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November 24, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-24

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The Weather
Cloudy, colder Thursday, pos-
sibly rain or snow, with north-
west winds.

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omw 049F, Vv t r4

'VOL. XLIII No. 52



T . . ._ _.., ,,. _ ..._,. ..ea... , ,.,..

Fund Pledges
Now $37,202;
Seek $63,948
Community Drive Is Nowi
46 Per Cent Short Of
Its Final Figure
Will Give Report
At Church Today
Mosher And Jordan Halls
Contribute $45; Other
Houses May Give
Bringing the first week of soliciting
to a close, total pledges to the Com-
munity Fund late last night reached
$37,202, which is approximately 54
per cent of the $63,938 goal.
The headquarters of the Commu-
nity Fund worked until 9:30 p. m.
last night receiving last-minute re-
ports from team captains and work-
ers in an effort to bring up to date
final figures in preparation for the
report which will be given this morn-
ing at the Union Thanksgiving serv-
ice to be held at the Church of
Big Gifts Less
Contributions of $100 or more to-
taling $2,190 were received from 18
individuals yesterday, Miss Edith
Owen, executive director, announced.
The greatest percentage of the losses
this year were in the big gift divi-
sion. However, only 50 per cent of
tle big gifts have been heard from.
After a week of campaigning last
year ,$42,000 had been reported at
the Thanksgiving Service. Neverthe-
less, the staff is particularly optimis-
tic in view of the fact that only half
of the big gifts have been reported.
Miss Owen declared that the cam-
paigning would be extended officially
for 10 days, hoping that the drive
would be brought to a close at the
end of that period. Time was ex-
tended in order to enable solicitors to
visit the 1,000 new prospects, many of
whom bive out of town.:
"With $37,202 out-of-town contri-
butions which have not been heard
from at present, and unreported do-
nations in the big gift division," Rab-
bi Heller, director of the campaign,
said yesterday, "we have a chance,
providing there'll be no let down on
the part of the solicitors."
Two Campus Donations
The only report received from the
campus were two sums amounting to
$25 and $20 from Mosher and Jor-
dan Halls. Nothing has been turned
in from any of the fraternity or so-
rority houses, but Rabbi Heller is
hopeful of hearing from them soon.
Letters were sent out to the Inter-
fraternity Council and the Panhel-
lenic Association this week, and con-
tributions are to be turned in under
the house name. All student dona-
tions will go towards making -up the
$2,000 for the Student Emergency
Relief Fund provided for by the com-
munity Fund and to be distributed
through the office of the dean of
Rabbi Heller said that it would be
hard work to raise the remaining
sum, but declared that he was very
hopeful of reaching the set goal in
view of the reasons stated above. Last
year the drive lasted a month before
the goal was obtained.
Hitler Rejects

Proposes Plan
Nazi Chieftain Says He
Must Have Other Than
'Parliamentary B a s is'
BERLIN, Nov. 23-(A)-Adolf Hit-
ler, today rejected President von Hin-
denburg's conditional offer of the
Chancellorship and at the same time
made a counter-proposal of his own
which may lend to another confer-
ence between the two leaders.
After deliberating on the question
for more than a day Hitler wrote the
President that he could not "under-
take to solve the governmental crisis
on a purely parliamentary basis," de-
claring they were impossible because
of the reservations made by von Hin-
denburg when he asked Hitler to be-
come chancellor.
In offering the Chancellorship to
Hitler, the President had stipulated
ihatnh me mnr ahi a mmnriuey _v a


Pre-Professional, Upperclass
Students Are Foes Of Tradition
By BRACKLEY SHAW of state institutions in the number
Undergraduate traditions at the of out-of-state students drawn to the
University of Michigan have been campus by the type of work offered,
gradually disappearing during the Mr. Yoakum says.
last two decades because of the great Included in the pamphlet is a
proportional increase of upperclass- small-sized reproduction of an etch-
men and pre-professional students, ing entitled: "One Part of the Mich-
according to an article by Prof. Clar- igan Creed." This creed has been
ence S. Yoakum, vice-president of the specially prepared by President Alex-
University, in a bulletin being dis- ander G. Ruthven as a statement of
tributed to the alumni by the bureau a proper and constructive relation-
of alumni relations. ship between the University and the
More than 70,000 copies of this bul- alumni.
letin are being sent out to all of the In an article entitled "Curriculum
living alumni of the University. In Revision in the College of Literature,
addition to the article by Professor Science and the Arts," Dean Effinger
Yoakum, articles have been included explains the new requirement that all
by Dean John R. Effinger of the lit- students must specialize in some sub-
erary college, Shirley W. Smith, vice; ject during their junior and senior
president and secretary of the Uni- years.
versity, Dean Henry M. Bates of the - Mr. Smith in an article "How the
Law School, Prof. Harrison M. Ran- Reduced Income Works Out," tells
dall of the physics department, and how the University met the reduction
Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students. of $738,000 in appropriations which
Besides pointing out that the stu- faced them last spring.
dent population has shifted propor- A general exposition of the grad-
tionally from the first years of under- uate work of the Law School in re-
graduate status to upperclass and search and of the plans of the school
graduate status, Professor Yoakum for the future are included in Dean
remarks upon the decrease in the Bates' "The Law School and Legal
proportion of out-of-the-state stu- Research." In "The Symposium in
dent during the past ten years. Not- Theoretical Physics at the Univer-
withstanding the decrease in per- sity," Professor Randall tells of the
centage of these students from 47 per accomplishments of the annual sum-
cent in 1910 to 33 per cent in 1930, mer gathering of prominent physi-
the University still stands at the head cists here.

Possible Reform
Township And

ration Of

Pr of essor s
Make Report
On Counties

Democrats Will
Consider Be er
Bills On Dec. 7
Farm Relief Program To
Get Speedy Attention,
Party Leaders Say
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23.- -)--
Moving swiftly after informal con-
ferences with President-Elect Roose-
velt, House Democratic leaders an-
nounced today that hearings on the
proposals for legalized beer will start
immediately after Congress convenes.
Democratic leaders"also announced
that all efforts would be made to
enact a farm relief program as speed-
ily as possible. Beer and farm relief
were advocated on the legislative pro-
gram which Gov. Roosevelt discussed
in conferences with his party leaders
last night.
The decision to open beer bill hear-
ings on Wednesday, Dec. 7, was
reached at a meeting of nine mem-
bers of the Ways and Means Com-
mittee held just as Mr. Roosevelt's
train was passing out of the Capital.
The five Democrats and four Re-
publicans were together nearly an
hour, during which they discarded
suggestions for pre-session hearings.
The meeting was summoned by
Rep. Rainey, the Democratic leader,
and Chairman Collier, of the Com-
mittee. Both attended the several
conferences between Roosevelt and
his Party's congressional leaders and
both had conferred with Speaker
Garner, the vice-president-elect.
Rainey declined to say whether his
action was taken on the suggestion
of Roosevelt, but did tell newspaper-
men the Governor "certainly would
like to see more revenue coming in."
Though some members left today's
committee gathering with the under-
standing the first formal meeting
would be held the day after Congress
convenes, Collier later said he pre-
ferred allowing another day for the
routine opening activities.
Collier said the committee would
consider "such revenue plans as come
before it, including a tax on beer."
Rainey stressed beer as the prime
object of the forthcoming meeting.

To Seek Cuts,
In State Taxes


Farm, Relief Vital
S, Comstock Says;
Slash Expenses

(Associated Press Staff writer)
Property tax reduction will take pre-
cedence in the administration pro-
gram to be laid before the next leg-
islature, Governor-elect William A.
Comstock indicated today.-
Buried deep in the woods of the
deer country-but not secluded, for
Democratic leaders and job-seekers
pour in upon him hourly-Comstock
is considering the problems which
will confront him.
He continually stressed his belief
that relief for the owners of farms
and homes ranks as a most vital
issue. A dual policy of retrenchment
and fund diversion may be recom-
mended by the next executive.
He believes state governmental ex-
penses can be cut sharply. He thinks
that if tax or fee money is being
spent for any activity which could be
eliminated without harm to the peo-
ple that money should be diverted
into channels which will cut the tax
"The state property tax should be
reduced-it should be eliminated if
such a course is possible," Comstock
said. "I have not completed my study
of state finances. I have not yet de-
termined whether funds are available
which would permit absolute retire-
ment of the state levy. It seems ill-
advised, however, to spend a cent of
the taxpayers' money for non-essen-
tials at a time when farm and home
owners are losing their holdings be-
cause they cannot pay their taxes.
"Every non-essential expenditure
should be halted and the money
should be used to retire taxes."
Comstock did not state what he
considered non-essentials. He was
not prepared to say whether he
would advocate a shift in highway
finances, nor whether new sources
of revenue will be proposed.


R e p o r t Describes
Existing Conditions
Michigan Believed To Be
Typical State For Study
Of Governmental Costs
Possible state-wide reformation of
township and county governments is
seen as a result of a report that is
being prepared by a committee head-
ed by Professors Thomas H. Reed and
Arthur W. Bromage, of the political
science department.
The report, which will consist of a
description of existing conditions and
recommendations of bettering them,
will be submitted at the next session
of the legislature.
The committee has directed exten-
sive investigation in six typical coun-
ties in the state. Men have been sent
into both thickly and sparsely set-
tled areas to gather sufficient data
for thorough understanding of state
Included in the report will be a dis-
cussion of the natural resources in
each of these six counties, their in-
dustrial possibilities, population, and
public indebtedness.
The report will recommend unifi-
cation, merging, and reorganization
of governmental units for the reduc-
tion of taxes.
Professors Bromage and Reed are
also members of another committee
that is studying the possibility of
consolidating counties under the ex-
isting system of state administration.
These two committees are co-oper-
ating with a number of others in
conducting an inquiry into county,
township, and school district gov-
eti-ment in Michigai.
More than 77 persons have been
employed during the past two years
by these committees in their several
surveys. $5,000 has been provided by
the Michigan legislature and $20,000
by the Laura Spellman Rockefeller
Foundation. The Foundation sup-
plied these funds because they con-
sidered Michigan a typical state,
and hence appropriate for the study
of current nation-wide mounting
governmental costs.
Lytton Report
Change Is Hit
By' Japanese

These Students Really Stdy
S -They Have Plenty Of Time

Objection Overruled By
League Council; Japan
Assails Commission
GENEVA, Nov. 23.-(A)--Over ob-
jections by Japan the council of the
League of Nations invited the Lytton
commission today to take up the
question of changing or adding to its
report on the Manchurian conflict
between Japan and China.
The suggestion was first made by
Eamon de Valera, President of the
Irish Free State, who is serving as
chairman at this council session. Vo-
suke Matsuoka, special Japanese en-
voy, immediately protested, asserting
that the commission was incompetent
to discuss anything which had been
said about the controversy after the
submission of its report.
This objection was overruled. The
Earl of Lytton, head of the investi-
gating commission, was called to the
council table where he said that in
accordance with the council's wish he
and his colleagues would seek tomor-
row to decide whether they wished
to make any explanation or amend-
The invitation was extended in or-
der that the commissioners might
have an opportunity to make any
changes or additions they might con-
sider desirable in the light of the ob-
servations made by both parties to
the dispute since the reports has been
before the council.
Oldest Surgeon Of State
li Osteopathy Is Dead

At least one of Prof. Gail E. Dens-,
more's speech classes can boast of an
attendance record that approaches
perfection. Maybe the fact that they
are inmates of the Michigan State
Prison at Jackson has something to
do with the case, but' at any rate
Professor Densmoreusays they are
model students in spite of that fact.
In a radio speech over the Uni-
versity Broadcasting Service program
yesterday, Professor Densmore point-
ed out that the inmates of the State
Prison are most regular in their at-
tendance, strange as it may seem.

of being able to take advantage of
these educational opportunities.
Studying at the prison, said Pro-
fessor. Densmore, is the only salva-
tion of the inmates, faced with neces-
sity of undergoing the severity of
prison discipline, the monotony of the
prison routine, and personal remorse.
Professor Densmore declared that
the prison maintains a school for un-
educated men, the classes being
taught by better educated inmates.
In reply to a question which many
people .ask him, he denied that he
carries a gun while he is in the prison
and asserted that he ha., nrn c

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