The Weather Cloudy, rising temperatures Sunday. Monday rain, warmer. Lg it ga aht Editorials The S. C. A. Conference A Worthy Project. w VOL. XLIHI 49 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOV. 20, 1932 PRICE FIVE E Christian Ideal Is Portrayed In Gandhi Life, DeclaresEddy Socialist Writer Attacks Country's Social Order In Evening Address To S. C. A. Conference Criticizes Military Expense Of World Give Speech Tonight In Hill Auditorium; Final Conference Discussion Set For This Morning "There are only five important men who are living outstanding Christian lives," said Sherwood Eddy yesterday afternoon at Lane Hall in a speech to the Student Christian Association conference on the World Challenge to Christian Leadership," and I con- sider Mahatma Gandhi the leading Christian of them all." According to Mr. Eddy, in his con- trast of Russia and India, "Gandhi, the Hindu, has come nearer to the Christian ideal than the rulers of any state in the world." In his evening address, Mr. Eddy pointed ,out many evils of our pres- ent social order. "One-tenth of the people in this country received two- thirds of our national income last year," said he, in describing the un- equal distribution of wealth. In Eng- land the conditions are even more alarming, for there one-tenth of the people received nine-tenths of the national income. As a result, the producers of goods do not have the wealth necessary to buy those prod- ucts which lie on the shelf, unused and unsold. Mr. Eddy also criticized the mili- taristic attitude of the world. "Over seventy per cent of our national ex- penses go to pay for wars, past and future." Other nations are repudiat- ing their debts, yet they are building up and maintaining a large army at what must be a tremendous ex- pense. In closing, Mr. Eddy summed up the situation of the world today. "The present system of individual gain is falling and dispersing in Germany before our very eyes. It has already fallen in Russia. We are doomed to the same fate, though it will come to us last, unless we act now. The or- ganized church has not remedied it in the last 1900 years. What can we as Christians do to improve the sys- tem?" Mr. Eddy will attempt to an- swer this problem in the concluding address of the conference this morn- ing when he speaks on the subject "Dare We Be Christians?" This final speech is scheduled for 9:30 a. m. The delegates will have their last meal together at noon, after which they will depart for home. There were 125 representatives from other colleges, besides the local students who were attending. Registration for the conference, re- quiring a fee of one dollar, is still open to those who wish to attend the concluding address this morning. The registration fee also included a six month's subscription to The World Tomorrow, a progressive weekly, of which Mr. Eddy is one of the co- editors. Opportunity is afforded .everyone to hear Mr. Eddy when he speaks on "Can We Still Believe in Religion?" at 8:00 tonight in Hill Auditorium. There is no admission price of any sort and the invitation to come is extended to everyone. The University of Michigan Girls' Glee Club will give two numbers, "Laudes Atques Carmine" and "Night Song." Two hymns, "0 Beau- tiful for Spacious Skies" and "God Send Us Men Whose Aim 'Twill Be will be sung by the whole congrega- tion with the Glee Club. Rev. R. E. Sayles will give the in- vocation. The convocation is present- ed under the auspices of the Student Christian Association, Jule Ayers, '33, presiding. Mol Praises Abbott In Cosmopolitan Club Talk Speaking at a regular meeting of the Cosmopolitan Club last night, Martin J. Mol, president of the Uni- versity of Michigan Republican club, Effect Of Tax A University Show By C. HART SCHAAF With the knowledge that the 15 mill limitation amendment has been ratified, every governmental institu- tion in the state dependent on a property tax has fallen to specula- tion on the extent to which its in- this been true at the University of Michigan. The amendment; provides that "The total amount of taxes assessed against property for all purposes in any one year shall not exceed one and one-half per cent of the assessed valuation of said property, except taxes levied for the payment of in- terest and principal on obligations heretofore incurred, which sums shall be separately assessed in all cases; provided that this limitation[ may be increased for a period of not to exceed five years at any one time, to notfipore than a total of five per cent of the assessed valuation by a two-thirds vote of the electors of any assessing district, or when provided. for by the charter of a municipal corporation; Provided further, that this limitation shall not apply to taxes levied in the year 1932." Teachers here are discussing the possibility of substantial salary re- ductions and the elimination of many teaching positions, and the students are wondering if and to what extent tuition may be increased. As Shirley Smith, vice-president and secretary of the University, has' pointed out, the results of the new amendment will not be felt during' the current school year. Speculation, however, which has for the most part' been concerned from the first with next year's repercussions, continues' rampant. In an attempt to obtain and pub- mendment Upon Mills States n Unpredictable That Budget lish an accurate estimate of the ex- tent to which the University's income W ill B euie will be cut, the Daily has interviewed ilB u Prof. E. Blythe Stason, of the law school, and Prof. Harcourt L. Caver-Ho er rd s Cai t ly, of the economics department. The oover Orders Cabinet sum and substance of their opinion Meeting; Departmental is that, for the present, no estimate Chiefs lRe ci of any nature is possible. iPledge Reuction Professors Caverly and Stason are willing to make a preliminary and Conference Lasts tentative prediction as to the extent to which the tax revenue of all gov- Nearly Two Hours ernmental units in the state will be decreased as a result of the new amendment combined with the pres- Secretary Wilbur Says In- ent deflated property valuation. Their terior Departlnent Can estimate is that the drop will be of about one third. Save Nearly $5,000,000 This figure, they make clear, will have no direct bearing on the sum After an extraordinary meeting of to be received by the University. Two the cabinet, called by President Hoo- sorts of unpredictables stand in the ver to discuss the federal budget, way of knowing this amount. These Secretary Mills today told newspa- unpredictables are the action which permen that budget figures would be the legislature will take and the in- forwarded to Congress "considerably terpretation that will be given the lower" than the $4,135,000 submitted amendment by the supreme court. last year. The state's share of the property After conferring for nearly two tax at present, including the Univer- hours, members of the official party sity's allowance, totals only about 3 % left the executive offices, saying that mills per dollar, Professor Caverly reductions in their particular expen- pointed out, and it is not inconceiv- ditures could be expected. able that the legislature will see fit Secretary Mills said that he had to- to let this tax stand as at present. day informed Chairman Byrnes, of There are no legal obstacles to this the House appropriations committee, course of action. On the other hand that the administration would "sub- the Legislature might completely do mit estimates you will find hard to away with its share in the property reduce." tax, and resort to other income sour- Presentation of the budgetary esti- ces. A number of such other sources mates by the administration and sub- are at present being drawn upon, for sequent activities by Democratic examples, the tax on gasoline. House committees last year and since The wording of the amendment is have caused repeated squabbles in s u c h, however, Professor Stason the political arena. points out, that the extent of these The deficit already this fiscal year sources cannot be determined until exceeds $700,000,000 and that prob- the supreme court makes a number lem has been getting attention ri- of important interpretations. In the valed only by the war debts. The treasury secretary said that (Continued on Page 6) actual expenditures of the federal government for the present fiscal -uyear would dun $53,000,000 more than tudent Council the $4,135,000,000 requested of Con- gress, which figure was reduced by Annoule m ent the House and Senate in actual ap- propriations made. * , "I want .to make it clear," Mills Sia sts Nom inees said."that this in rease in spending above the figures we submitted has been caused by a failure to make eco- Twelve Men Nominated nomies which were requested but not For Student Government' put into effect." Secretary Wilbur, one of the few Positions Yesterday cabinet members who would speak in _________definite figures said that he had Nominations for members to be shown the President today how $5,- elected to the Student Council were 500,000 could be saved in the interior made known yesterday after a spe- department. ~ial meeting of the Council. Postmaster General Brown said the meeting had brought "headway." For Senior nominees are John Carsten, the current fiscal year, his depart- John Thomas, John Townsend, Wil- ment has estimated that it could save liam Elliott, Hawley Egleston, Cecil $41,000,000 and he said it would ac- Cantrill and Carl Nelson. tually save $55,000,000. Junior nominees are Gilbert Bur- sley, Albert Newman, Richard Briggs, Death Claims Author Of Samuel Greenland, and Hugh Grove, '34E. Jones Law In Home State It was also decided at the meeting to send Joseph Zias, president, to the SEATTLE, Nov. 19.-(P)-United National Students. Federation of States Senator Wesley L. Jones, America convention, to be held from chairman of the senate appropria- Dec. 28 at 31, at Tulane University. tions committee, died here early to- Elections of the senior class in the day. The senator, who was defeated Forestry School will take place at for re-election Nov. 8 by Homer T. 3:15 p. m. Monday, it was announced Bone, Tacoma Democrat, was 69 at the meeting.I years old. L' C E t F Newman' s Field Goal Gives Michigan Conference T0tle; Students Will Greet Victo Ceremony To Be. Campus; Band' Parade F r o m Held On To Head Station Champions of The West FINAL STANDING Free Show Is Set For Tuesday Night Williamson Will Receive Cup; Team's Train To Arrive Here At 3:30 Welcoming Michigan's "champions of the west" back to AnnA rbor to- day, students will gather at 3:30 p. m. at the station to escort the play- ers to the campus where Capt. Ivan Williamson will. be presented with a silver loving cup. The band will head the parade up State Street followed by Williamson and Coaches Fielding H. Yost and Harry Kipke riding in one of'the city's police cars. The players will ride in a bus which has been secured especially for the purpose by mem- bers of the Student Council. The ceremony will take place on the steps of Angell Hall where speeches will be made by both play- Michigan ....... Purdue ......... Wisconsin..... Ohio State .. Minnesota ...... Northwestern ... Illinois ......... Chicago ........ Indiana........ Iowa ........... W L . 5 0 4 1 . 2 1 .2 3 . 2 3 . 2 4 . 1 4 . 1 4 05 T 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 STATISTICS Mich. First downs ... ..........2 By rushing ........... 2 By passing ........... 0 By penalty ....,.... 0 Yardage gained .........47 By passing..........22 By rushing ..........25 Passes attempted........ 8 Passes completed........ 3 Passes incompleted....... 3 Passes intercepted .......2 Number of punts.........18 Yardage on punts........793 Average punt yardage ....42.5 Yardage punt returns.... 105 Return of kickoffs........16 Fumbles ................ 1 Fumbles recovered....... 1 Yards lost by penalties... 25 Pct. 1.000 1.000 .800 .667 .400 .400 .333 .200 .200 .000. Minn. 4 3 1 0 88 9 79 7 1 4 2 16 542 349 96 14 4 1 10 Minnesota Vanquished Star Quarterback's K From Fifteen-Yard Li Quick Passes Are H Invitation To Gamy In Rose Bowl Se Gopher Aerial Attack Ineffective; Wolverin Rushing Game Fails Work; Fumbles Co Murphy Plans Using Tax Data Collected Here Ruthven Emphasizes No 'Model System' Under- Going Preparation Here The use of data relating to taxa- tion in the state of Michigan, now being gathered by a committee of faculty members here, has been un- officially requested by Mayor Frank Murphy, of Detroit, who has an- nounced he will present a revision of the state tax system before the legislature-elect when it convenes in January. The committee is composed of Pro- fessors Harcourt L. Caverly, of the economics department, E. Blythe Sta- son, of the law school, Thomas H. Reed, of the political science depart- ment, and George 'E. Carrothers, of the school of education. It was ap- pointed some time ago by President Alexander G. Ruthven to take care of the numerous questions pertain- ing to taxation received here. According to an account in one of the Detroit papers last night of Mayor Murphy's announcement, his plan is to be based on a "model tax system now being prepared at the Universityof Michigan." In an in- terview last night President Ruthven declared that the committee hereis engaged only in the collection and compilation of data, which will be available for anyone asking for it, and is in no sense preparing a "model tax system." The president termed such an idea "absurd." He was of the opinion, however, that Mayor Murphy was aware of the nature of the committee, and ex- pressed the belief that the error had. been made either by the author of the newspaper account or through the source from which the information was obtained. Varsity Debaters Meet Detroit Team Tomorrow Night For the first time in five years Var- sity debaters will meet another Mich- igan college in a decision debate when the University negative team engages, City College of Detroit at 8 p. m. to- morrow in Laboratory Theatre. The Western Conference question on the relief of the general property tax will be debated. This will be the most important of the preliminaray de- bates leading to the Wisconsin con- test Dec. 8 in which Michigan's two year Western State Conference cham- l I r l r 1 7 i The Daily received the follow- ing telegram last night from Louie Colombo, manager of the team: "Team played great game. De- serve a great reception. Please see what you can do to get band and students out to meet team at 3:30. ers and coaches and where the silver loving cup will be given -to Williamh- -:on by the students for leading the team to victory. The Butterfield campus theaters hve invited the studenst to attend a- free show at 9 p. m. Tuesday to cele- brate the undisputed championship which the football team now holds. "Trouble in Paradise" will be the name of the show which has been acclaimed by critics all over the country. Members of the Student Council have seen the picture and say it is one of the best that has come to Ann Arbor this year. Hitler Make s Bid For Reich Chancellorship Meeting With Hindenburg Described As 'Cordial;' 2nd Parley Is Planned BERLIN, Nov. 19.-()-Adolph Hitler making what may be his most pow- erful bid for leadership in the Ger- man government, talked for an hour today with President von Hinden- burg, emerged with a broad smile and let it be known that he would see the president again next Tues- day. Persons close to the president said the meeting was extraordinarily cor- dial," and there was a prevailing feeling in political circles that the conference and those which are to follow may produce a "national con- centration" cabinet in which Hitler's National Socialists will have an im- portant part. Last August when von Hindenburg received Hitler for the first time the Nazi leader made a blunt demand for the chancellorship or nothing. He was turned down and the interview lasted only 15 minutes. After he left the palace today Hit- ler went into conference with close personal advisers. Gregor Strasser was there, as were Herman Goering, captain; Ernest Roehm, and Dr. Otto Wagener, his economic adviser FOOTBALL SCORES Michigan 3, Minnesota 0. Michigan State 7, Detroit 0 Yale 19, Harvard 0. Ohio State 3, Illinois 0. Army 7, W. Va. Wesleyan 0, Northwestern 44, Iowa 6. Fordham 8, Oregon State 6. Pittsburgh 6, Carnegie Tech Q. Holy Cross 0, Manhattan 0. Duke 7, North Carolina 0. Syracuse 0, Columbia 0. Michigan Fay ........ Regeczi Everhardus. Newman. Minnesota T. 10 14 10 13 G. 18 20 17 11 L. 3 8 14. 16 L. 13 . 4 17 0 N. Av. 15 1.5 12 0.5 3 0.3 -3 -0.25 N. Av. A0 2 18 1.5 11. 0.9 0 0.0 Individual Records T Lund .....,..1 Manders...... 12 Profiltt ....... 13, Haas........0 . G. .6G. 22 28 0 ., .. .., .. ..b. J- - . . I Reduction Of Allied War Debts Advocated By Professor Watkins Commonwealth I Head To Speak HereTonight Floyd Starr Will Address Congregation Gr o up; Marley To Explain Play Floyd Starr, director of the Starr Commonwealth of Boys at Albion, and widely known as a friend and a helper of underprivileged boys, will speak on "Adventures With Bad Boys," at 6:30 p. m. today before the Congregational Student Fellowship group at the Congregational Church. "The Golden Bowl" will be the sub- ject of the first of a series of four sermons dealing with "Realizing Our Own Powers," which will be given by Rev. Allison Ray Heaps at 10:45 a. m. "Of Thee I Sing," the Pulitzer Prize Play, now successfully running on Broadway, will be discussed in a sermon by Rev. H. P. Marley this morning at the Unitarian Church. Not only will the foibles in the play be discussed, but observations will be made on the recent election, in the light of the play. Rev. John H. Shilling will deliver a sermon at 10:45 a. m. at the West Side Methodist Church, on "The Faith the Counts." At 7:30 p. m. Fielding H. Yost will speak at a meetnig honoring the Ann Arbor High school football team at the church. The Reverend Sammuel S. Mar- quis, rector of Christ Church, Cran- brook, will be the preacher at St. An- drew's Church at 11:00 a. m. and will speak on "The Past Look In on the Present." Dr. MaMrquis is well known in Michigan and is noted for his liberal point of view and his fear- less presentation of religion. The Lutheran Student Club will be host to the Michigan State Normal 'utheran Club this afternoon at the Zion Parish Hall, when Professor W. R. 'Nmhes Assistant Dean of the By JOHN W. THOMAS (Special to the Daily) MEMORIAL STADIUM, MINNEA- POLIS, Minn., Nov. 19.-Two quick passes set the ball in position for Harry Newman to kick a field goal winning for Michigan their sixth straight conference victory, 3 to 0, and their eighth game of their un- defeated season. Michigan's great quarterback, by bringing victory to the Wolverines here this afternoon, not only clinched an undisputed Western Conference title, but allowed the Maize and Blue to make a strong bid for the Rose Bowl invitation. Charles Bernard, Michigan's stellar defensive center, recovered Jack Manders' fumble on the Minnesota 24-yard line late in the second pe- riod, paving the way for the quick thrust that won the battle. Before the startled Gophers could organize cheir defense, Newman passed to 2tan. ay br a gain of ei~ht' yards, and then went offf tackle for a first down on the twelve yard~ line. On the next play, Herm Ever- nhardus was thrown for a loss of four yards by Wells, the Northmen's all-conference tackle. Having pre- pared the Gopher defense for a plunging attack, Newman whipped a forward pass to Ted Petoskey, who was brought to earth on the 4-yard line for a gain of twelve yards. Kick Barely Good Fay was then shot at the Minne- sota forward wall, but he was stopped cold without appreciable gain. The stocky halfback then dropped back so hold the ball for a place-kick, and Newman, booting from the fifteen- yard line, coolly kicked the pigskin between the uprights for the three points which meant the success of Michigan's season. The kicker's po- sition was nearly in front of the goalposts, but the ball slanted to the right and was barely good. The Gophers' aerial attack was rendered ineffectual by the star de- lense work of Everhardus and New- man. However, Manders and Lund kept pounding the line with fair suc- cess throughout the game. Offense Held Despite this spectacular work, the Northern Giants on the battle line held Michigan to two first downs and sixty-seven yards by rushing, but the Wolves were more successful in their air attack despite the fact that the entire contest was played in the bit- ter cold of seventeen degrees above zero. Fumbles provided an important factor in the frigid contest, with Minnesota fumbling eight times and recovering but four and the Wolve- rines profiting on four of the North- men's miscues as well as snatching one of their own. Three scoring threats in the first half were made by the Maize and Blue, one of which was good for the three point margin. Interceptions and downs held the Wolves. In the third period, Michigan had another excel- lent chance as Williamson recovered a fumbled punt on the Gopher twenty, but the line held, a pass to Petoskey failed, and Regeczi's punt went over the goal-line, missing the outside mark by inches. Minnesota's scoring threats were kept well without the real zone of danger throughout the clean, hard- fought contest. LINEUP Michigan Pos. Minnesota Petoskey......LE.......Tenner Wistert........LT..........Gay Savage .... ..-.LG.........Bruhn By JOHN W. PRITCHARD Reduction of the inter-allied war debts to the United States, in con- formity with the policy of lowering reparations, was advocated by Prof. Leonard L. Watkins of the economic depairtment, in an interview yester- day. He pointed out, however, that it is difficult to predict exactly what Roosevelt will do about the problem when he enters office, since popular opinion in the United States seems to be against reduction. Postponement Marks Crisis "The request of the debtor coun- tries for a postponement of the De- cember war debt payments," said Professor Watkins, "marks another crisis in the debt question. They have awaited the outcome of the elec- tions to press their case in the hope of a more sympathetic hearing. The answer of the United States has been delayed pending a conference be- tween President Hoover and Presi- dent-Elect Roosevelt. "Prospects for the immediate set- tlement of the debt question are not bright. The present controversy re- lates only to the payment of the De- cember installments, and we can only1 debtor countries argue with reason that the United States has followed a doubly inconsistent policy. We have urged the reduction of reparations and yet refused to apply the same logic to the inter-allied debts, or to recognize that our ex-allies have neither the capacity nor the will to pay unless they collect from Ger- many. Moreover, the high American tariff has made the continued pay- ment of these debts impossible. The piling up of gold in the debtor coun- tries and the breakdown of the gold standard has been one of the conse- quences of attempts to force pay- ment. France, declared Professor Wat- kins, is the most able to pay of all the debtor countries; but popular opinion in France is definitely set against debt payment. Debtors May Unite "The danger," he said, "is that if the United States does not quickly realize the situation, all of these countries may unite in defaulting payment. The odium entailed in such a default makes it unlikely that an individual nation will refuse to pay, Ni . a ipi frnnt wmyrl iA-,rihi,fpi- I