The Weather Partly cloudy and not so cold today; partly cloudy on Mon- day with rising temperatures. L Sir igar VOL. XLIII No. 54 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOV. 27, 1932 ,£ A~i.L --- Fraternitiec Are Asked Tc Cut Expansior Wilbur Walden Speaks A Interfraternity Conven tion In New York Citi Advises Caution In Building House. Says University Authoritie should Supervise Erec tion Of Establishments NEW YORK, Nov. 26.-(1P)-Uni versity fraternities were cautioned tV go slow about establishing new chap ters and building new houses in ad dresses today at the National Inter fraternity conference. Wilbur W. Walden, executive secre tary of Alpha Chi Rho, said tha "there is a definite limit to the num- ber of fraternities on any campus,' and that colleges and universitie should exercise great care before per mitting establishment of new chap- ters. Walden said that after an extensive study he had concluded fraternity chapters should never be instituted a a state university in which the per. centage of fraternity men exceed 5 per cent of the male students, or a private institution where the percent- age was more than 75. Bruce H. McIntosh, of Indianapolis executive secretary of Lambda Ch: Alpha, said fraternities should exer- cise caution in the construction oJ new chapter houses, adding that they had been exploited by builders. He said university authorities should su- pervise erection of chapter houses and expressed the hope "the ruthless re- placement of chapter houses by- dor- mitories will not be continued." The, College, Fraternity Editorial Association elected the following offi- cers for next year; C. F. Williams, of Cleveland, president; K. D. Pulcipher, of Philadelphia, vice-president; Chas, Edward 'Thomas, secretary-treasurer. Tag Day To Be Held By Galens For Children Affair Will Take Place On Dec. 6 and 7; Society Maintains Workshop Galens will conduct a tag day for the benefit of the crippled children of the .University hospital on Dec. 6 and 7, it was announced yesterday. This society uses the money from these annual drives to maintain a manual training workshop on the ninth floor of the building for all of the handicapped children who come to the hospital. The drives sponsor- ed by the society were started in 1928 and, since then returns of more than $4,500 have been contributed. More than 650 of these unfortu- nates were taken care of by the funds given by the honorary medical frater- nity last year. A manual training instructor is retained half-time by the society for the year around, and materials for the projects of the chil- dren, whether in wood or leather work or in weaving, are provided for by the gifts. While most of the proceeds of the drive go to the support of this shop for the year around, the drive is held shortly before Christmas so that a Christmas party can be given for the children. Only a small portion of the receipts go toward this party, how- ever. I Fourteen juniors and an equal number of seniors in the medical school are members of the society. 17-Year-Old Slayer To Plead Guilty On Charge CHICAGO, Nov. 26-(P)-An agree- ment for Bert Arnold, seventeen- year-old killer of his step-grand- mother, to plead guilty, was reached today between prosecution and de- fense attorneys. State's Attorney Harry S. Ditch- bourne said it had not been deter- mined whether the youth would plead .r.y-- *. _ _ie~~ s r ev fn. mrn ] Tr n Hunger March Army In Minnesota (Associated Press Photo) The above picture shows a group of Communist "hunger marchers" being driven from the city hall at Minneapolis. This group which is hoping to reach Washington in time for the opening of the Congressional session, will pass through Ypsilanti this afternoon. Committee To Revise Health Laws Of State Michigan Man Will Lead Investigation; Results To Be Given To Legislature Possible revision of Michigan laws to bring about harmony between state governmental units, city, county, township, and state, pertaining to public health regulations, is seen as a result of an investigation being conducted by a committee under the direction of Dr. Nathan Sinai of the medical school. Dr. Sinai is being assisted by Dr. John Sunderwall, also of the medical school; and by Dr. B. W. Carey, di- rector of the Michigan Children's Fund; Dr. Chalmers J. Lyons, of the State iealth Council; Dr. Herbert E. Randall, of the Michigan State Med- ical Society; and Dr. C. Slemmons, of the State Department of Health. The committee is one of many which are co-operating in conducting an inquiry into city, county, town- 3hip, and school district governments. The results of the several surveys, znd recommendations fpr bettering andesirable conditions discovered, will be submitted to the legislature at its next session. Funds for the investigations have been supplied in part by the Mich- igan legislature, which has contribut-± ~d $5,000, and in part by the Laura Spellman Rockefeller Foundation, of. New York, which has contributed $20,000. The foundation has furnish- ed this sum in the belief that Mich- igan is a typical state, and hence appropriate for study of problems in state governments. The report of Dr. Sinai's commit- tee will include, in addition to its recommendations, a discussion of the evolution of health administration, criteria of public health, and a de- scription of local activities related to public health throughout the state. Supreme Court Will Be Subject Of Church Tal Congregational Gathering Will Hear Man Banned From India By British "The Supremacy of the Supreme Court" will be discussed by Rev. H. P., Marley this morning at the Uni- tarian Church. It will be pointed out that there has been a tendency for the court to become more liberal in recent years. Two views, one that the court is static, and the other that it may change with our expanding civilization, will be contrasted. Spe- cial reference will be made to the case of Douglas Clyde Macintosh, and the recent decision which ordered a new Wrial for the negroes in the Scottsboro case. Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will speak on "Paths to Psychic Health" at 10:45 a. mn. at the Congregational Church. This sermon is the last of a series on "Realizing Our Own Powers." Gordon Halstead, a man who has been banned from India because of his stand against the British, will deliver a lecture on "The Danger Zone in the Mission System" at 6:30 p. in. Sunday in the church parlors. Sherman Hoslett, Grad., will lead a discussion on "Do Science and the Bible Conflict?" at a meeting of the Lutheran Student Club at 5:30 p. m. at the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. A supper will be served afterwards for 25 cents. Don Hayne, Grad., will speak on "The Covered Wagon" at 6 p. m. at the Baptist Student Guild House. SENORA CALLES BURIED MEXICO CITY, Nov. 26.-(-')- Senora Leonora Llorente Calles, wife of Gen. Calles, former president, was buried this morning in Dolores Cem- etery. The funeral cortege was the largest the city has seen in years. High Government officials and mem- bers of the diplomatic corps attended the service. Senora Calles died yes- terday after a long illness. Sound Group Will Convene Here Monday Acoustical Scientists Will Hold Eighth Convention Beginning Tomorrow Miller To Present Non-Technical Talk Ten Papers Planned For Monday; Will Meet In Mendelssohn Theatre The Acoustical Society of America will convene here beginning at 10 a. m. tomorrow for a two-day meet- ing, the eighth in its history, but the first to be held in Ann Arbor. Ses- sions will be held in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Dr. Dayton C. Miller, of the Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, will present a special non-technical lecture of public interest at 8:15 p. m. tomorrow. His subject is to be "An- ecdotal History of the Science of Sound, with Some Personal Remin- iscences," and will be illustrated with rare books, portraits, views, and in- struments. Popular Lecturer Becoming interested in the study of sound through his interest in flutes, Dr. Miller has gained a repu- tation as a popular lecturer. He owns the most complete collection of flutes and literature pertaining to flutes in the world. Five papers will be read at the opening meeting tomorrow morning, and five more, forming a symposium on supersonics at the second session starting at 2 p. m. Tuesday morning's meeting will start at 9:30 a. m. Members of the society will gather in Hill Auditorium Tuesday after- noon to study the Skinner organ and the acoustics of the hall. Palmer Christian, University organist, will give a short recital, after which the mechanism of the organ Will be shown. The East Physics Building will hold open house during the re- mainder of the afternoon. All ses- sions of the convention will be open to the public. The program for tomorrow follows: 10 a. m.: Facts Developed in the Design and Construction of the Johns-Manville Acoustical Laboratory. John S. Park- inson and Paul . Young. Measurement of Transmission Loss Through Partition Walls. E. H. Be- dell and K. D. Swartzel, Jr. Effect of Rotating Vanes in a Re- verberation Room. V. L. Chrisler and Catherine E. Miller. The Dependence of Measured Ab- sorption Coefficients Upon Position and Quantity of Material. S. K. Wolf and W. J. Sette. Electrically Produced Tone from String Vibration. Lloyd Loar. 2 p. m.: The Methods and Results of Su- personic Interferometry. J. C. Hub- bard. Some Chemical Aspects of the Dis- persion and Absorption of Sound. W. T. Richards. The Supersonic Interferometer and Absorption Measurements. W. D. Hershberger. Velocity and Absorption Measure- ments at Supersonic Frequencies. W. H. Pielemeier. Studies in Supersonics. C. D. Reid. Prompt Payment Of War Debts Suggested By U.S. (By Associated Press) Two more refusals were passed out yesterday by the state department to nations asking the United States for permission to postpone payments on their war debts due Dec. 15. Identical notes handed to envoys of Poland and Czechoslovakia were .shorter but similar to those sent earl- ier in the week to the governments of Great Britain, France, and Belgium. Prompt payment was suggested with the explanation of the better atmosphere here that would be creat- ed for consideration by Congress of a proposal from President Hoover for an agency to re-examine the whole war debt situation. Operation Performed On Henry Ford In Detroit DETROIT, Nov. 26.-(lP)-Henry Ford, stricken suddenly with the first serious illness of his 69 years, under- went an emergencv neration this MayYet Fail Amendment Is Favored In Only Two Metropolitan Districts Of Michigan 15,000 Votes Able To Defeat Measure Errors In Wayne County May Change Decision, Declares Harold Smith The property tax limitation amendment, which has been causing furors of speculation throughout the state, may not actually have passed in the recent election, it was revealed yesterday by Harold Smith, director of the Michigan Municipal league. Mr. Smith bases his optimism on the following analysis: "The latest figures on the tax limi- tation amendment," he says "show that it apparently passed by the bare majority of approximately 1,000 votes. In Wayne County, according to the present figures, 70,000 more persons voted on amendment one- the 'liquor' amendment-than on the tax amendment. So big a majority makes it appear that not all the votes on the latter amendment were count- ed. "The Wayne County . Board of Canvassers," Mr. Smith continued, "which is conducting a much-pub- licized retabulation of the Wayne County votes, has already discovered a large number of arithmetical er- rors substantially affecting the out- come of the election. If they discover that more persons voted on the tax amendment than have so far been reported, which is more than prob- able, it is entirely possible that 15,-, 000 votes against the amendment will come to light." When asked why he thought that most of the votes found not to have been counted would be ag'ainst the amendment, Mr. Smith pointed to the returns in other metropolitan districts in the state, which have with two exceptions defeated it. According to Mr. Smith the results of the check-up of the Board of Canvassers will be made public early this week. Peruvians Capture City In 'War' With Colombia PARA, Brazil, Nov. 26. -()- Dis- patches from the western frontier today said a detaehment of regular Peruvian troops had occupied the town of Leticia, border settlement over which Peru and Columbia have been in dispute for some time. They' were led by Gen. Hordonez, who left after the occupation and went down the river to Putomayo. Some weeks ago a group of Peru- vian civilians moved into Leticia and took over the town. Theretofore it had been accepted as Colombian ter- ritory. The Peruvian Government re- plied when Colombia protested, that the action of the civilians lacked offi- cial support. ISLAND GOLD OUTPUT RISES MANILA, Nov. 26-(P)-Because of increased milling capacity, the Philip- pines' gold output this year is ex- pected to reach $4,000,000. Last year's production of $3,704,799 was the previous high. RooseveltAdviser o o Hiold Smith ct" e V oos Hints Tax Act ' IReveals 1I Gabrilowitsch Speech Making Shown To Be Ancient Custom. By JOHN W. PRITCHARD When it was that Ossip Gabrilo- witsch, conductor of the Detroit Sym- phony Orchestra, first began his impromptu entre-actes speech mak- ing would be difficult to determine. But the fact that his custom existed almost three years ago is attested by his taking issue with Leopold Sto- kowski before a Philadelphia audi- ence, early in 1930, when he was guest conductor of the Philadelphia Symphony in place of Mr. Stokowski. Mr. Gabrilowitsch, who will appear here Wednesday night at Hill Audi- torium with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra as the third 1932 presen, tation Qf the Choral Union Concert Series, last week discovered that a number of persons in Detroit were orchestra hall at Philadelphia and told the audience that Leopold Sto- kowski was all wrong in his belief that applause was detrimental to qd symphony concert. He stated, how- ever, that although he could speak only for himself, he had been "au- thorized" by Mr. Stokowski to make public his opinion on the subject. "When you like something," he said, "jump in with both feet and show it. I like these countries in the south of Europe where they shout when they are pleased, and when they are not, hiss and throw potatoes. "These men of the orchestra are artists and they need appreciation. It is a mistake to think you have done your part when you buy your tickets. Men Used To Monopolize Jobs- Now Women Are Muscling Ii By ELEANOR BLUM McCormick, social director, "the If you just give them a chance, are no complaints. The women a women can do just as much work as industrious, and do their work wel men-that is, of course, along cer- Four hours a day are put in tain lines. those working for their board a Women of the campus got up on room. The dormitory has been giv their "high horse" last year about the over to their use and "the cave" cc Union hiring only members of the verted into a study hall, with a stu male sex for help, while the League 'table, lamp and chair for ea also used the stronger sex to serve woman. the public. So they went to bat with The new policy is that all jobs po the officials of the League and now sible be given to women, and t 33 women are earning their living by members of the feminine sex are ta doing the tasks which men formerly ing advantage of it. The 29 men n did. employed include those who play The next job ahead of them is re- the grill orchestra. tiring the few men "work horses" The women are taking things up now employed, but from the concen- a business-like fashion and going o sus of opinion among the workers at after trade which the Union h the League, that won't come until the heretofore more:or less monopoliz machine age is somewhat more ad- in a way unparalleled in the histo