The Weather
Local snows, Sunday cloudy;
li t igtant
Ann Arbor East Side Vol
Straight; Should Michigan Lo
to Her Educational Laurels?
Col. Robins,
Missing Dry,
Discovered In
Friend Of Hoover, Who
Disappeared Sept. 3, Is'
Amnesia Victim; Found
In Carolina Hamlet
Agents Find Him
Living Under Alias
Kidnapping Runmor Explo-'
ded; Relative Completes
Identification After Po-
lice See Photographs
ASHEVILLE, N. C., Nov. 18.-(A)-
Col. Raymond Robins, dry leader and
close friend of President Hoover, who
disappeared Sept. 3, was discovered
yesterday in an obscure mountain
village of western North Carolina, a
victim of amnesia, it was announced
here tonight.
Col. Robins was identified today by
his nephew, John D. Dreier, of New
He was brought to an undisclosed
place near Asheville tonight for treat-
ment, Dreier said.
"Col. Robins is in sound physical
condition and is in perfect control of
his ordinary mental faculties," a
statement issued by the nephew said.
He did not qualify this apparent dis-
crepancy with the statement his un-
cle suffers amnesia.
The Associated Press learned that
for the past two months the philan-
thropist has been living in the vil-
lage of Whittier, deep in the moun-
tains, at a boarding house, under the
name of "Rogers.
His finding, after a nation-wide
search, resulted from the work of
two agents of the federal prohibi-
tion department, who were in the vi-
cinity of Whittier on other business.
The agents, Charles Dranton and
Ray Bigges noticed a picture of
Robins in an Atlanta newspaper and
suspected that "Rogers" was Robins.
They communicated with J. Ed Ka-
nipe, deputy prohibition administra-
tor, who sent to Washington for an
unauthenticated picture.
Kanipe went to Whittier yesterday
for Col. Robins and the identifica-
tion was completed today by Dreier.
The finding of Col. Robins explod-
ed widespread reports that he was
the victim of bootleggers or Russian
He disappeared presumably while
on his way to the White House, where
he had an appointment with Presi-
dent Hoover..
Dreier issued the following state-
"Col. Raymond Robins was located
in the mountains of western North
Carolina through the agency of the
federal prohibition authorities yes-
terday. He was identified by his
nephew who came from New York
for that purpose today.
"Col. Robins is in sound physical
condition and is in perfect control
of his ordinary mental faculties.
"Col. Robins is suffering from am-
nesiaandthas been spending the past
two months in the mountains near
here.iHe is being taken into the care
of his family and is receiving the
proper medical attention.
Varsity Debaters
Will Meet Detroit
City College Here
Varsity ,negative debaters will see
their first action of the season in a
decision contest when Michigan
meets the City College of Detroit in
the Laboratory Theatre, Monday, at
8 p. m. The question to be debated'
is, "Resolved, That at least 50 per
cent of all State and Local Taxes,
Should Be Derived from Sources
Other Than Tangible Property."
In meeting another Michigan col-
lege in a decision debate, the Varsity
breaks a precedent of years' stand-
ing; it has been the custom to avoid
any except the Conference debates
conducted in such a way as to place
the team's record in peril. The single
expert judge for the debate will be
Prof. J. A. McKay, of the Michigan
ta N wrmai To11g. Chairman will
Japan The Germany Of Today;
Manchukuo A Blunder-- Whyte
Athletics Fail
To Support
Stadium Costs
Modern imperial Japan, conquerer
of Manchuria, was yesterday describ-
ed as the protege of pre-war imperial
Germany by Sir Frederick Whyte,
first president of the Indian legisla-
tive assembly and more recently poli-
tical adviser to the Chinese govern-
ment, speaking before several hun-
dred students and faculty members
at Natural Science auditorium.
Describes Dignity
When the influence of western cul-
ture was first felt in the Orient, Sir
Frederick pointed out, China, under
the Manchu dynasty, tried to keep
the foreign interests at "arm's
length," assuming an attitude of su-
periority commensurate with the Em-
pire's mature dignity. The western
nations were regarded as "barbaric,"
he said.
Japan, Sir Frederick declared, felt,
on the other hand, that some mys-
terious power motivated the nations
of the west, instilling in them a poli-
tical strength out of proportion to
their age. He related the story of a
commission sent by the Japanese+
Petitions Filed
For Check. In
County Votes
Four Demand Recount In
Detroit Based on Wide
spread Error
LANSING, Nov. 18.-VP)-B. J. Ab-
bott, Saginaw Democrat, filed a peti-
tion late today with the department
of state demanding a recount of the
vote in 298 precincts for the office of
secretary of state.
Frank D. Fitzgerald, Republican
incumbent, and indicated winner by
an unofficial plurality of about 3,-
200 votes, immediately filed a second
petition demanding a recount in 749
precincts, mostly in Wayne county.
The last-minute contest for the only
state office the Democrat appeared
to have lost to the Republicans in
the general election climaxed a day
of activity.
Abbott's petition demanded a re-
count of Gogebic county complete
and scattered precincts in Gratiot,I
Kalamazoo, Muskegon, Genesee, Oak-
land, and Wayne counties. Fitzger-+
ald's petition asked for a recheck of
precincts in Wayne, Oakland, and
Mackinac county.
DETROIT, Nov. 18.-(MP-Three
candidates for county offices filed re-
count petitions today, based upon dis-
closures of wide-spread apparent er-
rors in the tabulations of election+
boards last week.
George E. Bushnell, defeated Dem-
ocratic candidate for prosecutor, pe-
titioned for recounts in 497 precincts.
Prosecutor Harry S. Toy, apparently
the winner by 2,400 votes petitioned
for recounts in 459 precincts.
County Clerk Thomas F. Sarrell
petitioned for recounts in 207 pre-
cincts in wards where he has been
strongest in previous elections, but
which were carried by Elmer P.
O'Hara, his Democratic rival, this
year. O'Hara apparently won by 15,-
000 votes.
Phi Delta Kappa
Will Hold Formal
Initiation Banquet
Phi Delta Kappa, national honor-
ary and professional education fra-
ternity, will hold its annual initia-
tion at 4:15 p. m. today in Univer-
sity High School, according to Mar-
tin L. Robertson, president. The for-
mal initiation banquet is scheduled
for 6 p. m.
Prof. James B. Edmonson, dean of
the School of Education, will be
toastmaster, and Paul Cook, nation-
al executive secretary, will deliver an
address of welcome which will be an-
swered by Lloyd Olds, Grad. Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven, who will
be the principal speaker of the eve-
ning, will speak on administrative
problems in education.
"The purpose of Phi Delta Kappa
is to support educational ideals and
to encourage research, both in and
out of the University, to have its
members render real service to hu-
manity, and to develop leadership
as encouragement of professional
growth so that individual fitness for
greater service will result," said Mr.
Robertson. "It is composed of per-
--Q nr, ,P f ntheir high mnnl
government to investigate this mys-
terious source of power. This com-
mission, he said, found that religion
could not be this motivating force
since Christianity, the adopted faith
of Europe, was only its creed in the-
ory and not in actual practice.
After discounting the influence of
England's semi-democracy because
they believe that the Japanese people
were not yet prepared for such a step,
the commission, according to Sir
Frederick, found what they belived to
be the solution of the secret in the
rising military power of Prussia.
Thus, he said, the new Japan was
patterned after the military power
of late 19th century Germany.
Attitude Changes
The changed attitude of Japan
during the ten to twelve years fol-
lowing the World War was attributed
by Sir Frederick to the influence of
Germany's crushing defeat. A liber-
al movement, he said, was its chance
at the helm, because of a fall in the
prestige of the military parties.
"The people, however," Sir Fred-
erick declared, "whom we considered
represented of the interests of Japan,
did not, in point of fact, represent
any large body of opinion in that
The Manchurian situa.:on, Sir
Frederick said, followed on the heels
of a revived Japanese nationalism
arising from the repudiation of a
parliamentary system which had
Board In Control
It Cannot Meet
(Continued on Page 6)
Cinema Leaguej
Numbers 5 00
New Members
Initial Presentation. Will
Be Reed's 'Ten Days
That Shook The World'
Numbering 500 associate members
already, the membership dhrive of;
the newly organized Art Cinema
League has been more than success-
ful, a member of the executive board
announced last night.
"If our membership continues to
increase as it has, the league will be
numerically the largest organization
on the campus," Alexander Andrews,
Grad., president of the Board, said.
The first project of the league will
be a cinematic presentation of "Ten
Days that Shook the World," which
is based on John Reed's story of the
Russian Revolution of 1917. It was
directed by Serge Ersenstein, world
famous as a master creater in thea
cinematic world. The picture had a
lengthy showing last summer on,
Broadway, New York, and has at-
tained considerable reputation both
in America and abroad. It will be
shown here Dec. 1 and 2, at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.-
Tickets will be on sale starting1
Monday afternoon at the box office of
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, and
a desk will be installed in University
Hall on Monday for those desiring to
become Associate members of the
Conmstock Will Confer
With New State Cabinet
LANSING, Nov. 18.-(/P)-Gover-
nor-elect William A. Comstock will
confer with the, Democratic mem-
bers of the coming state cabinet
early next month with Democratic
patronage expected to be a vital part
of the discussion.
The forthcoming conrerence was
revealed by Theodore E. Fry, treas-
urer-elect, on a visit to the capitol
Thursday. Fry said he had received
a letter from Comstock saying he
will confer with the new Democratic
state officers early in December. The
definite date and site of the confer-
ence has not been determined, Fry
University Of Minnesota
Students Vote Republican
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 18.-
University of Minnesota voters did
not join the Roosevelt landslide No-
vember 8, a study of university pre-
cinct results shows. Hoover compiled
a comfortable margin at the polling
places where faculty members and
students cast their ballots. These re-
sults followed closely the poll of The
Minnesota Daily, which Hoover won.
ment Payments
Game Attendance
Drops This Year'
Professor A i g 1 e r Says
Rumors Of Default Are
For the first time since the stadium
has been built the Board in Controli
of Athletics finds it impossible to.
meet the regular payment to retireI
stadium bonds, according to an offi-
cial announcement of the Board yes-
Figures show that football attend-
ance has fallen off more than a half
during the current season from the
1931 level, with a corresponding de-1
crease in the working income of the
In a statement to The Daily last
night, Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chair-l
man of the Board in Control of Ath-
letics, said that he did not believe
that the situation of the Board is
any worse, perhaps not as bad, as
that in which the average organiza-
tion dependent on funds received
from the public finds itself today.'
He reiterated part of the afternoon
announcement, that the Board is able
to meet the interest payment, and1
that since the bonds do not mature1
until 1946 the inability to meet re-
tirement charges is in no sense .a de-
For the past few days it has been
persistently rumored on campus that
the Board in Control of Athletics'
would find it necessary to default on
the stadium bonds. This rumor, ac-
cording to Professor Aigler's state-
ment, is ungrounded.
Welfate Fun
Gets $6,099in
First Attempts;
Few Large Contributions
Received In First Two
Days Of Annual Drive
After two days of campaigning, the
sum of the Community Fund reached
$6,099 late yesterday, Miss Edith
Owen, executive director of the Fund,
Preliminary reports were given out
at a luncheon at the Y. M. C. A.
yesterday noon and showed a total
of $4,311, however, late in the day
a complete count was made which
brought in about $1,800 more, or
roughly one-tenth of the total $62,-
938. The first reports represent
pledges from more than 120 Ann Ar-
bor residents.
Several substantial contributions
and one or two outstandingly large
ones have come into the office of the
Community Fund Association during
the first days of the drive and one
gift of $750 has been received. There
are 11 pledges of $100 and up, Miss
Owen stated.
"The majority of the large dona-
tions haven't come in yet," Miss
Owen said, "but they will be coming
in before long."
The second report will be given at
a meeting Sunday afternoon at the
Y. M. C. A., and this is expected to
show decided progress. Another meet-
ing is scheduled for Tuesday, and the
final report will be made Thursday
at the Union Methodist Church.
Auto Ban Will Be
Relaxed Thursday;
Classes On Friday
The auto ban will be lifted next
Wednesday noon to allow students to
drive home for Thanksgiving, it was
announced yesterday by W. B. Rea,
Assistant Dean of Students.
Driving will be permitted at 12:00
Wednesday, and everyone must be
back by 8:00 Friday morning, he
An official reminder from Presi-
dent Ruthven warned students that
Frianv is nnt nart nf the Thanksiv-
Famed Writer
Opens Series
Onl Religion
Sherwood Eddy To Speak
On Philosophy Of India,
Russia Today
Leads In Work
Out-Of-Town Students To-
tal 100; Will Be Housed
In Fraternities, Sororities
Sherwood Eddy, a national leader
in youth movements and one of the
outstanding progressive writers of
the day, will open what is predicted
as the most important religious con-
ference on the campus this year,
when he delivers the opening address
this afternoon to the students as-
sembled here at Lane Hall for the
conference on the World Challenge
to Christian Leadership.
The subject of Mr. Eddy's open-
ing address is "Russia and India-
Two Philosophies of Life." Mr. Eddy
has spent several years of his life in
India. He is the author of "India
Awakening," "The Challenge of Rus-I
sia," and "The Challenge of the
Achievemens Listed
For the last few years he has de-
voted his time to working with col-
lege students, and in this field he
has taken the lead. Three years ago
he wrote "Sex and Youth." This is
but one of his many works; he strives
to write at least one book each year.
Mr. Eddy will also address the con-
ference this evening. His subject,
"Danger Zones of the Social Order,"
fulfills the aim of the conference,
to attempt to show the individual
student what he may do in the fur-
therance of international peace and
goodwill. The part which the indi-
vidual may play in this movement is
usually overlooked, but Mr. Eddy is
one who puts its possibilities before
each person.
Mr. Eddy has made previous ap-'
pearances in Ann Arbor both as a
speaker and debater. University
students are invited to take ad-
vantage of hearing Mr. Eddy by at-
tending the conference. The regis-
tration fee is one dollar. Registra-
tion at Lane Hall clases at 11 a. m.
Advance Registrations Made
Approximately 100 students from
out of town, half of whom are
women, have already registered by
mail. Accommodations for these
delegates, as well as for those who
expect tokregister upon arrival, have
been taken care of, by co-op-
eration of the local fraternities and
sororities. Meals for delegates are
being served in Lane Hall at cost.
Dr. Fisher will be in charge of a
devotional period which will be held
Sunday at 9 a. m. Afterwards Mr.
Eddy will deliver the address, "Dare
We. Be Christians?" This is the
last event on the program.
Those who are unable to attend
the conference will have the oppor-
tunity of hearing Mr. Eddy Sunday
night when he will speak at the
All-University convocation in Hill
Auditorium on the subject "Can We
Still Believe in Religion?" The Uni-
versity of Michigan Girls' Glee Club
will also appear on the program,
which starts at 8 p. m.
Religion Groip
To Open Annual
Meeting Here
Talks By Workers From
Entire State Scheduled;
Catton Speech Feature
The Washtenaw county Council of
Religious Education will hold its an-
nual convention Tuesday, at the
Stoney Creek Methodist Church,
when council workers from the entire
state will deliver talks on religious
education in the church at the three
sessions of the convention.
Miss Ione Catton, director of chil-
dren's work, will speak on "The Sus-
cessful Class Session"; she will be
followed by Bernard Coogan, director
of the adult division of the council,
speaking on "Parent Education,"
"Discovering the Needs in Washtenaw
County" will be discussed by both
f.- r+f-nn ad Mr. rnnmn a' -Pr -
Michigan Win Would See
First Unbeaten, Untied
Wolverine Eleven Since
1923, Records Show
Manders To Start
But Lund Is Out
Heavy Norsemen's Line
Figured To Best Wall
Of Kipke's Men; Fight
Over Jug Looms Again
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 18.-(Spe-
cial)-A bitter, driving wind today,
bringing a sudden snow storm and a
temperature drop to 5 degrees turned
the Minnesota gridiron into a frozen
and slippery field as the Wolverines
prepared to face the Gophers tomor-
row afternoon. -
Although the snow had melted
'arly in the day the unexpected pre-,
cipitation definitely lowered Mich--
mean's chances to obtain the Western
Conference championship for them-
Radios will be provided in the
Union for the broadcasting of thei
Minnesota game this afternoon,
according to John W. Lederle,S
'33, president of the Union. Thei
radios will be placed in the bil-
liard room, the taproom, and in
the main lobby.
Station WWJ, Detroit, will
broadcast the game, going onc
the air at 2:55 p. m., Ann Arbor
time. "Ty" Tyson, premier sports
announcer, will be at the micro-
phone as usual.
Victory wil"'assure the Wol erlne
leven of the Conference itle, and
will make this season's team the first
to be untied and unbeaten since 1923.
Only six other Michigan teams have
boasted such a record.
Jack Manders, star Gopher full-
back, will start the game despite a1
twisted knee while "Pug" Lund, bril-
liant sophomore halfback, will be out
of the starting lineup. Lund is suf-
fering from a fractured rib. His place
will be taken by Mike Tanger, a
plunging back.1
If the Gophers can win, as opin-
ion here indicates, there is a three-
to-one chance that the real Little
Brown Jug will be brought out of
hiding and claimed for the home
Where Is The Real Jug?
There is doubt here that the jug
Michigan brought along is the real
one. They all seem to think that the
original trophy is residing somewhere
in Minneapolis or St. Paul, and if the
home team outscores its Wolverine
rival, it will be brought out to be
claimed. ,
Michigan is "on the spot." She has
everything to lose and nothing to
gain, while the Gophers, rated as un-
derdogs, have every chance of rising
to the occasion. Michigan's chances
of winning a third straight Confer-
ence title rest entirely upon the
amount of progress that Coach Birni
Bierman has made in the past week.
Minnesota developed steadily all
season until the setback last week
by Wisconsin and will be ready for
the Wolverines tomorrow. Minnesota
explains the Cardinal game as a con-
test for which the Gophers prepared
as Michigan prepared for Chicago,
both teams having their eyes on to-
morrow's game.
Coach Bierman's new system has
Free Show Slated
If Michigan Wins;
ITo Meet Gridders
Tie Or Lose And Still
Be Big Ten Leaders?
Michigan and Purdue are the
only two teams that have a chance
to win or tie for the Western Con-
ference title this afternoon. The
Wolverines have won five Confer-
ence games and are undefeated
and untied. Purdue has won four
Conference games but was held
to a tie by Northwestern.
Subject to certain "ifs" Michi-
gan, however, does not have to win
to be the undisputed Conference
If Michigan loses to Minnesota
and Purdue loses to Indiana the
Wolverines will win the title.
If Michigan ties Minnesota and
Purdue ties Indiana, Michigan
will still win the title on the basis
of Purdue's previous tie compared
with Michigan's spotless record
brought out the best in Jack Mander
and Lund. A heavy line that is dop-
ed to out-play Michigan's forward
wall and a well-rounded backfield
will give the home eleven its chance
to upset the Conference leaders.
Kipke Alters Lineup
Coach Kipke juggled his lineup
again for the contest. Ted Petoskey
is back at left end, teaming with
Captain Williamson. Whitey Wistert
and Tom Austin will get the call as
tackles, and Cecil Cantrill and Carl
Savage will be the guards,
Charles Bernard and Harry New-
man, both with extcellent chances for
All-American honors this fall, will be
on their toes to make a last spectacu-
lar showing. Bernard will back up the
line from his center position with
John Regeczi, who goes to fullback
again. His injuries have responded to
treatment and he is'in exaellt Ci
dition to start.
Herman Everhardus and Stanley
Fay will be the halfbacks with New-
man at quarter. This backfield will
give Michigan three passers in New-
man, Everhardus, and Regecz and
two kickers in Regeczi and Ever-
Michigan will open wide its bag of
tricks in order to win the game.
Coach Kipke implied that nothing
will be held back in his bid for his
third straight Conference title. Trick
plays, trick passes, spinners and other
new formations that Kipke has de-
veloped this season will be utilized in
the effort to win from Minnesota.
Michigan Minnesota
Petoskey ........L .......Robinson
Wistert.... LT.. ........Wells
savage.. . ..LG.........Koski
:Bernard ........C..........Oen
Cantrill .......RG......... Bruhn
Austin.........RT ........... Gay
Williamson (c) .RE........Tenney
Newman... ..QB.. . ....Griffin
verhardus..... LIH...... (c) Haa
.ay .......... RH ... .Tanger
Regeczi ........FB....... Manders
Anti-wPot Swing
Gains Impetus;
Petitions Distributed To
30 Freshmen; 20 More
Out By Noon Today
Mercury Hovers
At Five Above For
Minnesota Battli
"Free show, if Michigan wins," de-
clared Jerry Hoag last night, man-
ager of the Michigan Theatre, to
Student Council members.
Following the custom of giving the
students a free show if Michigan
wins the Big Ten title, the Butter-
field theatres will open their two
campus show houses to all students
presenting identification cards at 9
p. m. Tuesday.
The picture to be shown will be
"Trouble in Paradise," which has
h oan An oim ed hn critipq tn h nn
More than 30 freshmen receive
petitions to do away. with the "pc
tradition" yesterday to take back t
their fraternity pledge classes for em
dorsement, and it was predicted x
the committee sponsoring the movi
ment that 20 more petitions wou
be in the hands of freshmen favorm
such action by noon today,
"All who came to the Union yeste
day afternoon for the petitions we
heartily in favor of the movement
one member of the committee sa
last night. "Their chief argument w
that any tradition which had to
enforced is no longer a tradition," )
It is not the object of those spo:
soring the movement to cause ax
conflict either with the fraternit
or the Student Council, according
statements by all members of tl
centra1 nmmittee The nhiet nf t