THE MICHIGAN DAILY [ICHIGAN DAILY Established 1890 -i N fFfJ Sy ftflD C t tyq iR u i'j SYPNF c «3, '-' Tp4 a; J - t ew~uaix. u Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Coiference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMIVBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is- exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatchles are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second cIa ss matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publishers Representatives, Inc; 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, EDhTicALSTAF nation. And it is a well known fact that von Schleicher has been the virtual dictator of Ger- many for some months past, Von Papen having been a puppet of the military leader. Now, the question naturally arising from a con- sideration of these facts is, exactly what is the case for the dictator? There are those in America today who are growing just a bit dubious as to the efficacy of Democracy; they see the dictatorship as a possible means of centralizing and uniting the various bickering political elements which, under the present regime, seem totally unable to work in harmony. What is the case for the dictator-or against him? The answer is this: America is not ready for a dictatorship. To American ideals, such a gov- ernment would be highly repellent. Socialism is feasible; not only is it feasible, but it is rapidly becoming a logical form. But dictatorship is not socialism. Dictatorship, as tested by various nations in Europe, has been demonstrated to be an iron gauntlet, pressing on the necks of the people. The nations who are beneath the thumb of a dictator think they are happy and peaceful; they are peaceful, but not happy-merely blissfully igno- rant of the true state of affairs. In Italy, Mus- solini has taken over most of the government functions, and dominates those cabinet offices which are not actually his. Russia is little better than a huge production plant. Poland alone has a logical excuse for being what it is: it is neces- sary there that its internal structure be built up to a point where individual suffering and poverty may decrease, and Poland take her rightful place among nations of the world. The final result of a military dictatorship is this: the essence of individual initiative is sapped until there is nothing left of it. Conceive, if you can, the United States without individual initia- tive. A huge factory-a government wherein en- terprise is sacrificed in order that the country may present a more united front to the world. We believe in a certain amount of government supervision over individual enterprise-more, in fact, than now exists-so as to promote a higher degree of individual security. But, essentially, the fact of individualism must stand. It cannot, under a dictatorship.I EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MAAGING EDITOR.............FRANK B. GIBRETH CITY EDITOR........................KtARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR.................JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR.................MARGARET O'BRIEM ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR.......MIRIAM CARVER NGHT EDITORS Thon~s Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, 'John W. Pritchard. C. Hart Schaaf,NBrackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charlms . Barndt, James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald F. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson, Albert L. Burrows, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter. William G. Ferris, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewvett, George M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, George Va Veck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White. Eleanor B. Blum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan Frances Manchester, Marie J Murphy, Margaret C. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Weston, Harriet Spess. BUSINESS STAFF- Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...........BYRON C. VEDDER CREDIT MANAGER...................HARRY BEGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......DONNA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts Orvl Aronson; Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Shnacke -Ci- oulation, Gilbert E. Btrsley; Publications, Robert E. Minn. ASSISTANTS: TIheodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume, Alen Knuus, Russell Read, Lester Skin- ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward. Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Buelah Chapman, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Virginia Hartz, Catherine Mc- Henry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried, Kathryn Stork. TUESDAY, NOV. 22, 1932 Football Profits And Athletic Costs . . A CCORDING to an official an- nouncement through the sports publicity department, which appeared last Satur- day in The Daily, the Board in Control of Ath- letics will not make any retirement payments this year on stadium bondSs. This announcement, which conveys the impression that the Board is finding it difficult to finance the stadium, has caused a great deal of speculation. Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chairman of the board, has pointed out, in an open letter to The Daily, that the term "stadium bonds" is unofficial and misleading. He explains that the bonds were is- sued some time ago, when Michigan's intensive athletic program was begun, to finance, in addi- tion to the stadium, the intramural building, im- provements on Palmer Field House, the golf course and generaly improved equipment in the other major and minor sports departments. Football, far and away the biggest money-earn- ing sport, has financed these bonds in addition to providing revenue for the maintenance of most of the other sports. Football attendance in the past has been so large that over and above carry- ing these expenses the Board in Control has been able to retire some of the bonds. The drop in attendance this year has forced the Board to choose between further retirement of the bonds or elimination of part of the current athletic program. Since the bonds are not due until 1946 anyway, the Board has made the obvious choice of discontinuing for the present theretirement pay - ments. There has hence been in no sense a de- fault. In his letter to The Daily Professor Aigler justly criticized as "grossly misleading" the headline in The Daily on the original account. Our headline read "Athletics Fail to Support Stadium Costs." In the light of the above information it is obvious that this headline is not correct; stadium costs ARE being met, We submit, however; that this error was not due to us. The official statement of the sports pub- licity department spoke only of "stadium bonds." We believe that it is pardonable to infer that the term "stadium bonds" refers to bonds on the sta- dium. Inasmuch as a number of other newspa- pers, to our knowledge, made a similar error, we recomnend that in the future the sports publicity department use more precise language. Europe-A Continent Of National Dictators ... with greedy eye looked at them and set an eye. on them. And day by day, month by month, year by year by the most wicked and un-Christian methods drained India's wealth and squeezed the ,food out of her children. Now let us examine one of the innumerable tatements made by Englishmen themselves. Lord Clive says "of the marvelous riches of that coun- try, and comparatively small part which I took away, I am astonished at my own moderation." Such were and are the morals of our protectors. Now looking at the btidget of India set up by British Raj, the government has shown a national debt of India by thirty-five million in 1792; as we advanced in years the government has shown a remarkable improvement in their graft by increas- ing the national debt to five hundred million in the year 1860, and in the year 1929 this amount increased to three and a half billion dollars and in 1930 FOUR BILLION DOLLARS. I leave it to the readers to decide the efficiency of the British Government. There are innumerable statistics as above but space and time compels me to limit with the aforesaid. Now if we turn our attention for a minute or two to the Indian forces we find India has 204;- 000 soldiers which appropriate 64 per cent of In- dia's net income. They are kept in good form, not to keep out the festive Afridi or Afghan. P'ethaps the following instance might' explain why they are kept. The afternoon of April 13, 1919 was sunny and pleasant. 10,000 Indians gathered in the Jalinwal Bagh and were celebrating a religious festival. The inhuman, barbarous, brutish General Mich- ael O'Dyer was notified of the gathering. He fur- iously agitated over the peaceful, unarmed gath- ering of the 10,000 men, women and children; ordered his men, who are fed by the blood of the Indians to keep them safe from the invaders: marched with machine guns and turned them toward these people through the only outlet of that enclosure and ordered to be fired. The sol- diers did fire till the last ammunition was shot. imagine, a flood of blood, running like a stream, the wounded and the dead were not allowed to be taken care of. Think a moment of the atrocities of a civilized modern government. The General was given an enormous amount of money as bonus for his unspotted patriotism and above all when he reached England he was rewarded with a diamond sword. Justice! There are several other instances to be spoken of but I feel this will suffice one to understand why the Raj keep a good army. Now think for a moment what Gandhi says for all these things. Win evil by good and it has proved to the Intelli- gentsia of the world that India is going to win her battle for right of living with justice and liberty by NON VIOLENCE. -K. P. Idiculla. COLLEGE OF TIE CITY OF NEW YORK'S PRESIDENT ROBINSON It is not in the honor or glory of the IUniversity of Michigan to invite, as a speaker here, so illib- eral a president as Frederick Robinson of the C. C. N. Y. Mr. Robinson may know all about education. He does not know the first essen- tial of life with reference to his attitude toward students. Surely the students cannot have any ;respect for such a man. Can the faculty? Mr. Robinson should no longer occupy the chair of - any university. He should be fired in a hurry. -A Citizen and a Taxpayer Screen Reflections Weather man says: TYPEWRITERS - PORTABLE NA SGotdr.H-and, Rebilt, si .ACorona, Noiseless,' 314 S« State St., Ann Arbor. , .. I . i alaCp u . Foremost Popular Plaice To Dline ! (at Reasonable Prices) LUNCHEON . . . . 35c DINNER . . . . 65c - 75c - Our Prompt and Service Courteous Gives Satisfaction Let it come ! So long as your feet are Warm and dry, there's no need to fear "Old Man Winter". Go to the Ball-Band dealer to- day. Let him fit you with rubbers, gai- ters or arctics-so comfortable and warm that your feet will laugh at snow drifts and puddles-so trim and smart that they challenge your daintiest shoes. And remember Ball-Band footwear gives longer wear. Be sure to ask for Ball-Band by name and look for the Red Ball trade-mark be- fore you buy. Mishawaka Rubber & Woolen Mfg. Co.; Mishawaka, Ind BANLBAN BUILT-T0-THE-FOOT " RUBBERS " GAITERS ARCTICS'" SANDALS." CANVAS SPORT SHOES 106 South Main WIN Phone 5515 W- The Farmers and Mechanics Bank For over forty-eight years the savings, corn- mercial and trust departments of this institu- tion have served the people of this territory. We invite you to let us serve you as well. FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 100 ENGRAVED CARDS and PLATE, $1.75 - Any Style - AVIS & OLINGER 109-111 E. Washington St. Phone 8132 Second Floor State St. at Nickels Arcade Main and Huron Sts. .. 6 Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily.'Anonymous comnuneatlons will be disregard- ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief. conning themselves to less than 300 words if possible. MPRE SSIONS OF POLAND ro The Editor: I have received numerous requests from my Former class-mates, and former instructors, ask- 1ng me to send a shortnarticle to "The Daily" concerning my impressions in Poland. I have tried to make the write-up as short as oossible, and yet interesting. I am sure that the faculty members will be pleased to know that .heir names are known abroad; and also, that football contests between Michigan and other teams are a source of wild enthusiasm. My impressions of Poland began with the mo- ment I entered a Polish train in Berlin, a few weeks ago. The striking difference between the Polish and German trains was to be found only in the passengers; in the former, I found mostly Poles returning from foreign countries; whereas the latter boasted of a rich mixture of nationali- ties. Warsaw, itself, was the next object of interest. As a city, it didn't remind me of any town in the United States. It hasn't got the traffic, the sky- scrapers, nor the splendour of our theatres. But, it has a luring charm that is all its own. You will find it in its narrow, cozy streets; in the aubdued gayety of the evening crowds; and in, what I consider the greatest attraction of all, their "dorozki," (horse and carriage)-used in preference to taxis. On almost every corner one runs across a "cafe," where delicious pastry can be bought very reasonably. Their jazz-bands provide delightful music for the patrons, who either dance, or gossip over their coffee-cups. Since the "talkies" have replaced the silent films, many musicians have lost their employment. An former times, they played soft music as an accompaniment to the picture that was being shown. Now, these same musicians go from yard to yard, playing the latest pieces, singing the lat- est "hits" and receiving slight reimbursement. There are only two motion-picture studios in Poland, those being the D'Alben and the Fallanga studios. The former is the newest and largest one. However, American "talkies" are liked best of all. Although there are no organizations that even faintly resemble our fraternities and sororities, yet the University of Warsaw boasts of an excel- lently organized "Aero" club, whose members build their own airplanes. Letters of introduction which I received from Dr. R. L. Kahn before my departure, proved how very well known some of our "Michigan" profes- sors are: Their research "papers," and contribu- tions .to science are well known to Polish scien- tists. Last, but not least, the very few of us who are here in Warsaw, and who at the same time can call "Michigan" our alma mater, take off our caps to such a wonderful football team as we have this year. We are mighty proud of their victories! -Marie Gwiazdowski, '31 Krucza 21; Warsaw. t1 FREEMAN'S DINING ROOM One Block North from Hill Aditorium A REAL THANKSGIVING DINNER ROAST TURKEY AND OYSTERS 65c including all the trimmings PROMPT SERVICE - EXCELLENT FOOD Serving Michigan Men and Women for the Twenty-ninth Year I I CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS ._ __ _ _.A i Four stars means a super-picture; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MICHIGAN "RAIN" *A SUPERB STORY SUPERBLY DONE THE PRINCIPALS Sadie Thompson ........ Joan Crawford The Rev. Davidson ..... .Walter Huston Sgt. Tim O'Hara, USMC William Gargen Joe Horn ..................Guy Kibbe All too infrequently some producer brings forth a moving picture that leaves the observer at the finale shivering in a gooseflesh of awe at a piece of truly remarkable acting. Such is "Rain." This is the picture you won't forget; it's a pic- ture destined to rank as one of the truly great,1 perhaps the greatest of 1932. It ranks with the truly great contemporary stage productions, whence, of course, it comes. The story of "Rain" is too well known generally to need repetition. It is the story of a woman of the San Francisco streets who comes, a fugitive Irom justice, to bleak, rainy Pago Pago. Cooped up with her in fat, amiable Joe Horn's general store-hotel are a fanatical sky-pilot known as the Rev. Davidson, his typical missionary wife, and an unidentified member of his entourage, probably I nis daughter, who has brought with her the level- neaded, toothbrush-mustached medico to whom she is affianced. Briefly, the missionaries are shocked with the antics of Sadie and plot her downfall in a cal- culating, cold manner that is marvelously acted oy Walter Huston. Then, when the sky-pilot's prayers have hypnotized Sadie into an agony of artificial repentence for her sins, her looks and she throbbing of native drums and the fact that she is now an innocent girl become too much for Davidson. The finale will grip you. If the wailing strains of an unusual rendition of "St. Louis .lues" on Sadie's phonograph don't chill your every nerve you're impervious to a lot more than the reviewer. Crawford transcends her previous acting; Hus- con plays a revolting part in a manner which earns him a place in the first rank of the screen; Gargen as the Marine sergeanu e u Kibbe, unfortunately limited forever to the same vype of role, makes a very good paunchy, blowsy trader. Paul Tompkins' organ offering, "Thanksgiving," f a FewC nwl! An essential feature of the Laundering serv- ice offered y the Varsity is care in the handling of your clothes. Our equipment is the most modern and designed to minimize wear. Then too, we use Ivory Soap exclu- sively. Phone 2-3123 For Call and Delivery Service E T14E T 4 9 UROPE is rapidly becoming a con- WHAT INDIA RECEIVED E tinent of national dictators. A FROM PARENTAL PROTECTORATE ce at the map shows Italy and Russia pre- To The Editor: aent in the list; but Poland is another power I can prove and show what India and her sons ch, although headed by a dictator, confining and daughters most generously received from the f chiefly to internal adjustment, nevertheless so-called parental protectorate of the arogant