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November 24, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-24

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Established 1390

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ment confirmed the adoption of the metric units."
On Saturday the printer changed "Prof. Wilby"
to "Prof. Willey." (Prof. Ernest Wilby of the Col-
lege of Architecture is the gentleman referred to).
-The Editor
Editorial omment
Homecoming has always been, to most of us,
something about which we can grow sentimental
and nostalgic-a weekend during which loyal

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
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CITY EDITOR......................KARL SEIFFERT
SPORTS. EDITOR.. .................JOHN W. THOMAS
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman. F. Kraft,
John W. Pritchard, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw,
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SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman.
REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ells Ball, Charles
G. Bardt James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald P.
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Gimmy, Billie Qrilth,Vrgiia Hartz, Catherine -M-
Repry, Helen Olson, Helen Svinude, May Seefried,
Kathryn Stork.
THURSDAY, NOV. 24, 1932
l esriction Of Faculty
Politicians Unwise. .
T HE FOLLOWING resolution was
adopted last month by the Board
of Trustees of the University of Arkansas: "When
any member of the University staff becomes a
candidate for public office, or takes an active
part in the support of any political party or a
candidate for office, he thereby automatically
severs his connection with the University; pro-
vided that this shall not apply to county and
municipal affairs."
Owing in part to. the depression there is at
present much criticism of government and govern-
mental policies. Since government regulates most
of the external machinery of the social system, it
is possible that the depression, an external
phenomenon, has been induced by either knowing
malevolence or unknowing negligence on the part
of the "servants of the public.".
If this is the case it is the privilege and duty of'
everyone capable of submitting either destructive
or constructive criticism to do so. And one very
commendable way of making such criticism is
either to run for office or actively to support a
It is not unnatural that the governmental "Ins"
should resent excessive criticism. It is only human
ihkt thev shold dislike to see themselves dis-

grads return to the campus of their alma mater
to "renew old friendships and make new ones,"
as has so oft been reiterated; a week-end, in short,
when university spirit leaps high on the altar of
loyalty and patriotism, and of which no short-
coming is important enough even to enter into a
discussion of its virtues.
The editors of the Missouri Student, the publi-
cation of the University of Missouri, however, look
at homecoming weekend with a much more crit-
ical eye, and have offered bitter toasts to "hun-
dreds of returning alumni, bottle-laden, stagger-
ing, insensible to the real meaning of homecoming
to drunken mobs in campus restaurants,
destroying property, insulting every creed of
gentlemen . . . to the bootleggers, who with the
hotel-keepers and their many-storied saloons, are
the only ones who profit from homecoming . . ."
May we, in turn, offer a sincere toast to these
editors who have refused to sentimentalize a bad
condition merely because it is bound up with a
long tradition?
At Wisconsin, too, there is such a condition:
Revelers returning to Madison for homecoming
and often spending their time in a state of intoxi-
cation; at Wisconsin, too, homecoming time is
looked forward to by bootleggers and saloon-keep-
ers as a time of rising sales and increased patron-
age; at Wisconsin, too, there are still some people
who find themselves disgusted with the "debauch-
ery and moral filth of the occsion;" so we Can
appreciate the feelings of our Missouri colleagues.
If some find the picture drawn too harshly, the
facts presented exaggerated and magnified into
an abnormal importance, let them look closely
about them on our next homecoming. As if,
indeed, it were possible to exaggerate such a con-
dition. As long as the slightest trace of such
behavior remains linked with homecoming and the
word "collegiate" in any of its senses, those of
us who take seriously our position as college
students, who hope to derive some benefit by
way of prestige in the outside world through
having been college students, must realize that we
cannot disregard the condition,.
Our hats off, then, to the Missouri Student;
and a stronger determination that homecoming
should be homecoming, and not an occasion for
a bacchanale.
-The Daily Cardinal
A Washington
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
WASHINGTON-If Governor Roosevelt had anya
hope of avoiding an early special session of the7
new Congress, it must have diminished when notes
from Great Britain et al. among the war debtor
nations came in so promptly on the heels of his
There seemed little hope that the questions
raised could be disposed of in the brief remaining
life of the seventy-second Congress.
President Hoover's telegram, inviting his partici-
pation in determining the answer to be made to
the importuning powers, could have given Mr.
Roosevelt no great surprise. It was foreshadowed
by the action of the state department in trans-
mitting copies of the notes to Albany.
Yet the governor was not given much time to
prepare for a conference with President Hoover.
Unless he had definite ideas about his own cabinet
line-up already in mind, the task of assembling
around him a group of informed advisers for the
purposes of the conference in Washington may
have had its own embarrassments. Y

The Theatre
Most of us at some time or other in our early
childhood had a very spindly, lace-collared grand-
mother whom we went to visit on Thanksgiving
and Easter and other days-of-obligation, and who
was very prone to quoting all sorts of golden
rules and poverbs. As a matter of fact most of
us grew up to look for these quotings from Grannic
with about as much eagerness as we looked for
those atrocious paintings of grapes and other
fruits in still-life that ever hung in her dining-
room. Now as we look back at Grannie and her
proverbs we remember something in her reper-
toire about "beggars on horseback," and we re-
member her quoting it to us with a long pointing
finger. But we never got lthe moral of her
tale-only some sort of vague and romantic image
of a Petruchio-like person riding on a Kentucky
thoroughbred named Daisy.
Kaufman draws a great deal from our old
Grannie, for he is pointing the long moral finger
just as she did. He has one of the funniest satir-
ical fingers of any playwright in America, and
in the "Beggar on Horseback" he is pointing it for
all he's worth.
His story pictures some spiritual beggars who
have luck with "big business" and "prosperity,"
and shows the silly outcome of their attempt to
ride the "high horse." The whole thing is a gi-
gantic razz on American materialism, and the
"rich quick" attitude. Written in 1924 when
"prosperity" and "big production" were at the
peak, the play might be considered by the pious
critic as a sort of "handwriting on the wall." But
most of us get the same kind of enjoyment from
the theme as from Will Roger's movie "Down to
Earth" or Marie Dressler's "Caught Short."
Though it must be said that "Beggar on Horse-
back" by no means runs so thin on plot interest
as these comic movies.
Kaufman above all other things is a genius
when it comes to concocting comic intrigue and
scene. He works by a method which is called
"the lowest (i. e., funniest) common denomina-
tor," a method of taking a joke for its full value
md presenting it dramatically. For example, in
'Once in a Lifetime" a joke about the Twelve
Schlepkin Brothers is brought out in the hotel
,cene, a joke which is rather sufficient in itself
(for it certainly is a funny touch that there should.
)e a Jewish firm of twelve brothers named Schlep-
'in producing talking pictures, brothers who fly
Sack and forth, back and forth from their Mama
in Brooklyn to the business in Hollywood). Yes,
3veryone will admit that is funny. But Kaufman
is not content to let the joke stop there, not until
he has brought all twelve of the Schlepkins (in
Jewish beards and big derbies) on the stage for a
;rand curtain climax. That is what is meant bs
the method of carrying a joke to its "lowest de--
nominator." It is the method at which Kaufman
has been most successful.{
Kaufman began writing realistic comedies withI
"To the Ladies," "Merton of the Movies," "Mimic,"
plays in which he collaborated with Marc Con-
nelly and Edna Ferber. He "grew up" in the
back-stage of Broadway, and is gifted as play-
wright, actor, and director. It will be remem-
bered that he was the director of that startling
melodrama success "The Front Page," and that
he has acted in many plays, strikingly, of course,
as his own "Once in a Lifetime." He has rolled in
clover for the past ten years, writing in that time
his best plays. To those already mentioned must
be added "The Butter and Egg Man," "June
Moon," "Of Thee I Sing," and the new Constance
Collier show "Dinner at Eight" which recently
opened in New York. He has been in the "play-
wrights' rooms" at Hollywood too, even writing
scenarios for the Four Marx Brothers we are
told. (For certainly you didn't think Groucho
thought up all those gags himself, did you?)
His successful "Of Thee I Sing" brought him the
Pulitzer Prize for Drama this year, a play which
does with politics what "Beggars on Horseback"
did with "big business." It is little wonder that
,ritics have set up his plays to rival anything that
W. S. Gilbert ever wrote. Even critics who are

sentimental about Gilbert and Sullivan are
straight to admit that Kaufman and Gershwin
are top-notch entertainment and the most healthy
thing in American drama today.
-David Mott R

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FAC tS'-


lodged from positions which they have grown
accustomed to occupy. But in a democracy tley CONGRESS' TASK
have no right to use their power to stifle these Congress has dealt so jealously with the war-
adverse comments and political activity. debt matter from the first that there was not
It is unfortunate that in an attempt to sup- much room for executive discretion left. Neither
press action that is disagreeable to them, the the President nor the President-elect, however
"Ins" find that they can regulate the conduct of great their combined influence might be on Con-
teachers so easily. Especially in state institutions gress when it assembles, could do much legally
is it simple to order undesirable activity to stop. to meet the request for a postponement of current.
Since teachers, specifically university teachers, payments pending the proposed revision confer-
are usually at least as well informed as the aver- ence.
age citizen, and frecuently much better, it i; The President could authorize diplomatic dis-
obviously not to the general good that their po- cussions. It is generally assumed that they have
litical activity be restricted. been in progress informally right along.
We hope that no such limitation will ever be Certainly the British, French and other note&
imnosed upon our teachers in Michigan. To our could not have been dropped into the lap of the
knowledge none is contemplated, and we hope state department without any advance notice
that none ever will be. whatever from European diplomats here or from
Of course the specific ruling in Arkansas may Americans at the European capitals.
not have been adopted at the behest of govern- What was done was to see that the prospect of
mental "Ins." Perhaps the trustees of the Univer- such a move was "soft pedalled" to such an ex-
sity of Arkansas find political publicity distaste- tent that it did not enter at all into the American
ful. We submit, however, that, in this case, they presidential campaigning.
have failed to consider the potential results of That was well considered from the viewpoint
their action. tof all concerned presumably. Had the debt ques-
tion in its present status been projected in advance
into the campaign, declarations one way or the
C' ! ather might have been made which would render
C a p difficult any agreement whatever on the course
- _ -1now to be followed.
Letters pu lished in this column shol not he
construed as expressing thi editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communcaions wil1 be disregard- CONGRESS' VOICE
11,Ih oveo he r(,-,AZ ithoer th bruA- la.t ion of the Congress in an-


Screen Reflections
Four stars nesns a super-picture; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
Button G. Brown ............ Lee Tracy
Alice..............Constance Cummings
Norton.....,..........Alan Dinehart
"Washington Merry-Go-Round" is a forceful
and at times epochal expose of what happens to
Sur new Congressmen once they get to Wash-
i.ngton. It is reported that this picture had a
"remendous influence on the voting public, since
it was released a few weeks before the recent
national election. Obviously it could have swung
many votes.
Lee Tracy, in the role of Button Gwinett Brown,
:escendant of a signatory to the Declaration of
Independence, is seen amid timely surroundnigs of
the Bonus Army, liquor traffic and national cor-
ruption; in short, a government in the hands of
a chosen few who are not members of Congress.
Alan Dinehart is cast as Norton, the multimil-
lionaire boss of Washington who is the object of
Brown's invective.
Constance Cummings is beautiful as Alice,
which is all that is required.

I4-A -0 MEN
WX here Is Ihla Gal?
Ikagle h ouse?

Who Is ThaL 'Freshie?'
Where Does He Live?
Eating Club?
Phone No. ????
I~ srht .Instructot

Oil Slt the Pubhlications Bldg*&

gardc o ir conenitlupni nrequs es. Cotribuos harc
asked to(:be bri, conilifing tncrniEs lstole-Ss than

ts 1 s, ul ijuz v p 4~ v~i~
proving the debt moratorium, that it was the sense
of Congress that there should be no cancellation

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