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November 26, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-26

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The Weather
Generally fair, cold, Satur-
Jay; Sunday probably clear, not
so cold.


Si~~r ia



Michigan Club
Of Detroit To
Annual Football Bust Will
Take Place At The Book.
Cadillac Hotel
Edwin Miller Will
Be Toastmaster
Governor - Elect William
Comstock Will Present
Traditional "M" Rings
The Annual Football Bust, a cele-
bration of the University of Michigan
Club of Detroit held at the conclu-
sion of each football season in honor
of the team and managers, will be
held this year on Dec. 10 at the Book-
Cadillac hotel in Detroit.
Edwin Miller, '09, former varsity
baseball manager and now superin-
tendent of Detroit schools, will be
toastmaster. The celebration is being
arranged by a committee of 100 mem-
bers of the Detroit alumni group.
Comstock To Present Rings
Governor-Elect William A. Com-
stock will present the traditional "M"
rings that are given annually to all
senior letter men. Mr. Comstock is a
former president of the alumni or-
ganization in that city.
At the meeting held at St. Paul,
Minn., last Saturday before the Mich-
igan-Minnesota football game an
election of officers for the sixth alum-
ni district was held. Director Sam G.
Pickus,.'18L, of Sioux City, Iowa, has
another year to serve in his office.
The new officers are: president, Dr.
Claude T. Uren, '10M, of Omaha,
Neb.; vice-president, Joseph Pielen,
'24, of St. Paul; secretary-treasurer,
Peter Scott, '28-'31L, also of St. Paul.
South Bend Club To Celebrate
The annual football celebration of
the University of Michigan Club of
South Bend, Ind., will be held Friday,
Dec. 9. Guests of honor will be Ben-
nie G: Oosterbaan, '29, of the coach-
ing staff, and .T. Hawley Tapping,
General Secretary of the Alumni As-
A third football celebration will be
held by the University of Michigan
club of Chicago expressly to celebrate
the capturing of the Western Confer-
ence crown by Michigan this year.
Martha Wioht
Seriously Hurt
In Accident
Daughter Of University
Professor Hit By Car;
Skull Fractured
Martha Wight, 10-year-old daugh-
ter of Harold M. Wight, assistant
professor of forest zoology, was ser-
iously injured yesterday morning
when struck by a car at the inter-
section of Washtenaw and South
University avenues. The car was
driven by Edgar Rousseau, 809 Har-
riet Street, Birmingham.
The girl was playing in the street
at the time of the accident and ran
into the rear of Rousseau's car. He
did not see her and drove away. A
hitch-hiker, standing at the intersec-
tion, flagged a passing car in which

the girl was taken to University hos-
pital. She suffered a severe fracture
of the skull.
Rousseau, the driver of the car,
came to the hospital yesterday after-
noon upon learning of the girl's in-
jury and-identified himself. Her con-
dition last night was reported as crit-
Varsity Debaters,
Will Meet Detroit
City College Team
Varsity debaters will meet in the
second decision debate of the season
Monday when the Michigan Affirma-
tive team speaks at the City College
of Detroit Auditorium. The negative
Varsity team defeated City College
here last Monday but Coach James
H. McBurney rates this team as one
of the hardest on the difficult Michi-
gan schedule.
Debaters chosen for this appear-
... - _ 4- +rr - #.'tn 'n tn.nr l n~r

Tenders Resignation

Dean Resigns
His Office At
State Collegel
Decision Of Agriculture
School's Head Accepted
B 7

Drinking Problem
Is Up To Students,
Dean Lloyd Says
Once more the drinking situation
at Michigan was put up to the stu-
dents with the issuance of a state-
ment last night by Alice C. Lloyd,
dean of women, declaring that the
students themselves must "take the
responsibility of controlling the situa-

Ly Mate Boars;tion."
I Miss Lloyd also emphasized that
Position Of College the women on the campus could take
an active lead in doing away with
Historian Is Ended whatever drinking problem exists.
In accordance with The Daily's pol-
icy of getting the opinions of Uni-
Institution's Librarian Will versity authorities on this subject,
Be Custodian Of Records Miss Lloyd was asked her opinion on
the matter.
Of Historical Nature haDiscusses Rumors
"I have been told," her reply reads,
LANSING, Nov. 25-(P)--The State "by several students that there ap-
Board of Agriculture, governing body pears to be more drinking this fall. I
of Michigan State College, tonight do not know whether this is true or


(Associated Press Photo)
Abbot Lawrence Lowell, one of the
world's foremost educators, resigned
as president of Harvard university, a
post he has held for 23 years.
300 Couples
Attend Annual
Sorority Ball
Orchestra Plays 'Victors'
As Cooper And Bryant
Lead Grand March
Almost 300 couples crowded the
League ballroom last night at the
Panhellenic Ball,. as Myrtle Cooper,
'33, Kappa Delta, general chairman,
and -her escort, James G. Bryant, '33,
Beta Theta Pi, led the grand march
to the tune of "The Victors" and a
medley of other Michigan Songs
played by Red Nichols and his Five
The couples circled the floor,
forming groups of four, eight, and
winding up 16 abreast. In this posi-
tion pictures of the central commit-
tee were taken.
The orchestra played mostly num-
bers requested by the central com-
mittee, with a few of the older pieces
which Nichols features.
Decorations were carried out with
evergreens and chrysanthemums. One
of the unique features was that in
A complete account of the
ball will be found on page five
of today's Daily.
each basket of 'mums represented
the colors of a campussorority. Pro-
grams were of black suede with the
Michigan seal incrusted in pearl.
Miss Cooper was assisted in her ar-
rangements by a central committee
composed of: programs, Dorothy Van
Riper, '34; tickets, Marjorie Arnold,
'34; refreshments, Eleanor Riker, '33;
decorations, Ruth Campbell, '34; mu-
sic, Pauline Scott, '33; treasurer's
chairman, Elinor Allen, '34; publicity,
Grace Mayer, '34; floor, Helen Gray,
'34; chaperones, Ruth Kurtz, '34,Ed.
Classification For
Seniors To Begin
Early Next Week
Second-semester classification for
seniors in the literary, education, and
music schools will take place Mon-
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of next
week, according to an announcement
issued by Daniel L. Rich, director of
classification. No further opportunity
will then be granted seniors until
Dec. 12.-
Juniors will clasify Thursday, Fri-
day, and Saturday, Dec. 1, 2, and 3;
Sophomores, Dec. 5, 6, and 7; and1
Freshmen, Dec. 8, 9, and 10.
All classes will be allowed to class-
ify during the week of Dec. 12 to
16, just before Christmas vacation
and those who have not done so by
that time will be required to pay a
late classification fee of $1.
All students may call for classifica-
tion forms any time after Monday,
Nov. 28. Literary students may obtain
them in room 4, University Hall;
music students in room 108, School
of Music, and education students in
room 1437, University Elementary
Mrs. Pearson Talks To

t accepted the resignations of Joseph
F. Cox, dean of agriculture, and
James B. Hasselman, director of
publications, and abolished the office
of college historian held by Frank S.
Kedzie, president-emeritus.
The motion to accept the resigna-
tion of Cox and Hasselman was sub-
mitted by Gilbert Daane, Grand Rap-
ids. The resignations are effective
July 1, 1933. Both men were placed
on immediate leave of absence with
full pay.
The motion to abolish the office of
college historian held by Dr. Kedzie
was made by Clark L. Brody, of Lans-
ing. This motion directed the college
librarian to be custodian of all rec-
ords of the historical office.
Another motion made by M. B. Mc-
Pherson, of Lowell, directed the board
of agriculture to request the next
legislature to draft a law placing the
responsibility for the administration
of the college under the jurisdiction
of the board and the president.
Joseph E. Baldwin, special assistant
attorney-general who has been mak-
ing an investigation of the college at
the command of the board presented
his report at today's meeting.
He stated in his "report that he
found nothing "of serious conse-
Russian Revolution
Shown In Film Of
Art Cinema Group
Showing for the first tine in his-
tory the change of a nation's gov-
ernment and revolution at its height,
the film "Ten Days that Shook the
World" presents a picture of the re-
volt of the Russian people in 1917
against the regime of the Czars.
The picture, directed by Eisenstein,
is based on a storV' by John Reed, an
American Journalist who was trav-
elling in Russia with Lincoln Steffens
at the time of the revolution.
Eisenstein received the co-opera-
tion of the Russian Government in
making the film to the extent of hav-
ing whole sections of the city of
Patrograd closed to traffic while some
100,000 actors went through their
demonstrations. Statues of the Czar-
ist days which had been removed and
placed in museums were replaced in
the original sites while the filming
was being done.
The film will be shown at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Dec. 1
and 2. It will be the first presenta-
tion of the Art Cinema League. Paid
membership in this organization has
already mounted to more than 600.
Its sponsors predict that this number
will be doubled following the showing
here of "Ten Days That Shook the
Debt Payments
Is Advised By
Sec'y Stimson
(By Associated Press)
Foreign nations seeking an exten-
sion from the United States of the
inter-governmental debt moratorium
were advised in three notes made
public yesterday by Secretary Stim-
son to deliver their payments by Dec.
The notes, which were handed to
the British, French, and Belgian am-
bassadors Nov. 23 suggested that "by
such payments the prospects of a
satisfactory approach to the whole
question * * * would be greatly in-
Secretary Stimson said President
Hoover had no authority to grant

not; but, if it is, the students them-
selves should take the responsibility
of controlling the situation."
"No university can neglect to deal
with the demoralizing influence of {
excessive drinking if such exists, since
it is in itself a negation of educa-
Miss Lloyd's statement continues,
"A state university has a special re-
sponsibility. At this university the
state pays two-thirds of the cost of
the student's training. It is obviously
wrong to allow the state to pay for
any part of a citizen's education un-
less that person is using his faculties
to the utmost. The inference is ob-
Silent About Men
"The drinking situation, if there
is one, can best be controlled by stu-
dent action and opinion. I cannot
speak for the men on this campus,
but it is my opinion that the women
can do a great deal to make the
'problem a negligible one."
"Many of the women's organiza-
tions have taken a strong stand on
this question," Miss Lloyd said, appa-
rently referring to a recent meeting
of the Pan-Hellenic association. "If
every organization will take an active
stand, there will be no problem."
sin her conclusion Miss Lloyd said,
"At a time when the country is fc-
ing a serious transition, it is the duty
of educated people to face the issue
with wisdom and temperance."
Cook Request
Total Placed At
Eight Million
Transfer Tax Appraisal
Gives Exact Amount Of
Gift For First Time
One of the largest gifts ever made
to an American university was appar-
ently definitely evaluated for the first
time yesterday when it was learned
in Ann Arbor that the sum of the
William W. Cook bequest to the Uni-
versity amounts to slgihtly more than
The total figure for the bequest
was learned for the first time as the
result of a tax transfer appraisal in
New York city on the present value
of the securities.
According to an estimate made by
a University official last night the
value of the gift at the time of Mr.
Cook's death was more than $10,00,-
000. Since that time the value of the
bequest has fallen far below its pres-
ent value and risen again to the
amount represented in the appraisal.
Inasmuch as Mr. Cook preferred
that the University should not know
the value of the gifts made during
his lifetime and financed the con-
struction of these first buildings in
secret, it is difficult to obtain an exact
valuation of these gifts. However, a
competent estimate places the value
of these benefactions made before his
death at between $4,500,000 and
$5,000,000, bringing the total amount
given to the University to something
over $13,000,000.
The donations of Mr. Cook to the
University before his death consist of
the Martha Cook dormitory for wom-
en, the original portion of the Law-
yer's Quadrangle including the dining
hall and the first section of the dor-
mitory, the funds for the Professorial
Chair in American Institutions now
held by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the
political science department, and the
funds for the construction of the sec-
ond portion of the dormitory in the
Lawyer's Quadrangle and the Legal
Research building.
At Mr. Cook's death practically all
ofC 1L.o an nS o i.- 1-F . L... J .

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