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September 28, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-09-28

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The Weather
Generally fair, partly cloudy.
thle change in temperature.

IF . . . . . . -_-qqw PPF

4IAtfr igan



Another 'Noble Experiment
Falls; Political Science asa
+Graduuate Requirement.




State Schools
Fail to Show
Great Losses
Several Michigan Institu-
tions Report Gains; Most
Decretases Are Small
3,012 Registered
At State College
Normals Begining with
Slightly Lower Enroll-
ment; 587 at Marquette
(By Associated Press)
Heavy losses expected by some in
college enrollments this year have
not been realized, so far as Michi-
gan institutions of higher learning
are concerned.
Some report increases. The de-
creases in the main are small.
Michigan State College has regis-
tered 3,012 against 3,290 last year.
Michigan College of Mining and
Technology reports 532 students, a
decrease of 28 from the correspond-
ing figure last year. The decline is
in first-year students, the upper
classes showing an increase.
Marquette Decreases
State norma: colleges are just get-
ting under way. Northern State at
Marquette reports 587 compared with
700 last year. Central State at Mt.
Pleasant has 196 freshmen, 100 less
than last year. Michigan State Nor-.
mal at Ypsilanti has registered 467,
freshmen. Western State at Kala-
mazoo still is registering.
Calvin College at Grand Rapids,
a Christian Reformed school, reports;
389 students, the largest enrollment
in 57 years. In addition there are;
55 seminarians. Last year the en-
rollment was 362.
Hillsdale College, a Baptist school,
has 497 students, an increase of 29
per cent. Alma, Presbyterian, has{
270 students, with 250 last year.
Freshmen registrations at Adrian,
Methodist Protestant, shows a 20 per
cent gain. Albion, Methodist Epis-
copal, reports an increase.
Aliens Barred ,
From Student

Pollock Describes Germany's
Political Situation as Grave

(Editor's note-Professor Pollock,
who is an authority on continental
politics, has just returned from Ger-
many, where he spent the summer
studying and was a first hand ob-
server of political events that have
recently occured there.)
The political situation in Germany,
according to Prof. James K. Pollock,
of the political science department,
continues to give grave concern. In
an interview yesterday he outlined
the scene in the Reich as follows:
"Counter-Revolution on Way"
"Since May, the government has
been in the hands of an able cabinet
of pre-war vintage, and a veritable
counter-revolution is well on its way.
"The Von Papen-Schleicher regime
climbed into power on the back of
the Hitler movement, and then re-
fused power to H it1er. This
gentleman has thus been maneuver-
ed into a position where he is de-
Ten Per Cent
Decrease Shown
In College Roll
Literary College Loses 348
to Date; Forestry Alone
Shows Increase
Prospects that the 1932 enrollment
will show a decrease of almost ex-
actly 10 per cent from last year's
figure loomed yesterday as the 209
late registrants failed to make any
appreciable change in the percentage
of decrease.
The total number registered last
night was 7,864, a decrease of 854
from the 8,718 who had enrolled
during the corresponding period a
year ago. Monday night the de-
crease from the corresponding 1931
figure was 858.
Single Increase Seen
The School of Forestry and Con-
servation strengthened its position
as the only department with a net
increase, adding two more students
to bring its total up to 53, three'
more than were in the school last'
The literary college, numbering
close to one-half of the entire Uni-
versity, naturally shows the greatest
numerical decrease, losing 348 stu-
dents to date. Its percentage lossi
so far is about ten per cent, in com-I
mon with the engineering college
and the graduate school, the two'
next largest divisions.
Pharmacy Loses Host
The greatest percentage loss is to
be found in the College of Phar-
macy, the most expensive course on
the campus, where 40 students have
registered in place of 61 a year ago,
a drop of one-third. Further indi-
cation that financial difficulties are
the cause of the reduction is found,
in the 20 per cent decrease in thei
dental school, another expensive de-
partment. Other approximate de-
creases are, medicine, 15 per cent,
architecture, 22 per cent, and law,
4 per cent.
Political Assasinations
Sweep Havana; 5 Slain
HAVANA, Sept. 27-( )-A wave
of political assassinations and at-
tempted assassinations swept Hava-
na this afternoon.
Clemente Vasquez Bello, president
of the Senate, was killed, and three
members of the opposition party also
were reported slain. One man, also
an oppositionist, was shot four times
and probably fatally wounded.
Three of the men reported slain
were' Rep. Gonzalo Freyre de And-
rade and his two brothers, Guillermo,
an attorney, and Leopoldo, an engi-
Dr. Bello, leader of the powerful

Liberal Party, had been favored to
succeed President Machado in 1935.
He was shot as he left his home
next door to the Havana Country
Club, and died a few minutes later
in the Military Hospital at Camp
Columbia. The assassin escaped.
Julio Suarez, Dr. Bello's chauf-
feur, was waiting in the car in the
driveway. He said he heard shots
and saw Dr. Bello slump forward in
the seat of the automobile, which
he had just entered.
Student Loans Mount
As Registrations Drop
While Registrar Ira M. Smith and
his staff are having a comparatively
easy time of it with the light regis-
tration, Dean Joseph A. Bursley and
the Student Loan Committee are
st!'uggling with the greatest load of

fending the constitution and fighting
reaction, paradoxical as this may at
first seem.
"The whole economic and social
life of Germany is in process of al-
teration, and if this Cabinet remains
in power for another year, Germany
will present to the world a challenge
which is not pleasant to contemplate
The government is holding on to
power in order to carry out its re-
actionary program at home, and its
aggressive policy abroad. To date the
forms of the constitution have been
observed, and of course the cabinet
possesses the complete confidence of
the president.
Von Papen Safe For Year
"The Von Papen regime is safely
entrenched until the end of the year
Whether they can then remain in
power for a longer period by some
bold maneuver, only the next few
months can tell.
"With the complete breakdown in
parliamentary government, with a
throttled press, and with the only
authority reposing in an 85 year old
President, obviously Germany is an
uncertain quantity. I do not look
for mass violence; but I always fear
reaction, especially when it is not
backed by strong public support.
"Dis-unity, politicaltuncertainty
social distress- put these together
and you have a picture of Germany.'
Varsity Band
Is Hit by Lack
Of Equipment
Size Is Limited Because
Instruments, Uniforms
Cannot Be Provided
Michigan's Varsity Band could
easily be a 150-piece organization
this year if there were enough uni-
forms and instruments, in the opin-
ion of Nicholas D. Falcone, band-
master ands assistant professor of
wind instruments in the School of
"We have had such an encourag-
ing number of tryouts that it would
be quite possible to have one of the
largest bands in the Conference,"
Mr. Falcone said. "However, we are
handicapped by having only enough
uniforms for 110 members. Also
many students who come here do
not own their own instruments, par-
ticularly in the bass and other large
instrument sections, and we are un-
able to furnish by any means enough
It is not impossible that the regu-
lar size of the band will be 120'
pieces in the near future, the direc-
tor declared. That would be an ideal
number from many standpoints, he
stated, and would not represent such
a large increase in size that there
would be any considerable added ex-
It is possible that the full band of
110 pieces may take the field Sat-
urday against the 80-piece Michi-
gan State band, the director an-
nounced. Practicing for the first
time this year on a marked field, the
organization y e s t e r d a y was put
through its paces on the two forma-
tions for Saturday, a block "M" and
a block "S," and appeared in good
shape for its first appearance. Rich-
ard F. Becker, '33E, assistant drum-
major, was in charge of the band
during a temporary absence of the
regular drum-major, Frank O. Riley,
Instead of naming a special com-
mittee on formations, as has been
done in the past, the file leaders of
each rank in the band will form a
general committee.

Violators of
Rushing Code
Are Warded
Council Receives Specific
Complaints; Drastic Ac-
tion Is Threatened
Infringers Will Be
Closely Observed
Autos Are Used, Is Report;
Fraternities Ordered to
'Watch Their Step'
Warnings were issued to several
fraternities last night by Edwin T.
Turner, '33, president of the Inter-
fraternity Council, after complaints
against specific houses for violation
of the rushing rules were made to
No action will be taken against
these houses, Turner said, but If
further complaints are r ec ei v ed
against them, drastic penalties will
be imposed. "Members of the fra-
Rushing Rules Extend
To All New Students
All men students entering the
University for the first time,,
whether freshmen, sophomores or
upperclassmen, will come under
the same rushing regulations as
freshmen, Edwin T. Turner, '33,
president of the Interfraternity
Council said last night.
"Several students who are on
the campus for the first time have
been under the impression that
they are under the same rules as
students who have been on the
campus in the past but who have
not joined a fraternity," Turner
It will be necessary for these
new students to make out pref-
erence lists the same as freshmen
and failure to do so will make
them ineligible for pledging until
the second semester. -.
ternities which have been reported
for illegal rushing will be watched
closely and must keep within the
limits of the regulations or else they
will find themselves in serious trou-
ble," he added.
The majority of the complaints
made were for violation of the time
limit. Several fraternity men were
reported as being with freshmen aft-
er 10 o'clock. Infringement of this
rule will be watched closely, Turner
Two houses were reported as hav-
ing used automobiles for rushing
purposes. Section 5 of Article 1
states that "Automobiles shall not
be used in rushing at any time." The
officers of the Interfraternity Coun-
cil will enforce this regulation to
the full, Turner said.
Violations of all rules will be
watched more closely this year than
last, Turner said, and issued a warn-
ing to all fraternities to "watch their
Proof of Homer's Birth
Discovered in Turkey
ISTANBUL, Sept. 27-O(P)- The
official newspaper Milliett said today
that the Turks had discovered docu-
ments in Smyrna proving that Ho-
mer, the ancient Greek poet, was
born in the Halkapinar district of
that City.
No details of the find were an-

Gov, Roosevelt and McAdoo Confer in California

(Associatect Press Photo)
During his campaign tour of California Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt
(left) conferred with William G. McAdoo (right), Democratic nominee
for the United States senate from California. They are shown as they
rode in a parade through San Francisco streets.

Coolidge Heads
New Railroad
Survey Group


to Formulate
Program for

Jobs by U.
Foreigners Admitted
Country to Study
Affected by Ruling

S -.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 27.-()-
Declaring American students should
have preference in opportunities to
work their way through college, the
Labor Department has barred from
"regular employment" foreigners
who have been given special admis-
sion to the country in Qrder to attend
The students affected are those
allowed to enter for study without
regard to immigration quota restric-
W. W. Husband, assistant secre-
tary of labor, said today the new
interpretation was made after an in-
vestigation motivated by general un-
employment conditions.
Objections to the ruling have been
received at the White House, and
President Hoover has taken a hand
indirectly. In reply to a letter of
protest from Dr. John H. Mac-
Cracken, associate director of the
American Council on Education,
Lawrence Richey, one of the Presi-
dent's secretaries, sent the following
"I am happy to be able to advise
you that the President is confident
that the regulations will be so ad-
ministered as to cause no hardship
to bona fide students with the inten-
tion and ability to maintain a stu-
dent status."
Requirements Raised
For Business School
Applicants to the School of Busi-
ness Administration this fall will find
it harder to obtain admission than in
former years, because of increased
stringency in entrance requirements,
it has been announced.
Except for those who are entering
on a combined curriculum, an A.B.
degree will be required, whereas pre-
viously a student of junior standing
in any university could gain admis-
sion, according to authorities of the

NEW YORK, Sept. 27-(tP)-The
formation of a non-partisan com-
mittee headed by former President
Calvin Coolidge to survey the finan-
cial situation of the railroads and3
recommend remedies was -announced
tonight on behalf of 31 organizations
sponsoring the survey.
Associated with Mr. Coolidge on
the commission will be Bernard M.3
Baruch, a director of the Baltimore7
and Ohio railroad and well known4
banker, as vice-chairman;- former
Gov. Alfred E. Smith; Clark Howell,J
Atlanta newspaper publisher; andi
Alexander Legge, of Chicago, head
of the International Harvester Co.
and former chairman of the Federal
Farm Board.
In addition to conducting the sur-
vey of the railroads' problems and;
drafting a solution, the committee is:
charged with mobilizing public sen-+
timent on behalf of a remedial legis-
lative program and laying the pro-
gram before Congress.
In announcing the formation of
the committee and the acceptance -of
its members tonight, Walter Ben-
nett, president of the Emigrant In-
dustrial Savings Bank, made no fore-
cast as to what lines the survey and
its resulting proposals might take.
However, a letter by which the
committee members were formally
invited to serve read in part:
"The present deplorable condition
of the railroads is not due wholly to
the stagnation of traffic resulting
from the long-continued depression.
Many of the present ills are due to
governmental, financial, labor and
management policies, some wrong in
conception, some wrong in applica-
tion, and others rendered obsolete
by radically changed conditions.
"No solution will be .effective un-
less the problem of the railroads is
considered as an integral part of
the entire transportation problem of
the United States, whether by rail,
highway, waterway, pipeline or air.
-'"Every industry in the country is
entitled to fair treatment-the rail-
roads no less than the others. The
public interest must certainly be pro-
tected, but regulation should not
place the railroads at a hopeless dis-
advantage with competing agencies
and destroy flexibility of operation
and management iniative."
A principle undertaking of the
commission probably will be to in-
vestigate the application of the 1920
railroad act, particularly the recap-
ture provision, under conditions of
today. It also is expected to in-
quire into hte practicability of other
existing railway legislation.

Gov. Roosevelt
Bids for G. 0. P.
Senator's Aid
Cutting of New Mexico
Is Greeted Warmly by,
Democratic Nominee
Sept. 27-(1P)-Franklin D. Roosevelt,
the Democratic presidential nominee
and Bronson Cutting, New Mexico's
independent Republican s e n a t o r,
clasped hands in friendly fashion to-
day while several hundred New Mex-
icans cheered.
During a stop of the New York'
governor's train at Lamy Junction,3
N. M., where he spoke to delegates"
of the state Democratic convention.
who had come from Sante Fe to meet1
him, Mr. Roosevelt hailed Cutting
in the crowd. The senator only a
few days ago rebelled against the
state Republican organization and
proposed to set up his own group.
"I believe there is here in the
crowd a man whom I have known
since he was in short pants," Mr.
Roosevelt said. "He is an old friend
of my family. I am referring to your
very distinguished senator, Bronson'
Cutting. Come up and say howdy-
A moment later Cutting passed
through the private car of the can-
didate and entered the specially con-
structed speaker's stand that had
been reared alongside the tracks.
While the assembled group of
Democratic leaders looked on, Cut-
ting smiled broadly and walked
across the platform to grasp the
hand of the nominee. Through the
remainder of the stop, he remained
on the car to chatter briefly with
members of the candidate's party
before the train left. He declined
to comment on the significance of
his appearance there.
350 Delegates
Attend Geneva
Law Congress

Puerto Rican
Tornado Kills
200; 127 Die
In Macedonia
Earthquake Razes Many
Towns in Balkans; 250
Reported Injured, 3,500
Are Homeless
Santo Domingo Is
Imperiled by Wind
70 Houses Destroyed by
Gale in San Pedro de
Marcoris; Damage Will
Total Millions
(By Associated Press)
A hurricane yesterday dealt swift
death to some 200 persons and in- .
flicted millions in property damage
as it traveled across the island of
Puerto Rico.
Early last night the huge "dough-
nut of wind," carrying velocities up
to 120 miles an hour alofig its outer
edges and absolute calm in the cen-
ter, was pursuing a relentless 12-
miles an hour course toward Santo
Domingo, the capitol of the Domini-
can republic.
The official United States advisor
at 4 p. m. yesterday (E. S. T.) indi-
cated the disturbance had turned -
off its northwest course, and was
passing through Mona Passage be-
tween Santa Domingo and Puerto
San Pedro Is Hit
Evidence that the storm was head-
ing for the Dominican capitol came
from San Pedro de Macoris, 70 kilo-
meters eastward, also on the south
. There. 70 houses were destroyed
by heavy winds, and the capitol be-
gan boarding up to await the blow.
Citizens of Santo Domingo were ner-
vous, recalling the hurricane of two
years ago that took 3,000 lives and
inflicted millions in property dam-
If the disturbance follows the
"hurricane rule," it should either
blow itself out over the Dominican
mountains (they can't last long on
land) or head for the Caribbean Sea,
where its course would be proble-
ATHENS, Sept. 27.-(P)--Addi-
tional reports today brought the
death toll in the earthquake which
last night rocked Macedonia, Chal-
cidice and parts of Jugoslavia to 127.
More than 250 persons were listed
as injured. The final toll of dead
and injured was expected to surpass
these figures. It was estimated that
at least 3,000 dwellings were de-

Jurists Discuss
ditions and

Legal Con-
Systems at

Big Business Shunned as New
Students Select Law Courses

Apparently many freshmen in the
literary college are no longer willing
to trust big business for a career.
This, at least, was the opinion of
Dean John R. Effinger when yester-
day he was shown the following fig-
ures, the results of a Daily investi-
This year there was a relative in-
crease of three per cent over last
year in the number of freshmen men
who elected to become pre-law stu-
dents, while the pre-business group
lost a corresponding three per cent.
The number of literary programs
elected also registered a two per cent
gain. These percentages were com-
puted on a basis of the total num-
ber of freshmen men enrolled in the
literary college.

this knowledge. A third possible
cause is the fact that some students
prefer to remain in school as long
as possible, considering present busi-
ness conditions.
A similar, although smaller, ebb is
found in the figures for incoming
pre-medical students, where there
was a drop of one per cent. Pre-
forestry and pre-science figures re-
mained about the same as last year.
Averages Change
Detailed figures for all concen-
tration fields in relation to the total
figures for each year are: general lit-
erary, 1931, 26 per cent; 1932, 28
per cent; pre-business administra-
tion, 1931, 22 per cent; 1932, 19 per
cent; pre-law, 1931, 20 per cent;
1932, 23 per cent.
Pre-dental and medical, 1931, 23

Business Staff Tryouts
For 'Ensian Held Today
Students who have attained sec-
ond semester freshman standing and
are interested in working on the bus-
iness staff of the 1933 Michiganen-
sian may report at 4 p. m. today in
the 'Ensian office in the Student
Publications Building, M a y n a r d
street for tryouts, it was announced
yesterday by John A. Carstens, .'33,
business manager.
At this meeting the entire busi-

Favorable comment was made by
Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, of the
law school, in a recent interview con-
cerning the International Congress
of Comparative Law which he and
Prof. Edwin Dickinson, also of the
law school, attended during August{
at The Hague.
The Congress was called and or-
ganized by the International Acad-
emy of Comparative Law, which was
founded at Geneva in 1925. Member-
ship in the Academy includes some
eighty . eminent jurists from more
than forty countries.
Approximately 350 delegates rep-
resenting nearly every civilized coun-
try in the world were present at the
Congress. Forty-two delegates from
the United States were in attend-
Professor Sunderland believes that
the Academy is enjoying success in
its effort to acquaint its members
and others with a first hand knowl-
edge of laws and legal procedure in
use throughout the world, to the end

The village of Stratonikion was
reduced to ruins and the casualties
there were placed at 50 dead and
1100 injured. Fifty more were re-
ported killed in Ierissos, where many
houses were wrecked. '
The villages of Sklira, Neohori, Je-
risso and St. Aghira were also strick-
en.and heavy damage at those places
was reported.
Relief Supplies Rushed
First aid and relief supplies were
being rushed to the stricken region.
Thousands were terrorized by the
earthquake. All during the night
they tramped toward the coast. Sur-
vivors told of scenes of horror that
followed the earthquake as crumb-
ling homes buried inmates.
The tremors lasted three hours.
They centered on the Eastern coast.
Long lines of refugees thronged
the roads of theravaged district.
Scenes resembling the havoc of war
days were described by survivors.
Aged men and women, carrying
their few belongings, were among the
refugees. Mothers fled carrying in-
fants, with broods of children at
their heels.
Student Socialist Club
To Mee on Thursday
The Student Socialist club will
hold a special meeting at 7:30
Thursday, in the Union to arrange
the organization of the club for the
coming year, to introduce the aims
and purposes of the society to pros-
pective members, and to consider
further plans for various activities
which the club is sponsoring this
Among the increased activities of


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