MICHIGAN DAILY ed Y I are stadium bonds only in name. Perhaps they are stadium bonds in the sense that it is expected that the stadium will provide the means for ulti- -nate payment. Money derived from these bonds ,an no more be said to have been devoted to the building of the stadium than to the building of she Intramural Sports Building, the golf course, rt ';the Womens' Building and Palmer Field, etc. -Ralph W. Aigler. v ,: Chairman, Board in Control of Athletics. j > "ri t a ' Screen Reflections F'ur str means a super-picture; three stars very -. .:P jgood; two stars good; one star just anothi ftJIaNn 'aI'm a me:tr$7 iker " -- no stars keep away from it. Published every morning except Monday during the AT THE MAJESTIC University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control :of Student Publications. 4.&., "THE BIG BROADCAST" Member of the Western Conference Editorial Assocla- . tion and the Big Ten News Service. GOOD SHOW FOR M4EMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS RADIO LISTENERS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use or republication of all nkevs dispatches credited to it or McWinne y.Stuart not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news publishedherein. All rights of republication of special The Girl .... . .............LeilaI dispatches are reserved..TeGl........ea Entered at the PostOffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as Radio Crooner..........Bing second cais matter. Special rate of postage granted by Radio Artists ............Network Thir'd Assistant Postmaster-General. Subsciption during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, Radio has turned out its masterpi $150. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by year. With a few exceptions, the cr mail, $4.50. ya.Wt e xetos h r Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Columbia Broadcasting System's talen Ann Arbor, Michigani. Phone: 2-1214. } Representatives: College Publishers Representatives, gathered together in "The Big Broadca Inc. 40.E ast Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 makes fine entertainment if you like Byiston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenueithe Burns-Allen comedy team, and it I Chicago. teBrsAlncmd em n ti her picture; The Theatre By GEORGE SPELVIN HENDERSON SCORES AGAIN WITH BRILLIANT 'MAN IN POSSESSION' Robert Henderson's audience at the Bonstelle Civic theater in Detroit was highly enthusiastic at the opening of his production of sI. M. Har- wood's debonair comedy, "Man in Possession," Friday night. And justly so. Bright, scintillating, gay-those are the proper adjectives, I think. Jessie Royce Landis, Jessie Busley and Lester Vail, visiting New York stars, added to a produc- tion already fast and professional the requisite suave and mannered gaiety in the leading char- acters. Miss Landis, whose style of acting is high- ly individualistic, capitalized on her charming eccentricities of manner to take individual honors for the play from Mr. Vail and Miss Busley. Mr. Vail caught every comedy point expertly as it' flew by and deflected it at the audience, while Miss Busley scored heavily in the leading char- acter part. Mr. Henderson, who made his first appearance of the season in a small role, and Ainsworth Arnold were accorded minor ovations for two ex- cellent performances. Corner Division and Catherine Streets THE REV. SAMUEL 1111 South University Avenue ~~ ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ...:::.. ......:... . Thanksgiving and Christm GREETINGCARDS STUDENTS SUPPLY STORE S. MARQUIS, rector of Christ Church. Cranbrook, will speak at the 11 o'clock service. Dr. Marquis is one of the great liberal thinkers of today. Seniors . . For Your Convenience - tErwin Hyams Crosby k Stars ece of the eam of the it has been ,ast," which music and s still more like to see a Campus Sale of Suppose We Try FOSTER'S Tea Room 213 S. State SENIOR PICTURES EDITRILSTAFF Telephone 492; MANAGING EDITOR..............FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY EDITOR........................KARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR .................. JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR.............MARGARET O'BRJ ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR......MIRIAM CARVER NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kratt, John W. Pritchard; C. Hart Schaaf; Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newma REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles 6. Bardt, James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald, I. Blankertz, Charles- B. 'Brownson,- Albert L. Burrows, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter. William G. Ferris, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White. Eleanor B. Blum, Louise Crandall, Carol J. Hannan Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Weston, Harriet Speiss. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...............BYRON C. VEDDER CREDIT MANAGER..................HARRY BEGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......DONNA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications,. Robert E. Finn. ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroyznson, 'Fred rtriclc Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin- ner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward. Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Buelah Chapman, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Virginia Hartz, Catherine Mc- Henry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried, Kathryn Stork. SUNDAY, NOV. 20, 1932 The S. C. A. Conference: A Worthy Project. . COLLEGE students generally appear to be little concerned about their religious beliefs. In fact, it seems at times that they don't bother to think about religious ques- tions at all. The solution of such questions- of course, may best be left to the individual, and it is probably not the business of any campus organization to tell the rest of the students what to believe. But it is encouraging to find that a part of the college body is enough interested to discuss religious phil- osophies. Religion in this era often appears to be of minor importance. It is easy to see why many people neglect to define their philosophies. At the same time, it is regrettable that so many students, who probably will never again be in such a position to view religion without prejudice, are failing to co- ordinate the knowledge they are now acquiring in a clarification of their beliefs. True, it is too much to expect that even the most intelligent man can reach any final con- clusion on such an all-important problem. How- ever, the college, student, who is supposedly train- ing himself for life, should be attempting at least to achieve some fairly definite point of view from which to make f-uture judgments, That is why we feel that the religious confer-i ence, sponsored by the Student Christian Asso- ciation, is worthy of c0omenendation. The persons attending the conference may get no immediate, tangible benefit from the discussions, but they, are broadening their outlook-placing intellectual curiosity above mere dogma. enjoyable if you are a radio fan and on Campus, ii Angell Hall and University Hall your radio favorite in person y n. The story, in case you don't remember, centers The picture is a musical fantasy, with a bit about a handsome, but penniless black-sheep of a plot running through it, only serving, how-- member of a gloomy English family. Having mov- ever, to present the radio artists. Handsome Bing ed from Cambridge to gaol because of a small Crosby as a good singer, is a surprisingly good misdemeanor, on his release his family casts him actor, and his version of Please will set you out. As a "bum bailiff," or assistant sheriff's offi- whistling. cer, he is placed in the home of an attractive, George Burns, as president of the radio station, equally hard-up young widow. Not strictly in the and his wife, Gracie Allen, as a very dumb and line of duty, he consents to relieve her embarrass- talkative stenographer, are as good as usual. If ment before her fiance and his family by imper- you like the Boswells and their minor harmony, sonating her butler. The fiance, revealed as his you will probably like their new arangement of I brother Claude, and his family are chilled with re- "Crazy People." spectful horror to find their black-sheep in butler's Both Arthur Tracy, the Street Singer. and clothing. But the lady, romantically inclined, lets Bing Crosby make a hit out of "Here Lies Love," him make good his title of the "man in posses- a really nice tune. If you haven't already seen the sion," he routs all rivals, including his brother, Mills Brothers in person you have a treat in store and makes off with her to some far corner of a for you when they sing "Tiger Rag" and their presumably better world. own "Goodby Blues", trumpet, tuba, one guitar, The play will continue at the Bonstelle through and four voices with perfect ease and harmony. Thursday, with a mtinee on that day and a Cab Calloway, the heigh-di-heigh-di-ho gentle- Sunday night performance at reduced prices. nth. Maw MONDAY ONLY, NOV.21 CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS 11 I . THANKSGIVING man from Harlem, and his orchestra, blaze glor- iously away at another tale about Minnie-the- Moocher. Vincent Lopez and his orchestra is the best we have heard them in a long time in a novelty number, which thankfully, is not a rumba. In spite of the good photography and direction, here were several poor digressions in the com- 3dy, and Very Large Kate Smith is disappointing. We'll stick to the radio to listen to her. Added: Fair Hearst News, and insipid "FirehouseI Honeymoon" comedy. -A. E. B. A Washington' I BYST°ANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON-Within a week after election several diminutive 1936 Republican presidential nomination booms began. That was an essential part of the much heralded reorganization talks among Republican leaders. The names that bobbed at once into print were chose of Ogden Mills of New York, Senator Dave Reed of Pennsylvania and Senator Charles Mc- Nary of Oregon. Such talk represents, of course, just a bit of wild guessing as to how the cat is going to jump. Off- 2and it would seem that Secretary Mills' chances were not brightened by the leading role that fell to his lot in the 1932 Hoover campaign. 'IFS' OF 1932 Had Mr. Hoover been re-elected, Mr. Mills would have been sitting pretty indeed. He would have )een almost certain to have Hoover's support in 1936, and that, all by itself, would have been a :ong step toward a nomination. But Mr. Hoover was not re-elected, and that :nakes the Mills 1936 outlook a bit dubious, to say the least, at this writing. Editorial Comment REGULATIONS FOR COEDS The regulation governing Northwestern's coeds fairly groans with the medievalism which char- acterized early university coeducation. Late per- missions, granted only Friday and Saturday with Wednesday as a possible substitute, necessitate a coed's leaving any hotel where she is attending a dance before it is over in order to return to the sorority quadrangle by 1 a. m. This frequently interrupts the enjoyment of others with whom she may be double-dating. Sophomores and jun- iors who wish to attend the theater on a week night forfeit a late permission. If a coed wishes to stay out until 12:30 a. m. Wednesday, she must stay in one of the following date nights. This system of forfeitures and balances may seem to indicate leniency but in reality it is unwarranted regulation. And the result of this careful supervision on the part of the university "for the scholastic good of the girls" and "because parents write letters de- manding mole severe rules'' is educationally a failure. A student of college age should be mature enough to be given the opportunity of budgeting her own time and acquiring knowledge on her own initiative without prodding of W. S. G. A. boards and house rules. Certainly developing in- dependence along these lines is an important part of a student's education. VALUES Liberal discounts are being offered all this week on FICTION, NON-FICTION, NOVELTIES. STATIONERY, FOUNTAIN PENS, AND DO NOT DELAY! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS WEEK'S REDUCTIONS. An unusual opportunity to select GIFT VALUES while stocks are complete. "At Both Ends of the Campus" Slater's Two Campus Bookstores State Street East University Avenue Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous conimiuflations will be disregard- ed. The names of coinunicants will, however, be re- ga4rdecas cond ential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confling Utiientseives to less than 300 words'If possible. 'GROSSLY MISLEADING' HEAD ON SUBSTANTIALLY CORRECT ARTICLE To The Editor: The article on the front page of this morning's Daily dealing with the matter of the so-called "stadium" bonds was substantially accurate but the heading was grossly misleading. Inasmuch as many people, I fear, .get their news merely from the headlines, may I ask that you give this com- munication prominence in your paper? It is not the cost of the operation of the sta- dium that causes the least bit of financial em- barrassment to the Board in Control of Athletics, nor even is it the cost of football. If we had to deal only with the stadium costs and football expenses, we would have, even in such a year as this, a very handsome surplus. It must be remem-{ bered that in the neighborhood of $70,000 per year goes to the operation and maintenance of Senator Reed's name has often been flirted with ! in gossip as to presidential possibilities. In view of his steady "old guardism," revival of that talk now probably could be traced to those Republican stalwarts who are thinking in terms of moving ven more to the right in party policies, and of reaking away completely from those indepen-' cents of the senate who gave aid to the enemy, open or implied, this year. McNary is another matter. Despite his duties 3s assistant party leader in the Senate under Sen- ator Watson of Indiana, now defeated, the Oregon. senator managed to give glimpses of liberalism or near-liberalism at times, He is going to be a very important figure in the next congress as minority leader in the Sen- ate. He has experience, proven ability, and a per- ;onality that has made him friends on both sides of the aisle. ANOTHER ENTRY The Bystander sees still another 1936 possi- aility. The fact that former Senator James W. Wadsworth of New York, is a political come-back this year, having been elected to the House, where ais father once served, is worthy of note. As a senator he left behind him a deep impres- sion in Washington before he was defeated by Bob Wagner, Democrat, six years ago. Anybody would predict a successful House career for him. Wadlsworth could have had cabinet service as The regulation generally works this way. A coed having a chance for a date on a Friday night will take it regardless of Saturday classes because she has a late permission that night. Perhaps Thurs- day she has no classes all morning. Wouldn't it be more sensible for her to take the date on Wednesday night? But as long as she is bound by substitutions and forfeitures she loses her per- spective of evaluation and follows the rules set down for her by the W. S. G. A. board. A plan for lessening the restrictions of a stu- dent meriting less regulation could be presented on the basis of class distinction. Theater per- missions without forfeiting a late date could be granted to seniors, juniors and sophomores. Al classes could be given 2 o'clock permissions on Friday night and 1 o'clock permissions on Satiir- day night, the one to be substituted for the other whenever desired. Seniors could be given 12:30 permissions on both Wednesday and Sunday nights, juniors on Wednesday nights, with a pos- sible Sunday substitution, and sophomores on Wednesday nights by forfeiting a late date. The hours limits for week days now in use could be retained. The general reaction to such a plan is "it won't work." Yet even more liberal regulations success- fully work out at other universities. And a system of penalization for those who abuse the privileges, will make it work. If a student forgets to bolt the door, her permission for either Friday or Saturday night can be revoked for a certain length of time. If the scholastic average falls, the student is liable to greater restrictions. Why should those students who have balance be denied this added indepen- dence? '-Daily Northwestern A survey conducted recently at a California university indicates that twice as many indepen- dent men go through college unkissed as fraternity men. Which. we must admit. is iust another arau- 2 ES Here's DOUBLE Cleaning Value for the LADIES! Plain Silk or Wool-Miracleaned and Hand Finished I BOTH FOR ONLY C THIS WE EK ONLY! Cash and Carry, or Called for and Delivered for Cash We sincerely hope that every woman in Ann Arbor will have 'at least two dresses Miracleaned at Goldman Bros. this week. Because we realize that only an actual test can adequately tell the story of the marvelous freshness, lustre and beauty of Miracleaned clothes. The saving, too, will delight you. Stores Stores 214 S. State St. 1115 S. University """ __ .s : :".- 1 9 -" 113 E. Liberty 701 S. State