- giant fluid embellishments. It was Chopin that is seldom heard, which made it all the more enjoy- able. A Washington BYSTANDEIR By KIRKE SIMPSON (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON-Less than a week after his election as president, Governor Roosevelt was called upon to give the country-and the world, incidentally-an advance taste of his qualities. He was called upon to formulate what amounted First--Corne to the Press Building and Purchase Your Photogra- pher's Receipt Thens PtMake an Appointment wit one of these 0 ial Michigano ensian Phiotogyrap'hers. Dey Studio tntscliler Studio Spedding Stud"i'O I933 MIIGAN ENSIAN to "No. 1" in the 7 s> F re file of the records of his admin- istration, and that nearly four months before he actually was to become President. Whatever else may be said of that initial document of the Roosevelt presidency, none can read his acceptance of Presi- dent Hoover's invitation to dis- cuss at the White House the war debt and other unspecified n a t i o n a1 problems without sighting again that quality of political astuteness in Mr. Roosevelt now so widely pro- claimed, It ran through every line of Wear, for so'long the pitfall of the laundry has been conquecred. The discarding'of all. frictional methods from laundering has in- creased greatly the life of the ordinary garo ment, and led to the predominence of the eommercial macene ulundry over the old fashioned home laundry. PhonT23123 For hall anI-d fc_[ivery ervicer -U DR c* 4 the Roosevelt telegram. It was apparent even in the cheerfully informal and personal tone that characterized it all. Some commentators scented a bit of mischief in the Roosevelt declaration that he would be "de- lighted" to meet the President as the latter had suggested. They seemed to think he had adopted that famous Rooseveltism of another epoch with malice aforethought. PURELY INFORMAL What impressed the Bystander particularly was something quite different. Left often to surround himself with a battery of expert advisers of his own selection, Mr. Hoover having made his invita- tion wide enough forth, Mr. RoosAevelt elected instead an informal cross-table talk with the Pres ident He neither committed himself in advance to any course of action or policy, nor did he embar- rass in any way the personal problem he must so soon tackle of picking out his own cabinet. It looked like a neat escape from a possibly perplex- ing situation. Then Mier. Roosevelt also suggested that "in the last analysis" responsibility in meeting the imme-