The Weather
Gjenerally fair; warmer. Wed-
niesday unsettled, rain probable.
Ll r e
Sitr igan
Football Profits and Athletic
Costs; Europe-A Continent of
National Dictators.
Poison Food
Rumor Said
To Be False
Forsythe Declares There
Are Only A Few Mild
Cases On Campus
Only Two Cases
Need Supervision
Epidemic Of Influenza
Common In Neighboring
Cities, Doctor Avers
Rumors of an epidemic of "food
poisoning" among residents of Mosh-
er-Jordan Halls were spiked last
night by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, di-
rector of the Health Service, who told
The Daily that a few mild cases of
acute enteritis were under supervision
at the dormitory but that the condi-
tion was not serious..
The story apparently originated
with women rooming in the two dor-
mitories, who declared that "between
35 and 50" residents were victims
of intestinal influenza. -
The denial of the rumor was also
verified by Inez V. Bozorth, director
of Mosher-Jordan Halls, who said
that only two cases among more than
400 women required special care last
Epidemic Is Generalt
In his statement to The Daily, Dr.F
Forsythe said that there had beent
a minor epidemic of the disease
throughout nearby cities as well as
on campus during the last month,
but that the number of cases in any
one dormitory was not considered out
of proportion to the number of resi-i
dents. He pointed out that the dor-e
mitories, which house about onet
third of the women on campus, aret
well adapted to the control of such
situations and that special dietaryr
regulations have been put into ef-
Miss Bozorth estimatedthat morec
than 50 cases of gastro-intestinal up-
sets had been reported at Mosher-
Jordan Halls since Nov. 1, but only.
three were serious enough to requirea
special attention, she said.
Cause IsObscureL
Enteritis is frequently accompan-
ied by acute respiratory infections,
according to Dr. Forsythe. Thet
cause of the condition, he said, isd
obscure and the source of cases is
difficult to determine. Few if any of
the cases reported on campus haveC
been accompanied by fever, and theyr
respond readily to treatment, he said.r
Dr. Forsythe urged students affect-
ed with digestive disturbances to re-t
port to their medical advisors, ac-I
cording to the usual practice, thoughc
he indicated that he did not considero
he danger of a general epidemic ser-U
ious. The treatment for enteritis, hec
said, consists usually of a restrictionC
of diet to vegetables, frits, and iced
foods, and an increase in the amount
of drinking water.
Michigan Band,a
Glee Club Give U
Detroit Concertl
Forum Speaker
Hitler Balks
At Conditions
Of New Deal
Hoover Host'
To Roosevelt
In Debt Talk
Government Breaks Up Radio
T1UUM5.ww A fuX- cca*of 1 Tve I
Members Say
Athletic Board
Would Accept
Rose Bowl Bid
Tells Hindenburg He Will President Has Prepared
Co-Operate Only In Gov- Definite Program; Has
ernment Led By Himself Two Talks With Mills
Says Restrictions i1Czech Government
William P. Hapgood, president of
the Columbia Conserve Company, ad-
dressed a forum in Lane Hall yes-
terday afternoon.
'Pot' Movement
G o e s forward;*
Re lies Hopeful
Fear Of Action By
Chapters Causes
To Withhold
Petitions to rid the campus of the
"pot tradition" have been distributed
to more than 30 pledge classes with
assurance from the men taking them
that they will be heartily endorsed
by the respective first-year men of
each fraternity.
The reason why more pledge
classes have not taken them, accord-
ing to the chairman of the group
sponsoring the movement, is that
they fear action by the active chap-
The organization has collected
more than $40 from those interested
to carry on the movement which will
continue until the objective is
reached. "We will continue to circu-
late these petitions," said the chair-
man of the group last night who is
withholding his name, "until we do
away with the tradition." He also
urged that freshmen not affiliated
with fraternities join in the move-
The petition, which is to be re-
turned to Box 365 by noon, Wednes-
day, reads:
We, the members of the Pledge
Class of Fraternity for the year
nineteen-hundred and thirty-two, to
nineteen hundred and thirty-three,
desiring in no way to thwart the
plans and wishes of our active chap-
ter of the student council, but be-
lieving that the tradition of pots be-
came archaic with the transition of
our institution from a college to a
university, acknowledging that the
custom of pot wearing puts an ob-
stacle in the way of new men making
our University their home, and real-
izing that this outworn tradition
finds its active support only among
a very few fraternities, do hereby
pledge ourselves to the abolishment
of pots not only now while we are
freshmen, but during our stay in the
Debate T e am
Is Victorious
In First Match
Varsity debaters won their first de-
ision debate of the season last night
'efore an audience of 200 in the Lab-
)ratory theatre when the Michigan
negative team was awarded the de-
ision over the affirmative squad of
he College of the City of Detroit. Dr.
3. F. McKay of Michigan State Nor-
nal, Ypsilanti, was the single expert
judge. The subject of the debate was,
"Resolved: At least 50 per cent of all
Mtate and local revenue be derived
from sources other than tangible
Debaters for the Detroit affirma-
ive team were: Garnet Garrison,
Donald Miller, and David Goldman;
for the negative, James L. Moore,
urad., Victor Rabinowitz, '34L, and
Nathan Levy, '33L. The chairman for
she debate was Charles B. Brownson,
Varsity affirmative debater. The
Michigan team was coached by J. H.
Are 'Too Narrow'
Nazi Leader Leaves Way
Open For Later Accept-..
ance Of Ministry Offer
BERLIN, Nov. 21.-(rP)-After nine
years of striving, Adolf Hitler today
received a mandate from President
von Hindenburg to form a Cabinet,
but it was under conditions which,
immediately at least, he could not
The Nazi leader had a fifteen-min-
ute interview with the aged Field
Marshal in which, a Government
communique said, he "declared him-
self most emphatically to the Presi-
dent of the Reich that his party could
co-operate only in a Government led
by himself."
The President handed him a writ-
ten memorandum setting forth that
certain things in the Reich must not
be tampered with if the Nazis took
I over the Government, and late to-
J night Hitler replied with a letter in
which, it was understood, he empha-
sized that the restrictions expressed
by President von Hindenburg were
too narrow.
The contents of the Hitler letter
were not made public, but it was
learned that the Nazi leader did not
close the door. The way for an au-
thoritarian presidial Cabinet under
Hitler leadership still could be estab-
lished, he said.
Crowd Of 5,000 Greets
Team At Station Sunday
More than 5,000 students and
townspeople greeted Michigan's vic-
torious football team on its return to
Ann Arbor Sunday with one of the
biggest receptions given a team in the
past decade.1
In spite of the cold, cars jammed
the area around the Michigan Cen-
tral railroad station so that traffic
could not move for several minutes.
The band led the players, in a spe-
cial bus, to Angell Hall where a cere-
mony welcoming the team home took
place. Captain Ivan Williamson was
presented with a silver loving cup by
Joseph Zias, '33, president of the Stu-
dent Council, in behalf of the student
body for leading the team to the Big
Ten championship.
Coaches Fielding H. Yost and Har-
ry Kipke were present and gave short
talks, Kipke introducing the members
of the team present to the students.
Seeber Defeats DeBaker
In Business Ad. Election
Roy M. Seeber was elected presi-
dent of the junior Business Admin-
istration students yesterday when he
defeated Charles DeBaker by a vote
of 24 to 20. At the first election held
last week, both candidates for the
presidency tied which made it neces-
sary to run another election yester-
SONORA, Calif., Nov. 21.-(P)-
Three gold miners, all from one fam-
ily, were dead here today, victims of
gas which overcame them in a shaft
of the Saratoga Acres mine. Joint
funeral services will be held tomor-
As k suspension
President M a y Propose
War Debt Commission
But Aids Are Opposed
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21.- (P) -
Prepared for tomorrow's momentous
debt talk with Franklin D. Roosevelt,
President Hoover tonight held ready
to place upon that conference table
a definite program possibly to in-
clude recommendations for revival of
the war debt commission.
Even as the chief executive round-
ed out his plans in a series of par-
leys with his seconds and advisors,
however, renewed opposition to the
recreation of the debt commission
resounded on capitol hill.
Meanwhile, also, another twist was
added to the already complex debt
problem as Czechoslovokia deposited
at the state department-alongside
those of Great Britain, France, and
Belgium-a note asking suspension
of its $1,500,000 payment due Dec.
Secretary Mills, who will assist the
President tomorrow, conferred twice
with him today. Whether Mr. Hoo-
ver may abandon his previous spon-
sorship of re-establishing the debt
commission in the face of heavy con-
gressional opposition, the treasury
secretary would not say.
Mills foresaw three possibilities as
arising from tomorrow's meeting, a
joint program evolved by the Presi-
dent and the President-elect, a pro-
gram sent to capitol hill by Mr.
Hoover, o- suggestions given by Mr.
Roosevelt to Democratic leaders and
enacted by Congress.
Details of the chief executive's
plans for dealing with the foreign
debt tangle were as closely guarded
as ever during the day as he confer-
red for more than two hours with1
Secretary. Stimson and even longer'
with Mills.'
Economics Student Will
Talk On The Sales Tax
"The Sales Tax" will be the sub-7
ject of a talk to be given by Niel
Staebler, graduate student in eco-
nomics, at 8 p. m. today, in the Mich-
igan Union, before one of the educa-
tional meetings of the Michigan So-
cialist Club.
These meetings, which take place
every Wednesday night, are open to
all interested.
WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. 21.--(')
-The Government today broke up
what it characterized as a combina-
tion in restraint of competition in the
radio industry.
In a constant decree signed in the
United States Court for Delaware,
complete divorcement was ordered of
the General Electric Co. and the
Westinghouse Electric & Manufac-
turing Co. from The Radio Corp. of
These concerns, the Government
charged, prevented competition in
radio and other closely allied fields
by means of intercorporate agree-
ments and an involved system of
cross-licensing of radio patents.
Ends Two-Year Fight
The decree, terminating more than
two years of effort looking toward
a settlement of the suit without trial,
ordered the General Electric and
Westinghouse companies to dispose
of one-half their stock in the Radio
Corporation within three months and
the balance of it within three years.
What effect the decree will have on
the management of the concerns in-
volved could not be learned from the
attorneys in the case. However, in a
statement to stockholders, David Sar-
noff, president of the Radio Corp.,
"In separating from the General1
Electric and Westinghouse Electric
& Manufacturing Companies, the
Radio Corp., through its established
subsidiaries and with their present
personnel, will continue to function
as heretofore in trans-oceanic com-
munication, in the radio manufactur-
ing industry, in broadcasting and in
the entertainment field."
Deny Law Violation
In consenting to the decree, the
defendants wanted it understood that
they were not admitting they had
violated the federal laws. The Gov-
ernment, in a statement, however, as-
serted that facts it alleged were true
and that the defendants had violated
the anti-trust laws.
The two electric companies were
enjoined from acquiring stock in the
Radio Corp. in the future. All their
representatives of officers on the
board of directors or other commit-
tees of the Radio Corp. are required
to resign within 10 days, with the ex-
ception of Owen D. Young, chairman
of the board of General Electric, and
Andrew W. Robertson, chairman of
the board of Westinghouse. They, the
decree stated, may continue to serve
for five months.
"The primary object of the suit,"
Warren Olney, Jr., of San Francisco,
special assistant to the Attorney Gen-
eral, told the Court, "has from the
beginning been to dissolve the rela-
tions between the defendants where-
by the Government charged that
competition between them in the ra-
dio and certain closely allied fields
was prevented."
Western Conference M
Allow Michigan To PI
California Game; PI
To Meet Dec. 3
Michigan Greatest
Undefeated Tea:
Harvard Head
Resigns Post
In 76thYear
President L o w e11 May
Finish Session Before
Ending Career
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 21.--(j)
-A. Lawrence Lowell, president of
Harvard University for 23 years, re-
signed today.
President Lowell, who is almost 76
years old, indicated that he would'
prefer to serve until the close of the
current academic year.
He has been the twenty-fourth in a
line of Harvard presidents which ex-
tends back to Henry Dunster in 1640
and his term of office has been ex-
ceeded only twice. Charles William
Eliot, his immediate predecessor,
served 40 years.
President Lowell graduated from
Harvard in 1877, receiving an L. L. B.
from the same institution in 1880. He1
practiced law in Boston for a num-
ber of years, and assumed the posi-
tion of professor of the science of
government at Harvard in 1900. From
this position he was elevated to the
presidency, which he has held con-
tinuously since then.
He is a well-known authority on
political science, and is the author of
numerous books on that subject.
Campus Liquor
Situation ill
Be Discussed
Campus Clubs
Protest Doak
Student Rulings
Petitions Circulated Here
Opposing New Foreign
Student Restrictions
Petitions protesting the recent
Doak rulings, which restrict employ-
ment of foreign students, have been
formulated on the campus here by
representative student organizations
and will be presented to Congress by
Martin Mol, president of the Univer-
sity Republican Club, it was an-
nounced yesterday by John Khalaf,
33L, who is in charge of the project.
The S. C. A., the Wesley Foun-
dation and the Graduate Student
Forum of the Methodist Church have
already signed the petitions. Other
campus groups are expected to fol-
low suit within the next ten days,
Khalaf said.
Student sentiment against the
Doak rulings is, in a way, in its in-
fancy here on the Michigan campus.
The opposition here has only re-
cently organized.
The student papers at Cornell and
Columbia have been carrying on a
vigorous campaign to further the re-
vision of this ruling. Petitions have
been drawn up at these institutions
and it was reported that hundreds of
students had signed. The results of
these protests have not yet been de-
A copy of the resolution passed by
he State Student Christian Asso-
-iation conference Sunday is given
here in its original form.
WHEREAS WE, an Intercollegiate
"onference of the Michigan State
Student Council of the Y. M. and
Y. W. C. A. in session at Ann Ar-
bor, Michigan, November 19th, 1932,
representing twelve Colleges and one
hundred and seventeen delegates,
hold the Doak Resolution pertaining
o the restrictions of employment for
oreign students to be: (1) detrimen-
tal to the spirit of wbrld brotherhood
a.nd peace; (2), opposed to our Amer-
ican conceptions of justice and cour-
tesy; (3), unjust and discriminatory
and, (4), denies us of the rich cul-
ural contributions and international
fellowship made possible by foreign
tudents in our midst, do respectfully
protest the adoption of this Resolu-
Aon and demand that any provisions
>r implications of it now in force be
immediately withdrawn.
Voting Fraud Claimed
In Delaware Election
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21.-(,)-
Two of its agents told the special
House elections committee today they
had observed voters in Wilmington,
Del., receiving money at polling
The witnesses were D. J. Williams
and Joseph A. Callahan. The latter
Wolverines I n a u g u r ated
First Rose Bowl Games
In 1902; Beat Stanford
49 to 0 in 51 Minutes
Although Michigan has not been
asked to participate in the Rose Bowl
football game to be played on New
Year's Day in Pasadena, Calif., sev-
eral members of the Board in Con-
trol of Athletics indicated last night
chat,in the event that Michigan
should be invited to participate, they
vould be in favor of the game.
Despite news articles from Pasa-
dena stating that Michigan would be
'ked to play, the Board last night
>ad received no communication from
he officials of the annual classic.
The Daily was informed that the
ntercollegiate Conference of Faculty
Representatives, which is composed
if one faculty member from each Big
Ten college and decides athletic poll-
ies for Conference teams, might ap-
rove of the game providing that
,%ichigan. received the coveted invi-
The Faculty Conference will meet
'sec. 3, but in the opinion of authori-
ties, the invitation will be extended
to Michigan or some other team prior
to that time.
A member of the Board stated last
tight that he did not think that any
big Ten team would be asked to play
at a Rose Bowl game unless the au-
thorities on the West Coast were rea-
sonably sure that the Conference
would allow the team to accept.
Michigan and Stanford Inaugurat-
ed the Rose Bowl games back in 192
when Coach Fielding H. Yost took 15
"iron men" to the west coast and
Rose Officials Silent
On Choice Of Teams
PASADENA, Cal., Nov. 21.-P)
-Tournament of Roses football
officials. were, noncommittal. to-
night when informed the Michi-
gan football team and the student
body favored their appearance in
the annual New Year's Day game
As always, the western team will
be selected first, at a meeting of
Rose tournament officials and lo-
cal sports writers. The western
team will extend an invitation to
the eastern opponent only when
that school has indicated unoffi-
cially it is willing to accept.
The practice in the past, which
will be followed as usual this sea-
son, has been for Rose Bowl offi-
cials to send out feelers to the in-
stitutions in the east and south
whose teams have turned in re-
markable performances on the
The western college or univer-
sity is informed as to which of
these schools are willing to accept
the invitation and the matter of
closing the game rests entirely
with the Pacific Coast institution
and not Rose tournament officials.
used only 11 of them in the game
which resulted in a 49-0 victory for
Michigan. The Stanford team con-
sisted of 25 players, but 9 minutes
before the end of the game, the de-
cision was given to Michigan because
all available substitutes on the Cali-
fornia team had been injured.
Furthermore, Michigan seems to be
the logical contender because it is
the largest of the unbeaten and un-
tied teams. Michigan, Brown, Au-
burn, and Colgate share the honors
in the east but Brown and Colgate
will play Thursday, eliminating one
of them, and it is doubtful if Au-
burn, a southern team, would be ask-
ed to play as, in the past, several
teams from its section of the coun-
try have represented the East.
Notre Dame, a team usually con-
sidered, has been defeated and, as it
is nlaving a name nn th wst nat
Students Are Invited
To Attend Free Show
All students are invited by Jerry
Hoag, manager of the Michigan
theater, to attend a free show at
9 p. m. today at either the Mich-
igan or Majestic theatre. Identifi-
cation cards are necessary to gain
admittance, and everyone, except
members of the team and band,
is requested to stay outside the
roped off areaat the front of the
Michigan theatre.
The picture will be "Trouble in
Paradise" with Kay Francis, Her-
bert Marshall, Miriam Hopkins,
Charles Ruggles, and Edward Ev-
erett Horton.
Inter - Fraternity
Meets Tonight
Over Drinking
To Talk.
Open Winter
At Chevrolet
Inaugurating their winter concert
performances the band and glee club
were in Detroit last night where they
participated in the program for a
meeting of the district sales man-
agers of the Chevrolet Motor com-
pany at the Statler hotel. Arrange-
ments were made for sending num-
bers by the glee club over a nation-
wide radio hook-up, and the "Vic-
tors," presented by the band, opened
and closed the motor company's pro-
The band played several pieces
complimenting various sections of the
country, and the "Victors" will be
used extensively during Chevrolet
sales campaigns this year.
A great year for the glee club was
predicted yesterday by Prof. David
A. Mattern of the music school. He
declared that T. Hawley Tapping,
general secretary of the Alumni as-
Alpha Nu Defends Right To Bar
Women From Union Front Door
With the campus liquor situation
slated for discussion at the Inter-
fraternity Council meeting tonight,
officers of the Councilpredict per-
fect attendance.
Several members of the Alumni In-
terfraternity Council will be present
to discuss'the matter with the stu-
dents. According to reports the situa-
tion has precipitated from complaints
made to University officials and the
alumni group that excessive drink-
ing has been going on at fraternity
The meeting tonight, according to
N. S. Potter, president of the alumni
group, is not to force any action on
the houses, but merely to discuss the
situation with the fraternity men.
Tonight's meeting will be the first
at which the regular delegates will be
acting in their official capacities. Ed-
win T. Turner, president of the
Council, said last night that fraterni-
ties which have not yet appointed
regular delegates should do so at
once. These men will represent their
fraternities on all matters brought
before the Council until the end of
You can't tell a woman anything.
You can point to tradition and
remark that it just isn't done, or
you can trot out rules, regulations,
and by-laws by the dozen, but it
won't do you any good.
Women, it seems, are not permitted
to pass through the front entrance
of the Union. For a long time the
subject, always a thorn in the side
of feminine guests at Union dances,
has lain dormant, but tonight an
old fire will flame anew when mem-
bers of Athena, women's forensic so-
Debaters for Athena upholding the
affirmative of the proposition are;
Gladys Baker, '33, Alice Gilbert, '33,
and Martha Littleton, '34. Defend-
ing the rights of Michigan men, on
the Alpha Nu team are; Robert S.
Ward, '35, Charles Rogers, '34, and
Charles B. Brownson, '35.
Alpha Nu holds a slight edge in
the contest, having defeated the sis-
ter society of Athena for the last two
years by proving that "co-eds are
inhuman" in 1930 and seizing upon a
damaging admission that "Michigan