Gabrilowitsch To LeadDetroit Symphony Orchestra CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Ossip Gabrilowitsch, will give a concert tomorrow night in Mill Auditorium. The offering will be the third of the current Choral Union serle. BaekoTound Of En gl ish Teachers Sound Soeiety A S c o o l11,uricu la Is Described Uniformity in the curricula and teaching methods employed by teach- (Continued from Page 1) ers of English throughout the schools and colleges of the country is the meter, W. D. Hershberger, of the Sig- chief project ofthe'National Councl nal Corp Laboratories, Fort Mon- of Teachers of English, said Prof. mouth, New Jersey, told his audience. O. J. Campbell of the English de- "Velocity and Absorption Measure- partment yesterday. menus at Supersonic Frequencies" Professor Campbell, who is vice- was the topic of W. H. Pielemeier, president of the council, has been at- of Pennsylvania State College. tending the annual meeting at Mem-4 C. D. Reid,, of Rochester, N. Y' phis, which was held last week-end. read the last paper of the day, deal- e need for an integration in ing with studies in supersonics, the teaching of Englishfromthe pri- The following papers will be given teary grades up through graduate at 9:30 a. ni. today in the Lydia Men- work is apparent," said Professor delssohnT heargram Given Campell, "and while the council does Thexteso graGenics not propose to dictate to schools The Resonant Characteristics of what curriculum they shall employ, Soft-Walled Cavities, J. C. Ctton. w elga u eomnain vocal Chords Control Pitch Onlywe feel that our recommendations and Vocal orol Qt ly will be acceptable to almost all the admNot Vocal or Vowel Quality. schools i the country." Demonstration. John Bellamy Tay- Professor Campell is working on I lor'. the college portion of the "parent The Interference of Subjective curriculm." He declared that the Harmonics. Ernest K, Chapin and 1'. coricmbied elfaldthacommit A. Firestone. combedbrepot ofall tommit A NewPortable Meter for Noise tees will be published soon, a report A New Pent alysis." O which will combine the work of more Measurement and Analysis. W. O.0s- than 100 authorities in their fields. bon and K. A. Oplinger. .________ Sound Measurements on Experi- , mental Airplane Mufflers. W. F. Sny- Barher Gets Pictures, der. A A l r $1,26 On Minimum Audible Sound Fields. L. J. Sivian and S. D. White. "Druggists certainly do have a good - memory," declared C. R. (Shorty) sian Tea Room of the League. It is Henkel, barber in the Arcade Barber important that every woman attend.- shop, yesterday as he was presented t____ with pictures which he left at a drug Play-Reading Section of the Facul- store four years ago to be developed. ty Women's Club meets promptly at lHe also got a bill for $1.26. 2;15, Grand Rapids room, Michigan "I left- some snapshops of my little League. boy, who was then one-year old," said -__ Henkdl, "to be developed at a drug COMING EVENTS store in Detroit near the shop where. All women in education will be in- I was working at the time. Shortly terested in hearing Dr.' Randolph G. afterwards my job took me away Adams give a talk about the Win. from the city and I fogot all about Clements Library, Dec. 1, at 7:30 the pictures for the time being. p. m. in that building. Please use "Last week my old boss came into rear entrance. the barber shop and said, 'Say, a a .bd DShorty, that fellow at the corner Alpha Lambda Delta members are drug store in Detroit is looking for expected to attend the first business you with some pictures- you left to meeting of the year at 4:15 p. m. be developed ,and a bill for $1.26.' Thursday, Alumni room of the "Then I remembered about leav- League. ing them there," said Henkel, "but I wish I hadn't. A dollar twenty-six Glider Section meets on Wednes- is a lotta money nowadays." day, Nov. 30, at 7:30 p. m., room 348 West Engineering Building. Attend- Slayer's Wife Admits an c e is compulsory. Please be' prompt. She Aided Escape Plot University of Michigan Radio Club NEW YORK, Nov. 28.-()-A will meet Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., blond, child-like girl who married Michigan Union. Capt. C, A. Powell Andrew 'Red' Wild-Eye McCormick will speak on "Codes and Ciphers." under the impression that the bank All interested are invited. bandit was- a reputable citizen was ordered to court today to hear her- Freshmen's IVecn Glee Club will self accused of homicide in a forlorn meet Wednesday, November 30, at 5 plot to get him out of prison. p, m. in the Musical: Activities Room Sobbing that "he didn't mean to in the Union. Members and all others hurt anyone," Lucille McCormick, 20 interested are requested to attend, years old, confessed Sunday that she smuggled the gun with which Mc- All Junior Women: Junior Girls' Cormick, facing a 30-year term, Play Tryouts will be held Thursday killed the headkeeper at Brooklyn and Friday, December 1 and 2, from City prison and then took his own 9 to 6 p. m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn life when his desperate, roaring rush Theatre. This includes those inter- for liberty was thwarted. ested in both cast and chorus. The "I'll tell you the truth," she cried, tryout should be an example of your after a night of questioning. "I loved special qualification: a song, dance, Red. I'm going to be the mother of or short reading. Where music is his child. When they told me he was necessary bring copy for the accom- going away for 3 years; I got des- panist. perate because I needed him." Soon after they were married Mc- Archery f o r Women Students: charge of robbing a Brooklyn bank There will be archery for women stu- Cormick had been arrested on a dents at the Yost Field House on charge of robbing a Brooklyn bank Wednesday evening from 6:30 to of $4,000 and had been convicted. 8:00. Students wishing to go ait 7:00 may meet at the Women's Athletic A total of 173,480 acres on 1,085 Building and transportation will be farms in Tennessee were terraced provided, to prevent washing under direction of county agents in 1931. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements wvI h Classified Advertising Departi-ent. Phonie '-,1214. The 'lAssfifed' columns close at tIree o'clock prevtor . to da of isertion. ioi' numhcin may re efured at no extra~ eharge. Cash in advance--Ile per reading line (oil basis of five average word:i to line) for one or two insertions. Minimum 3 lines per insertion. 10c per reading line for three or more _insertions. Telephone rate-iSe per reading line for one or two insertions. 14 per reading line for three or more insertions. 10% discount if paid withIn ten days from the date of last insertion. I-nlum u three line per insertion, By contract periiwe--2 lines danly, one month ...............Be 4 lines.E,. D., 2 monts --.......... e 2? lines; daily, CO'llege yeati... ..,,.....7e 4 linles 17,.1, " Ollege year..... ..7c 100 2ines used as desir'ed. .........9e 3400lines u.d asw"desiredl.........Sc$ 1,000 lines usr~ed as desired,........ 7c 2.000 lines 1-sed as di eslred........ Cr r The above rates are per readling, floe, based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add c per line to above rates for al capt- tal letters. Add Gec pe rline, to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for hold face capital letters. The ,bove rates are for 7t( pointf FOR SALE GRAND PIANO-Excellent condition. Very reasonable. 1809 Jackson Ave. Call after 7:00 p. -. 175 NOTICE SEASON'S SUGGESTION'- Wall =aer, paint. Samples, estimates. Home Dpcorators since 1905. Dial 81017 or 7 600. 30c ATT NTION! - Have your shoe re- pairing and hat blocking done at Liberty Shoe Repair Shop, 622 E. L'iberty. 26c IT IS NOT too early to order Christ- iuas cards. Our greeting card dept. is large and complete. Francisco Boyce. 723 N. Univ. 29 BARGAINS-overstuffed chairs $3.00 to $9.00. Davenports $10.00. Study tables $2.00. Lamps $1. A & C Fur- niture, 325 S. Fifth Ave. 22c eINGER WAVE-Thirty-five cents at Rggedy Ann Beauty Shop. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Phone 7561. 172 UPHOLSTER ING REPAIRING Re- finshing. We specialize in Univer- sity and fraternity work. Johnke Yph Co. 334 E. Hoover Ave. Phone 2-3730. 28c l EAT-MEAL tickets $5.50 for $4.50. Lunches 25c, 30c, 40c. All steak dinners 40c. Forest Restaurant 538 Forest Ave. 25c WANTED FINAN1VCECO.---Is Sel late model cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron, 2-2001. l9c LAUNDRIES LAUNDRY -- Soft water. Towels free. Socks darned. 2-1044. 13c WASHING--And ironing. Called for and delivered. Silks and guaranteed satisfactory. 611 Hoover. woolens 2-3478. 15c WANTED - Student and family washing. Phone 3006 6c WANTED-Student lIaundr byex- perienced laundress. Work done by hand. Shirts 12c. Socks mended free. Called for and delivered. 181 Archwood Drive. Phone 3548. 142. LOST LOST--Notebook containing German, chemistry, math, English. Phone Fred Hertrich. 4618. L OST-Tuesday night in front of Michigan theater, a Elgin wrist watch with metal strap. Phnne 6307. 818 Oakland. 166 FOR RENT LARGE-Pleasant room with private family. No., other roomers. There is an attached bathroom (shower) and adJacent sun porch suitable for use as bedroom. This suite is par- ticularly adapted for use by two people. Phone 2-3725. 168 PASSENGER-To drive to Florida Xmas vacation. Call 3378 Tuesday, 1,etween 8 and 10 p. m. 173 STUDENT BARBER WANTED-Dial 9368. 174 WANTED--Good piano and violin' player for orchestra. Call 4540. 'Blue-Black' Beards Hail New Method Of Shaving MONTREAL, Que., Nov. 28.-Brist- ly-bearded individuals will welcome a Viennese doctor's discovery of a method of eradicating whiskers. The treatment consists of exposing the face to certain rays, whereupon all growth of hair is stopped, it is said. Whiskers have always been of ques- tionable value to man, inasmuch as they are very rarely considered an adornment and usually have to be painfully scraped off. If they were meant to be a face-warmer, Nature was very careless, for the poor Es- kimo and the Indian were overlooked. EXECUTED WITH GAS CARSON CITY, Nov. 28.-(PP)- Everett T. Mull, alias John Hall, of Morganton, N. C., was executed in iNavada's gas chamber shortly before sunrise today for murder at Les Vegas on June 15, 1932; of John C'. O'Brien. TYPEWRITERS - PORTABLE New Seoond- ad Rebuilt, nit -CoromN, ol9ess Undewo , Buy1tn. 1. tred, .314 Se State St., Ann Arbor. - I-ATh-~ I FR.EEMAN'"S DINING ROOM One Block North from Hill Auditorium .5',. A REAL THANKSGIVING DINNER ROAST TURKEY AND OYSTERS 65c including all the trimmings PROMPT SERVICE.- EXCELLENT FOOD Serving Michigan Men and Women for the Twenty-ninth Year v Tomorrow! BROUGHT BACK BY. POPULAR DEMAND - --- Last Times.- Today LEE TRACY in "BLESSED EVENT" EWRY STAR OF RADIO LAND IN A HEART- STIRRING ROMANCE. ART CINEMA LEAGUE Presents Ten Days That Shook The World The Raussian "Birfh of a Nation" HEARS WORLD N - Extra Added T "TORCHY'ROLLS EWS l ''HISOWN" iii i! l l I I' 1 If - - 1W -I .If, & 1 I