The Weather Cloudy; warmer Friday. g t igan IaztM Editorials Alcohol Repaces Beer-A L uor Situation; Win The Ga And Avoid Embarrassment. VOL. XLIII No. 47 University Of Chicago's New Plan Success, Says Boucher Survey Of Results For Past Year Shows Plan To Be A Workable One; No Increase In Bolting Attainments Far Above Expectations Curriculum Provides That Underclassmen Obtain General Knowledge Of Humanities, Sciences CHICAGO, Nov. 17.--()-The Uni- versity of Chicago's "painless" edu- cational methods today were ac- claimed a success by Dean C. S. Boucher. Surveying the results of the first year of the new plan for freshmen and sophomores, Dean Boucher said attainments were far above expecta- tions and that students responded readily to the fight against "lock- step" curricula. When the new plan was started under dubious eyes of formal educa- tors, he, said, even sponsors of the plan feared there might be a hur- ried hegira of college men and wo- men to tea rooms and motion pic- ture theatres because classroom at- tendance was not compulsory. Don't Cut Classes But, in looking over the records, he found that "class cutting" was not in vogue. Just as many students were religious about going to classes when they didn't have to as in the old days when It was a demerit to be absent'. Briefly, the new plan is ths: fresh- men and sophomores are required to obtain a general knowledge of the humanities, biology and physical and social sciences. Two years are the pres" t tif lkit and there are no classroom examinations to force a student to burn the midnight ol. There is but one general examination given by a board of examiners-not the professor-to determine if a stu- dent has covered the ground success- fully. And a student may take the examinations any time within the two years that he feels he is pre- pared, thus shortening the usual four-year college course. Method Up to Student The University is not particularly concerned with the method used by the student to obtain knowledge. It furnishes, naturally, courses and bibliographies designed to meet the end, but if a student should wish to learn his French from conversation with a French friend or want to pick up history through general reading, newspapers, and magazines, that would be all right, Dean Boucher said. Band Sound Film Near Completion; Recording M a d e Sound pictures of the Varsity Band are expected to be ready for projec- tion within a few days, final photo- graphy having been completed late yesterday at Yost Field House. Several hundred feet of film were exposed yesterday as the band pa- raded under flood lights at one end of the Field House. Wednesday night sound recordings of "The Victors" and "M Men" marches were made in Hill Auditorium, and music will be synchronized with the pictures made yesterday. It is possible that the pictures will be shown to the band Monday night at the Hotel Statler, Detroit, where the band is to furnish music for the Chevrolet Motor company's huge na- tional salesmen's banquet. The pic- tures were made with the co-opera- tion of Chevrolet and General Motors officials.- Fifty members of the Varsity Glee Club will open the banquet program with five selections, and will be fol- lowed by a series of numbers by the band, including specialty songs for each section of the country. AL ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOV. 18, 1932 PRICE FIVE CE Laird Says City Ordinances On Liquor Abuses Will Be Enforced By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. Although declaring that the city of Ann Arbor never has been troubled by excessive drinking since prohibi- tion, and but little even in the old wide-open days, city attorney Wil- liam M. Laird said yesterdav that he believed there was a "definite shift for the better in student conduct under the new regime, whether due to prohibition or not." The city attorney declared that he could remember the days when as a law student here it was the weekly duty of freshman students bodily to "rescue" inebriated upperclassmen from any one of the city's 35 or 40 saloons.tHe told of howthe streets were often in an uproar in those days; street cars were pushed off the track, and the age-old Star Theatre was on" e almost wrecked by an "en- thusiastic" mob of students. Points to Changes "You don't see that any more," Mr. Laird said. "With the advent of pro- hibition, many changes have come, of which the indirect are possibly far- ther reaching than the direct. The old tendency to be on the lookout for' a chance to raise Cain is no longer present. In its place is a level-head- ed, mature, and thinking student 9i Petition To Be Made Against Pot Tradition' Will Be Given Out From Union At 3:30 P.M. For Freshman Signatures A petition pledging the support of freshmen to do away with the "pot tradition" will be given out to 50 men, representing as many houses who said yesterday that they favor the movement, from 3:30 to 4:15 p. m. today at the side ntrance of the Union. The petition states that its signers do not want "to thwart the plans ani wishes of our active chapters or the Student Council," but to expose the sentiment against the tradition which "has become archaic." A self-appointed committee spon-j soring the movement communicated! last night with the representatives. from each house who will take the petitions before their pledge classes whereit will be acted upon and re- turned to the central committee. When the petitions have been return- ed they will be presented to the In- terfraternity and Student Councils, it was announced last night. "The custom of not wearing puts an obstacle in the way of new men making our University their home," the petition states, and further adds that the signers will support the movement throughout their stay at the University. It is the belief of the committee that, if the movement fails this year, it will, be successful next fall Petitions are to be returned to Box 365 before Wednesday noon, the com- mittee made it known last night. On Thursday a copy of the petition sign- ed by each pledge class will be sent to its fraternity. Bates Tells Law Club Of State Bar Associations At a smoker given by members of the Law Club last night in the club's reading room, Dean Henry M. Bates of the law schoo gave a short talk on state bar associatoin, their organ- ization, and the methods they em- play in electing new men for member- ship. Faculty members of the law school were invited to attend. 500 Students Give' Team Big Send-Off.; Williaison Speaks More than 500 students gathered in front of Angell Hall yesterday af- ternoon to give the football team a send-off on its way to Minneapolis, Minn., where it will play the last scheduled -game of the season. Stopping in front of Angell Hall on their way to the station, the play- ers were cheered by the students and Capt. Ivan Williamson gave a short talk. Coach Harry Kipke was also present and said in a short address that he could not predict a victory body. They are sober now in more ways than one." Commenting on recent misunder- standings which have arisen from the "sentiment" expressed at the polls Nov. 8, and more specifically the doubts conjured up by Judge George W. Sample's manifesto that he would hear no more prohibition cases after Dec. 8," Mr. Laird said that enforcement of city ordinances involving use of liquors would be car- ried out absolutely as before. "So- called state cases are beyond this office's control," he explained. "Such cases involve transportaiton, manu- facture, sale and similar offenses, and are prosecuted by thehcounty. Just whether they will be heard or not must be decided upon by the county prosecutor and Judge Sam- ple." Mr. Laird pointed out that certain judges of recorders courts in Detroit, upon investigation of the "wet senti- ment" and the laws and enactments involved, have decided to push prose- cutions for manufacture, sale, and transportataion of liquor as in the past, citing Public Act 338 of 1917 as their ground. This act provides for the enforcement of a state law pro- hibiting the "selling, bartering, trad- ing . . . of vinous, malt, brewed, fermented, spiritous, or intoxicating liquors." Writes Police Chief "This law has not been repealed in the Nov. 8 election," Mr. Laird said. "Action in this direction is up to the State Legislature." In a recent letter to Chief of Police Thomas O'Brien, Mr. Laird attempt- ed to clear up the fog surrounding enforcement of city ordinances in- volving the use of liquor. The letter follows: Mr. Thomas O'Brien Chief of Police Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dear Sir: A number of inquiries have been made to this office, since (Continued on Page 2) Cinema League To Show First Picture Dec. I Eisenstei Thriller, 'Ten Days That Shook The World,' Is Club Project Eisentein's thriller, "Ten Days That Shook the World," will be the' first presentation of the Art Cinema League, newly formed campus or- ganization, and will be shown in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, Dec. 1 and 2, it was announced last night at an executive board meeting. The story of the picture is based' on John Reed's famous account of the 1917 Russian Revolution. The success of the first project will determine whether the program of the Art Cinema League will be successful, members of the board said yesterday. The league intends to sponsor other cultural activities on the campus, including plays and lec- tures. It is the hope of the league to be able to accumulate a fund large enough so that plays of the New York Theatre Guild may be brought to this campus. The proposal to secure writers such as Theodore Dreiser, Sherwood Anderson, Carl Sandburg, and others to speak here is included in the projects of the league. "In order to be able to realize this, it is essential that the league have a large following," A. A. Andrews, pres- ident of the league, said yesterday. "It is for this purpose that an asso- ciate membership drive has been in- itiated. We urge all individuals in- terested to join the large number that have already signed up and to get in touch with either Prof. E. A. Walter, Mr. Valentine B. Windt, or Phillip R. Seidel." Upward Trend In Drinking Is Not Marked Administrative Heads See But Slight Increase In Liquor This Year Ruthven Receives Parent Complaints Alumni-Council Discussion For 'Understanding', Not For Investigation Although drinking amongn Tniver- sity students may have increased slightly during the past year, there has been no marked upward trend, according to several administrative heads interviewed yesterday. Several unofficial rumors of drink- ing have been brought to the atten- tion of authorities, it was revealed, as well as complaints received by Pres- ident Alexander G. Ruthven from the parents of women attending fra- ternity parties. All of these, however, have concerned drinking among men students. It was pointed out that the discus- sion which will be held Tuesday night between the Alumni and active members of the interfraternity coun- cil has been planned for a mutual understanding of existing conditions, not as a preliminary for a coming in- vestigation. Presidents of several fraternities interviewed yesterday stated that they believed that drinking had in- creased slightly this year and might increase more as a result of the de- cidedly wet sentiment s h o w.n throughout the nation in the election last week us. Ads Hold Close E.letion; 29 -02"M e 2 Nolinees Tie Sophomore Engineering Ticket Goes Through Without Contest Junior business administration stu- dents yesterday held a closely con- tested election, resulting in a tie for the presidency, while the sophomore engineering's Washtenaw - Indepen- dent ticket went through without any opposition. Charles E. Baker and Roy M. See- ber both received 28 votes to tie for the presidency of the junior business administration class. Another elec- tion will be held the first part of next week to choose the president, William Bohnsack, councilman in charge of the election, said last night. William Koehler defeated William' Dunn, jr., for the vice presidency by a vote of 28 to 25, while Sylvester Shia was elected secretary over Nel- son Sharfman by a vote of 37 to 16. Erwin Koning defeated Donald Bevis for the office of treasurer, 29 to 24, and Nils Lundverg was elected J-Hop representative over Chester Ogden and Catherine Shannan by a vote of 26, 22 and 6. Newly elected officers of the sophomore engineering class are Don Pomeroy, president.; Sidney Shelley, vice president; Jack Kreger, secre- tary; William Goetz, treasurer; Ed- ward Jaros, honor committee; and Allen Knuusi, engineering council. Junior educational election results are Stan Fay, president; Ruth Kurtz, vice president; Alice Goodenow, sec- retary, Barbara Andrews, treasurer; and Lou Parker, J-Hop representa- tive, it was learned last night. Final results of the voting were not avail- able. Alan Handley Will Play Role In 'Peter Ibbetson' Alan Handley, an-actor well known to the campus for the past three years, will have a part in "Peter Ib- betson" when the Detroit Civic Thea- tre produces the play Dec. 2, it was announced yesterday by Robert Hen- derson, director. Rollo Peters will ap-. pear in the leading role. Handley will be remembered for his recent work in "Tour du Monde," "Berkeley Square," "Paolo and Fran- cesca," "Meet the Prince," and "Tam- ing of the Shrew." Parley Called By HooverOn Debts, Budget Roosevelt To Confer With President, Will Arrive In WashingtonTuesday Leaders Of Both Parties To Confer Faculty Will Not Foreign France Answer Ambassadors ( Belgium Get IN r From Stimnson Of . PO WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-(P)-En- grossed in the two great problems facing the Federal Government-war debts and a balanced budget-Presi- dent Hoover today arranged with President-elect Roosevelt to meet with him next Tuesday to discuss these subjects and then called a bi- partisan parley with congressional leaders for the next day. In the early afternoon, while the national capital buzzed with war debt and budget talk, the President lifted the telephone on his desk to hear his successor-elect say he would reach Washington at 3:30 Tuesday after- noon and would go directly to the ex- ecutive offices. Takes College Professor Gov. Roosevelt stated that he would have with him Raymond Mo- ley, Columbia University professor, who was one of his advisers through- out the campaign. Later, after most of official Wash- ington had quit work for the day, Mr. Hoover summoned the three ranking Republicans and Democratic members of the Senate Finance Com- mittee and the House Ways and Means Committee to meet with him Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock "to discuss questions of foreign debt." Earlier; Ambassadors .clairel of France and May of Belgium had con- ferred with Secretary Stimson, but left the State Department reporting they had received no answer to their requests fora moratorium extension and a review of the debt field. Work on Budget On Capitol Hill, meanwhile, the House appropriations committee in- itiated its gigantic task of whittling down the budget. The summoning of congressional leaders into a White House debt par- ley did not come as a complete sur- prise in official Washington. Roosevelt, in turn, had suggested1 that the Chief Executive call in the leading Democrats of the House and Senate. Those summoned to the White House for the Wednesday morning conference were Senators Smoot, Utah; Watson, Indiana; Reed, Penn- sylvania, Republicans; and Harrison, Mississippi; King, Utah; and George, Georgia, Democrats. Accommodations For Delegates Requested Jules Ayers, '33, yesterday issued a request for accomodations for delegates to the conference on the "World Challenge to Christian Leadership," to be held here Sat- urday and Sunday. The co-operation of fraternities and sororities is especially desired, whether or not any of their mem- bers are planning to attend the conference, which is open to all. Union To Give Football Team Smoker Nov. 30 Will Take Place Of Usual Banquet; Next Season's Captain To Be Named Reviving a custom that has been dormant since 1912, the Unionwill' hold a football smoker on Nov. 30, instead of the usual football banquet, it was announced yesterday by John W. Lederle, '33, Union president. Announcement of the captain of the football team for next year will be made at this time, Lederle said, and Coach Kipke, retiring captain Ivan Williamson, Coach Yost and other prominent figures will address the meeting. Cigarettes, cider, and doughnuts will be distributed to those attend- ing the smoker and Coach Kipke has announced that football moving pic- tures of the Michigan team in action will be shown. The smoker was decided upon this year instead of the banquet, Lederle said, because of the depressed con- dition of general student finances. Only 1,000 tickets are being issued to be sold at 25 cents each, so that the ballroom will not be overcrowded for the affair. A prominent football coach from some other university or a well- known sports writer on a metropoli-; tan paper will also be obtained to ad- dress the meeting, Union officials an- nounced. More than 2,000 students attended the last football smoker sponsored by, te Union in 112. Announce Three Students Accepted By Comedy Club Three new members have been taken into Comedy Club, it was an- nounced yesterday by Mary Pray, '34, president. They are Robert Hogg, '34, Donald Brackett, '34, and John D. Morgan, '35. At the same meeting it was decid- ed that while preliminary tryouts to be held next Monday and Tuesday will consist of readings from a play, the final tryouts to be given before the club as a whole on Monday, Nov. 28, will be in the form of recitations, which must consist of memorized parts with only one character speak- ing. The readings are to be approx- imately two minutes long and in monologue form. Those interested in technical try- outs for the club are not to report at this time, Miss Pray said. Notice will be given' later for those desiring to join the technical staff. A meeting of the club will be held on Friday to discuss the play from which the preliminary tryouts will read and also to discuss the technical tryouts. Mill Tax Measure Adopted Nov. 8 Will Not Affect Allotments For 1932-33, Now Made,_Says Smith Employes' Wages Also Are Exempt Tax Will Greatly Reduce Government Revenues In State; Economies Now A Great Necessity No salary cuts will be meted out to faculty members and University employees this year regardless of the state tax limitation amendment pass- ed Nov. 8 and rumors to the contrary, Shirley W. Smith, vice-president and secretary of the University, declared in an interview yesterday, "Tax assessments on real estate for the support of the University during the school year 1932-33 have already been laid," he said, "and the amount of money realized therefrom can not be changed by subsequent arrange- ments for assessments next year." To Reduce Revenues The amendment, which limits tax- ation of real estate to $15 assess- ment on $1,000 will greatly reduce revenues of the governmental depart- ments throughout the state. Recent comments by authorities have point- ed out that drastic economies will be necessary if the government is to be maintained without additional taxes, and in many instances school districts have been reported as the agencies in greatest danger of a lack of funds. Administrative offices of the Uni- versity have received numerous tele- phone calls during the last few days regarding the possibility of imme- diate reduction of faculty salaries, because unfounded rumors to that effect are current. Appropriations Assured Since theramendment is not retro- active appropriations for the Univer- sity for this year have already been assured by tax levies which are un- affected. "Thus," Vice-President Smith con- cluded, "salaries of professors and University employees will not be af- fected by the new tax amendment during the current fiscal year." Get Salary Cuts During This Yea Fellowes Tells HONDURAS REVOLT SERIOUS Dispatches arriving from Hondur- as, some of them delayed for as long as two days, indicate that the rebel- lion against the federal government there has taken a more serious turn than was apparent when the move- ment started last Monday. Of Life, Music In Old England 'The Madrigal In English Literature' Is Subject Of Talk By Authority A romantic picture of music in the home life of the English people in the sixteenth century was given by Dr. Edmund H. Fellowes, director of mu- sic at St. George's Chapel, Windsor, England, in a lecture on "The Mad- rigal in English Literature" yester- day afternoon in the School of Music auditorium. Dr. Fellowes stated that fineness of the madrigals of that time was di- rectly due to the excellence of the writing that was being done during that period. Another reason was that the people of that day were essen- tially musical. Culture required a practical knowledge of music as well as a familiarity with its history. Anglo-Saxons should be as proud of their contributions to the world's music in the form of the Tudor mad- rigals as the Russians and French are for their music, Dr. Fellows said. Several recordings of these old madrigals were played during the lecture. They are short poems set to music. The beauty of the madrigal, according to Dr.: Fellowes, is its va- riety in rhythm. The words were written with music that expressed the poet's idea of the poem. The singer gave to the song the rhythm that appealed to him. Prof. Earl V. Moore of the music school said in an introduction that almost everything known about Eng- lish madrigals of Tudor times has been unearthed by Dr. Fellowes. Muyskens Upholds 15-Mill Tax; Suggests Levy On Intangibles Gross In Mistakes Found Wayne Ballot Count DETROIT, Nov. 17.-(P)--Discov- ery of wholesale errors in Wayne county election returns resulted late today in suspension of the canvass until the mistakes can be corrected. Probate Judge Henry S. Hulbert, chairman of the election commission, said the condition was the "most appalling" in his 35 years of experi- ence. He added that there is no way of telling now what candidates will The University will suffer from the newly-adopted 15-mill tax, but in the long run it will be of benefit, declared Prof. John H. Muyskens of the speech and general linguistics de- partment in an interview yesterday. Professor Muyskens at the same time declared himself in favor of the measure which exempts from taxa- tion property valued up to $3,000, provided it is owned by the occupant. "Taxes have been unjust in the past," he said, "in that they have not been levied sufficiently on those pri- vate institutions and organizations which benefit most from the govern- ceipts as well as those from real property. It is unprovable that taxes cannot be placed on intangibles as well as property." Professor Muyskens pointed to two possible ways out of the present sit- uation: the first by taxing incomes, which would cover intangibles, and the second by "working on the con- sciences of the big guns, who will pay taxes directly to the University." "These important men owe it to themselves and to the future," he said, adding: "If it is put up to them in the right manner, I am convinced that they will see it our way." Such a tax would take the actual form of