THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOV. 26, _ __ _ , Pound Sterling A New Low On London 'Change Decline To 3.22 Believed Caused By Uncertainty Over Debt Outcome Will Answer Hoover Cabinet Gathers Data For Second Note; Nations To Pay In Own Currency LONDON, Nov. 25. - (P) - The pound sterling touched 3.22 in trad- ing on the sterling-dollar exchange today, 1 cent below the previous mini- mum reached since the country went off the gold standard in September, 1931. The rate subsequent hardened a fraction. Trading was light and there ap- peared to be no fresh influences be- yond what brokers felt was the "debt uncertainty," and the market seemed to be waiting for the American mar- ket openings. The stock exchange} was idle owing to the prevailing un- certainty. Flames Destroy Steamer In Amsterdam Harbor (Associated Press Photo) A raging fire consumed the Dutch mail steamer Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft in the harbor at Amsterdam, Holland, recently. Fire tugs were powerless to put out the blaze. This unusual picture was made as the craft was towed away from the docks to prevent the fire from spreading. The ship was completely destroyed after the oil tanks exploded. Facts Gathered The British cabinet gathered new data today fo another note to Wash- ington seeking postponement of war debt payments until the whole ques- tion can be discussed. Simultaneously a cabinet commit- tee was charged with the task of studying President Hoover's reply to the original British note asking ex- tension of the moratorium of June, 1931.- The American chief executive said debtors were expected to pay up in December, ven the next install- ments are due in Washington. There were few in England, how- ever,- who doubted Great Britain would pay if further representations failed to bring an extension of the moratorium. WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. - (P) - With the chance offered them by President Hoover, some foreign debt- ors denied suspension of Dec. 15 pay- ments, likely will move to pay those installments in their own currency. Generally, congressional leaders who opposed a new. moratorium or creation of an agency to re-examine the debt question were inclined to favor payment in native currency and probably will support the pro- posal in Congress if and debtor ap- plies. Gold Scarce Foreign exchange is a compicated affair, "but the payments really be- come simple matters of transfer of1 credits when all is said and done. No gold or goods cross the ocean. At present the former is scarce and there is just too much of the latter. This is the way it would work un- der Mr. Hoover's plan. England, for instance, owes $95,- 000,000 as her December payment. At normal par, 20,000,000 English pounds will buy 95,000,000 in dollar credits. And so England would de- posit £20,000,000, guaranteeing that when these pounds are cashed into dollars, they would equal $95,000,000. But the present exchange rate, with a surplus of pound credits and a scarcity of dollar credits, would re- quire £30,000,000 to get the same .$95,000,000. Explain American Plan Therefore the American plan would allow England to deposit her 20,000;- pounds and convert them into dollars ass favorable exchange rates permit, always with the guarantee that America would get $95,000,000 re- gardless of how many pounds it took. In this way foreign nations would have time in which to obtain dollars deposited in American banks at fa- vorable rates of exchange, instead of having to take whatever the prevail- ing rate was on the day payment was due. Hutchins Voices Fear For Future Of Research CHICAGO, Nov. 25.-(Big Ten)- The future of education in America is secure, but the future of research on which education is based is a matter of grave concern, President Robert M. Hutchins of the University in Chicago said in a recent address before the New Orient society. Butidespite the vicissitudes that education will suffer in the next few years through slashes caused by de- sire for tax reduction, the American people sooner or later will reaffirm their faith in education and support it with renewed vigor, President Hut- chins said. Jackson Debaters Go Cultural; Back Payment Of Bonus The inmates of the Michigan State Prison, Jackson, are going cultural in an extensive way with their new de- bate team under the direction of Prof. G. E. Densmore, head of the speech department. The first oppo- nents of the Jackson team will be a group of prominent Detroit busi- ness executives who are meeting them in debate Sunday, Nov. 27. The subject of the debate will be: "Resolved, That the Soldier's Bonus Should be Paid Immediately." The prison team is advocating immediate payment of the bonus with the De- troit squad opposing it. Interesting though the experience may be for the inmates it will be even more eventful for the business men if predictions are realized, for most of the executives have never met a convict outside the pages of a detective thriller and t some severe qualms may be expected when the proverbial "youse guys" turn out to be a smooth "Mr. Chairman, Ladies, and Gentlemen" and the boys inside attempt to slip a few barbs in the case of the Motor City tycoons. Judges for the event are Professors James H. McBurney, Floyd K. Riley, and John H. Muyskens, all of the speech department. The business men from the Detroit extension class in speech work also conducted by Professor Densmore includes Harry A. Batcheller, automotive supply ex- ecutive, Walter C. Joachim, Method- ist young people's director, and two attorneys, Norman Birnkrant and C. Warren Harvey. Before the debate the judges and the audience will be conducted through the prison and entertained with a brief program produced by the inmates. Wife Of General Calles Still At Point Of Death MEXICO CITY, Nov. 25.-()-The condition of Senora Leonora Llor- ente de Calles, wife of Gen Plutarco Elias Calles, was unchanged today. She remained at the point of death-. Senora Calles has been desperately ill with a brain tumor several months, and she has been in a coma most of this week. A thousand years before Iowa gained its reputation as the land "where the tall corn grows," Hopi Indians in New Mexico were raising corn that for size and quality of ears white men have never beaten. The idea that Indian corn is inferior to that raised by white men is fully dis- proved by the latestcollections of Indian agricultural products re- ceived by the Museum of Anthro- pology. Eight varieties of corn were sent in by one individual. Every ear in this group is over a foot long, and one measures 15 inches. Each of these varieties is distinguished by its own peculiar color, ranging from white through yellow, orange, red, blue, and purple to black. 500 Specimens Taken As a result of a field trip this sum- mer, about 500 specimeis of wild products were 'brought back from New Mexico by Volney H. Jones, of the museum staff, who is assisting Dr. Melvin R. Gilmore, curator of ethnology, in the work with Indian products. At the same time arrange- ments were made with seven Indian pueblos for shipments of other prod- ucts, chiefly domestic, which had to be dried for some time this fall after harvesting. Three of these shipments, those from the Jemez Pueblo in the Jemez Indian Reservation, and from the Tesuque Pueblo and San Ildefonso Pueblo near Santa Fe, have arrived, while the others are expected to ar- rive this week. Age-Long Cultivation The diversity of varieties in agri- cultural products shows that age-long cultivation has taken place, Mr. Jones explained. Pumpkins, squash, beans, and red peppers are other vegetables raised by the Hopis. Beans, as well as corn, was an Indian contribution to civilization. The origin of corn can be traced to Mexico, science has found. Arche- ological studies show further that it was first raised in New Mexico about 1000 B.C. Flint corn appeared 500 years before Christ. Other varieties, flour, dent, sweet, and pop corn, have been developed since. When white men settled on the Atlantic coast, they adopted the varieties with which they came in contact, namely dent corn in Virginia and the South, and flint corn in New England. Carried Westward These they carried back westward along parallel lines of latitude, dent corn finding its way to what is now the Corn Belt and far outshadowing its rival. Only recently has it been realized that best results may benob- tained by adopting the types that the Indians developed in each region, ac- cording to climatic conditions. Among the Hopis, milady serves yellow, red, or gray bread, as her fancy moves her. The corn is ground fine, the color being added from a wild plant dye, spread on a hot stone, and quickly rolled into thin strips. Cotton, raised in the Southwest as early as the beginning of the Chris- tian era, has largely dropped out in that part of the= country, and is raised now only for use in religious ceremonies, sin'ce the Indians can obtain ready-made clothing cheaply. Pumpkins and beans also date back to the prehistoric days before the coming of the Spaniards, Mr. Jones pointed out. 'Pretty Boy' Floyd Is Still Free In Oklahoma EARLESBORO, Okla., Nov. 25.-P) --Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd, leader of an outlaw gang, today was still the will-of-the-wisp he has been to Okla- homa officers. RABBITS, LAVA SMITE CHILE TALCO, Chile, Nov. 20.--(R)-Fresh volcanic eruptions and a scourge of rabbits have laid waste much valu- able land hereabouts. The lava blocked irrigation canals. Firearms are so hard to get that farmers asked that soldiers be detailed to hunt rabbits. Indians Can Grow Corn Which Ought To Make Iowans Blush Education Body Plans To Give Assebhly Talks Hospital School Seniors Intend To Open Series On Tuesday At 4 P. M. Seniors of the School of Education have planned a series of assemblies in which each department of the ehool is to be represented. These programs are engineered entirely by the students, who both plan and take part in them. The Hospital school division will present the first assembly on the pro- gram at 4 p. m. Tuesday, unde + i ection of Glendora Gosling, '33Ed. The program will be opened with flute solo, which will be followed by a series of seven short talks by stu- dents in the hospital school dealing with the history, growth, activities, teaching, and studies in the school. The girls of the physical education department are scheduled for a per- formance of a demonstration lesson to be given in an assembly Dec. 13. On Jan. 5, students in the correlated course will present their assembly. Theseprograms are sponsored by a central committee composed of the following members: Thaddeus Swia- tek, chairman, Vinselle Bartlett, An- nette Cummings, Helen DeWitt, Mar- garet Ferrin, Glendora Gosling, Jeanne Hagaman, Marjorie Jackson, Marjorie Johnston, Lucille Marcin- kowska, Wm. Earnest Henley. The assembly program is designed to present phases of education, cur- rents of thought, and types of activ- ity of especial interest to those in the field of teaching. English Professor Will Deliver Two Lectures Monday "Bad Air" will be discussed from a biological point of view in a lecture to be given by Prof. J. B. S. Haldane, director of the John Innes Horticul- tural Institute, Merton, England, at 8 p. m. Monday in Natural Science Auditorium, it was learned yesterday through the zoological department. The English scienist will also give a more technical lecture, entitled "Bio-Chemical Aspects.of Genetics, with special reference to Pigmenta- tion," at 4:15 p. m. Monday in room 2116 Natural Science building, of especial interest to persons specializ- ing in zoology. Professor Haldane came to this country to attend the National Gen- etics Conference at Cornell Univer- sity, Ithaca, N. Y., in August, and has been visiting and lecturing since. In his scientific work he has special- ized in the relation of bio-chemistry to humanremedical problems, and his lectures are considered of especial in- terest to medical students. Among his writings in a book on biology done in collaboration with Julian S. Huxley. He has also made contribu- tions to the studylof mathematics of genetics. DAREDEVIL KILLS SELF NEW YORK, Nov. 25.--(P)-Ivan R. Gates, who thrilled thousands as an automobile racer and later as an airplane stunt pilot, plunged to his death from a window of his sixth floor apartment in the Chelsea dis- tris Thursday. Wellesley College Girls Must Watch. SpeedyBicycling WELLESLEY, Mass., Nov. 25.--The girls at Wellesley College are cycling altogether too rapidly these days and Elinor Best of Bronxville, N. Y., pres- ident of the Wellesley College Gov- ernment Association, has decided that it must stop. She has created a corps of bicycle police, consisting of 22 members, who are out to eliminate all fast bicycling, stunting by riding "no hands," and seating two or more on a bicycle built for one. There are over 400 bicycles in use on the Wel- lesley campus and they constitute, quite a traffic problem during the change of classes. School Children Reading More Books Each Year Since 1926 the number of books being circulated throughout Michi- gan to school children has shown a steady increase, according to the re- port issued by the University of Michigan Library Extension Service. During the past year 585 schools with a combined enrollment of 40,- 950 pupils took advantage of the service. Most of these schools do not have any local public library and de- pend solely on the few books which the school may happen to possess. The loaned books are sent out in sets of 6. There were 85 sets avail- able last year, remaining in one lo- cality for a period of three weeks, and then move on to another com- munity. Suggested reading lists are also included in the services offered. The Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers and the Children's Fund of Michigan have co-operated with the University in making the service possible. ARMED COLLECTOR JAILED SUBOTICA, Jugoslavia, Nov. 20.- (P)-A depositor of a bankrupt local bank got his 19,000 dinars by leveling two revolvers at a teller. He came back a minute later to return 1,000 which the trembling clerk had over- paid and was arrested for robbery. Is FIRST NATIONAL BA NK AND TRUST COMPANY Est. 1863 COMMERCIAL -- SAVINGS TRUST -SAFE DEPOSIT TRAVELERS' CHECKS Member Federal Reserve System, Under U. S. Government Supervision Union To Show Sound Pictures Of 1932 Eleven Presentation Will Feature I Smoker Scheduled For Ballrooi On Nov. 30 More than 40 minutes of sound pictures of the Michigan football teams of last year and this, the Olympic Games, and other sports events will be included in the pro- gram of the Union football smoker, to be held at 8 p. m. Nov. 30 in the Union ballroom. I The pictures were taken by profes- sional photographers with complete sound equipment, John W. Lederle, '33, Union president, said yesterday, and have been highly praised by Harry G. Kipke, Varsity football coach. Tickets for the smoker are on sale now from all committeemen for 25 cents, and a campus sale will be held Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. Sale of tickets will be limited to 1,000. Among the men who will give short speeches at the affair are Ivan Wil- liamson, '33, Varsity football captain, Stanley Fay, '34, captain-elect, Field- ing H. Yost, director of intercolle- giate athletics, and Mr. Kipke. The speakers will be introduced by Led- erle. One of the principal speakers at the affair will be James K. Watkins, former V a r s i t y fullback, Rhodes scholar, and at present Detroit police commissioner. Cider, doughnuts, and cigarettes will be distributed to those attending. Milk, Lettuce Popular At ChicagoDining Halls CHICAGO, Nov. 23. - Figures for the month of October made public by the University of Chicago Commons office disclose that the various Uni- versity dining halls consumed 450 gallons of ice cream, 300 loaves of bread and an equal number of rolls, ten tons of meat, 7,000 gallons of milk and 4,600 heads of lettuce. I' ' i What makes the DIFFERENCE. in the size a s. of these two- r Toilet Soap, Face Powder and Cold Creams Fountain Service at All Times ANN STREET DRUG CO. 1117 E. Ann Phone 7850 ONE BLOCK WEST OF U. HOSPITAL Two Heads Are Better. Any problems which may arise in con- nection with your business or of a finan- cial nature may be easier to solve if you can discuss them with someone to whom these problems are more familiar. This phase of our business is one which we are always glad to offer our customers, for we feel that the experience of our organization can be of real value to our clients. Both roasts weighed five pounds when put in the oven. Now one of them weighs nearly 20 per cent less than the other. 'What has happened? The smaller one was cooked in aflame-type oven.There is nothing the matter with it-it has simply shrunk. Part of it hasw evaporated. Now look at the larger roast. It was cooked in an Electrochef. Weighing five pounds when it was placed in the oven, it still weighs almost five pounds when takenout. There has been prac- tically no shrinkage or weight loss, because the Electochef oven is semi-sealed. MORAL: Are you paying-more saving in your meat bills. And these savings mount up to a.good deal of money in a year.... See the Electrochef at any Detroit Edison office. . . - - LOOKING TOWARD CHRISTMAS A limited number of display and floor models $z95 INSTALLED (Every range in perfect condi- ion-some in oriinai crates *9.5ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD STOVEi I1 TIME'S FLYING- Let us again suggest that you order now your CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS ,I