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September 28, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-09-28

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Established 1890


,; ..

would seem that the main purpose of this proce-
dure was the hope that, as enthusiasm died down,
it would become more and more difficult and
finally impossible to obtain a quorum.
Further, since one of the meetings of the Inter-
fraternity Council was not announced, a full week
ahead of the date set, in the Daily Official Bulle-
tin, it did not count as a regular meeting, and a
fourth meeting had to be called. Four meetings'
to pass a motion that every fraternity on the
campus was eager to have on the records! An ex
cellent example of student government at the

- I

By Barton Kane


£Th[ OARV. p I NT or7UDENT GLf N fNi'dV-Y. 1 ANNAtl 1| , E ,Nan.aWD-ri -
blished every morning except Monday during the
ersity year and Summer Session by the Board in
trol of Student Publications.
ember of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
and the Big Ten News Service.
ie Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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itered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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epresentat'ves: College Publishers Representatives,
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RTS EDITOR.............. .JOHN W. THOMAS
HT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
hn W. Pritchard, Joseph W. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
ackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
RTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Ward D. Morton,
lbert Newman.
'ORTERS: Stanley W. Arnheim, Edward Andrews,
yman 3. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt,
mes Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald F. Blankertz,
illard E. Blaser, Charles B. Brownson, C. Garritt
inting, Arthur W. Carstens, Theodore K. Cohen,
bert S. Deutsch, Donald Elder, Robert Engel Albert
iedmaan, Edward A. Genz, Harold Gross, Eric Hall,
hn C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, M. B. Higgins, Alex-
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obert Ruwitch, Alvin Schleifer, G. Edwin Sheidrick,
>bert W. Thorne, George Van Vleck, Cameron Walker,
Ay M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White.
ssie L. Barton, Eleanor B. Blum, Jane H. Brucker,
iriam Carver, Beatrice Collins, Mary J. Copeman,
uise Crandall, Mary M. Duggan, Prudence-Foster,
ice Gilbert, Carol J. Hannan, Therese R. Herman,
ances Manchester, Elizabeth Mann, Edith E. Maples,
:arie Metzger, Marie. J. 'Murphy, Margaret C. Phalan,
,rah K. Rucker, Beverly Stark, Alma Wadsworth,
arJorie Western, Josephine Woodhams.
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ylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroynson, Fred Hertrick,
seph Hume, Howard Klein, Allen Knuusi, George
urie, Charles Mercill, Russell Read, Lester Skinner,
seph Sudow and Robert Ward.
etty Aigler, Edna Canner, Genevieve Field, Ann Gall-
eyer, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Helen Grossner,
athryn Jackson, Dorothy Laylin, Virginia McComb,
iroline Mosher, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May See-
led, Kathryn Stork.

ther Noble*
3riinent Fails .. e

DEFERRED RUSHING, a "noble ex-
periment," has been tried and has
tiled. It is not for us or for fraternity men to
oast of the victory over the administration. Let
suffice that we are back to virtually the same
ishing system that we had before the rules were
ieddled with. The new rushing regulations were
aeawn up by fraternity members and consequent-
, being what the students want, should be con-
lentiously obeyed.
The fact that fraternities were victorious, how-
ver, illustrates one point that should be empha-
zed. Students can make their rules and regula-
ons if they are sufficiently interested in their
vn welfare so that they act together.

Finally, after the fraternity plan had emerged
victorious from the snares outlined, it was neces-
sary, or at least deemed wise, to present the plan
to the Judiciary Committee of the Interfraternity
Council, that body which was originally created to
take care of the clerical work of the Council but
which has enlarged itself so that it is a major
hazard in the path of any plan that the fraterni-
ties instigate.
After being picked apart by the Judiciary Com-
mittee, who decided to adopt Dean Bursley's com-
promise measure and thus did not approve the
fraternity plan, the measure approached the final
lap of the marathon; it was ready to go to the
Senate Committee. But here again was another
obstacle. The Senate Committee would meet only
when called by its chairman, the dean of students.
There was an excellent opportunity for Dean
Bursley to pigeon-hole the plan, if he desired.
However, he was fair about the matter and, al-
though opposed to the fraternity plan, called the
The debate in that body was short. Members
asked if the plan was what the students wanted.
They were informed that it was. A vote was
called for and the measure passed unanimously.
Dean Bursley did not vote.
There is one final point to be made. Fraternities
got what they wanted. It is now up to them to
abide by the rules that they themselves have
drawn up. If this is not done, the Senate Com-
mittee and Dean Bursley may not treat their re-
quests as liberally in the future.
Political Science as
A Graduation Requirement
T HE RECENT primary in Michigan
brought out one fact which con-
stitutes an interesting reflection on the knowledge
stitutes an interestinfi reflection on the knowledge
of the average citizen about government. Detroit
newspapers had to print detailed instructions
concerning the method of balloting so that the
voters would know they could not split tickets.
In one precinct many voters refused ballots be-
:!ause they could not split their tickets.
Any moderately-informed citizen should know
that primary elections are party nomination con-
tests, and take the place of party conventions.
Yet a large majority of Michigan's citizenry was
unaware of this fact. And this example is but
one of many demonstrating the general lack of
knowledge, or interest, in our government as it is
ronducted today. This condition makes it possi-
ale for both major parties, among other things,
to stage such circuses as took place in Chicago
aarlier 'this summer and make the electorate
believe every action was spontaneous and that
the will of the rank and file of the party had
been carried out.
Since last year, the political science department
has offered a course in elementary government
to freshmen, a course formerly restricted to stu-
dents of better than first year standing. Believ-
ing that a knowledge of the background of gov-
arnment is an essential element in the education
of every citizen, and recognizing the fact that
the primary function of colleges and universities
today is the training of future citizens, we propose
that this elementary course be added to the cur-
riculum as a requirement for graduation, along
with freshman English.
To add another prerequisite to an already un-
necessarily large list of graduation requirements
would be difficult. But, under the system inaugu-
rated last year, the Michigan plan of two two-.
year periods, we feel that such an addition would
be of value and would fit into the general first
period curriculum. The postponement of the se-
lection of major concentration until the third year
and the allocation of general study to the first
two years makes such a course a logical part of
the plan of study
The ignorance in the field of government on
the part of large masses of people is to a con-
siderable degree responsible for the lack of in-
trest many show in elections. Many subterfuges

have been adopted by political parties in an
effort to "get out the vote," although, of course,
for selfish purposes. And today's educational
institutions, in the measure in which they are
trying to train intelligent citizens for the nation
tomorrow, owe it to the taxpayers who support
them to require of their students at least an
elementary knowledge of government. We be-
lieve the addition of a graduation requirement of
this nature would carry out the basic theory
underlying the function of education and would
prove to be a valuable asset to every student.
The Literary College
Holds Its Owa.
differs from many schools of
America in that the literary college forms the
nucleus of the entire institution, rather than be-

Out of the Spotlight'
Ashes to Ashes
Loquacious John L.
M ISS ETHEL McCORMICK, contact girl for
the Dean of Women's office, is having trouble
about the lights to be used in the League ball-
room. If there is too much light, people start go-
ing to the Union; if there is not enough, Aunt
Alice Lloyd objects.
This year, the spotlight at the League will not
play on individual couples. Orchestra leaders
have told Miss McCormick that couples don't like I
to be jerked out of their reverie.
* * *
ON SATURDAY, Ann Arbor High school had a
football game. One of the officials was short,
wore glisses. Many University freshmen attend-.
ed. Said one, "I didn't know that Shirley Smith
was a football referee."
* * *
R UDOLPH A. WINNACKER, of the history de-
partment, acted as a freshman advisor last
week. On Thursday he was taking his students
to be classified; saw a green slip of paper; stoop-
ed over; picked up a five dollar bill; pocketed it;
took his students to be classified.
* * *
NEW ADDITION to the Bursley clan is Harry
Benjamin, Japan tr-piess manager of the
baseball team. Benjamin has entered the Law
School; will be busy all year explaining that he
is not a "student spy," of which all student em-
ployees of the administration are falsely accused.
* * *
FRESHMEN WOMEN went to see "Bird of Par-
adise" at the Majestic; cried audibly when the
heroine walked into the fiery volcano at the end
of the picture. One co-ed saved the day; said,
"That reminds me-"; pulled out a new ash tray
for her room; a skull with a hollow top.
IVAN WILLIAMSON, known as Ivan the Terrible
on the football field, was in practice for the
first time in a long period today; went through
a difficult workout; lost seven pounds; tried to
get Coach Kipke to get him out of speaking at
the Union Freshman banquet on the excuse that
he had to see the doctor about his bad leg.
* * *
THE BURSLEY LAWN PARTY, usually held at
the Dean's house, was held this year in the
Union ballroom. Like so many similar affairs, the
party smacked of a dating bureau; bashful fresh-
men hired advisors badges for 25 cents per hour;
cut in on all the dancing girls, made engage-
ments for the remainder of Orientation Week.
Upperclassmen were present in force; doing early
rushing; trying to impress the freshmen girls;
lying manfully about fraternity and sorority
parties. New record set at the dance: only four
freshmen attended in sweaters.
IT SEEMS that all of the assistant football man-
agers are high school football stars that went
wrong; several have joined the managerial ranks
because of bad eyes, water on the knee, kicks in
the head.
Managers are very unpleasant. They stand at
the gate of Ferry Field and keep spectators away
from secret practice. Newspaper reporters like
the managers because they bring them apples to
eat during practice.
PROF. JOHN BRUMM, louacious lubricator,
lived up to his reputation last night in a talk
before the freshmen. Said Mr. Brumm, "An opti-
mist is a man who has a corking good time think-
ing what a corking good time he would be having
if he were having a corking good time."
Also, Mr. Brumm told the last of the absent
minded professor jokes. The professor, it seems,
had promised his biology class that he would
bring them a baby frog. The professor took out
a package; unwrapped it. A sandwich fell out,
Said the professor, "My lunch, but, my God, I've
had my lunch."
' T THE LEAGUE they have installed free ping
pong and pool tables, evidently hoping that
girls will bring their dates and play games. The
main difficulty now is that the equipment for the
ping pong table keeps disappearing. The League
is trying to find out who is at fault, the dates or
the girls.
Editorial Comment
(The Daily Trojan)
Students coming this year to the university
profess an increased interest in the serious as-
pects of college life. Never before have so many
rooming house proprietors been given the old line

of how serious this or that boy is about his col-
lege work and how much he will be studying at
the library. Even in organized houses one hears
that so and so is "really going to hit the books
this year."
Well, perhaps-only perhaps, but we are will-
ing to bet, if wagering isn't too much beyond the
pale, that the majority of the children coming
down for the first, second or "umpteenth" time
will do just about the same amount of studying
that they ever did. Perhaps they will even do less
on account of the increasing percentage of those
working their way through school.
Some courses will need more study than others,
and those courses will either be emphasized or
they will be flunked. After seeing many college
students come and go, both here at the university
and at various other educational institutions that
are supposed to polish American youth for his
struggles with the cold, cruel world, we still con-
clude that there is no such thing as a general
increase in seriousness on the part of the college
student tribe. The general situation in life may
be a little more serious at present for the aver-
age family, but we fail to agree with the individ-
ual sentiments being expressed as to how much
studying is going to be done this year.
We heartily approve the tendency in prospect
and sincerely hope that we will be forced to pub-
licly give our approbation of the results achieved
under the new resolutions, but we still doubt the
actual existence of such a movement in any form
other than good intentions.


Unusual Program - New Low Prices
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Season Tickets: Six Numbers--$3.00, $2.75 and $2.50
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Deferred rushing, like the auto ban, was intro-
uced over the heads of the undergraduates. They
ere again forced to accept a plan of which they
id not approve. Consequently, the plan failed;
tiled to an even greater extent than the auto ban
as failed.
Fraternities, realizing that their very existence
epended on getting the regulations changed, for
ie first time in recent years, worked together,
rew up their own rushing plan, went through
iles of red-tape, and finally managed to put
eir system before the Senate Committee on Stu-
ent Affairs.
That body, one of the most liberal on the cam-.
us, was so pleased at receiving a message from
ie students themselves, instead of some picked
3mmittee, that it passed the fraternity plan al-
ost without debate rather than the plan drawn
by the alumni or the compromise measure,
rown in as a final move, by Joseph A. Bursley,
an of students.
The red-tape that any expression from the stu-
nt body must go through before it is officially
ought to the attention of the administration is
involved that any constructive measure usually
es a natural death. Student opinion is short-
red, and it is very convenient to let any sort of
ange proposed hang over for a year. After the
aders of the movement have graduated, all will
forgotten until another group of crusaders
mes along. Their plans may also be easily over-
oked, tabled for consideration, and hung by
Fcial red-tape;
Let us look at a few instances that illustrate the
int we are attempting to make. Two years ago,
r a ten-to-one. campus vote, it was decided to
ange student government so that the Student
uncil would be emasculated and student repre-
:tation on the Senate Committee increased. The
atter was placed before the University Senate,
zere it was politely referred to a sub-comw ittee
iich tabled the plan until the ring-leaders of
e scheme had graduated. To the best of our

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