T IE M ICiGAN DAiLY AlY iTfI IA.1 ied M89 0 777 :.4-,t ;, -; .: been sure for the past two or three years whether the Little Brown Jug is the jug it is supposed to be or not, and every year somebody pops up with the suggestion of what a horror it would be if Minnesota won and we had to give them a sub- stitute jug. The very satisfactory solution to th problem thus far has been to keep the jug in Ann Ar1hor, where it serves its purpose splendidly. If we keep it again this year we know the problem t is settled for another 12 months. So learn "The Victors." i tes plied h eu shouldlfO onse ase expang Imn f'auora opinion of The y. AiOnmoIK crnfi'aTr.tn wilL ! t1.E1gfir 'd. The flame of eOmr0ur0leuiti will, however, he iet o'adk tor be iteIf ofloing1Tbemselves to 1 tha 300 words if oile GET THE HABIT! I I -- mys to read the class ified coluims StM gi of he ic~~trj~i. Dily I Published every morning except Monday during the University year anti Summer ession by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion an(( the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS% The Assooiated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of _republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Asistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by matt, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Anti Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publishers Representatives. Inc., 40 East Thirty-Foiirth Street, New Yorke City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 012 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFFf Telephone 4.95 MANAGING EDITOR.............FRANK B. (tlTLBRETh CITY EDITOR...........................KARL SEIFF'ERT SPORTS EDITOR..... ............JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR................MARGARET O'BRIM ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR.......MIRIAM CARVER NTIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman P. Kraft, John W. Pritchard. C. Hart Schaaf, ]1rackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newmaz. REPORTERS: Hymen J. Aronstam, A. Ells Ball, Charlas G. Barndt, James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird; Donald ''. Blanlkertz, Charles B. Brownson, Albert L. Burrows, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, Robert Engel, William G. Ferris, Eric Hall, John C. Ifealey, Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple. Jr., W. Stoddard White. Eletnor B. Bium, Lqlse Crandall, Carol J. Hannan Frances Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie Weston, HarrIet Spes. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2.1214 BUSINESS MANAGER................BYRON C. VEDDER CR~EDIT MANAGER......... .. .......HARRY BEGLEY, WOMEN'S BUSINESS MA NAIIE(- .... . DONA BECEiR DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv.. ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gibert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. Finn. ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordonj Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrlck, Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Lester Skin- ner, Joseph Sudow andRobert Ward. Betty Aigler, Doris Gimmy, BTllie Griffiths, Dorothy1 Lylin, Helen :Olson, helen Schume, May Seefried, Klathryn Sok The Theatre "THE MAN IN POSSESSION" AT THE BONSTELLE H. M. Harwood's brilliant comedy, "The Man in Possession," which was a New York and London success of last season, will be presented at the Bonstelle Civic theatre for the week beginning Friday, Nov. 18. This smart comedy of manners will have for its stars Jessie Royce Landis and Lester Vail, who last week captivated Detroit audiences with their performances of Daisy Sage and Tom Collier in "The Animal Kingdom." Both Miss Landis and Mr. Vail were aided in their rise to stardom by Miss Jessie Bonstelle, founder of the theatre, and it is fitting that they should be featured in the DR. ONDERDONK VS. PROFESSOR WiLLEY To The Editor: In answer to Prof. Willey's implication that I am a recent arrival on these shores, I wish to state that in spite of having lived abroad for many years, I feel at home in these United States, being of the seventh generation of Onderdonks in this country. Andries Onderdonk, who died about 1686 at Jamaica, Long Island, is believed to have been a descendant of Dr. Adrian Van Der Donck, the author of the "History of the New Nether- lands" to whom we owe the first map of New York City. (The name Onderdonck was inter- changeable with Van der Donck-both names being listed as soldiers in the Revolution (Onder- donck Genealogy, p. 263). An uncle of mine fought in the Civil War. The term "metric system for money" has been used by others and seems justifiable according to Webster's Dictionary; "Metric 2) . . . pertain- ing to the decimal system of measurement." The 'metric system should not be called "French" as it was originated in 1783 by an Eng- lishman, the famous inventor of the steam engine, James Watt. Though the French were the first to adopt it, "International system" might be the better name, as 55 of the 57 civilized nations of the world are now metric (900 million people use it). I am a sincere admirer of the British and hope Prof. Willey will turn pro-metric as our pres- ent system originated in Germany, being imposed on England by the Hanseatic League. Not only was I aware that we adopted the Pirates' currency but that the dollar originated in Joachimsthal, Bohemia and became known as "Thaler;" thus I do not know why Prof. Willey accuses me of POU(fNTAIINP r I ?arker, Shafer, WateLzn, Conklin, etc., $1.00 ad up. A large and choice assoriment 314 S. State St., Ann Arbor. ANNOU NCEMENT The winners of the football guess- ing contest on the Michigan-Chicago game at the? Groom-Well Barber j Shop are: W. Kahlbaum, 12-0, ....Chair 1 Earl W. Aldrey, 13-0...Chair 2 E. C. Buster, 12-0..... Chair 3 H.G. Youngman, 13-0 . Chair 4 I Foremost Popular Place To Dine! (at Reasonable Prices) LUNCHEON 35c DINNER . . . . 65c - 75c Our Prompt and Courteous Service Gives Satisfaction 1A A ( MGvnARnDEN 106 South Main Phone 5515 rr . m .rr~~arI r <. 1111 'IlI 1, ,I li I. m Come In and make your guess on the last Michigan game. Free mani- cures with all barber work, ill three opening bills. "The Man in Possession" is laid in London's smartest Mayfair society. It is a gay and brilliant revelation of the indiscretions of an attractive young widow and an impecunious young gentle- man, who, in order to avoid a prison sentence, be- comes a bailiff in her home. Both are adventurers, and the versy iie young man. disguises himself as a footman to oblige his charming friend, who is aspiring to a marriage with a supposedly wealthy banker. What happens when the banker turns out to be the brother of the masquerading butler, is the occasion for many hilarious moments. This play will also mark the first appearance of Robert Henderson, director of the theater, in the cast. Mr. Henderson, who has played many seasons in Ann Arbor stock companies, has also played in New York with Louis Calhern in "The Tyrant," with Mrs. Pat Campbell and Blanche Yurka in "Electra," and last season was the ju- venile lead in "Against the Wind," Mrs. Fiske's last starring vehicle. Jessie Bussley, one of New York's most delightful character actresses will also have a featured part. George Kelley wrote the title role of "Daisy Mayme" for Miss Bussley, and last season she was featured with Dorothy Gish in "The Bride the Sun Shines On." * * 'I 'Best Years" and "Peter Ibbetson" are In- nounced by Robert Henderson as the third and fourth plays in the Bonstelle Civic Theatre sea,- son. In the former play Jessie Royce Landis will recreate the role which she originated in New York this fall, and Lester Vail will play opposite her. This will be the third awnearance of these popular Bonsteile favorites. Rollo Peters will play the title role in "Peter Ibbetson," which will be one of the most ambi- tious presentations of the season. A cast of fifty is required for this production of Gerald Du Maurier's undying love story. Constance Collier's adaptation will be given, and Miss Landis will play her fourth and final bill at the theatre when she appears as the Duchess of Towers, a part int which she was outstandingly successful in the recent New York revival. i JHE GROOM-WELL BARBERS I. (I15 B. Liberty Dollar Day Special 20% DISCOUNT on all LEATHER and RUBBER FOOTWEAR .. WOgZT+4 I MILLdOINi for Men, Women, Boys and Girls November 18th and 19th EARLE BOT SHOP 123 East Liberty Street FRIDAY, NOV. 18, 1932 Alcohol Re places Beer- A iquor Situation A LUMNi members of the Tnt-rfra- ternity Council will meet with they regular members of that body on Tuesday to dis- cuss the so-called liquor situation on the campus. At this meeting, undoubtedly, the following sub- jects will be discussed: (1) Is there a liquor situa- tion at the University? (2) If so, what is the cause? (3) Is the situation worse than that of former years? Before we attempt to consider these points sep- arately, we wish to commend the administration for the logical way in which it has dealt with the complaints received from the parents of certain women students attending fraternity parties. Both President Ruthven and Jean Lloyd are placing the problem squarely before the students. No inves- tigation of any sort is underway, they have indi- cated. There will be no repetition of the notorious liquor raids on fraternities which took place in 1931 with the subsequent padlocking of five houses. To answer question number one, we must admit that there is a liquor situation on the campus. Unfortunately, we cannot prove our statement without dealing with personalities and mentioning specific fraternities and sororities. However, to the average student, the statement will need no support. Granting then that there is a liquor problem here, we next consider its cause. During a de- pression year, one would naturally think that drinking would decrease. Perhaps it has. How- ever, students are no longer drinking the com- paratively harmless beer and wine. That is too expensive. Since the depression, they have not been able to afford such luxuries. What has been the result? There is always a certain element in every community that' drinks. That element, not being able to afford beer, has turned to straight alcohol. Let us look at some simple mathematics. The average campus price of a case of beer is four dollars. The average price of alcohol is six dollars per gallon. One gallon of alcohol will make 20 pints of gin. Tlius one pint of gin costs the undergradua te 30 cents. A pint of beer costs 17 cents. One pint of gin equals about 15 pints of beer in alcoholic content. In other words, 30 cents worth of gin has about the same effet as $2.55 worth of beer Naturally, students who feel that they have to drink have turned to alcohol. Naturally too, a situation has been created. We now come to our final point. Is the situa- tion worse than that of former years? We answer yes and no. Probably the total number of sti-. dents drinking has not increased, We believe that that number remains fairly constanLt. However," the quality of the liquor has certainly decreased. Beer is a comparatively harmless drink. Alcohol is dangerous. If beer were broug h t back, would the so-calle d - - ~- - - --____ p Music and. Drama Students of Lucile Graham Schoenfeld, of the piano faculty of the School of Music, assisted by students of Edith Koon, Pianist, and Thelma Newell, violinist, will join in. a students' recital at the School of Music, Friday evening, November 18, at 8 o'clock. The general public is invited to listen to the following young musicians: Learning to Play ..................Jessie Kent The Brave Duck .... ......... . Jessie Kent *The Boy Scout March...........Jessie Kent Carolyn Berry The Water Spout... ...... . .......Simmons Jean Winslow March of the Wee Folk.......Dorothy G. Blake ,Rose Mary Mann Peasants Frolic ......................... Gurlitt Marilyn Bothman Spanish Carnival ................Edith Hatch Nancy Bonisteel The Merry Farmer .................Schumann Joan Frisinger The Jack Tar ............ . ............. Maxim Constance Bothman Study No. 5 .......................... Concone Lark's Song ................... . .. Tschaikowsky Barbara Berry Gertrudes Dream Waltz .......... . ...Beethoven Betty Dice Solo from the opera "The Violin Maker of Creona"....................... . .. Hubay Etude Melodique.. . . ...... . . . ..........Nolek I Richard Mann accompanied by Margaret Kimball Valse Caprice ........................... . Eyer Betty Smith By the Mountain Spring . . .... . .......Bohm Frances Bonisteel Psalm .............. . ...... ....,...... Spindler Serenata ... . . . .... . ..... ........... Moszkowski Virginia Osgood Etude Op. 15, No. 12 ... . ... .....Schytte .Helen Byrn Romance et Bdero ..... . ... . ............Dancla an anachronism. Our present chaos of weights and measures is the worst in the world. We have at least 4 differ- ent sizes of pints, quarts, and gallons; 3 different riZes of gills; many sizes of barrels: an untold lumber of different sizes of bushels of commodi- ties sold in different states; 3 kinds of ounces, irams, and pounds; 2 different sizes of hundred- .veights; 4 different tons; and 2 or 3 kinds of .iles. To this anarchy of weights and measures are to be added such casuals as minims, grains, fathoms, pennyweights, pecks, links, chains, oints, lines,mils, scruples, furlongs, hands, rods, )ole, stones, cords, 4nd other survivals of bar- a'aric barter. As Gladstone said, nobody ever really earned this jumble. Granting a certain quaint Elizabethan oddity to our present clutter of weights and measures, they would look better in a museum rather than in the marts of trade. In !hem, we cherish a collection of antiques. At the Ienth Congress of the Chambers of Commerce )f the British Empire (1924) a resolution was adopted unanimously "That this Congress . 2upports in principle the introduction of a decimal :oinage and the metric system of weights and measures." As a matter of fact, England long ago abandoned the troy pound, and we are using a gallon and a bushel which England discarded de- cades ago, so that in respect to all dry measures, all liquid measures, and the ton weight, American practice already differs from English practice. Because of the 20 per cent difference of the pint, quart, and gallon in Canada and the United States, the U. S. liquid measures have been made illegal for use in Canada, for American merchants might otherwise sell with their smaller liquid units and gain an unfair advantage. In 1866 the metric system was legalized in our country (Revised Statutes of the United States) The metric system was used more extensively in these States than many realize. It is required by the U. S. Public Health Service in the Medical Work of the Navy and Army, in establishing the weights of our coins, and Congress adopted metric units for electrical measures. The first Pan- American Conference, held in Washington, declar- ed, "The Conference recommends the decimal me- tric system to the nations which have not already adopted it." As a result of that conclusion, all by legal enactment confirmed the adoption of the republics of Central America and South America metric units. At one time metric legislation failed by a very narrow margin in Congress and lately the Congressional Committees on Coinage, Weights and Measures have asked "on what prin- ciples of international honor can the United States, the originator of the conference, stand alone in refusing or delaying to abide by its ac- tion? . . . A nice sense of honor no less than her own interests would seem to demand from the United States definite and complete action which would put her in full accord on this subject with the nations with which she has so long ostensibly been co-operating." A liberal Metric Standards Bill has been intro- duced in Congress, providing for a gradual transi- tion to the metric units in merchandising during a period of 10 years. States with a total population of 15,000,000 -,Illinois, Tennessee, California, North Dakota and Utah-have through their leg- islatures, memorialized Congress to pass such a law. More than 100,000 individual petitions are pending before our national legislators urging the advance, and altogether these represent millions of voters, for many petitions are from organiza- tions having thousands of members. The Man- ufacturers' Association of San Francisco printed t, 0 VOE' 44AL vv THERE IS NO COVER CHARGE GET ALL THE LUCK? r CH-UBB' S Ann Arbor's Largest Restaurant- Established 1899 DINNER DANCING Monday,. Tuesday,. Wednesday, Thursday, 6:15-7:15 Friday and Saturday, 6:00-7:30 Sunday, 1:00-2:30 and 6:00-7:30 SUPPER DANCING Ftiday, 9:30-1:30 Saturday, 9:30-12:30 Sunday, 7:30-11 :00 NOTE: The niiimum charge of 50c per person after 8:30 P. M Friday, Saturday and Sunday Is for food only. 1 - _. , $HREJP E]7 W+IAT B IG MOMENTS come often when you eat Shredded Wheat! Try it and see! Every one of those gold. en-brown biscuits is packed with energy, for Shredded Wheat is 100% whole wheat, Nature's own energy food" Nothing added, nothing lost; Duck a couple of these big golden biscuits deep into a bowl of milk! Then wade in after them! Delicious mouth- fuls ; a ;and by that we mean 100% good to eat. When you see Niagara Falls on the paekage, you KNOW you have Shredded Wheat. hm rnm s f Again We Are Able to Repeat Our SPECIAL OFFER On AT 'I- 'ES 1 Colonel' Adams Pipe, second, of regular value ...... 2 15- packages Colonel Adams Tobacco............30 Regular Value. .. $5.30 ALL FOa $1.0u One to a Customer SWIFT DRUG STORE, 340 S. State St. Phone 3534 We Deliver The Mode . , , s to set a "smart-looking" dinner table - so don't omit flowers. Color - and color in great variety - is in de- mand for every formal affair. Make your table look as gay as possible for your Thanksgiving dinner. Linen and glassware of contrasting colors will some- times add to the smartness of the occasion, but never can they substitute for an attractive floral arrangement, for that is the keynote of success in modern table decoration, This Thanksgiving if you are separated from loved ones - rela- tives or friends - make your presence real by a gift of beauti- fu flowers,. They can be wired anywhere at any time and at moderate cost. If you place the order early, a letter enclosing your card can be sent. We have choice fresh roses, mums, car- II