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November 29, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-29

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Cloudy skies predicted with
light rain possible.



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Hanley Picks
Newman For
Shrine Game
Coach Asks Quarterback
To Play With Eastern
Team For Charity Jan. 2
Williamson, Others
May Receive Bids
Seniors Not Engaged In
Other Sports Are Only
Gridders Who May Go
CHICAGO, Nov. 28.---P)--Coach
Dick Hanley of Northwestern, who
will be associated with Coach Andy
Kerr of Colgate in the preparation of
the eastern team in the annual East-
West Shrine hospital charity game at
San Francisco, Jan. 2, today an-
nounced the names of 12 players who
will receive invitations.
Harry Newman of Michigan is
Hanley's choice for quarterback. The
others and their prospective squad
positions are: ends, Paul Moss, Pur-
due, and Dick Fencl, Northwestern;
tackles, Joe Kurth, Notre Dame, and
'Marshall Wells, Minnesota; guards,
Jim Harris, Notre Dame, Dick Smith,
Ohio State, and Bob Gonya, North-
western; center, John Oehler, Pur-
due; halfbacks, Ernest Rentner,
Northwestern, and Gil Berry, Illi-
nois; fullback, Roy Horstmann, Pur-
If they had not already come out
for basketball or track Hanley said
he would have chosen Ivan William-
son, Michigan, and Brad Robinson,
Minnesota, ends; Kabat, Wisconsin,
guard; and Lew Hinchman, Ohio
State, halfback. The rules permit
only seniors who do not go in for
some other sport after the football
season, to be named.
Harry Newman, Michigan's All-
American quarterback, said last night
that he was highly pleased with
Coach Hanley's invitation but that
his answer hinged upon the Rose
Opponent For Trojans
is YetT O Be Revealed
LOS ANGELES, Calif., Nov. 28.
-QP)-With the Rose Bowl tourney
football committee -meeting tomor-
row night to officially pick the
University of Southern California
as the west's representative in the
annual Rose Bowl classic Jan. 2
the question of the Trojans' oppo-
nent was no nearer a solution to-
Michigan still stands as the fa-
vorite to .get the game, if the Big
Ten barrier against post-season
games can be removed. Failing of
this, Colgate or Pittsburgh prob-
ably will get the call. Alabama
Polytechnic's chances of playing
the game are considered slight.
Bowl game. If Michigan goes to the
grid classic he will not be available
of course, but if Michigan does not
receive the invitation, or if the Big
Ten refuses to allow the Wolverines
to participate in the game, he will ac-
cept the position of quarterbacking
the East eleven.
Dr. F isher To
Address S.C.A.

Forum Today .
'Can America Maintain Her
Standard Of Living?' Is
To Be His Subject
"Can America Maintain Her Stand-
ard of Living?" will be the subject of
a Student Christian Association for-
um to be conducted by Dr. Frederick
B. Fisher, pastor of the ];Methodist
Church, at 4:15 p. m. today in Na-
tural Science Auditorium.
The forum is one of the events
on the program of a special confer-
ence of Methodist ministers, profes-
sors, and . student church leaders
meeting today at Wesley Hall. Dele-
gates will discuss possible changes in
organization of student religious
groups and present methods used in
the relationship between church
groups and colleges.
The Rev. Edgar Blake, Bishop of

Roosevelt Confers With His Advisers

(Associated Press Photo)
The three men shown with President-Elect Franklin D. Roosevelt
are the closest advisers to the New York governor. Left to right: Prof.
Raymond Moley of Columbia University, noted economist and barrister;
James A. Farley, director of the recent campaign; Mr. Roosevelt; and
Louis McHenry Howe, the "man behind the throne."

Non-Profit Book
Store May Be
Opened, Here
Quraishi And Committee
Of Graduates Will Sell
University Texts At Cost
Plans were under- way here last
night to establish a non-profit co-
operative book store for the benefit
of students and faculty members, it
was learned from Sher M. Quraishi,
who heads the committee of gradu-
ate students backing the project. The
opening has been set for Feb. 1.
All text books of the literary and
engineering colleges will be available.
as well as second semester books in
the architectural, forestry, medical
and. law divisions of the University.
Books will be for sale at cost.
A membership deposit of $2 will
be required. The deposit may be
taken out in goods during the semes-
ter or in cash at the end of the
semester, its purpose being to proide
capital for the enterprise.
Report 400 Tickets Sold
For Art Cinema Movie
More than 400 tickets have already
been sold for "Ten Days that Shook
the World," the first motion picture
on the program of the new Art
Cinema League, which will be shown
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Dec.
1 and 2, the secretary of the execu-
tive board said last night.
According to Valentine B. Windt,
director of dramatics and member
of the board, it is "an unusually good
advance sale, and should insure the
success of the first project of the
While in Russia, Sinclair Lewis,
the author, saw "Ten Days That
Shook the World" and said of its'
producer: "In Moscow I saw several
pictures directed by Eisenstein and
was wierdly impressed. I think that
Eisenstein is one of the greatest di-
rectors in the world. His work re-
minds me of the heroic screen effects
of Griffith. The difference is in the
ideas which inspire their work. It
would give very interesting results if
the directors' mind of Eisenstein
could be combined with American
technique. We follow with interest
the growth of their young cinematic
Ypsilanti Police Push
Murder Investigation
YPSILANTI, Nov. 28.-(/P)-Work-
ing on the theory that the body of
Cap Deothridge, found here Saturday,
was placed in the Negro section of
Ypsilanti to throw suspicion on the
Negro residents, police t o n i g h t
searched the rural districts where the
slain man lived. Four suspects were
questioned last night but nothing of
importance was learned.
Because of the necessity of set-
ting up forms, senior picture stubs
must be bought and the pictures
taken for the 'Ensian before Dec.
5, it was announced last night by
.Tnhn A_ Carstn. , 3.abinss

Haldane Lists
Toxic Effects
Of Impure Air
It's Important Factor In
Our Mortality Problem,
English Scientist Says
Declaring that the main thing that
kills men while at work is what they
breathe, Dr. John B. S. Haldane, di-
rector of the John Innes Horticul-
tural Institute of Genetics at Cam-
bridge, England, last night went on
to give the latest information on
"Bad Air," where one is likely to en-
counter it, how one may detect if,
and what measures are praticable to
combat it in various.occupations.
Problems of bad air are of three
general types, Dr. Haldane explaied,
those arising from too much or too
little air, from a wrong composition
of the atmosphere; and from the
presence of harmful dusts and bac-
teria in the air. An occupation which
has to fight the problem of too much
air is that of diving, where men are
forced to work with compressed air
and are in danger, on the one hand,
from bubbles of nitrogen in the body
tissues and on the other, from posion
by oxygen.
. Dr. Haldane pointed out that a
great deal of study still needs to be
done in this occupation to determine
with accuracy just how slowly or how
rapidly to make the ascent from un-
der water.
Announce Sale
Of Tickets For
Student Satire
Business Manager Says
Advance Reservations
Are Unusually Heavy
Advance reservations for "The
Beggar on Horseback," a satire on
prosperity by George S. Kaufman
and Marc Connelley which Play Pro-
duction will present Dec. 5 to 10 in
the Laboratory Theatre, are being
received now, Charles Harrell, 34,
business manager, announced yester-
day. I
"Because of the tremendous popu-
larity of the play," Harrell said, "the
advance orders for the production
have been unusually heavy and from
all indications sellouts for a majority
of the six nights which the play runs
will occur.
"The regular box-office sale of
tickets will begin at 10 a. m. Wednes-
day and will continue until 8 p. m.
every day until the closing perform-
ance," he stated.
Work on the show, which is being
produced for the third time by the
organization, has been progressing
rapidly under the direction of Val-
entine B. Windt. Rehearsals have
been held for the past two weeks
and will continue through next Sun-
day with a cast of over 40 students.
Five-Year-Old Is Injured
When Strnek Bv ehiele

Of Acoustical
Society Given
Dr. Miller Colors Talk
With Reminiscences Of
His Contacts In Sound
Study Neglected In
History, He Claims
Thorough-Going Research
In This Field Conducted
Only Since World War
Dr. Dayton C. Miller, of the Case
School of Applied Science, Cleveland,
sketched the history of the science of
sound last night before the Acous-
tical Society of America, holding its
eighth meeting here. Dr. Miller color-
ed his talk with anecdotes, some of
them arising from personal contacts
with eminent physicists, and with
slides, rare books, flutes, a mono-
chord, and tuning forks.
In gathering material for his lec-
ture, Dr. Miller found, he said, that
the sience of applied sound has been
neglected in histories of science, only
a few pages or lines being biven to it
in volumes of 500 or more pages. Two
books which he owns, however, con-t
tain "more references than all the1
visible stars in the heavens," and
from these he organized his research.
Possibly Recent
Only since the World war has thor-,
ough study of sound been carried on,
Dr. Miller said. During the time of
ancient Greece and Rome and
through the Middle Ages, even into,
the seventeenth century, scientists
had, mystic ideas about music and
sound. and tried to link them with
their conceptions of the universe.
Even such a well-known scientist
as Newton, Dr. Miller pointed out, ac-+
tually believed that there was some
connection between the eight musical
- notes and the seven colors. "His work
in attempting to justify his original+
calculation of 987 feet per second as
the velocity of sound by blaming it onr
conditions of the air was character-
istic of sophomore lab work of the
present day," Dr. Miller stated.
The society will conclude its meet-1
ings here today. At the morning+
meeting, starting at 9:30 a. i.. six
papers will be presented. Members
will gather at Hill Auditorium at+
1:30 p. in. to hear Palmer Christian
give a short organ recital, demon-
strating the acoustics of the hall.
Open house will be held in the East
Physics Building during the rest of
the afternoon.
Technical Papers Read
Meetings yesterday were given overj
entirely to the reading of technicalj
papers. The first of these, by John .
S. Parkinson and Paul o. Young, of1
the Johns-Manville Corporation, de-
scribed briefly experiments made in1
connection with that firm's acous-
tical laboratory.
Measurement of transmission loss+
through partition walls specially con-1
structed in Bell Telephone Labora-
tories was explained in a paper by
E. H. Bedell and K. D. Swartzel, Jr.,]
of the Bell staff. V. L. Chrisler and
Catherine E. Miller pointed out that1
the installation of rotating vanes in]
the reverberation room of the Bureau
of Standards keeps sound more uni-
formly distributed and causes the
change in the apparent coefficient

with the size and shape of the
sample to be much smaller than be-
Discuss Absorption Coefficients
In a paper by S. K. Wolf and W.
J. Sette, of Electrical Research Prod-
ucts, Inc., measured absorption coef-
ficients were shown to depend on
both position and quality of material.
Lloyd Loar, of the Vivi-Tone Com-
pany, concluded the morning session
by demonstrating with musical in-
struments the possibilities of elec-
trically produced tones from string
Supersonics was the general topic
of discussion in the afternoon. J. C.
Hubbard, of Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity, opened the session with a dis-
cussion of the methods and results of
supersonic interferometry. He was
followed by W. T. Richards, of
Princeton University, who talked on
the chemical aspects of the disper-
sion and absorption of sound.
Absorption measurements in gas
can be determined by use of the
theory of the supersonic interfero-

Report Ford
Well On Way
To Recovery
His Condition Improved
So Much That Issuance
Of Bulletins Is Curtailed
Auto Magnate Reads
Accounts Of Illness
President Hoover, King
George V, Mussolini And
Others Send Inquiries
DETROIT, Nov. 28.-- )-Henry
Ford's condition tonight was reported
by his physicians to be so satisfactory
that no further bulletins will be is-
sued until 10 a. m. tomorrow.
The latest bulletin, marking an-
other step in the 69-year-old auto-'
mobile magnate's steady recovery
from the major operation he under-
went Saturday, revealed that his
temperature was normal. The bulletin
was timed at 6:30 p. m. but was is-
sued at 7:05 p. m. and said:
"Mr. Ford's condition remains very
satisfactory. Temperature 98.6, pulse
84, respiration 20."
The bulletin was signed by Dr. Roy
D. McClure, chief surgeon of Henry
Ford hospital and Dr. Frank J. Slad-
en. Dr. McClure performed the opera-
tion for femoral hernia.
From unofficial sources it was
learned that Mr. Ford laughed and
joked with members of his family to-1
day and read with interest the news-
paper accounts of his illness. It was'
reported that the Ford family no
longer feels anxiety for Mr. Ford's
condition and that his improvement
has been so encouraging that Mrs.
Ford has gone forward with plans for
a meeting at the Ford home next
Tuesday which she had arranged last
week. It was said that there was
every indication that Mr. Ford had
passed the "crisis" which physicians'
That the concern for Mr. Ford's re-
covery is world-wide was proved by
the flood of messages. No list was
made public of prominent well wish-
ers, but a person close to the family
::aid that messages had been received
from President Hoover, George V,
ing of England, Mussolini and many

Recuperates Rapidly

l j

Word That Dems
Lead In Senate
After Robinson


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Watkins Kipke
Will Speak At
Union Smoker
William'son, Fay Are Also
On Program; Lederle To
Act As Toastmaster
A former Varsity fullback who has
been a Rhodes Scholar and is now
the police commissioner of Detroit
will be one of the principal speakers
on the program of the Union football
smoker to be held Wednesday night
in the assembly hall of the Union.
He is James K. Watkins, '09.
In addition to Mr. Watkins' address,
short speeches will be given at the
affair by Fielding H. Yost, director of*


I -

1 Dems Believe
Senate Lead
Is Possibility


Would Give Work
To City's Jobless
Plans to put approximately 200 un-
employed men of Ann Arbor to work
for from two to three months during
the coming winter may depend upon
bids received by the finance commit-
tee of the Common Council before
10 a. m. Saturday. The money will
be used for the building of a sewer
line which now ends about 1,000 feet
east of the University Hospital, but
which, if the bids are received, will
be extended about 6,000 feet east be-
fore draining into the Huron river.
The primary purpose of the pro-
posal is, in the words of a resolution
adopted by the Common Council
Nov. 7, "for furnishing relief to the
poor and needy inhabitants of Ann
Arbor," and at the same time ac-
complishing a needed public im-

intercollegiate athletics, Harry G.
Kipke, Varsity football coach, Ivan
Williamson, '33, football captain, and
Stanley Fay, '34, captain-elect of the
football team. The speakers will be
introduced by John W. Lederle, '39,
president of the Union.
The Varsity Band in action, both
last year's and this year's Michigar
.otball teams in crucial plays, arc
'enez from the Olympic Games wil
* e Ehown to the crowd at the smoke:
in the form of sound pictures taken
on the scene of action by professional
Campus sales of tickets for the
Union Football Smoker will be
carried on today and tomorrow
from 8 a. m. to 3 p. m., it was
announced yesterday by John
Lederle, Union president.
Admission to the smoker is set at
25 cents per ticket and the sale of
tickets has been limited to 1,000.
Cider, doughnuts and cigarettes will
be distributed to all who attend the
meeting, which will begin at 8 p. M.
Stewart Hansen Elected
President Of '35L Class
Stewart M. Hansen was elected
president of the freshman law class
yesterday, it was announced last
night by Joseph Zias, president of the
Student Council.
Other officers elected were Earl V.
Rupp, vice president; Kenneth L.
Yourd, secretary; and Paul O. Boesel,


Roosevelt Stresses
Legalizing Of Beer
President-Elect Covers All
Work To Be Done' At
Congressional S e ssio n
WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Nov. 28.-
(P)-During. a series of conferences,
Franklin D. Roosevelt today went
over with the leader of his party in
the Senate the plans by which he
hopes the short session can make
sufficient progress with the Demo-
cratic program to avoid an extra
meeting early in his administration.
After his meeting with Sen. Robin-
son of Arkansas there came word
that the Democrats expected virtual-
ly to control the Senate in the short
session, that unofficial committees
would be set up to deal with several
important subjects, and that execu-
tive appointments ould be laid aside
by the Senate until after inaugura-
Among the measures on which par-
ticular stress was laid in the talk be-
tween the two were the prospects for
enactment of farm relief' and beer
legalizing measures at the short ses-
sion. The beer measure would go
hand in hand with steps to balance
the budget.
Considers Question
To this question, Mr. Roosevelt was
giving serious thought. During a
press conference late today at the
cottage, the President-Elect said he
had found the budget the "most fas-
cinating book I have read in years."
Robinson, talking to newspaper-
men just before he left to motor to
Washington, said his conferences
with Mr. Roosevelt had covered the
whole scope of the work to be done
at the approaching session.
"It extended particularly to the
possibility of enacting a farm meas-
are and obtaining action on beer
4egislation," he said.
The President-Elect had two long
talks today with Henry M. Morgen-
thau, of New York, and Henry A.
Wallace, Iowa farm editor, on meth-
ods to be employed in dealing with
farm surplus. M. L. Wilson of the
Montana State Agricultural College,
.lay come later.
Hoover, Aides Await
Word From Europe
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.-(P)-
Holding securely to the position that
Europe has failed to produce facts
which justify her request for post-
ponement of war debt payments due
next month, President Hoover and
his advisors tonight awaited the ar-
rival of additional notes from London
and Paris.
Secretary Mills and Secretary Stim-
son talked the situation over with the
chief executive today and afterward
said no new decisions had been
reached and America's remained un-
Like Opinions Expressed
"We will know more in 48 hours,"
Mills said in reply to newspapermen's
questions on what the debtor na-
tions will do on Dec. 15. when the
net installments fall due. "Right now
we are standing squarely on the Pres-
ident's position that no facts have
been presented to warrant suspension
of the Dec. 15 payments and that
these payments should be made."
Both cabinet members feel that the
next move mnpst come from Eu-
rope and that unless some unfore-
seen facts are presented by the deb-
tors the decision whether they will
pay or default is squarely up to them.
During the day, the President talk-
ed with Walter E. Edge, ambassador
to France, and John W. Garrett, am-
bassador to Italy. Edge said he had
called principally to say goodby be
fore sailing for Paris and was "glad

to have had the opportunity to gain
a first-hand picture of the war debt
situation on this side of the Atlan-
This represents the second
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Wet Power In House May Face
Test As GroupsThreatenTo Bolt

WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.-(P)-A
threatened bolt by groups in both
parties may put the potency of House
wet strength to a rigorous test next
Monday in the vote planned then onc
the Democratic outright repeal of the
Eighteenth Amendment.
Grumblings were heard in various
quarters today on Capitol Hill over
the form of the resolution made pub-
lic by its sponsor, Speaker Garner,
calling for flat repeal and ratifica-
tion through state conventions,
Several Southern Democrats said
they preferred to vote on a resolution
similar to the Glass Amendment in
the Senate providing for outlawing
the saloon and Federal protection to
dry states.
Senator Norris, Nebraska Repub-
lican and chairman of the Senate Ju-
diciary Committee, said he was op-

He submitted it to Chairman Sum-
ners, of the House Judiciary Com-
Sumners, a fellow Texan, imme-
diately voiced disapproval of the state
convention provision. The legisla-
tures, he said, could act more expedi-
tiously, although the Congress has
authority to set up the entire ma-
chinery for state conventions to act
on a Federal matter.
Here is the text of Garner's resolu-
"The Eighteenth Article of amend-
ment is hereby repealed.
"This Article shall be inoperative
unless it shall have been ratified as
an amendment to the Constitution
by three-fourths of the several states
within seven years from the date of
its submission to the states by the

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