1 9
The Weather
Rain or snow, slightly war-
mer Wednesday.
gilt AIgaz
Should Michigan Accept A
Rose Bowl Invitation?
U I.
Men Must
CUean Up
'Liquor Situation' Subject
Of Interfraternity Group
Council Meeting; Potter
Asks Obedience To Law
Parents' Complaints
Are Cause Of Probe
Action Taken Two Years
Ago 'Mild If Compared
With Possible Results Of
Existing Situation'
Fraternities face drastic action by
the University authorities unless they
"clean house" with regards to the
liquor situation, declared Nathan S.
Potter, president of the Interfrater-
nity Alumni Council, last night,
speaking before the Interfraternity
The meeting was called to discuss
"the drinking at fraternities after
President Alexander G. Ruthven no-
tified executive members of both
councils that complaints had:come to
him from parents of students con-
cerning the matter.
"If the undergraduate members of
the fiaternities do not realize the
gravity of the situation, the alumni
of the respective homes do," Mr. Pot-
ter said. "Observing the liquor laws
is only a matter of self-preservation
for the fraternities.
Fraterity Responsibility
"It is up to us as fraternity men
to clean up our houses," Mr. Potter
told the delegates to the meeting,
"and it's going to- be too bad if we
don't. The action taken by the Uni-
versity two years ago will be mild in
comparison with what will happen if
we don't do something about it"
Dr. Ruthven will be forced to take
action if conditions do not improve,
Mr. Potter said. The complaints that
he has received place a responsibility
upon him which he cannot avoid,"
he said.
"The University means business
this time," said Paul Kempf who is
a member of the executive board of
the alumni group, and agreed with
Mr. Potter that something must be
done soon to avoid University action.
Fraternities Closed Elsewhere
"Other Universities have closed
fraternity houses for possessing
liquor," said H. Seger Slifer, when the
question was brought before the
meeting whether the University had
the authority to take such action.
"The administration has been fa-
vorable to fraternities, Mr. Potter
said, and it is to the advantage of
the houses to co-operate with them.
No action was taken by the Coun-
cil, but Edwin T. Turner, president,
advised all delegates to take the mat-
ter up with their respective fraterni-
ties. Turner stated that he agreed
with Mr. Potter's stand and warned
the delegates to realize the gravity of
the situation.
Two Mielian
Men Conceded
All -nAierican
Experts Give Williamson,
Newman Possible Posts
On Mythical Eleven
NEW YORK, Nov. 22.--(&)-In a
college football season marked by the
performers' emphasis upon team play,
rather than the individual exploit,
the experts have been bequeathed a
fine skein of all-American yarn to
The job of fitting together a com-
posite eleven representative of the
country's best gridiron speed, power,
and brains is a source of the head-
aches this fall because of an unusual
shortage of definitely outstanding
Meanwhile reports gathered by the
Associated Press for its eighth an-
nual all-American concensus have
developed the players most heavily
favored for all-star recognition in the
major sections of action. Here's how
Moral Right Of Coeds To Enter
Union Door Is Won By Debaters
The co-eds had to admit that they
were not ladies and that they were
not beautiful, but they won their de-
bate with the men students last night
and with it, the moral, if not the
practical, right to enter the Union
through the sacred front portals,
Iwhich tradition rules, shall not be
soiled by a co-ed's foot.
The women, members of Athena,
were first informed by the debaters
of Alpha Nu, men's society, that the
typical co-ed had the face of a Za-
zu, Pitts, the figure of a Marie Dress-
ler, and the voice of a Bull Montana.
The last sanctity of the Michigan
Man would be violated if co-eds were
allowed to enterA heUnion by the
f ront door, the Alpha Nu debaters
said, and the beauty of the Union en-
trance would be completely lost if
women students were seen framed
in the doorway.
The co-eds replied that if the Un-
ion entrance was beautiful, it com-
plef ely lost this aspect when it wasj
screened by the monstrosities which
make up the male student popula-
Alpha Nu members pointed out
that when women are given a foot,
they want a mile, and that if the wo-
men were given the two feet that ex-
tend over the threshold of the Union
front entrance, there would be no
telling what they would demand
"They not only would interfere
with the checker games and other
athletics thatmgo on in theulobby,"
one of the men said, "but they
might even intrude into the swim-
ming pool and we would have to reg-
ulate our apparel accordingly."
The co-eds pointed out that they
already used the Union's swimming
pool at different hours from the
men's and were completely satis-
fied with the existing arrangements.
"We would not reqtfest co-education-
al swimming," said one.
The men backed their arguments
in regard to the looks of the Michi-
gan co-ed with a graphic drawing.
After making several shady refer-
ences regarding the private life of
the Michigan woman student, the
men were warned by Athena to
watch their step because there "are
several naive freshmen in the audi-
ence who might not understand."
The final verdict of the judges of
the contest was unanimous. They
said that the "men were dirtier and
funnier, but the women won."
Hines Seeks
Solution For
Administrator Of Veteran
Affairs To Present New
Plan To Committee
Wishes Immediate
Payment In Cash
Advises Abolition Of Some
Allowances Now Being
Made To Veterans
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. -- (")-
Busy around the conference table
with his aides, Frank P. Hines, vet-
eran administrator, is seeking to map
a way out to settle the bonus ques-
tion along the line of immediate pay-
ments of the cash surrender value of
the service certificates.
Swell Fund To
$25,000 Total
Faculty Members Help In
Ann Arbor Community
Drive To Aid Poor
Latest reports last night showed
that the Community Fund had reach-
ed a total $25,451 on the fifth day of
the campaign. It is hoped that $63,-
938 will be brought in before tomor-
row morning when the drive officially
closes with .the Union Thanksgiving
service at the Church of Christ Dis-
Several large gifts have come in
amounting to $100 or more. Chief
among these is $2,000 contributed by
one individual. In addition to 1,000
tons of coke which the Washtenaw
Gas Company has already given, and
another 1,000 tons which will be giv-
en before the winter is over, it has
donated $750. The Detroit Edison
company has pledged $900, an in-
crease of $250 over last year. This
does not represent contributions of
Due to the present economic situa-
tion, pledges in the Big Gift division
have been considerably diminished
over last year. However, the Com-
munity Fund has received $500 and
$550 from new contributors.
"We are urging everyone to bring
in as much as he can," Miss Edith
Owen, executive director, said, "so
that we can get some sort of an idea
how the drive is progressing and how
long it will last." The headquarters
of the Community Fund will remain
open until 9 p. m. Wednesday to re-
ceive late reports of the workers. If
the total amount is not obtained by
tomorrow the drive will be continued
until the sum is raised.
A number of faculty members have
been assisting in the drive. Captains1
of the soliciting teams are: Dr. W. E.
Forsythe of the Health Service, Miss
Esther Belcher of the elementary
school, Prof. Robert D. Brackett of
the Colleges of Engineering and Ar-
chitecture, Prof. T. J. Mitchell of the
College of Engineering, Prof. E. F.
Barker of the physics department,
Shirley W. Smith, vice-president and
secretary of the University, and Fr-'
nest V. Jotter of the School of
Forestry and Conservation. Miss+
Elizabeth Robinson is taking care of
contributions in the Health Service
and Robert J. Greve, assistant di-
rector of the University hospital, is in
charge of soliciting there.
Eugenie Chapel To Act
In Civic Theatre Play
Eugenie Chapel, '32, who was prom-
inent in student dramatics before her
graduation last spring, will be cast
in a supporting part in "Best Years"
opening Nov. 25 at the Bonstelle
Civic Theatre in Detroit, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Robert Hen-
derson, who recently took over the
management of the theatre.
Miss Chapel played in Ann Arbor
last year in Molnar's "Olympia," in
Freshmen Will
Meet With High
School Heads
Principals To Come
For Conferences
Former Students
Between 40 and 50 high school
principals from all parts of the state
will convene here Dec. 8 on the in-
vitation of the University for con-
ferences with their former students
now enrolled as freshmen.
The conferences, which have been
arranged by Ira Smith, registrar,
annually for several years, provide
an opportunity for educators in sec-
ondary schools to learn first hand
t h e difficulties confronting their
Invitations are sent out to the prin-
cipals and upon their acceptance the
freshmen are notified by the registrar
of the times of their individual con-
ferences. Although these are primar-
ily for first year men, upper class
members are invited to visit the prin-
cipals of their respective high schools
during the one day meeting. A com-
plete list of the schools to be repre-
sented will be published when it is
The principals will bring with them
the scores which their graduates
made on the examinations given dur-
ing orientation week. The freshmen
have been provided with blanks upon
which they may submit to the prin-
cipals the difficulties which they have
encountered which may be attributed
to secondary education.
Jungle Fanaticism Is
Wide Spread ITe Detroit
DETROIT, Nov. 22.-)--A raid
Tuesday on a fantastic "temple," and
the arrest there of a Negro who styled
himself "God of the Asiatic Nation,"
gave support to detectives' theories
that an ignorant element of Detroit's
Negro population is being deluded by
an ominous new form of jungle fa-
This weird religion, which includes
certain aspects of both voodooism
and Mohammedanism, is blamed by
police for the "sacrificial" murder of
James J. Smith a member of the
Uncommunicative as to details,
Hines and his subordinates have de-
termined that whether the proposal
is to be recommended depends on
finding methods of supplying the
funds. A total in round figures of
$1,879,000,000 would be involved.
Detaills Unknown
The details of their plan are un-
likely to be known before presenta-
tion to the joint Congressional' com-
mittee set up at the last session to
J study veterans' legislation. Veterans'
administrators thought to make clear
that Hines' ideas were directed pri-
marily at showing the way in which
the actual value of the bonus cer-
tificates could be paid if Congress de-
The administrator and subordinate
officials in the veterans' agency had
been making a thorough survey of
the whole field of benefits being re-
ceived by veterans with a view to for-
mulating a definite policy of striving
to eliminate or fix an appropriate
limit to the further national liabili-
ties in this direction.
May Abolish Allowances
Among the methods discussed for
providing funds to pay the cash sur-
render value was the abolishment of
all allowances now paid veterans for
disabilities not of service origin.
Under this scheme the money saved
would go into a sinking fund.
A sinking fund was set up orig-
inally to retire the $3,514,000,000 total
of the 3,544,251 outstanding certifi-
cates when they mature in 1945.
Keep Silence
On Roosevelt-
;Hoover Talk
Extension Of Moratorium
And War Debt Revision
Problems To Face
Present Congress
40-Word Statement From
White House Confer-
ence Reports 'Progress'
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22.--(/P)
While silence cloaked an historic con-
ference between Herbert Hoover and
Franklin D. Roosevelt, rejection of
pleas for an extension of the Mora-
torium and no definite promise to re-
vise war debts stood forth tonight as
the probable answer America will give
European debtor nations.
That the decision will be put
squarely up to the present Congress
was the outlook.
Statement Is Issued
The conference that went on be-
tween the President and the Presi-
dent-elect under the twinkling cha-
deliers of the red room brought a 40-
word statement from the White
House. This said:
"The President and Gov. Roosevelt
traversed at length the subject men-
tioned in their telegraphic communi-
"It is felt that progress was made"
"The President confers with the
members of Congress tomorrow when
the subject will be further pursued."
In inviting Mr. Roosevelt to the
White House, Pres. Hoover had listed
not only the debts but also disarma-
ment, and the coming world economic
conference as subjects for their con-
Meetings Are Arranged
Before Mr. Hoover speaks with
Congressional leaders, the President-
elect will have an opportunity -to talk
with the chieftains of his party in
the national legislature. Meetings
were arranged for late tonight and
tomorrow. He attended a dinner in
his honor at the National Press Club
this evening.
In their discussion of the ramifi-
cations of the debt question, the
President and the man who has been
chosen to succeed him surveyed also
the problem of the makeup of the
American delegation to the economic
Student Council
Names Cantrill,
Elliot, EolestonE
Burgess, Briggs Elected
To Junior Posts; Kirby
Chosen Forestry Head
William Elliot, Hawley Egleston,
and Cecil Cantrill were chosen from
the senior class to be members of the
Student Council at a meeting of the
Council held last night, Joseph F.
Zias, Council president announced.
The defeated candidates in the
senior class were John Townsend,
JohrL Thomas, and Carl Nelson.
In a close vote throughout the bal-
lot, Richard Briggs and Charles Bur-
gess were chosen from the junior
nominees over Gilbert Bursley, Albert
Newman, and Samuel Greenland.
Senior Forestry elections yesterday
resulted in the election of John 0' B.
Kirby to the presidency, Florian G.
Spoden for vice-president, Ernest V.
Brender for secretary, and John J.
Van Akkeren for treasurer, Zias said.
Junior Forestry elections are to be
held at 2039 Natural Science building
at 9:45 a. m. today.
Councilmen Alistair Mitchell, '33E,
and Richard Racine, '33, were ap-
pointed by Zias as advisers for the
Soph Prom at the same meeting.
Old College Building Is
Burned As Students Sing
BETHANY, W. Va., Nov. 22.-(P)-
Bethany H o u s e, ninety-year-old
building on the Bethany College cam-
pus, was -destroyed by fire last night
while a band of students sang "Keep
the Home Fires Burning" and "Hail,
Hail, the Gang's All Here."
The revelers hampered the work
To Lead Wolverines
1933 Seas(
Stan Fay Elected
Football C aptain
Free Shows; Glass
Door Is Shattered
Two rampant mobs numbering
thousands last night surged against
closed doors of the Michigan and
Majestic theatres 45 minutes before
the doors were open-shouting, push-
ing, crushing, and in one instance
crashing bodily through the glass,
doors that held them back.
The streets before the two houses
were filled with a fringe of the crowd
that thundered a testimonial of the
popularity of Michigan's Western
Conference championship.
A smashed door at the Michigan
and a broken showcase at the Ma-
jestic testified to the impatience of
the students who, a few minutes
later, filled the seats to capacity,
lined the walls, and sat in the aisles.
They saw "Trouble In Paradise,"
or rather tried to see it. Bedlam and
confusion reigned from start to fin-
ish. The newsreel monologue was to-
tally drowned out in catcalls and
Seniors Begin
C 1 a s s ification
Next Monday
Rich Plans To Have Job
Finished By Christmas;
Complete Schedule Soon
Classification for next semester for
Seniors in the literary, music, and ed-
ication schools will begin Monday,
VTov. 28, if materials now with the
printers are ready at that time, ac-
,ording to a statement made yester-
lay by Prof. Daniel L. Rich, director
f classification.
"If the printers' work is not com-
pleted by that time," said Professor
Bich, "classification will start as soon
is the materials are delivered; at any
gate an official announcement will be
:ssued later this week."
As in past years a separate period
or classification by members of each
,lass will be set aside, the juniors,
sophomores, and freshmen following
the seniors in that order.
Classification is earlier this year
and it is Professor Rich's plan to
have it completed prior to the Christ-
mas holidays, after which the usual
fine of $1 will be levied against late
Each class will have several days
set aside during which its members
must classify, and a period of a few
days immediately before the holiday
vacation will be reserved for classifi-
cation by any class members who
could not classify at their scheduled
Under this new time arrangement
classifying will be thus limited to a
more definite period and will not be
allowed to drag along.
Schedules of final examinations for
the current semester are not as yet
available at the classification office.
Columbia Thesis
Declares 'Smelling
Cork' Dangerous
NEW YORK, Nov. 22.-"Smelling
the cork" is quite sufficient to senc
any number of otherwise normal in.
dividuals off on a "tear," according tc
the thesis submitted by a Columbi
University student for a master's de-
gree in philosophy. "Intoxicating
liquors," says the author, "are a
means of attaining the ineffab
existence of eternal bliss."
In discussing the effects of alcohol
upon human behavior he says, "some
people, especially college youths, are
so susceptible to the powers of sug-
gestion that the mere sight of a bot-
tle of champagne, the 'pop' of a cork,
or the flowing of the sparkling elixir
into a glass, is enough to change
their moods drastically."
In his research, the author found
14 per cent of the students found al-
cohol to be a stimulus, 82 per cent a
depressant, and four per cent weren't
sure. These results cannot be taken
on their strictest face value, however,
Fiske Chosen Manager;
Sterling, Duffy, Dudley,
Hilty Will Have Assist-
ant Manager Positions
Attendance Figures
Show Small Drop
New Captain Typical of
Michigan System; Ma
Call Signals; Chances Of
Rose Bowl Game Hazy
Stanley Fay, '34, of Detroit, star
halfback of the 1932 Michigan foot-
ball team, was elected captain for
the 1933 season yesterday by 25 let-
Ray Fiske, '34, of Buffalo, was
elected manager of next year's team.
His Junior assistants will be Gale
Sterling, of Detroit; George Duffy, of
Bay City; Jack Dudley, of Battle
Creek; and Carl Hilty, of Birming-
ham. Valentine Saph, of Marine Cty,
was chosen as alternate.
Typifies Michigan System
Fay may be characterized as a
player typifying the "Michigan sys-
tem." He is a pass defense in him-
self, as opponents have already ear-
ed. He is a sure 'tackler, the best
blocker on the team, a fine, inspira- .
tional leader, and is considered fast
and elusive.
A regular backfield man for the
past two years, Fay is conceded a
better than even chance to gain the
signal-calling position next year,
either from the conventional quarter-
back post or possibly as a halfback.
He is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi
fraternity. -
"I feel highly honored," Fay told
The Daily last night, "but I con-
sider other members of the team just
as deserving. I feel pretty good about
it all."
Attendance Drops 5,000
The Michigan football teamn this
fall came within 5,000 paid admis-
sions of equaling its 1931 attendance.
Last fall 228,000 persons paid to see
the Wolverines in action, and the
1932 cash customers numbered 223,-
Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chairman
of the Board in Control of Athletics,
announced last night the paid at-
tendance at games during the season
just closed as follows: Michigan
State, 34,170; Northwestern, 40,854;
Illinois, 21,022; Princeton, 27,815;
Chicago, 24,459; Ohio State, 40,000;
Indiana, 10,000; and Minnesota, 25,-
000. Ohio State, Indiana and Min-
nesota games were played away from
Ann Arbor and the figures are con-
servative estimates.
Professor Aigler pointed out that
total income from football, for which
figures are not yet available, will be
reduced by slightly more than the
jifference between 228,000 and 223,-
000 paid attendance indicates, since
ticket prices for several games were
less than in 1931.
Rose Bowl Game Hazy
It was further learned that mem-
-ers of the squad were not "getting
'ery excited" about the prospects, as
'et hazy, of a game in the Rose Bowl
dew Year's day. Fielding H. Yost,
lirector of athletics, was rumored to
'e in favor of Michigan's participa-
lion in such a game, but the players
.re seemingly resigned to an unfa-
lorable attitude on the part of other
iNestern Conference teams and of-
Latest Is sue Of
Technic To Go
On Sale Today
The Michigan Technic for Novem-
ber will go on campus sale this morn-
ing and Friday morning, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Richard N.
Cogger, '33E, editor.
Featured articles in this issue in-
clude "The Pedersen Semi-Automa-
tic Rifle," by Harold P. Hessler, '33E;
"Properties of'Molding Sand," by Al-
lison B. Evans, '32E; and "Remedies
500 Gallons Of Cider Needed To
Celebrate Properly Back In '12
When they gave a party in the old
days they didn't fool. No, sir!
At the last Union football smoker,
held in the fall of 1912, they had
more than 2,000 students present
and over 500 gallons of cider.
This year the smoker will be re-
vived to take the place of the foot-
ball banquet which has been custom-
ary since the 1912 affair. This year's
smoker will take place 8 p. m. Nov.
30 in the Union ballroom.
At the same party back then they
gave free packages of cigarettes to
completed a term as governor of
Michigan, was the principal speaker
at the smoker. He said in part, "You
fellows are not going to see your Uni-
versity go back into an athletic affil-
iation where she cannot walk inde-
pendently with head erect. Michi-
gan is going to stand alone if neces-
,. She will affilate and join forces
with other schools when that course
is eminently honorable."
The other speakers at the affair
were Edmund C. Shields, '96L, who